Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 116 The teachers are back

"Brother Dragon and Brother Mouse?" Ling Menglu's expression immediately became strange after hearing what happened to the two brothers in the Holy Mountain of Knights.

Looking at her suppressed smile, Long Kongkong said angrily: "It's the Dragon King who thinks he's not worthy of me, do you understand? Please call me the Sky-Eating Knight from now on."

"Okay, Swallow the Sky..., Mouse Knight." Ling Menglu's smile trembled wildly, her holy aura was destroyed by this smile, like a fairy falling into the mortal world, tainted with a bit of human fireworks.

"Only Swallowing Heaven, Knight of Swallowing Heaven!" Long Kongkong said angrily.

Long Dangdang said: "Cousin, how do you think we should arrange the tactics for this Demon Hunting Group selection?"

Ling Menglu then turned to him. When she wasn't looking at Long Kongkong, she could control her emotions better, mainly because she couldn't imagine what Long Kongkong looked like when he was riding a big mouse.

"We are indeed facing a lot of trouble in this selection. The selection of the Demon Hunting Group is not a free combination, but a combination based on strength. A total of nearly 800 people participated, and in the end only the strongest 60 were selected. And each profession is limited to ten people. Therefore, if you want to complete the selection, you need to be among the top ten of this profession. I think this should not be a big problem for you, but it is a bit troublesome if you are empty."

Long Kongkong snorted and said, "My brother said he wanted to take the exam for me."

Ling Menglu was stunned for a moment, "Li Daitao is stiff? What should you do?"

Long Dang said: "I'm going to take the magician's assessment. Enter as a magician. Only in this way can we avoid duplication of professions. Doesn't the Demon Hunting Group require that each profession can only have one person?"

Ling Menglu frowned and said, "No, this is not good. You can't do this."

Long Dangdang said thoughtfully: "You mean, over there at the Knights Temple..."

Ling Menglu nodded and said: "You have refused to fully join the Knights Temple. This knight is quite troublesome, the Dragon King Knight! This has never happened in the history of the Knights Temple. I think after they understand, I definitely won't give up on you, let alone I can't do it. In this case, if you join the Demon Hunting Group as a magician, what do you think the Knights Temple will think? Isn't this forcing them? Is it a good idea?"

Long Dangdang frowned and said: "But if I compete as a knight, not only will I occupy a quota, making it more difficult for Kong Kong to enter, but we will also not be able to accommodate two knights in our team."

Ling Menglu also became embarrassed, "This is indeed a bit troublesome. I'll go back and ask Grandpa. See if there is any workaround. However, you must not sign up as a magician. This will be a taboo. The Knights Temple It’s hard to explain. The Knights Temple has always been good to you, and has given you the status of preparing the Temple, and it is also the First Temple. If you want to become a Divine Seal Knight in the future, the support of the Temple is indispensable."

Long Dangdang nodded and said, "Okay, let's see what grandpa says first."

Ling Menglu said: "Also, after entering the top sixty people on the roster, lots will be drawn for a battle, and the top ten will be selected to form a demon hunting team. The top ten will take turns to select teammates in order of priority. Maintain the balance of the team. For example, if I am the first and you are the second, then I will choose one person first and then you will choose the second person, and so on. Then we will start all over again in the second round. So , if the three of us want to be in a demon hunting group, the safest way is for you and I to both get a high ranking, and after selecting people separately, propose a team combination. This is allowed by the rules. Otherwise, if only I am ranked high and I chose you, so it would be troublesome if someone else chose you for nothing."

Long Dangdang frowned, this was troublesome. It was foreseeable that Ling Menglu would be at the top. Priests who participated in this kind of battle assessment would have preferential treatment. As long as they remained undefeated for three minutes in the battle, they would be considered winners. With Ling Menglu's talent and strength, I am afraid that no one in this class can break through her defense. Her forbidden spell this time is enough to frighten all the students of the Spiritual Furnace Academy. As for the Temple Academy, there is definitely no one with a stronger attack power than Zisan Liuying.

Therefore, Ling Menglu is likely to get the first place in this demon hunting group selection. But besides her, what about Long Dangdang himself? After seeing the strength of Zisan Liuying's team, he really wasn't sure about defeating those guys.

