Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 121 Long Dangdang’s first battle

Mu Yi won. From the beginning to the end of the battle, it only took thirty-two seconds. It was also the fastest ending among all previous knight selections.

When his Holy Sword Lightning Sting covered the whole body of the Tomahawk Retribution Knight and was blocked by the referee in time, the game was over.

The sharpness of the Holy Sword, and the fact that the body is out of balance and without the defensive ability of the Guardian Knight and the protection of the Soul Furnace, there is no suspense in the ending.

Fifth level versus fifth level! Mu Yi defeated his opponent without even releasing his mount.

The young men and young knights who were still whispering fell silent. Especially the knight graduates of the Temple Main Campus fell into silence almost instantly.

No matter how you look at it, Mu Yi still looks like a young man, and his height is only about 1.7 meters. For the young knights in the temple main courtyard who are generally over 1.85 meters, he can even be described as thin.

But for such a thin Guardian Knight, when faced with the Punishment Knight who was better at one-on-one combat, the game ended with almost no real confrontation.

The application of skills, changes in the battlefield, and instantaneous outbreaks. Nothing is perfect. The entire process did not give the Tomahawk Punishment Knight the slightest chance to resist, and the game was over. The Tomahawk Retribution Knight was defeated before he even figured out what was going on.

Except for deflagration, almost all the knight skills used by Mu Yi can be learned normally in the temple.

But with the deflagration, you have the ability to use the holy sword at the fifth level. Relying on the strongest attack skill of the knight under this high level, victory or defeat is determined. What's more, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Mu Yi can use the holy sword to perform lightning stabs. His application of the holy sword is by no means a breakthrough on the spot, but has already been used proficiently.

Mu Yi returned calmly and received thumbs up from the first class of knights. Even the second and third graders applauded him. The first battle on behalf of the knights of Spirit Furnace Academy undoubtedly brought out the glory of the academy and confirmed the nobility of Spirit Furnace Academy.

For the Temple Main Campus, the blow is undoubtedly huge. The fifth level versus the fifth level is actually no match for the opponent. He is also at the fifth level, but he can use high-level skills like the Holy Sword. In the main temple hall, only a few sixth-order radiant knights can use this! In this Spirit Furnace Academy, are even the lower grades so perverted?

"Next game, No. 11 versus No. 12."

It was still a duel between two students from the Temple General Academy, but after the previous one, the minds of the boy and the young knights now had some changes.

The young knights believed more that graduates were nothing more than this, and the young knights were more wary and less high-spirited than before.

Long Dangdang has been silently observing everything on the field and around him, and what he only knows is that among the knights, Mu Yi must be in the top three in terms of individual strength. The knights in the temple headquarters are by no means as easy to deal with as they were in the first game.

Just as he thought, when a sixth-level knight from the Temple General Academy appeared on the stage, he defeated a third-year fifth-level peak knight from Spirit Furnace Academy in one minute and six seconds, and even the third-level knight. The best, among the top three.

What the sixth-level radiant knight showed them was the normal attack of the holy sword. They did not use any other high-level skills, just crushing them with the holy sword. Knights at the peak of the fifth level can also use the Holy Sword, but there is an obvious gap in the proficiency between the two sides. With the mounts almost the same, he only lasted for more than a minute before being defeated. It also rekindled the momentum of the young knights in the temple headquarters.

Selection continues. The students from Spirit Furnace Academy also began to appear one after another. Most of the opponents they faced were young knights from the Temple General Hospital. Overall, they had some wins and some losses, or even more wins than less losses.

In addition to Mu Yi, two more students from Knight Class 1 went to battle, but all of them were defeated. After all, the age gap was huge, and their lack of strength and accumulation made them suffer greatly.

Under such circumstances, it was finally Long Dangdang's turn to appear.

"Knights No. 33 and No. 34 enter the arena and prepare to face off." Following the referee's announcement, Long Dangdang stood up.

"Brother, come on!" Long Kongkong shouted.

Long Dangdang patted him on the head and strode out.

The boy was only fifteen years old. Although he was tall and tall, his handsome face was still a bit immature. This also made his opponent's brows slightly widen while being surprised. Obviously, he was facing a junior knight from Spirit Furnace Academy.

