Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 119 The Demon Hunting Group Trials Begin

When Long Kongkong walked out of the temple headquarters, he was a little speechless. When Knight Gou saw the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace, his attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees and he scolded him. There is only one core theory for scolding him. He is favored by Shenqiyu Tongling stove. If he can't be admitted to the demon hunting group, then he is too useless. He can't lose the face of Shenqiyu Tongling stove no matter what.

Although Knight Gou's spit sprayed into his face at that time, Long Kongkong could still see that his teacher's hands were shaking with excitement. It was the first time that he saw this teacher who advocated safety first being so excited.

Well, in that case, try it yourself, especially after the teacher teaches you some methods...

When Long Kongkong returned to the dormitory, Long Dangdang had also returned from Hai Jifeng. Perhaps it was because the hall master had already talked with the tallest person in the Magic Temple, so Zi Tianwu didn't say much after he came back. This also made Long Dangdang breathe a sigh of relief. The problem of the two temples competing for him was solved. At least he could devote himself to cultivating and improving himself for a long time. Moreover, it is certainly a good thing to be cared about by the two major temples. They will definitely treat you well when they look forward to the opportunity to join. Of course, before the big problem of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace is solved, this good thing should have its limits.

Long Dangdang knew that he had now entered the attention of the top leaders of the two major temples of knights and magic. Although this was a very important attention, he still needed to perform fully. Only after he solved the problem of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace , only when you truly reach the ninth level can you truly have the opportunity to become a high-ranking member of the temple. As for how the two major temples fight for themselves at that time, that is their business. At least so far, he doesn't have much inclination. But now, after all, I am still just a young man, only at the fifth level.

In the next few days, Long Dangdang could only see his brother when he practiced at night. During the day, Long Kongkong would go to the temple headquarters to be guided by Naye to practice. In his own words, this was called sharpening one's weapons in battle.

The Demon Hunting Group trials came as scheduled after a few days of peaceful training.

In the square of Linglu Academy, all the first, second, third and third grade students have gathered. There are no more incentives from the academy. Everyone who can enter the Spiritual Furnace Academy is a genius, and they know what they want. There is no doubt that the Demon Hunting Group is a shortcut for their future growth. As long as they can enter the Demon Hunting Group, they will truly receive the full training from the six temples. Become the future of the next generation of the Six Great Temples.

In the history of the six major temples, almost all the high-level temple officials came from the Demon Hunting Group, even in times of complete peace, let alone the current situation where they are facing threats from undead creatures. .

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong stood together, while Ling Menglu stood first in the pastor class. At this time, they were all feeling a little nervous and excited.

The academy's assessment is one thing, but the Demon Hunting Team selection competition is another. This is the time to truly test them.

"Let's go!" Dean Yu Yunqiong gave the order, and everyone set off in order in class units.

The first thing they have to do today is to draw lots, and this time the selection of the Demon Hunting Group will be held at the Holy City Arena. Speaking of which, the two brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong also have VIP cards for the Holy City Arena. Uncle Lingling is one of the people in charge here.

But this is still their first time to come to the Holy City Arena. The Arena is at the other end of the Holy City. From the outside, it is oval in shape and more than fifty meters high. It looks like a huge bird's nest. The alloy material weaves the main structure. If you get close, you will naturally be shocked by its magnificence. When more than a hundred people from three grades came outside the large arena, they looked very small. Looking around, it felt like they couldn't even see the whole thing.

This isn't an arena, it's almost like a small city.

Long Kongkong ran to ask Yan Yao and found out that this large arena can accommodate up to 360,000 people watching the game at the same time. It is one of the largest buildings in the entire Holy Demon Continent. In terms of the arena, it is even more powerful. It is unparalleled.

Because the arena is too huge, there are as many as twelve entrance gates. Before entering, Yu Yunqiong stood in front, glanced over the students, and said calmly: "Participate in the hunt. The Demon Hunting Group Trial means that you have moved from students to the society, and that you will face difficult tests in society. Once you are admitted to the Demon Hunting Group, it means that you will graduate from the Spiritual Furnace Academy early and officially enter the society. .So, whether during the assessment or after passing the exam, you must be responsible for everything you do."

"I don't think I need to say more about the significance of the Demon Hunting Group. You all should be very clear after studying in the academy for so long. Today's draw will still be led by the academy, but when the selection actually begins, the academy will no longer treat you. Be responsible, you will be responsible for everything by yourself, these are what you must experience. You all participate in the selection of the Demon Hunting Group as individuals, which is the same as the students who graduated from the Temple Academy Main Campus. This From this moment on, you are a knight, a magician, a priest, an assassin, a summoner or a warrior. So, please face this selection with the attitude you think is most suitable. If you miss this time, it will be three years later. If you take a step slowly, you will probably be slow for the rest of your life. Okay, come with me."

Under the leadership of the teaching director, the students filed into the grand arena.

Entering it, the feeling of shock becomes even more intense. The long side of the oval-shaped arena alone exceeds 500 meters, and the width is also 300 meters wide. As soon as you enter, you can feel the power of the magic circle. The feeling of oppression brought about.

The surrounding higher places are all auditoriums, which look densely packed, and the distance between them is more than 30 meters high in the central venue. This is obviously to ensure safety. In the central venue, the ground is hard, and faint light patterns can be seen vaguely. There is no doubt that these light patterns are arranged by various magic arrays.

For such a large-scale magic circle, I don’t know how many people are needed to set it up and how huge the consumption is to complete it.