Needless to say, Zisan Liuying's powerful combination magic, the explosive power of the first encounter, and Tang Leiguang's overall strength are also difficult for him to compete with at the moment, at least he doesn't have the slightest confidence. Even if the white phoenix summoned by Cai Caijuan wants to win, it will probably have to rely on the power of fusion with the Angel of Light's spiritual furnace to be more stable. But that is an individual competition, and it is impossible to fuse with the cousin's spiritual furnace. Therefore, he is somewhat sure of entering the top ten, but it is difficult to be among the top.

Ling Menglu said: "I'm going to talk to Zi Sang. After the last battle against the undead army, their attitudes towards us should have changed. I'll try to see if I can let them be ranked high. In this case, I won’t choose you. This will make it easier.”

Long Dangdang frowned. He didn't like the feeling of putting his fate in the hands of others. It was because he was not strong enough!

"Okay, don't think so much. At worst, we will give up on this demon hunting group. If you two are not selected, I will give up on my own initiative. This is allowed. You are one or two years younger than us. Yes, it’s normal to be a little weak. In another year or two, with the help of Tianyuan Sea and Cangyue Angel cultivation, your strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. Therefore, let us do our best in this selection. It doesn’t matter even if we fail. Just keep up the good work.”

Speaking of this, Ling Menglu seemed to remember something and suddenly said: "By the way, your teacher is back."

After hearing this, Long Kongkong suddenly jumped up in surprise, "Really? I'm finally back! I'll go find him now."

Before the Demon Hunting Group trials begin, Spiritual Furnace Academy can now enter and leave freely. After all, students need to be given more time to prepare, including equipment.

Ling Menglu said: "There is still one week left, so we have to prepare well and continue to practice together in the evening. Also, don't you all have some money? We also need to improve the equipment. I will go back now, and I will go find Grandpa and ask Ask him if he has any good ideas."

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "Okay, then I will go back to practice. I will think about it again. Cousin, you said that if I explain to the Knights Temple first, I joined the Demon Hunting Group as a magician to solve the problem of my brother and What about my teammate’s problem?”

Ling Menglu said: "Isn't your teacher back by chance? You can discuss it with your two teachers. I think it's okay. Let's see what suggestions they have."

"Okay, then let's go together."

The three of them left the Spirit Furnace Academy from the teleportation array together. Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong went straight to the main hall, while Ling Menglu went home on the way.

As soon as Long Kongkong entered the main hall, he left his brother behind and ran towards Naye's room impatiently.

Since Knight Hegou began to learn cultivation, he gradually established a deep master-disciple relationship with this teacher from his initial laziness. For him, besides his family, Na Ye has long become his most important person. People.

The weekly embrace of the Archangels was a direct help in changing his talent and destiny. How could he not be moved by Na Ye's selfless dedication to him? Therefore, he likes this teacher from the bottom of his heart. Moreover, the concepts of the master and the apprentice are very similar. Staying still, safety first, and lying flat are their common hobbies.

Long Kongkong is really excited that his confidant and mentor is back! Especially since I had been wronged recently at the Holy Mountain of Knights, I really wanted to talk to the teacher.

After Long Dangdang hesitated for a while, he decided to go to Hai Jifeng first. The problem of the Knights Temple was the urgent problem he was currently facing and needed to be solved.

The two brothers went to the teacher's room separately.

Long Kongkong almost rushed to the door with sliding steps, "Teacher, teacher, are you back? Kong Kongkong!"

Entering Na Ye's room, he had the key himself, opened the door and rushed in furiously.

Upon entering, there was no one in the living room and it was still empty. Long Kongkong instantly felt a strong sense of loss in his heart, but the next moment, his eyes lit up. There was a familiar coat hanging on the hanger on the wall.

At this moment, the door of the training room inside opened, "Come here, what are you doing?" It was not Na Ye who walked out of it. Although he was complaining, the smile on his face was There is no way to hide it.

"Ah ah ah, teacher, you miss me so much." Long Kongkong rushed forward and gave Knight Gou a big hug. He was almost as tall as Na Ye, and his face was full of excitement.

