Nan Yu was stunned, "You know? What do I know? Is he really a dragon knight?" At this moment, his expression became excited. He knew very well what the Dragon Knight meant to the Knights Temple.

Yan Yao nodded and looked at Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang took the initiative to release Xiaoba. Xiaoba had a mini body, but when it appeared, it was surrounded by golden light, and every dragon scale sparkled. After the past few days of practicing together with Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, Xiaoba's body has obviously grown up a little, and he is much more energetic now compared to the fragile one when he was just born.

Nan Yu's breathing became a little faster, and he stared at Xiao Ba carefully, "One, two, three, four, five, five-clawed golden dragon? This, this is..."

"Have you met the Dragon King?" He suddenly raised his head and looked at Long Dangdang.

He was already shocked when Yan Yao said that Long Dangdang was a dragon knight, but when he really saw the little dragon in front of him, his heart could only be described as shocked.

Yan Yao was a little better. It was the first time she had seen Long Dangdang. This little dragon was different from the mount dragon she had imagined. How could such a small dragon be used as a mount?

But Paladin Chang Nanyu recognized the race of this dragon at a glance, the Five Claws, the Lord of the Dragon Clan. This is not the same concept as Dragon Knight at all, okay?

"Yan Yao!" Nan Yu suddenly shouted loudly.

"Yes." Yan Yao quickly recovered her thoughts and looked at the paladin captain.

"Who else knows that Long Dangdang owns a dragon mount?" Nan Yu asked eagerly.

Yan Yao said: "There are also the two head teachers who were with me at the time. Well, there is also his younger brother."

Nan Yu said: "Go back immediately, contact these insiders, and issue a strict order to them. Nothing about Long Dangdang's acquisition of the dragon mount must be leaked, and it will be implemented immediately. This matter must be kept strictly confidential. Do you understand?" Including yourself. Go quickly."

Although Yan Yao was a little confused, she took another look at Xiao Ba and went immediately.

"Good guy, good guy..." Nan Yu paced back and forth in front of Long Dangdang, his mood seemed a little unstable.

Long Dangdang was very calm at the moment. Obviously, Xiaoba's identity made the paladin uneasy. yes! The son of the Dragon Emperor and the future dragon lord of the dragon clan.

After a long while, Nan Yu stopped in front of Long Dangdang, "Dangdang, you really brought a big surprise to our temple! I know that you are also a magician, right? You want to do it A magic knight. You are apprenticed to both the reckless knight Hai Jifeng and the wind listener Zi Tianwu. However, from now on, the Knights Temple must make demands on you. In the future, you can only stay in the Knights Temple. , because you took away the most precious thing from the temple."

Long Dangdang asked doubtfully: "Shouldn't the most precious thing in the Knights Temple be the six sacred thrones?"

Nan Yu nodded and said: "That's right. But the Holy Mountain of Knights is the foundation of our Knights Temple. Every powerful knight relies most on his mount partner. In the mythical beast area of ​​our Holy Mountain of Knights, The most powerful one is the Dragon Clan. During the great disaster brought by the Demon Clan back then, the Dragon Clan suffered a devastating blow. The lineage of the Heaven-defying Demon Dragons controlled by the Demon God Emperor was almost wiped out. However, they were later rescued by our temple to recuperate. It took tens of thousands of years to reach its current scale. Five thousand years ago, this generation of Dragon Emperor was born. After so many years, the Dragon Emperor finally had a heir. The Dragon Emperor is an existence that has touched the end of the rules. , its importance is by no means lower than the Five Divine Seal Thrones, second only to the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. With this descendant as a mount partner, you are not a dragon knight, but a Dragon King knight. Therefore, You must promise us that you will stay in the Knights Temple at all times, otherwise, even the temples will not be able to explain to all the knight professionals."

