Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 118 The Master of the Temple

Temple Headquarters. In another room.

Hai Jifeng listened quietly to Long Dangdang's account of what happened in the past period. From the selection ceremony of the spiritual furnace, to the subsequent actual combat assessment, and then to the recent actual combat assessment of fighting undead creatures, the situation of the Knights in the Holy Mountain has been revealed.

"That's it, teacher, what should I do now?" Long Dangdang asked respectfully.

The corner of Hai Jifeng's mouth twitched, "This..., the matter is a bit complicated, I need to think about it. Let's do this, you call Zi Tianwu over, and we can discuss it together." He couldn't help complaining in his heart, I am a reckless knight. , the recklessness is over. You want me to think about such complicated things? Does it fit?

After a while, Long Dangdang invited Zi Tianwu over and told the story again.

Zi Tianwu and Hai Jifeng looked at each other and said, "It's Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. I seem to have heard of this person. I remember that one he followed was once known as the sixth level strongest, and could even The sixth-level power fought against the eighth-level professional. But he still died later, which can be regarded as an untimely death. This is in the historical records, and many years have passed. According to what you said, if you want to own the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace It is indeed not an easy task to break through the seventh level under such circumstances. But the three of you have so many spiritual furnace fusion combinations, especially when they can assist in training, it seems that it is not impossible to continue to move forward. But the premise is Yes, you must practice more together, and you may need other opportunities in the future. This matter is really a bit complicated. However, what I must say is that I can come to the Magic Temple and become a dragon magician now. I promise you that the Magic Temple will give you everything you want. Whatever you want, as long as you can tell me, I will apply for the artifact for you now. The three existing Dragon Clan have all joined the Knight Temple, so it’s time There is someone coming to our Magic Temple. You are just the right person."

"If you want to fight, let's do it now." The reckless knight stopped and stood up with a bang.

"No, teachers, calm down." Long Dangdang quickly stood between the two of them, "I want to ask the two teachers to give me some advice."

Zitianwu said: "Actually, it's not difficult for you. According to what you said, your mount partner was hatched by you with your own blood, so no one can take it away. The Dragon Emperor is willing to let his heirs With you, it proves that the problem of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace can be solved in its opinion. Therefore, there is no doubt about your future. Of course, for the temple, if you fail to solve the problem of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace Before, you could not be cultivated as the core of the real future. But once you can successfully break through, you will not be as simple as preparing the temple, but may very well become the master of the temple. After all, whether it is the Dragon King Knight or the Dragon King Magician, these have never appeared before. I estimate that by then, even the Summoner Temple will want to snatch you away. So, you just need to be yourself now, practice well, improve well, and strive for Just break through the seventh level as soon as possible. You don’t need to think too much about the rest.”

"What about the demon hunting group? Do we really want to give up this session?" Long Dangdang said.

Zitianwu said: "The Demon Hunting Group actually has a very high status in the Federation. When fighting against the demons in history, the Demon Hunting Group was the real hero. Although the status of the current Demon Hunting Group cannot be compared with that of the original, the top level The status of the Demon Hunting Group is even comparable to that of the Holy Church. I think you can participate in this selection first. The rules within the Demon Hunting Group are relatively loose. If you enter the forefront but are not satisfied with the combination, You can also give up. You don’t have to be a member of the demon hunting group if you are selected. At least before forming a group, you have a choice. Just treat it as a training. The most important thing is to improve yourself. Since the three of you With such a combined cultivation method, you cannot separate it no matter what. Because there is nothing more important than this, and this is also the key to solving the problem of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. Determining the order of things is the most important of."

Long Dangdang's mind suddenly became enlightened, yes, it was time to distinguish the priorities.

For myself and my brother, improving our cultivation is the most important thing. As for whether to join the Demon Hunting Group now, there is no need to rush, after all, they are only fifteen years old. There is still time in the future. Before, it was because I was progressing too fast recently and was a little too hasty. Therefore, even if he did not join the Demon Hunting Group this time, it would not be too late to give him and Long Kongkong a few more years of training time before they both entered the sixth level before joining the Demon Hunting Group.

"I understand, thank you, teacher." Long Dangdang said respectfully.

"Well, it's good to understand. I still have to do a magic experiment, so I'll leave first. I'll find you in two days to test your recent magic practice." After saying that, Zi Tianwu hurried away.

"It seems that I'm luring the wolf into the house!" Hai Jifeng suddenly sneered.

"What?" Long Dangdang looked at the teacher.

Hai Jifeng said calmly: "I am reckless, not stupid. This guy must have gone to the Magic Temple to report that you have the Dragon Prince's heir as a partner. Believe it or not, it won't take long for the Magic Temple to They will come to you with a temptation that you cannot refuse. They will definitely be much more determined than our Knight Temple. Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain."

As he spoke, the reckless knight stood up and said: "Let's go, I will take you to the Knights Temple now. What I can't solve is that the hall master can always solve it. That guy, the Paladin Leader, is still too stupid. .”

Long Dangdang was a little confused to be honest. He originally thought that because of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, his future had been cast into a shadow, but now it seemed that the teachers did not take this shadow seriously. It seems that I have become a hot cake again?

Hai Jifeng stood up and took Long Dangdang directly into the training room. He grabbed it out of the air with his right hand. The next moment, a golden sword with nine runes on it appeared in his palm.

The tip of the sword turned around and plunged directly into the ground.

"All ninth-level professionals are qualified to go directly to the temple from their residence. Once the temple is called, we can go there as soon as possible."

Brilliant golden light expanded from the ground. In the next moment, these golden lights had turned into a whirlpool and swept the master and disciple into it. With a "swish", the two of them disappeared out of thin air.

Gold, everything as far as the eye can see is golden brilliance.

