Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 111 Long Kongkong’s Mount Partner

After carefully searching the first planet, he did not feel any powerful aura on this planet, but more weak or even inaudible auras. The life level of this planet should not be high. .

In order not to waste time, he immediately turned to another planet to continue searching.

No, still not. There were some with relatively powerful auras, but their attitude toward him was not good, and they obviously did not recognize him. Long Kongkong felt that this was probably the same problem as the monsters in the Holy Mountain of Knights. If so, it would still be a bit troublesome!

Then there is the third planet, and the situation is still similar. Next is the fourth, fifth, sixth...

Long Kongkong's original hope gradually turned into disappointment. There were powerful auras, but these powerful auras almost all came into contact with him and then immediately stayed away, without even giving him a chance to communicate. . That obvious rejection made Long Kongkong feel impatient.

And he could also feel that the time he could stay in this place was getting shorter and shorter. To describe it in the simplest words, there is not much time left for him.

The ninth planet!

Long Kongkong has now begun to make up his mind. As long as he finds a powerful aura, no matter what, he must try to communicate with the other party and sign a contract as soon as possible without stopping, and work hard to succeed with lightning speed.

His mental power began to sweep across the planet, and he soon discovered that the overall aura of the creatures on this planet was actually quite powerful. It was a generally powerful feeling. Compared with the previous planets, it was obviously much stronger. . When he scanned the first creature, he already wanted to sign a contract with it, but he immediately felt another powerful aura at the same time, stronger than the first one, which made him immediately turn around. Pursuing a powerful mount was originally his wish!

Immediately afterwards, there was a third powerful aura, which was even more powerful than the second one. In such a powerful terrifying aura, each one was stronger than the previous one, and Long Kongkong's heartbeat also began to accelerate. Has your luck finally arrived? Is it finally time to get your hands on a powerful mount?

At this moment, suddenly, all the previous breath disappeared. Long Kongkong only felt that his thoughts were gone, gone?

what's the situation? The mood that had just been excited returned to freezing point in an instant, but before he could be disappointed and painful, in the next moment, a powerful and overbearing aura suddenly broke into his thoughts in a arrogant manner.

"Outsiders? Is your planet rich and beautiful?" A low and majestic voice vibrated in Long Kongkong's spiritual sea. Long Kongkong was immediately shocked. This alien creature was actually able to communicate with him in turn. Moreover, this arrogant and domineering aura was so terrifying that it even gave him the same oppressive feeling as when he faced the Dragon Emperor again, and it was even a bit stronger.

"Yes, yes! My planet is extremely beautiful. Do you want to come and play?" Long Kongkong hurriedly tried to communicate in a seductive tone.

"Okay, let's sign the contract." The domineering voice showed no hesitation.

"Let's go!" At this moment, Long Kongkong was so excited that his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Sign, sign. He thought silently in his heart. Immediately afterwards, circles of golden halo ripples suddenly began to ripple around the body, and the communication with the distant existence began to strengthen instantly, and a contract rune shining with blood-red light was naturally formed.

According to the regulations of the Holy Mountain of Knights, if you choose to summon an alien creature as a mount here, you must not abandon it. You must sign a contract with the other party. For the protection of the knight, the contract signed is a blood contract. If the other party does not agree, you cannot sign the contract. Once the blood contract is signed, the knight will have absolute control over the alien creature.

Therefore, what Long Kongkong is forming at this time is the blood contract with the other party.

Distant planet.

In a huge pit, there were all kinds of wreckage everywhere, and the entire pit was filled with a strong smell of blood. And right in this pit, there is an extremely large being, which exudes a strong golden light.

At this moment, in front of it, a blood contract rune is gradually taking shape.

The corners of its mouth slowly curved upward, "A blood contract? Very good. I happen to have nothing to eat in this plane. Find another place to eat. Poor little guy, thank you for being my bridge to another world, you Do you think that a mere blood contract can control me? One of my innate abilities is bloodline judgment. After I pass and pass the judgment, this blood contract will be reversed. If it pleases me, I will allow you to Become my great king’s slave, otherwise, be my great king’s blood food.”

As it spoke, it raised its head and blew its breath towards the blood contract rune. The next moment, the red rune quickly enlarged and enveloped its body in an instant.

"Hey, will you suppress my strength based on the opponent's strength? It's interesting. There is something special about this plane. Unfortunately, as long as the blood contract is abnormal through blood, I will immediately return to the top. In the new world, this great king coming!"

In the lengthy dragon language contract, Long Dangdang's entire body was completely covered in gold. In the dark, he felt that there seemed to be something more in his vitality. It was a feeling of blood connection. And in the other person's life, it is also imprinting its own flavor.

I don't know how long it took, but a golden light suddenly shone, completely covering him and the dragon egg.

At this time, the Dragon Queen had emerged from the pile of gold coins again, glaring into her dragon eyes, staring at the humans and her children who were signing the contract.

"Crack, click..." Cracks began to appear on the surface of the dragon egg.

At this moment, both the Dragon King and the Dragon Queen became a little nervous. The power of the contract is incubating their children. There is no doubt that the children will be affected by this human being, and may even be suppressed by the human rank and become weaker. However, the most important thing is whether their baby's potential can be improved after the contract. This is their biggest concern.

Long Dangdang is also watching the dragon egg. A normal giant dragon should have a strength exceeding the seventh level when it is born. However, due to the influence of his own contract, his strength can only be suppressed to a level similar to his own. What will the fifth-level dragon clan look like?

What he has never dared to say to the Dragon King is that because of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, it is difficult for him to raise his strength to level six or above. Then, in the future, his mount partner will only be able to suppress the same level of cultivation as himself. , until the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Stove is fed.

