Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 110 Long Kongkong’s Mount Partner

Listening to the Dragon King's words, the Dragon Queen seemed a little surprised, her eyes widened, and then her voice was a little higher than before, and she responded to the Dragon King's words in dragon language.

The Dragon King's voice always seemed very gentle and patient, but his eyes were very firm.

After a long while, the Dragon Queen suddenly roared at the Dragon King, and then glared at Long Dangdang with a somewhat unkind look, which almost made his heart jump out of his chest. This man twisted his fat body and went straight into its golden mountain.

The Dragon King shook his head helplessly. Obviously, at home, his family status did not seem to be as high as that of the Dragon Clan.

Golden light flashed around Long Dangdang's body, and he was put down from his back and came to the Dragon King.

The Dragon King himself knelt down, but even so, the Dragon King still had to look up at it.

"Long Dangdang, your talent is very good. I can also feel the light in your heart. After observing your talent, I found that you have eight attributes coexisting. And the level of each attribute is very high. This and It is different for you humans to use spiritual power to try to control multiple magical attributes. These attributes of yours already exist in your body. Therefore, you are not the existence of a single attribute. In the future, what do you want? To become more powerful, you must work hard in this area so that you can truly control different attributes and bring out their respective powers."

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "Thank you for your advice. So what kind of Warcraft mount partner do you think is suitable for me? Senior Canghai said before that I can try mount partners of the same race with different attributes, and try to sign a contract with a clone. If the clone If I can also sign a contract, then I can have multiple mounts and take advantage of my multiple attributes."

The Dragon King shook his head and said: "This is impossible. Although you have multiple attributes, you have only one soul. The equality contract is a very sacred contract. Once completed, it will be bound to your soul. I give My suggestion is that you should choose a mount partner who has enough talent but still starts from scratch, and then concludes a blood contract with him. This is a more powerful contract than an equal contract. Once the blood contract is concluded, then both of you will They will be connected by blood and influence each other. A loss and a loss, a prosperity and a prosperity. Each will gain bonuses from the other's attributes, and will also affect each other's attributes. In this way, your mount partner will grow up. It is completely consistent with your own attributes, thus forming a true tacit understanding with you. The disadvantage is that growth requires a process, and it will not give you strong combat power right away. And as long as you have confidence in your future, then your partners will also I will definitely become stronger with you."

Long Dangdang's eyes lit up. He had never thought of this method mentioned by the Dragon King. And since this mythical being who stands at the top of the World of Warcraft has said so, it means that the success of this method is very high. big.

"Then do you have any good suggestions? From what race should I choose a partner like this to grow up with me?" Long Dangdang's heartbeat accelerated. Since the Dragon Emperor brought him here, it should be...

There was a trace of reluctance in the Dragon King's eyes, but he still said firmly: "My wife and I have just given birth to our next child. We have worked so hard for this child, and it took a hundred years just to conceive it. Now it has just been born." We haven't seen it yet. But if you are willing, I can let you form a contract with my child who has not yet broken out of his shell, and become each other's blood contract partners. Are you willing?" while saying , this generation of myths looked at Long Dangdang with burning eyes.

Long Dangdang's heart moved slightly. He didn't know why, but he felt that the person in front of him seemed to be cheating on him. It was as if he was afraid that he would not agree.

At this time, he couldn't even ask Cang Hai. How powerful the Dragon Emperor was. If he asked Cang Hai, he would definitely feel it, and Cang Hai didn't send him any bad signals.

This is the son of the Dragon Emperor. The future Dragon King. With such a riding partner, what else could he be dissatisfied with?

At that moment, Long Dangdang did not hesitate, and immediately nodded and said: "This is my honor."

The Dragon King grinned and seemed to smile, "Very good. I hope you can protect each other and become each other's most important partners in the future. My child will also protect you well. There is a blood contract. If you die, it will also protect you." Death will follow. I look forward to you growing up together, becoming strong together, and even transcending the limitations of this plane."

"Dear..." As it said, it turned back to look at the huge golden mountain.

The golden mountain arched, and then there was no movement.

"My dear, believe me. This is a good choice for our children." The Dragon Emperor's voice was obviously a little deeper. Long Dangdang even saw that the scales on this person's body were slightly raised. Intangible majesty was emanating. Although it was not directed at him, the various gold and silver jewels on the golden mountain had been dispersed to both sides by the invisible majesty.

The Dragon Queen first exposed her fat belly, and then reluctantly got out. Between the two horns on its head is a huge golden egg. The whole body of the golden egg is pale gold with faint patterns on it, and the golden egg itself is slowly shining with light.

The Dragon Queen's eyes seemed a little moist, and her voice was a little choked, "Husband..."

The Dragon King's huge body swam to her side, and put his big head on its head. They looked at each other and said, "It will be fine. Just trust me, okay? This is the most correct choice. Don't be fooled by those few yet." Guy found out.”

What's the meaning? Which guys? Other mythical creatures? Long Dangdang had some doubts in his heart, and when he thought about the attitude of the Evil Eye Tyrant Half-Step Dominator towards him before, he suddenly felt like he was a piece of cake!