"What does it look like? After all, you are also a fourth-level knight." Naye patted his back, and the smile on his face became stronger. Seeing his somewhat unreliable precious apprentice, wasn't he happy from the bottom of his heart? He has no family and no children. In the past few years, he has long regarded Long Kongkong as half a son.

Long Kongkong opened his arms, looked at Gou Knight at close range, and whispered: "Teacher, I, I heard. Are you a dragon knight? One of the three dragon knights in the temple?"

Na Ye was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand and slapped him on the head, "Why are you so quiet? Is there anyone here who can monitor you?"

"Well, isn't this a little surprising to me? Why have you never shown off to me? This is not like your character!" Long Kongkong said with a smile.

Na Ye said angrily: "Why don't you look like it? Low-key, low-key, you know? I heard that you went to the Holy Mountain of Knights? How was the harvest? What mounts did you get? This time is really annoying. The mission is urgent. I just missed you to go to the Knights." Choose a mount in the Holy Mountain, otherwise I should go with you.”

As soon as he heard what he said, Long Kongkong's face fell.

"What? Didn't find a suitable mount?" Na Ye was stunned.

Long Kongkong said with a sad face: "It's better not to have found it..." At that moment, he told his experience in the Holy Mountain of Knights again.

After hearing his words, Naye couldn't help but be a little stunned. Even he had never encountered such a situation before.

"The Dragon King actually came out? And he said he is not worthy of you? This is impossible." At this moment, a raging voice suddenly sounded, and then, a ball of golden light lit up beside Na Ye. It was... contract space. However, Naye's contract space is obviously much larger than Long Kongkong's. The golden light was three meters high, and a plump figure squeezed out of the light door.

This is a big fat man, about two and a half meters tall, and his waist may be more than two and a half meters tall. When it squeezed out of the light door of the contract space, the huge living room seemed a bit crowded.

Long Kongkong looked at this guy in his thirties in surprise, with the fat on his face squeezing his facial features into a blur, "Who are you?"

Before the big fat man could speak, Na Ye hurriedly said: "This is my contract partner and a member of the Dragon Clan. You can call him Uncle Wang."

The big fat man chuckled and said: "Kongkong! I've known you for a long time, but I usually sleep a lot, so I don't come out to meet you. My name is Wang Kaixin, you can call me Uncle Kaixin."

Happy King? dragon? The teacher is a dragon knight, is this his mount partner? A dragon that can turn into a human?

"No need to be surprised, all tenth-level monsters have the ability to transform into human form." Wang Kaixin seemed to see Long Kongkong's doubts at a glance.

"You just said that the old guy from the Dragon King said that he is not worthy of you? Then you really have something! The old guy from the Dragon King is very proud and will not say such things easily. His words are never exaggerated. Ingredients. Lao Gou, it looks like you have found a treasure!"

Na Ye said angrily: "In front of my apprentice, can you change your title, Lao Wang?"

Wang Kaixin didn't have much hair on his head, only a few sparse strands, which could barely cover the top of his head. He flipped up his few hair and said, "Come on, are there not many people in the Knights Temple calling you that? I just heard that it was empty." It should be interesting to say that his mouse seems to have the ability to reverse the blood contract, so after signing the contract, the bloodline judgment was performed directly. This should be an innate ability. Warcraft with such innate ability , the bloodline must be very powerful, otherwise how can we be sure about the bloodline judgment? But he lost to Kongkong and had to be his blood contract mount. Kongkong! You are an interesting kid. Come on, let me see your bloodline. "

While saying this, Wang Kaixin stretched out his big fat hand and grabbed Long Kongkong's shoulder.

"Be gentle! Lao Wang." Na Ye said with some worry.

"Kakaka!" Lao Wang's palm grabbed Long Kongkong's shoulder. Long Kongkong suddenly felt as if there was a pair of iron pliers clamping himself. There was a friction sound from the shoulder bones, and he screamed out. .

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were a dragon. I'll be gentle, gentle." Wang Kaixin quickly relaxed a little.

Reminiscent of how he described the teacher's mount as unreliable, Long Kongkong suddenly understood.

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