"Click, click, click!" The broken sounds became more and more dense.

"Poof -" Suddenly, a small dragon head suddenly emerged from the egg shell.

It was a golden dragon head, which looked a bit mini. Especially compared with the Dragon King and Dragon Queen, it was even mini and cute. It was only a little bigger than Long Dangdang's fist. The next moment, a body about one and a half feet long appeared. , and swam out from the dragon egg.

The huge dragon egg looks completely out of proportion for such a mini body. The Dragon King and Dragon Queen couldn't help but feel a little dull.

Even a young dragon should be two or three meters long under normal circumstances. And their kid definitely set the record for the smallest dragon.

The little dragon appeared, and its eyes immediately met Long Dangdang's. The next moment, its golden eyes were filled with tender emotions, and it quickly swam in front of Long Dangdang, and then swam up his body. This is the power of the contract, which directly makes it think that Long Dangdang, whose aura is completely connected to its own, is its relative.

"Child!" The Dragon Queen cried out sadly and was about to rush over, but was blocked by the Dragon King.

"Don't worry, take a closer look." The Dragon King said in a deep voice.

The strength of the dragon clan is directly proportional to its size. The Dragon Queen was already very worried when she saw that her child was so miniscule. But the Dragon King remained calm and was observing his child carefully.

He discovered that although Xiaolong was very slender, his overall appearance was similar to that of himself and his wife, with a golden body and five claws under his belly. But there is one thing that is different. Under its neck, there is a circle of reverse scales, seven in total. These seven reverse scales show different colors, which are different from the golden scales. And these seven colors are symmetrical to the attributes possessed by Long Dangdang.

With his lips moving, he reminded the Dragon Queen to pay attention in dragon language. Only then did the Dragon Queen notice the difference and gradually became quiet.

Long Dangdang's heart was filled with a strange feeling at this moment. When he gently touched the little dragon that had slipped into his arms, he felt as if he had an extra child.

Is this my riding partner? When it grows up, will it be able to become a dragon knight?

Xiaolong kept nuzzling him in his arms, and his affectionate look made him almost as if he was his father.

"Your father and mother are over there." Long Dangdang said softly, and then pointed in the direction of the Dragon King and Dragon Queen.

Suddenly, two huge dragon heads came over at the same time.

The little golden dragon turned around and suddenly saw two such huge beings appearing in front of him. He was startled and hurriedly hid behind Long Dangdang. But the next moment, the feeling of blood connection made him react, blinked his eyes, and then raised the dragon claw.

The Dragon Queen could no longer hold back any longer. Her eyes exuded a soft golden light, and she enveloped the little golden dragon and came to her, "Child, baby, my baby."

The Dragon King looked at Long Dangdang and said: "After signing a contract with you and being hatched under the influence of your bloodline, our child has become completely different. Its talent and potential will be affected by you, and even its initial state will be different." That's right. It only has the first level of power now and is very fragile. Please protect it well. As you grow, it will also grow rapidly. The power in our dragon bloodline will gradually revive as it grows. You Just remember that the stronger you become, the stronger it will be, and that’s enough.”

Long Dang said: "Please ask the Dragon Emperor to give it a name."

The Dragon King nodded and turned to look at the little golden dragon that was jumping around on the Dragon Queen's head, "You have eight attributes, and it now has the same eight attributes as you. The reason why it has transformed to the first level is because Affected by your talent, it needs to grow again. In the future, your attributes will be its attributes. Since there are eight attributes, let's call it Xiaoba. What do you think?" As he said that, the Dragon King's eyes still showed a bit of emotion. Somewhat proud of this name.

Is your name really serious? Long Dangdang complained in his heart.

He always felt that when his parents named him and his younger brother, they were very unreliable. Now looking at Dragon King, he suddenly felt that his father and mother were still very good.

"Okay, pretty good." He couldn't refute the Dragon King, so he could only praise him.

"Well, I think it's pretty good too. It's much better than the name my father gave me back then." Dragon King said with some pride.

Long Dangdang suddenly became curious. Is there any worse name than Xiaoba?

The Dragon Queen on the side immediately cleared up his doubts, and also showed satisfaction, saying: "Yes, Xiao Ba does sound much better than Xiao Xiao Jin."

Little gold...

Well, he didn't want to complain. Indeed, Xiaoba seems to sound better.

The Dragon King said helplessly: "I haven't heard this name for many years. Back then, my father followed a powerful being of the light system who became a god. When passing by this planet, he met my mother and gave birth to me. . But because of the call of the Supreme God, my father had to follow him. Before leaving, my mother asked me to give me a name. It said it was called Xiao Jin, so she asked me to call it Xiao Xiao Jin. He is really an unreliable father. ah!"

It's not unreliable! Long Dangdang added in his heart.

The blood runes almost expanded to the entire magic circle. Long Kongkong only felt that his heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and amidst the fierce beating, a figure began to slowly emerge from the magic circle in front of him.

At this moment, several old men around the magic circle who were observing this scene had shocked expressions on their faces.

It was successful, and not only was it successful, this was the first time they had seen such a huge blood contract rune, and the larger the blood contract rune was, the more powerful the summoned alien creature was. Could this be an existence comparable to the Dragon Clan?

In the magic circle, the figure began to become clearer, and the blood light in the blood contract began to quickly gather towards the figure like water. The blood color gradually turned into gold, and the brilliant golden light illuminated everything around it. .

Long Kongkong looked at that existence extremely excitedly. The next moment, his eyes had rolled to the edge of his eye sockets...

Let me tell you, what the hell is this...

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