Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 122 Spirit Furnace Fusion Technique

Long Dangdang won his first victory. After the game, he was leaning on the ground with both swords, breathing heavily. It is not an easy task to continuously use deflagration to activate the Dousha Xuanyuan Sword. On the contrary, the continuous use of this powerful disciplinary knight inheritance skill consumes a lot of money on him.

Dousha Xuanyuan Sword is not that easy to use. If you want to perform this move, the most important thing is your body's toughness and attack power. The backlash caused by every collision, especially the continuous attacks, will put a huge load on the body of the knight who uses the Fighting Circle Sword. Without a strong enough body, it is impossible to sustain this move. What's more, this move also requires extremely high spiritual power.

If Long Dangdang hadn't been possessed by the God Praying Cangyue Angel many times, and continuously trained his body, and after entering into a contract with the five-clawed golden dragon Xiaoba, his body would have been further improved by Xiaoba's feedback, and he would have wanted to display his fighting skills. I am afraid that killing Xuan Yuan Jian will only be possible after his cultivation reaches the sixth level.

This was the first time he had used this move in actual combat, and the storm-like offensive really overwhelmed his opponent.

Hai Jifeng once said that his own recklessness came largely from this inherited sword skill. There are countless ways to apply the Fighting Circle Sword, and its core essence is to continue attacking at all costs and continuously use your own power. Accumulation, in the process of rotation, one wave will be higher than the other. If you don't have time to recover, your opponent will have even less time, until the opponent can't resist.

Long Dangdang has been learning from him for so many years, so he is quite accustomed to this kind of fighting method. Today, when he actually used it, it took a lot of energy, but the effect was still satisfactory. After all, he is not yet proficient in performing this move. It can even be said to be a bit jerky. If it weren't for deflagration as the basis, he probably wouldn't be able to break through the opponent's defense.

Returning to the viewing area, Long Dangdang immediately received cheers from his peers at Spirit Furnace Academy. Even the senior students recognized him as a knight on the same team as Ling Menglu. Although they could not distinguish him from Long Kongkong, the three of them The group's reputation is already well-known in the Spiritual Furnace Academy. Of course, everyone's attention is more on Ling Menglu, but they are also very familiar with the twin brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong.

The loudest cheers naturally came from Class 1, and everyone cheered for Long Dangdang with joy. They were most familiar with their squad leader, and he obviously still had reservations even though he had not used the Holy Sword or his clones.

Long Kongkong gave a thumbs up to Long Dangdang, "Brother, you are so powerful. The spinning move is very cool!"

Long Dangdang pulled him to sit down and whispered: "It consumes a lot of money. Before our cultivation is not enough, using it forcefully is not worth the gain. But if I have a sixth-level cultivation, this move will become particularly special." powerful."

Long Kongkong asked curiously, "Speaking of which, brother, how many levels are you at level 5 now? You haven't been at level 5 for a long time, but why do I think you improved so quickly?"

Long Dang said: "There is no specific evaluation, but I guess it should be around level 4, at most level 5." Yes, his improvement speed after entering level 5 can definitely be described as amazing.

Mainly because of the auxiliary training of Tianyuan Sea and God Praying Cangyue Angel, his liquid spiritual power can be transformed very quickly, and the subsequent improvement will be much faster than during the original training. Not only him, Ling Menglu and Long Kongkong are also the same. The three of them are now practicing together, and they can definitely be described as making rapid progress. Long Kongkong entered the fourth level not long ago, but now he is not far from the fifth level.

If they were really allowed to study at Linglu Academy until they graduate from the sixth grade, let alone the sixth level, it would be possible for Long Kongkong and Ling Menglu to even touch the seventh level. Long Dangdang himself had to face the problem of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace.

"It's time for you to start preparing to keep yourself in the best condition. Have you figured out how to deal with your opponent?" Long Dangdang asked Long Kongkong.

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "I have thought about it a long time ago. Don't worry. When it comes to head-on combat, my teacher is not very good, but when it comes to disgusting people, I think he is probably the strongest among the six temples. .”