The Dragon King gently pushed the Dragon Queen's forehead, and the golden egg rolled down from the Dragon Queen's head to the Dragon King's head.

The Dragon King turned around, returned to Long Dangdang, lowered his head, and carefully controlled the oval dragon egg with a diameter of about one meter to roll down in front of Long Dangdang.

“Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo of ofoo..." Dragon Queen cried, suddenly turned around, and plunged into the pile of gold and silver jewelry again. Only the dragon's tail was left shaking unwillingly outside.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, this..." Long Dangdang said somewhat unbearably.

The Dragon King smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. Speaking of which, it may be that we took advantage of you. Your talent is very special and your bloodline is excellent. Under normal circumstances, our children will only have the abilities of our bloodline when they hatch. . And if it is hatched by you using a blood contract, it will be connected to you by blood, and you will have the most intimate relationship. Under your influence, its bloodline will mutate, and I can be sure that it will be a good mutation. "

This person's words could be regarded as answering Long Dangdang's doubts. Long Dangdang did not hesitate and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, what should I do now?"

The Dragon King became serious and said, "I will now teach you how to carve a blood contract."

The golden light flickered, and when all the scenery became clear, Long Kongkong found that he had returned to the entrance of the Holy Mountain of Knights, the place where he had a strange feeling and could communicate with other planes.

The surrounding area was deserted, not a single soul in sight. No doubt he was the first to come out. Everyone else must have been in there longer than him! Unless you find a suitable mount partner or it's the last minute, you won't come out easily.

In one day, just one day, his hopes were dashed.

"My dream of being a dragon knight! It's just shattered." Long Kongkong looked sad and angry.

If it had been him before, he might have just laughed it off if he encountered this kind of thing. As a person who is ready to lie down, these are indifferent things.

But since the Spiritual Furnace Heavenly Selection Ceremony, my brother gave himself the opportunity to integrate the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace, but he was tricked by the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. Long Kongkong's mentality has already changed. If you want to protect Long Dangdang, who is difficult to break through to the sixth level, you need to become stronger! And now that I don't even have a mount, and I'm still far behind the fifth level, when will I have the strength to protect my brother? This made him very unwilling.

After roaring twice in frustration, Long Kongkong subconsciously turned around and faced the illusory starry sky.

He also recalled the previous introduction to this place in his mind.

This is a place that can be connected to other planes. After the connection, if you encounter an alien creature that has the same aura as yours, it is possible to communicate and sign a contract. In other words, signing a contract with an alien creature is basically the last chance for a knight who cannot find a mount. Needless to say, if you fail, if you succeed, you may also get a powerful mount.

Long Kongkong blinked his eyes. His psychological quality was already very strong, and now he was even more alive. It couldn't be worse than not having a mount, right?

The only problem is that if you are selected, you must sign a contract, or directly sign a contract. But what does this matter? Just sign it, otherwise you won't have a mount. The Dragon King has said that there is nothing suitable for him in the Holy Mountain of Knights. I am afraid it will be the same a hundred times again.

Done! Thinking of this, he was so bold that he took a step forward and rushed into the area where the light was distorted.

Suddenly, the magic circle was pulled, strong energy fluctuations appeared, and circles of soft light collapsed inward. Long Kongkong felt that his consciousness instantly sank into it.

"Who triggered the formation?" an old voice sounded, and in the next moment, several figures appeared one after another, and then they saw Long Kongkong who was already in the formation.

"How could someone end his journey to the Holy Mountain of Knights so quickly? Did he come back specifically to try? This is impossible!" An old man said in a deep voice.

"It's too late to say anything now, he has already started. Let's wait and see if he can find a suitable partner to sign a contract. No one has ever come out so soon after entering the Holy Mountain of Knights. We were a little negligent. .”

"Let's take a look first. I hope he can find a strong enough partner."

At this time, Long Kongkong was looking at everything in front of him with a surprised expression. He was already in a bright starry sky. The whole person was suspended in the starry sky, and the planets shining with different lustres were looming, and he had a very strange feeling in his heart.

I don't know why, but this feeling made him feel a little familiar, and this sense of familiarity gave him a strange mood.

After being silent for a long time, this feeling gradually faded away. He looked intently in the direction of one of the planets. In an instant, the planet was getting closer quickly. As the distance got closer and closer, a strange feeling also appeared. Then, he seemed to hear many voices and vaguely see many figures. Different figures had different mood swings, some were violent, some were gentle, some were joyful, and some were excited.

And when these emotions come into contact with his thoughts, they also have different emotional changes.

Although it was his first time to try it, he already had some feeling in his heart. When he comes into contact with his spiritual power and generates some feelings of affinity, it should be those who are likely to be summoned by him to become contract partners, and those who are violent, or If it is repulsive, it naturally cannot be summoned successfully.

At the same time, he could vaguely feel the strength of these auras, some were strong and some were weak. He immediately understood that what he should be looking for was an existence that was gentler to him but had a strong aura.

At this moment, Long Kongkong's mood began to become excited again. He would never be defeated by his emotions. As long as there was a little sunshine, his heart would be bright.

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