Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 104 The secret chat between the three siblings

When Long Dangdang woke up, he felt like he had no love left.

Forget about the physical pain, he was already a little used to the pain before when God prayed to angels. But what's going on with this severe pain that's like tearing apart the sea of ​​spirit? It was as if the soul had been torn into several parts. But when he looked inside, the sea of ​​spirit seemed to be in no condition. There is no difference from normal conditions.

My cousin is really harmful! It’s so harmful!

In order to win, you really have to do whatever it takes!

The three of them are all in the infirmary at the moment. Long Kongkong has also woken up. He is holding his head in his hands. He is writhing on the bed like a big insect with no love. He is twisting his body constantly. He is definitely suffering from the same pain. I bear it too.

Ling Menglu was still in a coma. It had to be said that her cousin was still so beautiful even in a coma, but her face looked very pale. As the initiator, she must have suffered more pain, but now that she is unconscious, she shouldn't feel any pain, right?

Long Dangdang also wants to coma! But the problem was that the headache was so severe that he couldn't even faint.

Gritting his teeth and using his spiritual power to recuperate himself, the pain in his body gradually eased, except for his headache, which was like another hundred little people hitting his brain with a hammer.

"I hate my cousin, I hate my cousin. It hurts me so much that I don't want to live anymore." Long Kongkong groaned at the side.

"Shut up." Long Dangdang was already irritable, but he was still being muttered by this kid.

"This is a test, a tempering of your spirit. How can a man not have some endurance?" A trembling voice sounded softly. The voice was still so pleasant, but what greeted him were two pairs of angry eyes.

Ling Menglu was lying flat on the hospital bed, her eyes had been opened listlessly, and she also looked hopeless. From the slender veins pulsing slightly at her temples, you could feel that she must be in a lot of pain now.

Long Dangdang said angrily: "Is it necessary to act like that?"

Ling Menglu said: "But no! But we can't win. Haven't you seen how many undead creatures Zisang has killed with magic? Plus the achievements accumulated in the past, it will definitely be difficult for us to catch up. We are not two men. If I don’t do anything, do I, a woman in the class, have to work hard?”

Long Dangdang was speechless, "When did you become so competitive?"

The corner of Ling Menglu's mouth twitched, "I didn't, don't frame me. But I'm curious, Kong Kong. I'll let it go if Dangdang sees that it's simulated cooperation. How did you see that? You're not usually that smart. ah!"

Long Kongkong rolled his eyes, still twisting his body, "Do you really think I'm stupid? If it was really dangerous, my brother would have told me to run away, and would you let me stay there?"

Ling Menglu said in surprise: "You dare just because of your trust in your brother?"

Long Kongkong said naturally: "Isn't this enough? Have you forgotten his nickname? It's okay to leave it alone, but do you still need me to use my brain?"

Long Dangdang can't get up now, otherwise his brain will collapse and he will definitely be knocked up.

Ling Menglu looked at Long Dangdang and said: "What about you? How did you find out? The academy is very real, everything looks no different from the real thing!"

Long Dangdang said: "I didn't notice it at the beginning, until we encountered the undead creature. After killing the first undead creature, the merit card they gave me heated up and accumulated merit. However, my wrist There is no change in the merit bracelet. Since the general said that military merit can be accumulated this time, why is there no change in my merit bracelet? This makes me very suspicious. "

"Then there is the attitude of the army towards us. After all, we are from the Spirit Furnace Academy and are very important talents for the entire federation. However, the army is a little indifferent to us. When we are in danger, there is no way to rescue us. In time, when the mission was assigned later, we were assigned an impossible mission. A team with strong individual strength like ours is by no means the most suitable to perform that kind of enemy-blocking mission, but to complete some relatively complex tasks. It’s the right mission. This is the second point that makes me suspicious.”

"The third point is your performance, cousin. You were too calm from the beginning to the end. You must have discovered something, that's why you acted like this. In the end, before you released the forbidden curse with all your might, you didn't let us run away at all. The thought, without even the slightest hesitation, is an abnormal emotion. In other words, your performance is not up to par."