"Both sides prepare!"

Long Dangdang was wearing standard armor, and both hands were holding the standard epee issued by the academy. Even the standard equipment of Spirit Furnace Academy is the best among alloy-grade equipment.

He had no intention of using the Silver Wave Magic at the beginning, at least not at this stage.

And his opponent was a tall and strong knight, even close to two meters tall. He was holding a huge tower shield in his left hand and an epee in his right hand. Even if he was just standing there, he had a solid feeling like a mountain.

There is no doubt that this is not an easy opponent to deal with.

"Start!" With the referee's announcement, Long Dangdang's first game in the Demon Hunting Group Trials officially began.

The knockout rounds are undoubtedly brutal, and any one could be the last. This is also the reason why Mu Yi used Explosion and Holy Sword at the beginning of the previous game. It seemed that he easily defeated his opponent, but in fact he went all out.

The two-handed heavy sword was stretched out on both sides of the body, and his feet suddenly exerted force, accelerated, and went straight to the opponent to launch a charge.

The armored guardian knight also strode forward. It could be seen that his speed was not too fast, but every step was very steady. Like Long Dangdang, he did not release his mount companion.

The distance between the two sides quickly shortened. Judging from the appearance alone, Long Dangdang undoubtedly looked much smaller than his opponent.

The guardian knight took the lead, and the huge tower shield on his left hand suddenly lifted up and swept across! It actually used a tower shield as a weapon. This shield was more than 1.8 meters tall and more than 60 centimeters wide. It looked extremely heavy. When it was waved, it suddenly felt as solid as a mountain. The evil wind howled and covered a large area. scope.

The opponent is obviously relying on his physical strength and outstanding spiritual power to win with strength.

At the same time, the heavy sword in his right hand was already flashing with light, which was clearly the brilliance of Yaori Slash. As long as Long Dangdang dodges his tower shield, his next attack can be executed accordingly.

The Guardian Knight's attack method is relatively simple, focusing more on defense and not having many offensive skills.

At this moment, Long Dangdang also activated, and his left foot suddenly stepped forward. Facing the tower shield that was whistling like a vicious wind, he did not dodge or choose to defend, but attacked.

With a "bang" sound, the spiritual power in the body exploded, and the explosion started!

A dazzling sword light erupted from a pair of swords at the same time. The two-handed heavy sword swept out almost at the same time, and actually hit the thick tower shield.

This is an absolutely unwise choice in anyone's opinion. Huge differences in body shape and age, but similar spiritual powers. Equipment with contrasting weights is going to suffer no matter how you look at it. However, Long Dangdang made such a choice.

"Dang, Dang!" Two roars of metal collision sounded almost in no particular order.

Long Dangdang's left-hand epee was directly lifted up by the heavy tower shield, but the right-hand epee was much better. The explosion of the two full-strength swords happened first and last. The guardian knight only felt that his tower shield was impacted twice, and the shield was actually blocked.

As Long Dangdang's left hand heavy sword was swung up, his figure seemed to have lost his balance and he spun around. However, the spinning left hand heavy sword struck directly towards the neck of the guardian knight, using the force to hit him!

The tower shield swept by the guardian knight was blocked by Long Dangdang's double swords. Naturally, he could not protect himself in front of him. He could only use the heavy sword in his right hand to resist the sword.

The heavy swords of both sides collided, making another crisp sound of "dang".

The guardian knight's charged Yaori Slash successfully split Long Dangdang's epee again, but Long Dangdang's rotating body completed an acceleration process with the help of this collision. The epee in his right hand spun again during the rotation of his body. Chopping up.

The target of the heavy sword slash was not the guardian knight, but the side of his tower shield that was preparing to return to defense.

"Dang!" The tower shield suddenly burst out. Although the guardian knight was very powerful, Long Dangdang used the power of his body rotation, and the tower shield's return to defense was immediately stopped.

This series of collisions almost happened between lightning and flint. The two sides actually launched an attack. Long Dangdang's body, which looked much smaller than the opponent, actually managed to survive the hard fight. What's more important is that his opponent is already close to him.