When Long Dangdang regained his vision, he found that he appeared in a golden space. This is a huge palace made of gold, and the whole thing looks a bit illusory. There is nothingness all around, and in this golden hall, there are a total of six golden seats placed there. They are not in the form of the Divine Seal Throne, but just six golden seats, luxurious and majestic. Each seat is engraved with a knight's sword. The swords are all different, but they all exude the power of light.

"Holy Knight Hai Jifeng, please see the hall master." Hai Jifeng, standing next to Long Dangdang, said loudly.

"The hall master is not here." At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded, and then, a figure slowly emerged from the six huge chairs.

This figure is slender and slim, wearing golden armor all over her body, and even a golden mask on her face, but she can still be identified from her physical appearance that she is a woman, a female knight.

There is no doubt that those who are qualified to sit on those six seats are the six members of the Knights Temple. Long Dangdang really didn't expect that among these six saints, one of them was a woman.

The saint's gaze turned to Long Dangdang next to Hai Jifeng and said: "You are here for Long Dangdang. Nan Yu has already reported it immediately. The hall master already knows the situation. He went to the Magic Saint The temple should be discussing with the master of the Magic Temple."

Long Dangdang's heart suddenly moved because he discovered a problem. The person that Teacher Hai brought him here to look for should be the current master of the Knights Temple, who is also the head of the six major temples of the Knights Temple. Therefore, he subconsciously believed that the hall master mentioned by Teacher Hai and the hall master in front of him were the honorific titles for the head of the six major temples of the Knights Temple.

But after hearing this, he discovered that this was not the case, because she called the Master of the Magic Temple the Master, not the Hall Master. In other words, the contemporary master of the Knights Temple should also be the co-master of the entire temple, and all thirty-six temples in the six major temples, that is, the real master. Although it is still tied with the other five temple masters, it is still one step higher. This is the background of the Knight Temple.

"I've seen the Holy Temple." Long Dangdang thought as he saluted respectfully.

The female saint smiled slightly and said: "You are now very popular. The birth of the Dragon Emperor's son, coupled with your status as a dual cultivator, will definitely lead to competition between the two major saints. It will even affect the other four saints. Temple. But you don’t need to think too much. For a genius like you, no matter how much dispute there is within the Temple, it will not affect your own growth. So, you just need to be yourself. As for the Knight Temple Whether or not you and the Magic Temple take your brains out is a matter between the two temples. I guess it will be a compromise in the end. There will be no forced orders on you."

"Yes." Long Dangdang bowed in response.

At this moment, the entire Knights Temple suddenly became brighter, and all the golden color became darker and darker, reflecting the dense and thick atmosphere of the surrounding light.

The female saint then stood up and said with a smile: "Just in time, the hall master is back."

The next moment, a ray of light flashed, and a man whose whole body was also covered in golden armor, with a golden helmet like a crown on his head, appeared out of thin air in front of the central seat.

He is very tall, and his golden armor is even more dazzling. He wears a golden cloak on his back. On the cloak, there are totem badges representing the six major temples.

As soon as this person appeared, the light elements in the Knights Temple "buzzed" as if they had resonated.

"Hai Jifeng has met the hall master." Hai Jifeng quickly bowed and saluted.

Long Dangdang saluted with the teacher.

"Before I came back, Zi Tianwu happened to go to find the master of the Magic Palace. Damn it! You have really touched the hearts of our two major temples!" The number one person in the six major temples of the Temple Federation said with a gentle voice. There is also a bit of a smile, which has a sense of soothing people's spirits.

Long Dangdang bowed and said, "I'm causing trouble for you."

"It's not troublesome. The more troubles like this, the better." The leader of the Temple smiled and said: "Han Yan was right just now. You just need to be yourself. At this stage of your growth, the Temple It will not affect you more. Your self-growth is a very important process. If the temple is too involved, it is easy to train you into a canary with no cultivation. Your situation in the assessment, I also already know that if you do something well, you have ideas and brains, and you can say it is bold. Just go ahead and do it."

"The Master of the Magic Palace and I have also discussed your matter. We can't reach an agreement yet. He is also a stubborn guy. But one thing we can be sure of now is to prevent the other four major temples from snatching you away. Go, you can only stay in our two major temples in the future. We will not force you until the day you solve the problem of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. After you solve the spiritual furnace problem, our two major temples will each Steal people based on your ability. When the time comes, it’s up to you to make your own decision. Let’s see which one is more attractive, the Divine Seal Throne in our Knight Temple, or the artifacts in their Magic Temple.”

Is it so curly? Long Dangdang couldn't help but feel a little weird, but his impression of the Knights Temple immediately improved a lot.

From his inner point of view, of course he hopes to become a knight of the divine seal. The Divine Seal Throne is the aspiration of almost all professions, especially the knight profession.

But the Magic Temple also trained him. This is a bit difficult to decide.

However, the hall master's words still made him feel relieved. It was still early to solve the problem of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. And once he can really solve the problem of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace and restore this one of the Twelve Watchmen from ancient times to his original appearance, plus it is possible for him to welcome back his companions, then he will definitely be able to possess a certain amount of power. The right to speak. When you choose the temple, you naturally have the ability to make choices.

"Thank you, Hall Master." Long Dangdang saluted the first person in the temple again from the bottom of his heart.

"I also know the problems you are facing now. For the selection of the Demon Hunting Group, I hope you can still do your best. Time waits for no one. There are many geniuses in history, but the more talented you are, the more you must cherish time. The same talent , the value is different at different ages. As for the problem of duplication of professions between you and your brother, the Knight Temple can solve it. You don’t need to go to the Magic Temple to take the assessment. I can also let you meet the rules. In this case, we are on the same team.”

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