Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 114 The Fourth Dragon Knight

When Long Dangdang nodded and gave an affirmative answer to the question of whether to become a dragon knight, the atmosphere at the scene was stagnant for a time.

In an instant, the three head teachers were petrified together. They were really just asking casually. Is it that easy for a dragon knight to appear? There are only three of them in the entire Knights Temple, and without exception, these three are the top experts today. There is also a not-so-serious dragon knight among them.

"Are you Long Dangdang or Long Kongkong?" This is what Yan Yao blurted out.

"I am Long Dangdang." Long Dangdang replied.

"Really? You?" Yan Yao pointed at him, her eyes filled with shock.

"Yes." Long Dangdang nodded again.

The other two head teachers had their eyes widened at this time and were completely speechless. Is there really a Dragon Knight?

You know, in the Knights Temple, the number of dragon knights is less than that of the divine seal knights! The creation of a dragon knight will greatly enhance the overall strength and future of the Knights Temple. Especially now that we are facing the threat of the undead tide, it is undoubtedly a good thing for the Knights Temple to have such an increase in its overall strength.

Yan Yao's breathing became a little faster, and she turned to look at Long Kongkong, "What about you? Did you get a dragon?"

Long Kongkong coughed and said: "The Dragon King said that the Dragon Clan is not worthy of me."

Yan Yao's mouth twitched, "Why didn't you say that the Divine Seal Throne is not worthy of you? What kind of mount is it?"

Long Kongkong puffed up his chest and said, "I am the Sky-Swallowing Knight!" For the sake of face, he omitted the word "rat".

Long Dangdang said: "Teacher, we have been out for a while, can you send us back first? Let's talk after we go back?"

Yan Yao's heart moved, and she looked at the two head teachers next to her who had extremely eager eyes, and said, "Okay, let's talk about it when we get back."

"Hey, don't! Tell me, what kind of dragon is it? There's nothing to hide about the mount. You have to use it." The second-grade head teacher asked.

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "It can't be used yet. It's a newborn dragon and it's still very weak."

Hearing that it was a baby dragon, the second-grade head teacher frowned and said, "Young dragon! It takes time to grow. However, it is also a dragon knight. Yan Yao, you are so lucky."

The corner of Yan Yao's mouth raised in a graceful arc, "Yes! What a blessing. I will be the Dragon Knight's teacher from now on, hahahaha!"

Under the eyes of the two head teachers with black lines on their heads, Yan Yaozhi proudly took Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong and teleported back to Linglu Academy first.

Dragon Knight, that's a Dragon Knight!

Returning to the familiar Spirit Furnace Academy, Yan Yao said: "Kongkong, you go back first. Dangdang, follow me, and I will take you to the Knights Temple headquarters to report."

Long Dangdang said in surprise: "Is this necessary? Isn't the mount the knight's own business?"

Yan Yao rolled her eyes and said: "What do you mean by being a Dragon Knight? That is a rarer existence than the Divine Seal Knight. It is the real intimidating power of the Knight Temple. How can you not report it when you have a dragon mount? "

Long Kongkong came over from the side and said, "Is there any reward or something?"

Yan Yao said: "It's hard to say what the reward will be, but it must be a key training target. The Demon Hunting Group assessment will be held soon. Dangdang's mount is a young dragon. You can choose not to participate in the Demon Hunting Group selection and secretly train your own dragon mount. Holy The palace will definitely support it.”

Long Dangdang glanced at Long Kongkong, shook his head, and said: "I'd better participate in the selection. No matter what talent you have, it needs to be tempered to become a talent."

Yan Yao said with satisfaction: "As expected of the disciple I taught, he is enlightened. But we must listen to the temple's wishes for details. Let's go. Kong Kong, you should take a rest first."

Long Kongkong couldn't help but said: "Don't the Sky-Swallowing Knights need to report?"

Yan Yao asked curiously: "Who is your mount partner?"

After Long Kongkong hesitated for a moment, he said, "It said it was a sky-devouring rat that I summoned from another plane."

"Rat?" Yan Yao's face changed color instantly and she subconsciously took a step back. The creature she was most afraid of was rats.

