Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 105 Going to get a mount?

Zi Sang Liuying quickly ran to Ling Menglu's bedside, her tears flowing down uncontrollably, "Meng Lu, Menglu, don't die! They are all fake, the assessments are all fake. You must live, I Wrong, I will never compete with you again. You can team up with whomever you want, okay? Wake up quickly! I can't sleep, I can't sleep." At the end of the sentence, she was crying.

Yu Yunqiong said: "Don't be anxious. The treatment side said that the probability of thinking death is very small. They are all very powerful beings, and the spiritual furnace will also protect their spiritual wisdom. But the impact of the sea of ​​spirit is greater. , it will take time to recover. There shouldn’t be any major problems.”

"Can you speak without gasping?" Yan Yao said angrily.

Yu Yunqiong said: "You didn't even let me finish my words, so I started crying."

Zisang Liuying wiped her tears and said, "Director, she will definitely wake up, right?" She held Ling Menglu's hand carefully, her eyes dim with tears.

"Yes, they will be fine. If there is really a danger, they will not be allowed to stay here, but will be sent to the priest temple headquarters. Okay, let them have a good rest. They should be able to wake up around the same time tomorrow. Yes." When he said the word "tomorrow", his tone seemed to be a little more serious.

The visitor left. The three cousins ​​opened their eyes again.

Long Kongkong asked doubtfully: "Did the director see that we were awake?"

"Otherwise?" Ling Menglu said helplessly. There are still traces of Zi Sang Liuying's tears on the back of her hand.

Long Dangdang suddenly laughed, "Cousin, I didn't see it! It turns out that Zisan Liuying is so worried about you."

Ling Menglu said angrily: "Our relationship has always been very good. Although there was competition, we have always been good friends. Zisang has always wanted to join a demon hunting team with me in the future. The only difference in her character The flaw is that she is a little proud, but she also has the capital to be proud. Not many people can be attracted to her. "

Long Dang said: "It's really powerful, that elemental tide is very powerful."

Ling Menglu said: "That should not be all her abilities. From what I know about her, she has stronger means. Otherwise, why would Cai Caijuan, Chu Yu and Tang Leiguang always follow her?"

Long Kongkong said in surprise: "Isn't it because I have a crush on her?"

Ling Menglu rolled her eyes, "You are so young, how come you only have these things in your mind?"

Long Kongkong blinked, "Am I abnormal? I'm in puberty! You are the ones who don't have these things in your mind, are you really abnormal? It proves that you haven't developed normally."

Ling Menglu was stunned by what he said, and subconsciously looked at Long Dangdang, "Is that so?"

Long Dangdang glanced at her and couldn't help but feel a little amused at the surprise on her beautiful face, "Do you believe what he said?"

Early the next morning. The news that Ling Menglu and the others had regained consciousness soon spread throughout the three lower grades of the academy.

When the three of them helped each other out of the treatment room, there were already people standing outside the door. There were more than 180 people from the three grades in total, all standing neatly by class.

The moment they walked out, everyone saluted them collectively, with their right fists across their chests.

Long Kongkong puffed up his chest with some pride. Although he also knew that this gift was more for his cousin, it did not affect his inner glory!

Long Dangdang was much calmer and showed no expression. Ling Menglu smiled and waved to everyone.

The college is on holiday for a week. Yes, that's one week. Give the students who have been strongly stimulated this time a time for self-regulation, self-awareness, and self-reflection.

Obviously, this practical test stimulates all students far more than before. This is an assessment where even forbidden curses appear! What could be more exciting than this?

Soon, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong received the news that after this week's holiday, the knight classes of the three grades will go to the Holy Mountain of Knights together to try to find a mount that suits them in advance.

This made the two brothers admire their cousin even more. They guessed exactly the same.

"Brother, it's the weekend tomorrow and I'm going to work." Long Kongkong, who had fully recovered, said to Long Dangdang.

Long Dang said: "You are not allowed to go."

"What?" Long Kongkong was stunned. This was the first time Long Dangdang stopped him from finding the goddess.