Yan Yao walked next to the Knights. As he walked, he said: "The protective magic circle inside the grand arena is built according to the level of protective forbidden spells. In other words, it can even accommodate ninth-level experts here. Competition without worrying about attack spillover. The battle between professionals is also the safest here. There is even a wisdom furnace to control the entire arena, which is one of the most important places in the Holy City."

At this time, on the other side of the grand arena, a group of young people wearing similar attires were walking into the venue. Their number was several times greater than theirs. He looks older, but he is still in his prime.

The two sides gathered together in the central area of ​​the grand arena, looking at each other with a bit of curiosity and vigilance in their eyes.

There are more than 600 graduates from the main campus of Temple College, which is basically about 100 people in each profession. Including the more than 180 people from Spirit Furnace Academy, the total number of contestants exceeds 780.

Yu Yunqiong had already stepped forward together with the head teachers of each class to greet the teachers of Temple Academy. At the same time, a total of six powerful beings walked in from the other side of the arena. They all entered wearing costumes belonging to the six major professions, and they were particularly conspicuous.

Long Dangdang knew one of them, and it turned out to be Nan Yu, the chief paladin of the Knights Temple. This person naturally represented the Knights Temple, and the other five were naturally of equal status to him, representing the top leaders of the major temples.

Another familiar figure also came into view, and it was none other than his third uncle Ling Lei. He accompanied the six senior members of the temple and walked over together.

The students who were still whispering naturally became quiet and turned their attention to the six senior officials.

Nan Yu said solemnly: "Hello, fellow students of Temple Academy and Spiritual Furnace Academy, I am Nan Yu, the Commander of the Knight Temple. This selection of the Demon Hunting Group will be held in a closed-to-public format. The major temples will then hold Internal lottery ceremony for professionals. Your preliminary round will be completed in a competition with this profession. The top ten in the preliminary round will become candidates for the Demon Hunting Group, and then form a group after the semi-finals. I believe you all understand what the Demon Hunting Group is. The meaning of representation, I hope you will go all out in the next selection and show your abilities. Each of you has less than one tenth chance of promotion, I hope you can grasp it. Especially those who graduate from the Temple General Campus Students, you may not get another chance."

Listening to the words of the Holy Knight Commander, the students present naturally became nervous.

The Demon Hunting Group is undoubtedly a profession that stands at the top of the pyramid. It is not easy to be qualified for selection, but the opportunities are still very few. The demon hunting group has to face the most dangerous tasks, so only the best professionals can handle it.

"Get ready to draw lots."

As he spoke, Nan Yu waved his right hand, and a ball of light lit up. It was a huge crystal ball. It is half a meter in diameter, suspended in mid-air, exuding faint elemental fluctuations.

After releasing the crystal ball, he made an invitation gesture to the other five senior officials representing the six major temples.

The five people stepped forward together and jointly inspected the crystal ball used for drawing lots, and then returned to Nan Yu.

"Starting from the Knights Temple, everyone will step forward and press their hands on the crystal ball to release their spiritual power. Then they will choose the time to withdraw their spiritual power. Their lot will be randomly drawn. The preliminary round will be conducted in the form of a knockout round. , that is to say, everyone only has one chance. If you lose the game, you will be eliminated directly. Don’t think this is very harsh. In fact, when you face a strong enemy, you often have only one chance. From now on, start with the knight profession. .”

There is nothing complicated about drawing lots. You press the crystal ball with your hand and inject spiritual power, and the numbers on the light ball begin to flash. When the spiritual power is withdrawn, the numbers stop. It only takes a few seconds for everyone to do it.

Long Dangdang drew the Cavaliers' lottery number 33, while Long Kongkong drew the lottery number 63. Good luck. The farther apart the draws are, the later the meeting time will be. Instead of fighting each other as brothers.

Half an hour later, the drawing of lots for all contestants was completed, and everyone got their lot.

Nan Yu nodded and said: "Very good, the draw is completed. The first round of competition will start directly today. There are about one hundred and thirty participants in each profession. Only the top ten will enter the semi-finals. Three rounds After the knockout round, if there are less than 20 people, they will be sorted by the performance points of the first three rounds. Those at the bottom will play one more game to determine the final top ten. Therefore, I hope you will win in each game. They can all pay attention to their opponents. The evaluation of performance points is based on the time it takes to defeat the opponent. The shorter the time, the higher the performance points. In view of your current strength, the large arena will be divided into six areas for you to compete. Wait, Competitors who hear their number enter the competition. The rest wait and rest in the stands.”

The competition starts immediately after the drawing is over? The teachers didn’t say this before!

The students couldn't help but look at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Long Dangdang turned to look at Long Kongkong, "Are you ready?"

Long Kongkong said proudly: "Do I still need to prepare for my strength? Kill the gods when I see them! Isn't that powerful?"

Long Dangdang glanced at him and said, "I heard that there are sixth-level knights at the main campus of Temple Academy."

"What? This isn't fair!" Long Kongkong was immediately shocked. He was only at the fourth level, and the fifth level was a watershed. He could possess liquid spiritual power, let alone the sixth level Glory Knight.

Then Long Dangdang saw Long Kongkong clasping his hands together and mumbling a prayer there.

Long Dangdang said speechlessly: "What's the use of praying? It's better to adjust your state. After all, in this selection, the number of fourth-level people is less than that of sixth-level people. Maybe you are the only one, right?" Yes, at least in spirit Among the first-year class of Furnace Academy, the only fourth-level student is Long Kongkong. After passing the actual combat assessment and obtaining mounts, other students have advanced to the fifth level. It seems unlikely that there will be a fourth-level student at the main campus of Temple Academy, because it is impossible for a fourth-level student to graduate, let alone participate in the selection.

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