"Big rat." Long Kongkong emphasized.

Yan Yao immediately took another step back, "Big Mouse, what are you reporting? Walk quickly, walk quickly. Dangdang follow me." After saying that, she almost ran, turned around and headed towards the teleportation array of the academy to the temple headquarters. .

"Then you go back and rest first, and I'll go there." Long Dangdang told Long Kongkong and followed Yan Yao.

Looking at their leaving figures, Long Kongkong couldn't help but feel a little unhappy, "What's wrong with the mice? The mice didn't eat your rice either. Damn it, you foodie is really hurting me." When he thought about becoming a mouse knight in the future, , he couldn't help but feel sad. How can I pursue a goddess? How can you be so powerful and domineering in protecting your brother?

Long Kongkong walked towards the dormitory with some depression. As he was walking, he met someone head-on. Subconsciously their eyes met, and both of them couldn't help being slightly startled.

What he met was none other than the elemental saint woman San Liuying.

This was the first time they met since the last big exam. Long Kongkong grinned and waved towards her, "Hello, Zisang."

A strange look flashed in Zisan Liuying's eyes, and she took the initiative to come over, "Are you..., Long Kongkong?"

Long Kongkong touched his nose, "Are my brother and I fake twins? Are they so easy to recognize?"

Zisan Liuying shook her head and said, "No, your personalities are different. I can't tell them apart without opening your mouth. I can hear the tone of your voice."

Long Kongkong chuckled and said, "I was joking, but you took it seriously."

The corners of Zisan Liuying's lips twitched, and he changed the subject and said, "Didn't you go to get the mount? Did you come back after success? So soon?"

Long Kongkong looked at her, "We seem to be opponents in the Demon Hunting Group trials. Shouldn't I tell you what my mount is?"

Zisan Liu glared at him, "You? Are you thinking too much? Don't talk about you, even if you are your brother, he is still not my opponent."

Being despised, Long Kongkong couldn't help but feel a little angry. He was in a bad mood at the moment. "Wild lilies also have spring. You will know how powerful I am in the future. Huh! Let's go." With that, he turned and left.

"Hey, wait a minute." Zisan Liuying subconsciously reached out to pull him. Although Long Kongkong was the weakest in the knight class, he was still a knight who refined his body, and his physical fitness was not that of a magician. What's more, when Zi Sang Liuying pulled him, he was immediately staggered.

Long Kongkong turned around and saw the girl throwing herself directly into his arms.

"What are you doing?" He quickly raised his hands, grabbed Zisan Liuying's shoulders respectively, and fixed her half a foot away from him, without really throwing her into his arms.

Zisang Liuying staggered and quickly took advantage of the situation to stand firm, "What are you so anxious about?"

Long Kongkong quickly let go of his hands holding her shoulders, took two steps back, and said sternly: "I already have a master. I have a goddess, so don't think too much about me."

"You..., what are you talking nonsense about?" Zisan Liu's face turned red with anger, "I just have something to ask you. Who, who has... anyone against you, get out of here."

Long Kongkong didn't like her, so he turned around and left.

Seeing his unhesitating look, Zisang Liuying couldn't help but stamp her foot angrily. But the next moment, she was suddenly stunned. What did he just say? Does he have a master? Who could that be? In college?

Their brothers are Monroe's cousins, and they are definitely not Monroe. Who is that? Could it be Cai Cai? Or who else?

Long Kongkong returned to the dormitory, and Long Dangdang followed Yan Yao to the main hall of the Knights Temple.

The main temple of the Knights Temple itself is part of the temple headquarters, but it is a separate building. The magnificent architectural style gives people a powerful sense of oppression.

Yan Yao took him directly to the Holy Knights Temple. This is where the top leaders of the Knights Temple hold meetings. It is the most important core area of ​​the Knights Temple below the temple.

As a preparatory Templar, Yan Yao is at the peak level of the seventh level. She has been recognized by the Mithril Base Armor and can already be regarded as a mid-level and high-level member of the Paladin Temple.

"Templar Yan Yao, you have something important to report to the Lord Paladin. Please report it." She said to the guardian knight guarding outside the Paladin Hall.

