Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 112 Brother Dragon and Brother Mouse

When Long Kongkong saw clearly the creature in front of him that had signed a blood contract, his eyes almost rolled out of his sockets. What is this?

What appeared in front of him was a being squatting on the ground less than two meters in front of him.

Its body is round, with a fat belly and a pointed and small head. It is about half a meter tall when squatting. Its whole body is covered with golden hair. Because it is squatting, a pair of slender front paws are exposed. The tips of the claws are dark golden, about It's about an inch long and looks very sharp. There is a thin golden tail about twice the length of its body on its back, swaying gently. A pair of big, small eyes were looking at him with a hint of teasing.

This, this, this...

This is obviously a mouse! Big golden mouse.

Long Kongkong felt as if a thunder exploded in his mind.

He never expected that the being that he had high hopes for could make a comeback would actually be a big rat.

My own teacher's nickname, Gouqiyi, was unpleasant enough. What about yourself? Rat Knight Dragon Kong Kong?

"I don't want, I don't want, you go back, you go back..." Long Kongkong cried "Wow". At this moment, even as strong as he is, he will collapse.

"No? It's too late. Since I'm already here, I'm not going to leave." The Rat King raised his right front paw teasingly and slid it gently in the void, "I haven't felt this kind of thing for a long time. It’s really interesting to feel weak. So, come on, dominate this world, starting from this judgment.”

"Pa!" I saw its little paws gently twisting and snapping its fingers.

In an instant, it and Long Kongkong's bodies froze, and the huge blood contract runes that had disappeared reappeared.

"What is this?" Several old knights outside the formation were also stunned for a moment when they saw the big golden mouse, with the same strange expressions on their faces.

Although they are all well-informed and have seen some gambling knights summon all kinds of strange summons here, this is definitely the first time for this mouse. What's even more strange is that this mouse can actually speak human words. Under normal circumstances, only a monster that is at least eighth level and has high intelligence can speak human words. This condition is relatively looser in the Holy Mountain of Knights, because the intelligence of the monsters in the Holy Mountain of Knights is generally higher.

And after the big golden rat in front of him was summoned, he must be on the same level as the young knight in front of him. That is, he was about the fourth level of strength, but he was actually able to speak human language.

But, what does this blood contract rune mean when it reappears? They were all surprised for a moment.

In the blood contract runes, the bodies of Long Kongkong and the Rat King turned blood red at the same time, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Long Kongkong felt as if the blood in his body was boiling, and the burning sensation instantly spread throughout his body. At the same time, he also felt the aura of the big rat opposite him changing, and an extremely domineering thought struck, crushing him with overwhelming force. Pressing against the breath of his own blood.

The huge blood contract rune suddenly began to tremble violently, and the entire rune began to change, and even began to rotate slowly.

The Rat King's eyes became more and more proud. Despite his short stature, there was a bit of condescension in his eyes at this time.

So hot, so hot...

Long Kongkong felt as if his body was about to be set on fire. This severe pain even made him feel like he was on the verge of death.

Yutong, help! I'm going to die, I'm going to die.

Golden light flashed, and with a "swish", golden light and shadow flew out from Long Kongkong's chest, which was the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace.

Yutong looked at Long Kongkong, then at the Rat King, and let out a disdainful chuckle. The next moment, she flew back into Long Kongkong's chest and disappeared.

what's the situation? Yutong didn't save me? Long Kongkong thought sadly and angrily.

The Rat King's eyes narrowed, and he faintly sensed something was wrong.

At this time, the blood contract runes have gradually completed their inversion, and the master and slave have begun to move out of place. However, just when the blood judgment is about to end. Suddenly, the blood contract runes solidified, and then a faint purple light suddenly flashed in Long Kongkong's eyes.

In an instant, the entire blood contract rune suddenly turned into a deep purple. It was a purple full of nobility, an unparalleled purple.

The blood contract runes were instantly reversed and returned to their original positions almost instantly, and the bodies of Long Kongkong and the Rat King were also rendered purple at the same time.