"As long as you promise that you will be the first candidate to prepare for the Knight Temple, the Temple will also go all out to support your promotion. It can even promise you the qualification of a future divine seal knight. When you reach the ninth level, the Temple will We fully support you in becoming a Divine Seal Knight. The church will discuss which throne is suitable for you, and this throne may be specially vacated for you."

Listening to Nan Yu's words, is Long Dangdang tempted? Of course he was tempted. However, at this moment, he frowned.

The Knights Temple is the first of the six major temples, and it has occupied this position for tens of thousands of years. Even the Magician Temple cannot shake it in the slightest, which shows its strong foundation. The conditions mentioned by Nan Yu are already the highest conditions that the Knight Temple can provide, and there is even a faint intention to promote him to become the Lord of the Temple in the future.

But, can Long Dangdang agree?

"I'm sorry, Lord Paladin, I can't make this promise to you now. I can only say that I will do my best to protect the Knights Temple at any time." Long Dangdang said seriously.

Nan Yu was stunned, "Did the Magic Temple give you a higher promise? This is impossible. What's your reason for not agreeing?"

Long Dangdang did not hesitate too much and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Paladin, I am what I am today because of the training of these two teachers. You also know this. It is impossible for me to completely study without Teacher Zi's permission. I promised to the Knights Temple, and according to the ten rules of the knights, I can't do it. Also, I can become a preparatory temple because I have a wisdom spiritual furnace. However, what you may not know is that I The Zun Wisdom Spiritual Furnace is not one of the nine wise men of the Spiritual Furnace Academy, but the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace that is damaged. When my cultivation reaches the peak of the sixth level, it may stagnate and I will not be able to continue to evolve. So. , I will probably not meet the expectations of our temple.”

After hearing what he said, Nan Yu couldn't help but frown, "Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace? I have never heard of this. I will report to the Holy Church and find a solution for you. Dangdang, do you know that you are not agreeing now? , the temple may even take back your mount. The descendants of the Dragon Emperor are really too important. I must explain this to you."

Long Dangdang was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Xiaoba, who was swimming freely in the air in front of him. He took a deep breath and said, "I don't regret it."

Nan Yu fell into deep thought. After a long while, he said in a deep voice: "From my personal point of view, I agree with your approach. As a knight, you are excellent for being able to keep your heart in the face of temptation. However, from From the perspective of the temple, the Dragon King Knight is of great importance. I want to report to the temple and see what the subsequent decision is. Your mount companion should have just hatched, and is still very weak and unable to serve as a mount. Before it really grows up, you Don’t use it yet, and keep it strictly confidential. If you need it, the temple will find a temporary mount for you, and it will definitely have the talent to evolve to level nine or above. You can use it first.”

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "Don't bother the temple. I won't let Xiaoba show his face for the time being." He actually vaguely heard that if he refused to fully join the Knights Temple, the Knights Temple would take back Xiaoba. possible. If this is really the case, then he is really disappointed with the Knights Temple.

As for taking back Xiaoba, that was impossible. He did not tell the paladin captain that Xiaoba was hatched with his own blood, and the contract concluded with him was not an equal contract, but a blood contract. Not to mention the Knights Temple, not even the Dragon King should be able to terminate such a contract. Although he didn't understand why the Dragon King was willing to let his heir enter into such a contract with him, there was no doubt that Xiaoba was already firmly bound to him.

Of course there is no problem in not using Xiaoba for the time being, Xiaoba needs to grow up. And I don’t just have Xiaoba! There is also the little evil eye given to him by the Evil Eye Tyrant Half-Step Master. Well, let’s give it a name, let’s call it Xiaoxie.

When Long Dangdang returned to the dormitory, Long Kongkong was already waiting for him at the door.

"Brother, what's going on? Teacher Yan came to me just now and asked me to keep your secret. You can't tell anyone that you are a dragon knight? This is to make you walk at night in brocade clothes! It's boring. What if everyone knows that you are a dragon knight? Knight, so majestic. Really..."

Long Dangdang pulled him into the room and told him what happened at the Knights Temple headquarters.