Long Dangdang said seriously: "We must work hard to enter the top ten. Didn't you say you want to protect me in the future? Then you must join the demon hunting group. Otherwise, the distance between you and me will only become wider and wider. How can you protect me?"

Long Kongkong glanced at him in surprise, then became excited, "Do you really think I can protect you?"

Long Dangdang turned to the playing field and continued to watch the next duel, but he said: "You are favored by the God Qiyu Tong Spirit Furnace, what is impossible? The question is whether you work hard or not, don't let down Senior Yutong .”

Long Kongkong chuckled and said, "Don't worry, just wait and see me enlarge my moves. Invincible!"

Long Dangdang knew that Na Ye had been helping him sharpen his guns for battle these days, "We'll see."

The competition continues one after another, and the overall situation is similar to the previous competition. Relatively speaking, the overall quality of the Spiritual Furnace Academy is higher. More importantly, the knights here at the Spiritual Furnace Academy, even if not everyone has a Spiritual Furnace , but most do too. The role of the spiritual furnace on the battlefield can even be equivalent to that of an extra mount. It is still very advantageous when the cultivation levels are almost the same.

However, the situation of Knight Class 1 is still not very good. After all, they are relatively weak and have only been in the Spirit Furnace Academy for a short time, so they have suffered more defeats. This made Yan Yao, who was leading the team, look a bit ugly. Half of the team had already been eliminated in the first round. How many of these will be in the top ten in the end?

Finally, it was Long Kongkong's turn to appear.

When his number plate was read, Long Kongkong couldn't wait for a while, so he jumped out, waved triumphantly to the young knights at Spirit Furnace Academy, and walked into the competition venue with his head held high.

Nan Yu has been paying attention to the game here. When he saw Long Kongkong appearing, his eyes moved slightly. This must be Long Dangdang's younger brother. He also obtained the qualification to prepare the church and gained the favor of the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace. Moreover, he has no other abilities and is a pure knight. His Wisdom Spiritual Furnace does not have the same shortcomings as Long Dangdang. It would be better to take a closer look at this young man's abilities and see if he can compare with his elder brother. The only pity is that he did not win the favor of the Dragon Clan.

Long Kongkong's opponent came from the Temple Academy and was a disciplinary knight with a standard two-handed heavy sword and a slender figure. He didn't look particularly strong, but his whole body was filled with a strong sharp aura.

The reason why knights choose guardian knights more often is because guardian knights are more easily recognized by their partners and are suitable to be the core of the team and the main defense. The pure attack disciplinary knights overlap with warriors and assassins to a certain extent. Their personal combat power and attack power may be stronger than those of the guardian knights of the same level, but their role in the team is not as good as that of the guardian knights.

Therefore, those who choose to practice disciplinary knights all have strong confidence in their own attack power and believe that their own attacks can solve the problem of insufficient defense. Of course, Long Dangdang is an exception, he is a magic knight.

"Game start!"

With the referee's announcement, Long Kongkong's first demon hunting team trial officially began!

Without even a moment's pause, he clasped his hands together in front of his chest, palms facing each other, and a black light suddenly appeared on his chest, turning into a vortex-like black hole. It was the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace!

The next moment, Long Kongkong did not use Devouring Domain. Just above the dark vortex of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, the Holy Spiritual Furnace flashing with golden light appeared out of thin air. And strangely fell into the black vortex.

The opposite Punishment Knight had already charged towards Long Kongkong the moment the referee announced the start of the game, but when he saw the Holy Spiritual Furnace, he paused obviously.

He didn't know what level of cultivation Long Kongkong was, but the spiritual furnace recognized it! I don’t know what that pitch-black vortex is, but there is no mistaking the obvious features of the Holy Spirit Furnace.

The opponent released the spiritual furnace as soon as he came up? He did not dare to neglect, and while slowing down his advance, he also opened up his own contract space.

Following a loud bird song, a large green bird suddenly flew out, passed directly under the Punishment Knight, lifted his body up, and flew directly into the air.

Level 5, Sky Knight!

In the air, the sky knight swung out a pair of double swords, and the two swords of light slashed from the air to the ground like horses.