"No, this is impossible, impossible! How could the judgment fail? What are you? What kind of existence are you?" The rat king's sharp cry sounded in the contract rune that only he and Long Kongkong could hear.

"I don't want it, I don't want it! Send me back, I don't want to be enslaved, I don't want to be a slave of the blood contract. Send me back, send me back quickly!" How arrogant and proud the Rat King was just now, how angry he was at this moment .

Bloodline determination failed!

The blood contract is established!

The purple light converged at the same time, and the purple meaning deep in Long Kongkong's eyes disappeared in a flash. The hot boiling of the blood also disappeared in an instant, and at this moment, Long Kongkong suddenly felt as if there was something more in his body. At the same time, a feeling of blood connection also came from the opposite side.

The contract was successful, and the rat knight Long Kongkong was born!

Still staring with big eyes and small eyes, the next moment, the Rat King cried "Wow".

"Why are you crying? Do you think I want you? Get out of here and stay away from me, the further away the better!" Long Kongkong said angrily.

"You must not give up your mount, otherwise you will be expelled from the Knights Temple." A majestic voice sounded.

Only then did Long Kongkong realize that as the light within the array faded, several old men were standing outside the array.

"I, I, I, but I don't want to be a rat knight!" Long Kongkong was about to cry. Even wanting to cry without tears.

At this moment, golden light flashed on the other side outside the formation, and a figure emerged. It also attracted everyone's attention.

Exactly the same body shape, exactly the same appearance. A handsome and upright young man appeared in everyone's eyes.


The first reaction of several old men was this, but the next moment, they were attracted by the creature in the arms of the handsome young man.

"Dragon? Golden dragon!" Several old men exclaimed almost simultaneously.

Yes, in the boy's arms, a five-clawed golden dragon that was more than a foot long was crawling in his arms, looking so well-behaved.

"Brother! Help!" As soon as Long Kongkong saw Long Dangdang, he could no longer control his emotions. He rushed over in three steps and grabbed his arm.

Long Dangdang had just said goodbye to the Dragon Emperor and his wife and was teleported back, and he still hadn't figured out what was going on. Then the next moment he was pulled by his younger brother, and immediately after, he also saw a big mouse in golden clothes behind his younger brother...

The old man who was the leader outside the magic circle stared at the two brothers in stunned silence, and murmured: "This is..., Brother Dragon and Brother Mouse?"

Long Dangdang's expression also became strange. Didn't he never expect that his younger brother, who aspired to become a dragon knight, would actually get a big mouse as a riding companion?

A few minutes later, the two came out. They respectively carry the admiring eyes and strange eyes of the guardians of the Knights' Holy Mountain.

The praise is of course for the fourth dragon knight in the Knights Temple, and he is also a five-clawed golden dragon who inherits the blood of the Dragon King. Even if this little dragon is still very weak now, it is still a dragon! As it grows in the future, the Knights Temple will surely become a success. Moreover, these guardians know that these two are rising stars with the qualifications to prepare the temple. As the preparation church, it is natural for them to become dragon knights.

The strange look was naturally given to Long Kongkong, Mouse Knight, this really didn't sound good. But these guardians of the holy mountain did not look down on Qinglong Kongkong because of this. They all witnessed the huge runes that appeared when the Rat King completed the blood contract with Long Kongkong, which meant that this golden rat was by no means an ordinary monster, and must be an existence with extraordinary potential.

But, Brother Dragon and Brother Mouse, this is certain.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were the first to end their mount selection.

While walking out of the Holy Mountain of Knights and waiting outside, Long Dangdang also listened to Long Kongkong crying about his experience.

"Brother, tell me, what should I do? What should I do!" Long Kongkong choked and asked, "I wanted to be a dragon knight so that I can protect you in the future. But, I did this. . I will be laughed to death, and my cousin will look down on me. The goddess will also leave me. I am so miserable!"