"What? Are you trying to force me? Is the Knights Temple such a useless thing?" Long Kongkong said angrily.

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "You can't say that. After all, the Dragon Emperor's son is of great importance, so it is natural for the Knights Temple to be a little anxious. Let's wait and see what they think. Don't worry, no one can take it away from me. Let’s go to Xiaoba. Xiaoba has long been connected with me. Perhaps, this incident will be my real opportunity to enter that temple in the future.”

Long Kongkong put his hands on his hips, "The teachers are not coming back either. If they all come back, there will be someone to support us. Do you want to tell grandpa and the others about this?"

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "Dad and mother didn't want to cause trouble to grandpa and the others at the beginning. We have grown up, let alone trouble others. Moreover, we can also handle this matter well."

Long Kongkong snorted and said: "I would like to see how the Knights Temple would look if they learned that you signed a blood contract when they planned to take back Xiaoba."

Long Dangdang glanced at him, smiled calmly, and said: "If this is really the case, then the Knights Temple may have really declined."

Long Kongkong laughed and said: "Brother, you are quite confident! Are you planning to take the Magic Temple to rob the first brother of the Knight Temple?"

Long Dangdang said angrily: "You are overthinking. What I mean is that if the Knights Temple can't figure out why I am favored by the Dragon King, then the title of number one among the six temples is really in vain. .”

Long Kongkong shrugged his shoulders and said: "You have such a good attitude, you really don't worry at all! What about the Demon Hunting Group trials?"

Long Dangdang said calmly: "Participate as usual."

There is still a week left before the start of the Demon Hunting Group Selection, and before that, the rules for the Demon Hunting Group Selection have been released.

A total of 600 recent graduates from Temple College will participate in this selection. There are more than 180 people in the three lower grades of Linglu Academy. In total, nearly 800 people participated in this trial.

In the end, ten demon hunting teams will be selected. That is to say, the odds of being selected are more than ten to one.

This selection quota is smaller than previously predicted. It is a decision made by the church after careful study. These students who can graduate from Temple College are naturally extremely outstanding talents and have broad room for growth in the future. If they are allowed to perform dangerous tasks prematurely, they will suffer too much loss if they die prematurely. This is especially true for the three lower grades of Linglu Academy. Therefore, the final decision was to only let the best talents form the demon hunting team. The remainder will be arranged to continue their studies.

Therefore, only ten people from any profession can join the Demon Hunting Group and become a member of the Demon Hunting Group. The selection competition for the Demon Hunting Group is entirely based on individual strength.

"Brother, do you think I'm a little bit embarrassed?" Long Kongkong asked Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang nodded, "It's a bit difficult. Among the more than a hundred knights, it's not easy to get into the top ten. Most of them are knights of the fifth level or above. There are even fresh graduates from the Temple Headquarters. It’s possible to be a sixth-level knight. You’re only at level 4, so it’s a bit difficult.”

Long Kongkong frowned and said, "What should we do?"

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and said, "I'll take the test for you."

"Ah?" Long was stunned, "You take the exam for me? Is that possible? Our abilities are not the same."

Long Dangdang also frowned and said: "It is indeed easy to have problems, or if your body strength is stronger, transforming in advance is also a way. But can you withstand the strength of Cang Yue Angel?"

Long Kongkong's head shook like a divination drum. Even Long Dangdang struggled to bear it. How could he bear it?

"Or we won't participate. Let's talk about it later." Long Dangdang thought for a while and said.

"What about my cousin?" Long Kongkong asked blankly.

Long Dang said calmly: "I can't care about that much anymore. I can't be separated from you. I've been by your side every day and you still get into trouble. If I weren't by your side, you might have done something."

Long Kongkong said angrily: "I am the man who wants to protect you!"

"Haha. Then work hard!"

"Why don't we discuss it with my cousin and see what we can do?" Long Kongkong said.

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "We have to discuss it with her."

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