The colliding epee rose up, and Long Dangdang didn't even pause for a moment. He continued to rotate his body, and the epee in his left hand followed the trend and slashed upward with a backhand, and his speed also increased by one point.

His attacks connected so quickly that the guardian knight only had time to block them with his heavy sword.

"When--" The force of this blow was surprisingly great. The key was that the weight of the tower shield itself caused his body to tilt slightly to one side when it was stopped just now. After withstanding the sword, his His steps staggered subconsciously.

However, Long Dangdang's attack did not pause, his body continued to rotate, and he swung the sword in his right hand again.

At this moment, the guardian knight understood that he was too much. Relying on his fifth-level peak strength, he should have some reservations when facing a young knight who seemed to be childish in order to deal with future opponents, but in front of him, The young man's strength was much stronger than he imagined. He was clearly at the fifth level of cultivation, and the combat skills he displayed at this time were unheard of.

Without any hesitation, the guardian knight took a step back. Instead of confronting Long Dangdang head-on, he pulled the tower shield back and let his whole body shrink behind the tower shield. He kept his feet firmly and divinely blocked.

"Dang--" In the crisp sound, Long Dangdang's heavy sword was swung up, and the surface of the tower shield also emitted the golden light of Revenge of Light. The guardian knight did not take advantage of the situation to fight back, but quickly took the opportunity to open the contract space. Beside him, a light door opened, and with a roar, a majestic figure rushed out from inside.

The whole body is covered with thick scales and is more than four meters long. It is a sub-dragon species, an iron-backed earth dragon! Seeing such a mount, there is no doubt that the guardian knight in front of him is an earth knight.

At the same time that the opponent released the contract space, Long Dangdang slashed at the tower shield with five swords in succession. Divine Block cannot be used continuously, but the Guardian Knight also used the Revenge of Light attached to the tower shield to resolve Dragon Dangdang's attacks one by one.

The iron-backed dragon let out a low roar, and directly hit the dragon from the side. The tower shield in the guardian knight's hand also rushed forward. Pincer attack! He wanted to use his cooperation with the Warcraft mount to interrupt Long Dangdang's attack at this time.

But at this moment, a small contract space lit up next to Long Dangdang, and a small eye poked out from it, glancing in the direction of the iron-backed dragon.

The iron-backed earth dragon that was charging forward was stunned for a moment. The momentum of the forward charge was still there, but it suddenly became trance-like.

Evil eye talent skill, spiritual piercing!

Long Dangdang's body rotated rapidly, and a pair of swords spread out on his side. Like a top, one sword after another struck the tower shield crazily. The continuously connected power became stronger and stronger, and the guardian knights began to strike continuously. Back away.

When the iron-backed dragon woke up from his trance, he had lost the best opportunity to attack. When he rushed towards Long Dangdang again, he was only slashed by the top-like sword light, and an astonishing line of blood suddenly appeared on his body. groove.

And at this moment, the little evil eye's gaze suddenly turned to the direction of the guardian knight. The guardian knight only felt a sudden stabbing pain in his brain. It was not strong, but it was no problem for him to lose consciousness for a moment.


The tower shield recoiled under the heavy blow. And the figure that was spinning faster and the pair of swords were already coming like a violent storm!

On the viewing platform, the paladin Chang Nanyu, who had been paying attention to the battle, narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured to himself: "The disciplinary knight inherited skills, fighting and killing the round sword. Although I am not proficient, I can already apply it."

Yes, the Dousha Xuanyuan Sword comes from the inheritance of the secret skills of the Knight Temple, and was personally selected by Hai Jifeng and Long Dangdang. This move was created by a powerful man who once controlled the Throne of the Divine Seal of Killing and Judgment.

Ten seconds later, the guardian knight, who was unable to fight back, was defeated.

Dragon dang dang, win!


I recommend a new book by my good friend Liu Xiahui. You can read it.

"Above the Galaxy": Tang Bandit, a young refugee who walked out of the ruins, with a pair of skillful hands and a good-looking face, an inexplicable responsibility and an oath to never fail, stepped up to the top of the starry sky step by step.

If God no longer shows mercy, let us light a bonfire, shoulder a sword, and become a withered skeleton, or a legendary hero.

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