There is a consensus in the Knights Temple that at the same fifth level, Sky Knights are better than Earth Knights. After all, the advantages of flying mounts are much greater than those of ground mounts. Leading in every aspect. After the Sky Knight takes off, he is inherently invincible against the Earth Knight of the same level.

Long Kongkong slid under his feet, his body moving extremely flexibly, giving his opponent no chance to lock on to him. The Holy Spiritual Furnace on his chest has slowly sunk into the black vortex on his chest.

Even my elder brother Long Dangdang has never seen this operation before. But for professionals, this is undoubtedly an extremely high-end ability, because this is precisely the fusion of spiritual furnaces!

The fusion of the Holy Spiritual Furnace and the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace.

The moment the Holy Spiritual Furnace completely sank into the vortex, Long Kongkong's body shook slightly, and the light around his body began to obviously dim, as if his body could absorb the light. There was a golden edge around the black vortex on his chest, making the black vortex look like a small black sun.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking scene appeared. A jet-black light pillar suddenly shot out from the black vortex and shot straight towards the big green bird in the sky.

You know, knights can only attack at mid-range, and are best at close-range collisions. But at this moment, the black light pierced the sky and swept straight towards the big green bird fifty meters away. It was like a beam of light emitting from Long Kongkong's chest. It was shocking and terrifying, and Long Kongkong The light around Kongkong's body was dim at this time, and his whole person seemed to have a demon-like texture.

What is this? Even the Holy Knight Commander did not recognize the ability displayed by Long Kongkong at this time.

The speed of light is so fast, and this black light is completely connected to Long Kongkong's chest. He only needs to move his body slightly to adjust the angle of the black light beam, and it easily falls on the big green bird.

The Punishment Knight felt a suction force coming from the ground. The speed of his mount Bluebird suddenly dropped and was dragged downwards. What was even more frightening was that he could clearly feel that the spiritual power of his mount was moving at an alarming speed. It was draining away, and the black light spread upwards. It had spread to himself, and it was also extracting his spiritual power.

Long Kongkong has a shield in his left hand and a knight's sword in his right hand. Light has begun to condense on the surface of the knight's sword, and it is the brilliance of Yaori Zhan.

With his fourth-level cultivation, it was originally difficult to perform the Yaori Slash. However, with the help of the spiritual power brought by the black beam of light, the Yaori Slash took shape quickly, and his speed was not inferior to that of a fifth-level knight.

Yes, what he was using at this time was the powerful ability of spiritual furnace fusion. The Holy Spiritual Furnace was originally a spiritual furnace with relatively mediocre abilities, but his Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace was a very special existence. After completing the evolution, the characteristics of the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace have been fully revealed. In particular, the Qiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace sits in the middle and adjusts the various aspects of the fusion process for him. Therefore, when he practices the fusion of these two spiritual furnaces, everything seems to fall into place easily. This is the benefit of having a wise man by your side.

Yutong said that she would not directly help him fight, but in fact, when he encountered trouble during his training or needed guidance, she would get involved and become Long Kongkong's greatest help in moving forward. This is why Naye said that with Yutong here, it would be a waste if Long Kongkong couldn't qualify.

The Holy Yin Spirit Furnace and the Canadian Vortex Spirit Furnace evolved the skill Devour, and the fused skill is: Holy Yin Devour. The traction power of the Holy Spiritual Furnace is coupled with the devouring power of the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace. The combination of the two turns this skill into a long-range swallowing and pulling skill. With the dual effects, it becomes a very powerful medium and long-range control and weakening skill.

Sacred Devouring cannot directly harm the opponent, but it can control the opponent to only attack itself, and at the same time pull the opponent closer. If the cultivation level is equal or the opponent's strength is lower, you can even pull the opponent in front of you in a short time. , while pulling, as long as the Holy Lead Devouring is connected to the opponent, it will continue to devour the opponent's spiritual power. This is the most terrifying thing about it.

At this time, the disciplinary knight's cultivation was higher than that of Long Kongkong, and the pulling effect was weakened due to the influence, but the effect of the devouring domain was completely applied to the opponent, causing his spiritual power to begin to decline rapidly. Long Kongkong, on the other hand, used the devoured spiritual power to perform his skills, so don't be too happy.

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