Long Dangdang glanced at him and said, "Do you really like your goddess?"

"Of course, you see, I have been here for such a long time, and my enthusiasm has not diminished at all. This time I have met my true destiny. Brother, you have to support me."

Long Dangdang said: "You have asked for leave from her before. If you really like her, why not take this opportunity to separate for a while and wait until we come back from the Holy Mountain of Knights to see her again. At the same time, take a look Are they thinking about you?"

Long Kongkong blinked, "Is this necessary?"

Long Dangdang said: "If you want to make progress, I think you need it."

Long Kongkong looked him up and down again, "How do you, a single guy, know this?"

Facing the torture of his soul, Long Dangdang stood up and said, "My body has almost recovered. Let's go, I will take you to practice in actual combat."

"Huh? Brother, I was wrong."

"What's wrong? You're right! Being single means you have more time, come on."

Twenty minutes later.

"Ah——, Long Dangdang, you don't deserve to be a son of a man. You really fight me!"

"Well, I'll beat you until you can't get up. I'll see how you go to see the goddess."

In the end, Long Kongkong still failed to meet his goddess. The next day he could only sit up and meditate. His legs were swollen from Long Dang's beating the day before, and his face was also swollen. I really don’t have the face to see anyone.

"When are you leaving?" Ling Menglu asked Long Dangdang after a night of practice.

"We'll set off the day after tomorrow." Long Dangdang said.

Ling Menglu nodded and said: "I heard from grandpa that after you get the mounts and come back, the selection of the Demon Hunting Group will begin. This time we will participate in the selection with the fresh graduates of the Temple Academy. Their average age is We are three to four years older, and we are all elites. We are basically around 20 years old, which is the peak period of professional growth. You must be prepared. There should be many sixth-level people."

Long Dangdang nodded slightly, "I understand."

Ling Menglu said: "The selection of the Demon Hunting Group is very complicated. I will try my best to get a good ranking. However, if I am the only one who gets a good ranking, there is no way to ensure that both of you will be selected by me. Do you understand what I mean?"

Long Dangdang's heart suddenly moved, "Cousin, are there any specific selection rules now?"

Ling Menglu said: "The top ten should have priority in selecting people in order. But only one person can be selected at a time."

Long Dangdang said thoughtfully: "Can the top ten choose each other?"

Ling Menglu said: "The high pick can choose the low pick, but it must be approved by the low pick. Those outside the tenth place cannot refuse to be selected."

Long Dangdang turned to look at Long Kongkong. This guy had also finished his meditation and was lying on the sofa pretending to be dead.

"I understand." Long Dangdang nodded.

Two days later, on Monday, a total of thirty-two young knights from three classes gathered together in the Spiritual Furnace Academy's teleportation array. They were led by the head teachers of the three classes and lined up neatly.

Yan Yao is standing next to Long Dangdang. Today, she has long hair, looking a little more mature. She is wearing a college teacher's uniform and looks very energetic.

Long Kongkong looked over from the side, "Teacher, do you have anything to tell us?"

Yan Yao shook her head and said: "Choosing a mount depends on your fate. If you are lucky, you will have everything. If you are not lucky, you may get a rubbish mount if you are extremely talented."

Long Kongkong blinked, "Brother, can we tell fortunes?"

Long Dangdang was too lazy to pay attention to him and said to Yan Yao: "Teacher, do you think that when choosing a mount, is the matching of personality the most important, or the matching of attributes?"

Yan Yao thought for a while and said, "It's about personality. After all, it's easier to have a chemical reaction when you have similar personalities."

Long Kongkong came over again, "Teacher, what is your mount? Does it match your personality?"

Yan Yao said proudly: "Of course. My mount is the Starry Unicorn. After I finish teaching you, I may go to the Knights Templar. By the time you see me again, maybe I will already be a Mithril Pedestal Knight!"

Both brothers' eyes shone a little, mithril pedestal knight? That is one of the most powerful knights in the Knights Temple. Directly under the Knights Temple, it is also the cradle of the Temple.