"Yes, please wait a moment." The guardian knight raised his right fist across his chest, gave her a knightly salute, and immediately turned around.

It didn't take long before Yan Yao and Long Dangdang were invited in.

This was the first time Long Dangdang came to the Holy Knight Hall. When he walked into the main hall, an invisible majesty suddenly came from all around. Long Dangdang suddenly felt that the spiritual power in his body seemed to be boiling. The feeling was very strange, making him feel that his whole body seemed to be surrounded by an invisible force. This force carried a strong The shocking feeling made him seem to hear the call of the Ten Codes of Knights echoing in his ears.

He subconsciously looked to both sides and saw lifelike statues. These statues were all wearing knight armor. Some of them were accompanied by their mount companions. Each one had a different shape. From the entrance all the way to the Stretching inside, there are at least a thousand statues here.

Walking inside, there are more seats on both sides, a total of 108 seats. Long Dangdang vaguely guessed that these should be the seats belonging to the thirty-six adamantium base knights and the seventy-two mithril base knights. They alone are the true leaders of the Templars.

In the middle, there are nine steps. On top of the nine steps, six magnificent seats are arranged in parallel. Among them, there is a statue on the seat in the middle.

It was a young man, wearing gorgeous armor, extremely handsome, with calm and gentle eyes. Just sitting quietly on the huge throne gave people a feeling of worship.

The six seats are naturally the statues of the six sacred thrones. The one with the humanoid statue in the middle is the head of the six sacred thrones, the sacred throne of eternity and creation. And that statue is naturally the official sacred throne. The first chairman of the Palace Federation, he was also the legend of the generation who led mankind to turn the tide and defeat the seventy-two demon gods of the demon race.

Yan Yao led Long Dangdang to a stop about twenty steps away from the stairs, raised his right fist across his chest and then bowed slightly, bowing to the six thrones, especially the statue of that one.

Long Dangdang hurriedly followed her and performed the knighthood ceremony.

For that legend, no matter whether they are knights of the Knights Templar, any professional, or even ordinary people, they are full of respect. It was him who rescued mankind from water and fire, and finally defeated the most powerful Demon God Emperor, thus leading mankind to live a peaceful life for thousands of years.

Although the Temple Federation still has problems of one kind or another now, the various systems it established back then have been able to last for thousands of years, which shows its foresight.

At this moment, a man strode forward in the corridor to the left of the stairs.

This was an old man, wearing a silver, blue, and red knight uniform, with two golden six-pointed star epaulettes hanging on his shoulders. A tall middle-aged man walked in. He looked like he was only about fifty years old. , with broad shoulders, walking like a dragon walking like a tiger, with a pressing feeling. A pair of thick eyebrows show resoluteness, and his eyes are bright and lively.

"Xiaoyan, what's important?" As he said this, his eyes subconsciously fell on Long Dangdang, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I've met the Holy Knight, Sir." Yan Yao immediately stood at attention and saluted. The dragon followed.

The paladin returned the salute.

"Does your coming to me have something to do with this young man?" The paladin's long gaze fell on Long Dangdang, the look in his eyes was a little less serious, but a little more gentle.

"Yes. Master Paladin, this is my student, Long Dangdang of the Knight Class 1 of Spirit Furnace Academy. He has just returned from the Holy Mountain of Knights."

The paladin commander smiled slightly, nodded to Long Dangdang, then crossed his right fist across his chest and took the initiative to salute him, "Hello, I am Nan Yu, the paladin commander of the Knight Temple. I know you." He said as he said Then, he even blinked at Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment, but the next moment he realized that this person should know his identity as a Knight Temple Preparatory Temple. This is the real high-ranking member of the Knights Temple. I just don’t know if it is one of the six holy churches today.

He hurriedly returned the gift and said respectfully: "Long Dangdang has met the Lord Paladin."

Nan Yu looked at him, then at Yan Yao, and said with a smile: "Let me guess, you have just returned from the Holy Mountain of Knights, and Yan Yao is anxious to bring you to see me. It seems that your harvest this time should be... Baby! Tell me, what mount did you get? Do we need another dragon knight?"

Yan Yao looked at him in surprise and said, "You know everything?"

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