"At the same time, the dean has deliberately emphasized several times before the assessment began that this is a real battle and not an exercise, but can we really be allowed to have dozens of people die during the assessment? Then the college is too irresponsible to us. If that’s the case, then the Spirit Furnace Academy probably shouldn’t exist long ago.”

Listening to Long Dangdang's analysis, Long Kongkong blinked, nodded repeatedly, and said, "I think so too."

However, Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu ignored him. Ling Menglu said: "Everything you said is right."

Long Dangdang said: "Then how did you see it?"

Ling Menglu said: "I once had military training with my second uncle in the military camp for three months. Our army is not like that. The simulated army is too loose. Can such an army fight against the undead? And the place where the military camp is arranged. How can there be A commander who stationed his troops in places where the undead may appear in all directions? Is this because he is afraid that he will not die? And then there is what you said. What matters most to me is that more than forty classmates died. This is absolutely impossible. I I know better than you how much the temple attaches to our Spiritual Furnace Academy. Every student in the Spiritual Furnace Academy is the top of the academy and the future strongman of the six major temples. We are still in the lower grades and have a lot of room for growth. No matter what The college will not allow any casualties during the assessment."

Long Dangdang nodded. What he didn't expect was mainly because he had no experience with it.

Ling Menglu endured her headache, forced a smile, and said: "When I looked at you, I knew that you must have guessed it. He is indeed my cousin."

"It's not a kiss. You two cherish each other so much, why not fall in love." Long Kongkong, who was nearby, believed that no one could deal with him at the moment, and suddenly started teasing.

"Shut up." Long Dangdang said angrily.

"Just pretend that nothing happened. We are heroes now. Although we are not real heroes, at least we are in the minds of our classmates." Ling Menglu said with a smile.

Long Dangdang glanced at his cousin, "I exposed too much this time."

Ling Menglu stuck out her tongue, "Just let me be willful just once. Do you really want to lose? I'm not willing to lose to Zisang."

Long Dangdang sighed and said: "Actually, it would be better if we lost. We won't be so conspicuous. You even took out the badge of the Preparatory Temple." According to his temperament, he had already guessed what was going on in the simulated world at that time. Under the circumstances, as long as they behave well, they have already shown enough strength to be taken seriously when facing the Lich. In the end, there was no need to do this again. They are really too dazzling now. Although he has become a hero in the hearts of his classmates, he has also been taken more seriously by the temple and the military. But similarly, being too dazzling and standing in the spotlight is not a good thing.

Ling Menglu said with an aggrieved look: "You know you're wrong, how about you just be willful this time? You won't be able to do it in the future, why not just listen to you? Dangdang is the best."

Long Kongkong raised his hands to cover his ears, "Oh my God, my ears are going to be pregnant. Cousin, you win."

Long Dangdang's facial muscles also twitched as if he had just used God Prayer Angel.

Ling Menglu smiled and said: "Actually, there are pros and cons. What you are worried about must exist, but equally, because we perform so well, we will definitely be able to get more benefits. As long as we grow fast enough, these are not problems. .Grandpa said that we may have to leave the academy early soon. This time can be regarded as saving some capital for us. Don’t you want to get more good equipment? Also, you should be able to go to the Holy Mountain of Knights soon. The Holy Mountain of Knights is also divided into different areas. With the results of this assessment, you will definitely be sent to the best area."

Holy Mountain of Knights? Long Dangdang's heart moved. yes! Isn't the reason why I chose a knight instead of a magician when I came to Spiritual Furnace Academy just for the mount? A knight without a mount is not a true knight.

Long Kongkong quickly released his hands, "Cousin, what kind of mount is the best? Tell me, can I become a dragon knight or something? I heard that the Knights Temple has dragon knights, and there is also a dragon knight legion, then But it’s the strongest legion in the Federation.”