The corners of Long Dangdang's mouth also twitched a little. He actually wanted to laugh, but he also knew that it would not be good to laugh at this time. For the sake of brotherhood, he worked hard to endure it.

"Kongkong! Sometimes this is fate, just accept it." Long Dangdang said helplessly: "And, judging from what you said, this big mouse should have good room for growth in the future and will become stronger."

"What big rat? I am the Rat King." The Rat King quit and roared angrily. But its big eyes looked at the five-clawed golden dragon Xiaoba from time to time.

"That's a mouse too! I don't want to be a mouse knight!" Long Kongkong screamed.

At this moment, suddenly, with a flash of golden light, the Rat King suddenly rushed towards Long Dangdang's arms without any warning, opened his mouth, and bit Xiao Ba in one bite.

Eat it, eat it, this is the voice of the Rat King that has been screaming in his heart, great supplement! Although he has never seen this kind of dragon, it is definitely more delicious than anything he has eaten before. If you eat it, your strength will definitely improve. After you recover some strength, you can re-determine your bloodline, and be sure to get rid of that hateful boy.

Xiaoba was startled, but his reaction was very quick. The dragon's instinct made him dodge in an instant.

However, the Rat King's eyes flashed red, and Xiao Ba's body froze, unable to move. The open rat mouth revealed tiny rat teeth that were as dark golden as the sharp claws, and went straight to bite Xiao Ba's neck.


At this moment, a big hand slapped the Rat King hard on the head, knocking the fat rat directly from the air to the ground like a rubber ball. Its fat body bounced on the ground before rolling to the side.

Naturally, it was Long Dangdang who took action, and he reacted the moment the Rat King jumped up. He is at the fifth level. The Rat King is only at the fourth level under the influence of Long Kongkong. No matter how fast he is, he will be limited by the fourth level strength. There is no way he can avoid his slap.

Looking at the Rat King bouncing away like a ball, Long Dangdang couldn't help but have a strange look on his face.

The Rat King's body is very tough. Because he took the shot subconsciously, it was not a light blow. However, when he hit the Rat King, he felt that its golden fur flashed with a layer of golden light like ripples in the water. Dizzy, dissolving most of the power. What surprised him even more was the Rat King's previous attack on Xiao Ba.

You must know that before leaving the Dragon Emperor and his wife, the Dragon Emperor once told him that the five-clawed golden dragon clan is of light attribute, but it takes the route of light entering the body, and it is a powerful dragon clan. And immune to most magic. The magic level of immunity is related to one's own cultivation level, but one is born to be completely immune to magic below level five.

The Rat King was only at the fourth level, but the moment his eyes turned red just now, he still had Xiao Ba fixed on him. what does that mean?

Due to rank restrictions, even magic can only be of the fourth level. If it can work on Xiaoba, there is only one possibility. The ability it just displayed is absolutely valid.

Absolute validity is a powerful ability that touches the rules. When Zi Tianwu told him about this type of ability, he was also very impressed. Human beings can hardly perform this type of magic, and only a handful of powerful monsters have such abilities. . It is absolutely established and is known as the Small Forbidden Curse. At that time, Zi Tianwu said to him that if he can find a mount partner with absolutely established talents and skills in the future, it will be a treasure. No matter what type of talent and skills, the absolute validity will make it become Very powerful.

Unexpectedly, the first time I saw an absolutely established talent was in my brother's rat contract partner.

"You dare to hit the great Rat King on the head, I will kill you, kill you!" The Rat King was slapped to death, but he immediately jumped up and became angry. To rush towards the dragon.

"Be honest!" Long Kongkong was upset inside and glared at it.

The purple light flashed between the eyebrows of the Rat King and Long Kongkong almost at the same time. The Rat King fell directly from the air with its claws and teeth, and turned into a ball again.

Blood contract control.

Long Dangdang looked at Long Kongkong, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Brother! I think you, this big rat, seem to have something!"

"Huh?" Long Kongkong looked at him with a puzzled look, something? what does that mean?

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