Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 106 The Holy Mountain of Knights

Behind the door, a fresh breath of plant fragrance came, refreshing everyone. But all they could see were strange lights and shadows, and they could not see the real thing.

"Go ahead. Come in one by one."

Thirty-two young knights from three classes filed in, heading towards one of the most important points in their lives.

Long Dangdang pulled Long Kongkong and walked behind the team, "After entering, be careful and don't act like a monster. Remember your teacher's words, safety first, do you hear me?"

Long Kongkong said impatiently: "Brother, don't be a mother-in-law!"

Long Dangdang didn't know what was wrong with him, but he was really worried if he wasn't with this guy. But the tradition of the Holy Mountain of Knights is that when entering, everyone will randomly appear in different areas of the Holy Mountain of Knights. You might bump into each other inside, but two people are not allowed to enter the same place at the same time.

The two of them were the last to enter, as the academy had asked them before they came out.

When all the students in front of them had already entered the bizarre world, they were stopped when they came to the door.

The light inside the door began to show some strange changes, and then, the halo that was originally mainly green suddenly turned into pale gold.

Only then did Yan Yao nod to them and said, "Okay, you can go in."

Sure enough, my cousin got it right. While Long Dangdang was surprised, he couldn't help but think to himself. Ling Menglu had told them before that their performance in the actual combat assessment might allow them to get certain preferential treatment at the Holy Mountain of Knights. Sure enough, it now seems that the area they will enter is definitely different from others.

The two brothers walked in one after another, and their bodies disappeared under the golden light.

Looking at their disappearing figures, Yan Yao couldn't help but said to herself: "I'm really envious. They entered, this should be the domain area."

"It must be, at least it is an area that only leader-level monsters can enter. When we tried to find this area inside, it took a long time." said the second-year class teacher.

The third-grade head teacher said: "They deserve such preferential treatment from the temple. Who allowed them to show such high talents during the assessment? I hope they can bring surprises. It would be too much if there is another dragon knight." alright."

Yan Yao said with a smile: "Then I am the Dragon Knight's teacher?"

The second-grade class teacher smiled and said, "Stop talking, otherwise I will be envious and jealous!"

The golden light covered Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong both had strange feelings, and at this moment, a deep voice sounded in their minds.

"The Holy Mountain of Knights was created by the ancestors of the Knights Temple. After continuous improvement by generations of ancestors, the Holy Mountain of Knights is divided into multiple areas. After entering, you have seven days to find a mount that suits you. Different areas The strength of Warcraft is different. The whole area is divided into ordinary area, risk area, test area, boss area, mythical beast area and outer area."

"After teleporting in, you will be randomly assigned to the normal area or the risk area. The monsters encountered in the risk area may be aggressive, so be careful. You can also try to defeat the monsters to get mounts. If you go deep into the Holy Mountain, you will begin to enter the test area. , the monsters in the test area are at least level five in talent, and can reach level nine at most. In the boss area, there are monsters with tenth level talent, and they are at least elite among the same type of monsters. But the risk is also greater, entering After entering the boss area, the temple will not be responsible for security guarantees, so be careful. The mythical beast area cannot be entered directly, unless it is favored by the mythical beast. In the mythical beast area, the talent level of all magic beasts is level ten. "

"If you don't find a suitable mount for you in seven days, you will enter the Outland in the last hour. You can choose to spiritually link the Outland Warcraft, and you will randomly obtain the Warcraft according to your compatibility. You can also choose not to connect to the Outland. Once connected and obtain the Warcraft, follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit. The temple stipulates that you must sign a contract and let it become a mount, and you cannot go back on it."

"The area you will be teleported to is the boss area."

Boss area? Did you directly enter the core area? In other words, you can save some time up front. You can find mount partners in this core area for all seven days.

After Long Dangdang listened to the knight's story about the Holy Mountain, he immediately understood the situation he was about to face. And this is undoubtedly the preferential treatment given to him and Long Kongkong by the Knights Temple.

But at this moment, he was more worried. After all, Kongkong was only at level 4. Will he be in danger in the leader area? Can it be recognized by the World of Warcraft here?

At this moment, the surrounding golden light gradually converged, and a feeling of down-to-earth appeared. Long Dangdang found that he appeared in a forest.

Surrounded by big trees tens of meters high, the fresh air blew into his face, and the fragrance mixed with soil and plants filled the air, immediately relaxing his spirit.

You and Kong Kong should both be in the boss area, and you might encounter them at some point. And since Kongkong has shown the mystery of the Yuanvortex Spirit Furnace, the temple will definitely pay a lot of attention to him, and in this case, it will not put him at any risk. What's more, there is also the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace on Kongkong's body. Yutong will definitely protect him.

Thinking of this, Long Dangdang calmed down and did not act in a hurry, but first observed the surroundings.

Everything around seemed very peaceful, with the occasional chirping of insects and birds making it seem peaceful and refreshing.

Long Dangdang's hand flashed with light, releasing the beginning of Yinlang Magic. Just as he was about to cast a wind reconnaissance magic, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

"Don't use reconnaissance magic here. Peeping will attract hostility." This voice belonged to Canghai.

Ever since Yu Tong said that he would not interfere with their cultivation and let them go through the assessment on their own, these wisdom furnaces had not spoken again. Unexpectedly, they would speak out again today.

"Canghai. Have you been here?" Long Dangdang asked.

Canghai has long stopped letting him call him senior. For spiritual furnaces like them, signing a contract is equivalent to rebirth.

Canghai said: "Of course I have been here before. When I chose a host before, I originally focused on knights. After all, knights are the most promising profession."

Long Dangdang was immediately overjoyed, "Then what kind of monster do you think is most suitable for me?"