Ling Menglu said: "Dragon Knights are of course good. But there are many types of Dragon Knights. The Dragon Knight Legion you mentioned is divided into two parts. One is the Earth Dragon Knight Legion, which is composed of both Earth Dragon Knights, and the other is the Sky Dragon Knight Legion. , that is the flying dragon knight. But no matter which one they are, they are actually sub-dragon species, not real dragons. In the Knights Temple, there are actually only three real dragon knights, and two of them They are all Templar and Divine Seal Knights. If you can win the favor of the dragon, you will really find a treasure."

"As for which mount is the best, it is naturally one with tenth level foundation. Compared with the level of us humans, the level of Warcraft is about one level. The level tenth level Warcraft is equivalent to our ninth level strong man. Even the Knight Saint In the mountains, there are very few areas with tenth-level monsters. Moreover, generally speaking, mounts need to grow up with knights, and it is difficult for powerful monsters that have grown up to be contracted."

Long Kongkong said with a smile: "It's hard, but that doesn't mean it's impossible, right? What if I contract a tenth-level monster, hey, hey, then will I become a Divine Seal Dragon Knight in one step?"

Ling Menglu said softly: "Kongkong, take a nap, there is everything in your dreams."

Long Dangdang seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly asked, "Cousin, where is another dragon knight? He is also a dragon knight, why is he not a knight of the temple and the divine seal? Is he not strong enough?"

Ling Menglu was stunned for a moment and said, "Shouldn't you know more about this issue than me?"

"Huh? I know?" Long Dangdang was stunned, but the next moment he seemed to think of something, "Is that dragon knight my teacher?" He had never seen the teacher's mount.

Ling Menglu shook her head and said, "If Knight Mang had a dragon mount, with his strength, he would probably have entered the temple long ago."

Long Kongkong laughed and said: "That's right, it's interesting to think about the scene of leading Long together. However, if it's not Teacher Hai, is it still my teacher Na Ye?"

"Yes." Ling Menglu gave an affirmative answer.

Long Kongkong's laughter seemed to be stuck in his throat for a moment, and he said dumbfounded: "What? My teacher is a dragon knight?"

"Can't you? Never underestimate any ninth-level powerhouse." Ling Menglu said seriously.

Not to mention Long Kongkong, Long Dangdang felt deeply unbelievable at this time. Gou Knight Na Ye is actually a Dragon Knight? This is really subversive.

Ling Menglu's expression became a little strange, "However, your teacher's mount dragon has the same characteristics as him."

Long Kongkong asked curiously: "What are the characteristics?"

Ling Menglu said: "Not very serious..."

Long Kongkong blinked, "What's wrong with this? Are you just as stubborn as my teacher?"

Ling Menglu said cryptically: "You can ask the teacher yourself later."

Long Dang said: "Cousin, what kind of mount do you think is best for us to choose?"

Ling Menglu said: "First of all, the talent must be good enough to accompany you to grow together. Secondly, the attributes and personalities must be consistent. These three aspects are very important. A mount that fits well enough is almost equivalent to the other half of the knight's strength."

Just as she said this, her eyes moved slightly and she said, "It seems like someone is coming."

Long Dangdang closed his eyes immediately, Long Kongkong also hurriedly controlled his strong headache and stopped twisting his body, Ling Menglu also closed his eyes, with a look of weakness on his face.

The door opened and several people walked in from the outside.

The leader was none other than the dean of teachers, Yu Yunqiong. Also coming in with him were his aunt Ling Bing, Yan Yao and the head teacher of the pastor's class.

Behind them are Cai Caijuan and Zi Sang Liuying.

Ling Bing was the first to step forward. He looked next to Ling Menglu and whispered to Yu Yunqiong, "They haven't woken up yet. What did the treatment say?"

Yu Yunqiong said: "The overdraft is very severe and they need time to recuperate. Especially on the mental level. What is more worrying now is that they really think they are dead. If they are cognitively brain dead, it will be a bit troublesome."

Ling Bing's expression changed, "What do you mean?"

Yu Yunqiong said: "Although the simulated world will not really hurt them, in that space, everything is basically equivalent to reality. If their self-awareness has died, even if their bodies are intact and their minds have collapsed, they may change Into a vegetative state.”

"What?" Not only Ling Bing, but everyone else was also shocked.

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