The reason why the Knights Temple is called the First Temple is that its profound heritage has many places that make them yearn for it.

"Get ready to leave." Yan Yao said. At this time, the third-year and second-year young knights have already found their positions in the teleportation array.

As all the first-grade young knights also stood up, the teleportation array began to activate.

No one knows where the Holy Mountain of Knights is, which is the fundamental place of the Knights Temple. Knights who are qualified to go to the Holy Mountain of Knights to obtain mounts must not only undergo strict review and inspection, but must also have sufficient strength. At the same time, you can only go to the Holy Mountain of Knights by teleportation. Of course, the young knights of Spirit Furnace Academy are no exception.

The situation this time was even more peculiar, perhaps because they had just experienced that special actual combat assessment. When the teleportation started, all the teenagers felt as if they had been transported into the virtual world again. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous for a while. Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are no exception.

A soft halo of light flickered, and before their vision became clear, they could already feel the cool wind blowing against their bodies.

Subconsciously opening their eyes, they suddenly found themselves in a very strange place.

More than thirty young knights looked around involuntarily, all showing surprise.

What they were on at this time was a huge platform. More importantly, this platform was not on the ground. It was surrounded by floating clouds and mist. The wind was very strong, and the blowing clouds and mist kept passing by, even passing over their bodies. , brings moisture and cooling. The surrounding scenery is somewhat difficult to see clearly.

Is this high in the sky? The Holy Mountain of Knights is actually in the sky? This is the first feeling most people have.

At this moment, the mist directly in front suddenly spread to both sides, revealing a passage about ten meters wide. At the end of the passage were two giant doors a hundred meters high. There are many magnificent patterns engraved on the giant door, which seem to be engraved with various monsters. An ancient and shocking feeling emerged spontaneously. It seemed that there were countless powerful monsters hidden behind those two giant doors, which made the young knights both excited and a little nervous.

The three class teachers walked in front, followed naturally by the students. When they walked onto the passage, they saw that there were clouds and mist on both sides of the passage that could not be seen through, as if it was an abyss.

Not daring to look further, the teenagers followed closely one by one. Under the leadership of the teacher, they finally came to the two giant doors.

Only when you really come to this giant gate can you feel its magnificence even more. Looking up, you can't even see the top of it. They could only feel that the monsters carved on the giant door seemed to be falling from the sky and pounced on them.

The three head teachers said solemnly: "Salute." As they said this, they took the lead in performing the knight's salute towards the giant door.

The young knights did not dare to neglect and hurriedly saluted.

After saluting, Yan Yao turned around, waved, and asked the young men of the knight class to come to him, and whispered: "After entering, you will be teleported to different places respectively. You can only obtain mounts by Rely on yourself. Each type of mount will have different reactions when it is selected. Some will leave directly, and some will let you accept some tests. You have to adapt to circumstances. But don't be too reluctant, although the Warcraft here is not normally It will hurt people, but if you are attacked, it is not a good thing."

Long Kongkong said stubbornly: "Teacher, didn't you say you don't have any advice for us?"

Yan Yao glared at him and said, "This is advice, not advice. Anyway, just don't let the Holy Mountain of Knights be blasted out. Especially you."

Long Kongkong said with a smile: "That's not possible, I am a man who wants to become a dragon knight. Maybe the dragon is already waiting for me behind the door."

Yan Yao rolled her eyes and said, "Stop daydreaming."

She continued to say to others: "Also, when choosing a mount, the talent of the mount is important, but the fit with oneself is more important than the talent. Because Warcraft will grow, if you are confident that you can help your Warcraft in the future Mutation occurs, then it is not impossible to choose some low-level Warcraft. The situation of cultivating and mutating low-level Warcraft into high-level Warcraft occurs frequently. There are many such cases in the Knight Temple. The premise is that the Warcraft has something to do with you. It takes a very high level of fit.”

"Finally, pray, boys! I hope you all find a suitable mount."

Just when Yan Yao finished her last sentence, the two huge doors made a "crack" sound and slowly opened.

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