Canghai was silent for a moment, then said after a few seconds: "No."

"No?" Long Dangdang was stunned.

"Yes, no. Your situation is very special, and you still have me. So, I guess you are more likely to be disappointed this time. You have multiple attributes, while most Warcraft have a single attribute. There are very few people with both attributes at the same time. Judging from your future development, monsters with a single attribute are likely to be unable to keep up with your pace in the future. And my existence limits your spirituality. The growth of power, so you are not easy to be favored by monsters. In other words, it is difficult for you to find monsters that match your own attributes. In my impression, there should be no monsters that can match you. "

Long Dangdang felt a chill in his heart, as if he had been poured cold water on him, "That means I can't get a mount?" What kind of knight is a knight without a mount?

Canghai said: "You can't say that. If it doesn't work, just try to find a monster with a single attribute that is good enough. After all, you are still mainly light attribute, so you can try a light attribute monster. If the other party is willing, it is also a good choice. .”

Long Dangdang fell into thinking, looking for a monster with a single attribute as his mount partner?

"Canghai, is there a possibility that I can sign a contract with my mount using my clone?" Long Dangdang said suddenly.

Canghai was stunned, "Signing a contract with a clone? Do you want both yourself and the clone to contract a mount?"

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "A magical beast cannot completely match my attributes. What if each clone contracts a magical beast with similar attributes? Is this possible?"

Canghai thought for a while and said: "You have stopped me. In my memory, such a situation has never happened before. But I think I might as well give it a try. I thought about it, if it can really be like this If so, then I suggest you contract with the same type of Warcraft. That is, the same type with different attributes. And the range of Warcraft types that can meet this condition is very small. Basically, they are high-level Warcraft."

"What about?" Long Dangdang asked.

Canghai said: "The unicorn lineage should be able to do it. Your current attributes are light, wind, fire, and water. Unicorns should have all these attributes. But the problem is, I don't know if you will be able to do it in the future." A new clone appears. Under what circumstances did your previous clones appear?"

Long Dangdang thought for a while and said: "Generally speaking, when I break through the first level or are close to the breakthrough, a clone will appear, starting from the third level. When I just broke through the third level, the wind attribute was born. Clone. Before that, I had been unable to use mixed magic. Until I had a clone, the main body and the clone could cooperate, and the light and wind attributes could be somewhat coordinated. But the mixed magic of the two attributes was more difficult to practice. Until later, I After having the fire attribute clone at the fourth level, the use of mixed magic became a little smoother. The water clone appeared when I initially touched the edge of the fifth level. It was a bit exciting that time, when I was fighting the demon for the first time. . When all my power was exhausted, the water body seemed to emerge at the right time, and it was born. I don’t know if there will be clones in the future."

Canghai said in surprise: "If this is the case, when you break through to the sixth level, it is possible to have a fourth clone. If it is an earth attribute, you can gather the four basic attributes of water, earth, and wind."

Long Dang said: "What are the benefits of gathering the four basic attributes?"

Canghai said: "Elemental balance! Have you forgotten the elemental tide used by the little girl in the magic profession that day? That is the power of magic balance. But she only mastered it initially, and has not yet demonstrated the true power of magic balance."

Long Dang beware, the elements are balanced? Judging from the use of magic, he is obviously inferior to Zisan Liuying, whether it is realm, magical power or mental power, or even the number of elements he can control. But if I could have another earth attribute clone, everything would change. Of course, the premise is that your multi-tasking needs to be strengthened. Now it is just multi-tasking. In the recent battle with the undead, the mental enhancement brought by my own spiritual treasure has helped me to a certain extent. I can try to practice multi-tasking later.

"The main types of unicorns that can be covered are the four basic attributes plus the bright attribute of the shining unicorn. But the question is, what if you have more clones in the future? And whether the clones can actually sign a contract. This time I think you can give it a try and use your avatar to sign a contract with the mount first. If it succeeds, you can try to find more mounts. If not, there is nothing you can do. Let’s go." Canghai said.

Long Dangdang nodded. He couldn't tell the direction now, so he could only try to move in one direction. As he walked, he asked Canghai: "What if it is the Dragon Clan? Does the Dragon Clan have more attributes?"

Canghai was silent for a moment before replying: "That's for sure. However, the number of real dragons is very rare, and the dragons are an extremely proud race. It is very difficult to sign a contract with the dragons. It is difficult for the dragons to become human mounts. Yes. If it is a giant dragon, then I think you don’t have to hesitate. You can sign the contract directly with any attribute. After all, the giant dragon is still known as the strongest creature. Whether it is physical strength or dragon language magic, it is other races. Incomparable. Even if they are all monsters with tenth-level talents, the Dragon Clan is still at the top of the pyramid."

"Understood." Long Dangdang did not use reconnaissance magic, but his mental power was still extremely concentrated and he was always paying attention to the movements around him.

Just as he was walking forward, suddenly, a huge mental wave suddenly came. This mental wave came very suddenly, giving him the feeling that a huge mental power passed directly through him, so that The hairs all over his body stood on end, and he felt as if his whole body was instantly exposed to a powerful person.

What kind of creature is this? But no matter what kind of creature it is, this level of spiritual power is definitely not something that one can contend with.

Long Dangdang stood still in shock. He didn't want to offend the other party and make himself confess here.

"Eh!" A soft voice sounded. The next moment, Long Dangdang felt his eyes blurred, and the surrounding air began to twist strangely, as if he was in a teleportation array.

But this was obviously not a teleportation array, because the air returned to normal after just being distorted. The surrounding scenery did not change much from before. The only difference was that an eye suddenly appeared in front of him. It was an eye. What kind of existence? An eye with a diameter of more than three meters!

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