Seeing the brighter and brighter light on the heavy sword in Long Kongkong's right hand, the Punishment Knight became more and more afraid to get closer, and quickly controlled the blue bird to fall to the ground while resisting the pulling.

Blue Bird is a level 6 monster, which is also equivalent to a level 5 human professional. Devouring Domain itself is a range-wide devouring skill, but under the influence of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, it can be said that all the devouring power is now applied to it. It can be imagined how terrible its devouring effect is. It was sucked and pulled with no way to escape, and its spiritual power was flowing away rapidly.

The Punishment Knight had no choice but to take the blue bird back, and he jumped off the blue bird's back, trying to get rid of the devouring effect of the holy lead.

but. Long Kongkong only turned his body slightly, and the black light pillar swallowed by the holy guide turned and swept towards his body, falling directly on him, leaving him with nowhere to hide.

The Holy Guide Devour fell directly on him, and the Punishment Knight suddenly felt that his spiritual power was pouring out, while Long Kongkong in the distance stared at him with an indifferent and arrogant face, and did not launch a sustained attack. The way he looked down, There was also the shock brought about by the fusion of the spiritual furnace, which quickly disintegrated his inner fighting spirit.

"I give up. Take away your magical powers." The Punishment Knight said bitterly.

The black light was retracted and submerged into Long Kongkong's body. Long Kongkong's heavy sword in his right hand was slashed out of the air. Above his head, a ball of dazzling sun suddenly lit up, reflecting his figure, full of powerful and mysterious flavor.

If Long Dangdang won the victory before, it was a hard bridge and a hard horse, and it defeated the opponent head-on. Well, Long Kongkong's scene is even more shocking. This is the first spiritual furnace fusion skill in this Demon Hunting Group Trial. Except for the Punishment Knight who actually endured this skill, others had no idea what the effects of this skill were.

From the beginning to the end, there was no real collision between the two parties. Long Kongkong looked so calm and calm, especially under the scorching sun that struck into the sky at the end, the light shone, making his childish-looking face seem as if They are all more sacred and majestic. It also made the knights present swallow their saliva.

Those are two spiritual furnaces! The Holy Spiritual Furnace and the mysterious black spiritual furnace can also be fused with each other to complete the spiritual furnace fusion technique. Can a being like Spirit Furnace Academy really be defeated? At this moment, even the expressions of several sixth-order knights in the Temple Headquarters became serious.

Long Kongkong walked back to the rest area, Long Dangdang raised his right hand, Long Kongkong waved and slapped his palm, and the two brothers high-fived each other.

Long Kongkong sat down next to Long Dangdang with an indifferent expression, but said softly: "Aren't you handsome?"

"Pretending well." Long Dangdang was also shocked at this time. Of course he can also fuse with the spiritual furnace, but that fusion must be based on the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. His Holy Spiritual Furnace and Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace cannot be fused. But just now, Long Kongkong completed this spiritual furnace combo without using the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace, and it seemed that the effect was quite good. What he knew even more was that the Shenqi Yutong Spiritual Furnace could increase the power of any spiritual furnace by one level. In other words, if Yutong was added, the combined skill just now could be improved even further. As long as he is not seen as being strong on the outside but weak on the inside, Long Kongkong will be able to move forward just by relying on the deterrence of this spiritual furnace.

With the end of this game, the first round of the knockout rounds of each group in the Demon Hunter Team Selection Tournament has also come to an end. Relatively speaking, the process at the Priest Temple was the slowest. After all, most competitions between priests and priests will only end when the spiritual power is exhausted.

Tomorrow, there will be no more teachers to lead them, and today's winner will come on their own to continue participating in the Demon Hunting Group trials until they reach the top ten.

After walking out of the arena, Long Kongkong still looked as calm as before, so that other knights who were not familiar with him couldn't help but look at him a few more times, their eyes full of vigilance. Of these two brothers, in their eyes, Long Kongkong definitely looks more dangerous!

At this moment, a petite figure was also watching Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong walking out of the venue not far away, with a strange color flashing in his eyes.

"Brother, today is the weekend, right?" Long Kongkong suddenly asked in a low voice after leaving the arena.

Long Dangdang glanced at him, "Want to see your goddess?"

"Yeah, yeah." Long Kongkong nodded repeatedly. During this period, from the beginning of the assessment against undead creatures, to the trip to the Holy Mountain of Knights, to the Demon Hunting Group trials in front of them, they all became busy. How could he time to work. The longing for the goddess in my heart was already increasing day by day without realizing it.

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "Then go, I will accompany you. But we still have to go back as soon as possible and continue to practice." The three of them practiced together, and their cultivation level improved by a thousand miles. With each additional day of practice, they passed the exam. Naturally, the demon hunting group will be more confident.

"Okay. Let's go, let's go quickly." Long Kongkong pulled Long Dangdang and ran happily towards the Heshi Pork Ribs Shop.

Seeing the two people disappearing gradually, the petite figure from before stopped, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The competition lasted quite a long time. It was already afternoon when Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong arrived at the Heshi Pork Ribs Shop.

It will continue to be open on weekends and will not close. Regarding this, Long Kongkong has cleared the doors early. Seeing the signboard of the He-Style Pork Rib Shop from a distance, he couldn't help it anymore and ran over in three steps at a time. Just push the door open and enter.

Long Dangdang watched his younger brother rush in, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised. When Long Kongkong said he fell in love with a goddess at first, he thought this guy would be the same as before, but he didn't expect that he This love has lasted for such a long time, and it feels like it is getting stronger.

As soon as Long Kongkong entered the door, he immediately saw Hepburn cleaning the table.

Hepburn wore light gray trousers. In this season, the weather was already a bit cold. She wore a beige turtleneck sweater on her upper body, which outlined the curves of her body perfectly. It is full of youthful vitality and has the unique charm of a girl. Her long hair was tied up on top of her head, revealing her slender and fair neck. Looking from the side, her long eyelashes were fluttering and fluttering, making Long Kongkong stunned.

"Hey, why are you here?" Hepburn looked at Long Kongkong in surprise. Although he was calm on the surface, the surprise in his beautiful eyes could not be concealed.

Long Kongkong stepped forward, took the rag in her hand and wiped the table directly. He said with a smile, "It's just because I wanted to make excuses."

Hepburn rolled her eyes at him, "You don't think I know how to come back to work?"

Long Kongkong smiled and said: "We are currently conducting a selection competition. If you are selected, you will be more promising. My brother and I just finished the competition. We both won. You don't know how handsome I am. Once the competition is over, I'll come over and see you right away. Isn't this sincere enough?"

At this moment, the store door opened again, and Long Dangdang also walked in from the outside.

When Hepburn saw Long Dangdang, a smile appeared on her face and she nodded to him. Long Dangdang also smiled and nodded at her.

"Have you not eaten yet?" Hepburn asked softly.

Long Kongkong hurriedly hugged his stomach and shouted: "No, I'm almost starving to death. Is there anything to eat?"

"Wait a moment, I'll get it for you. Keep your voice down, dad is sleeping in the back." Hepburn gave him a gentle punch.

"Okay, okay." Long Kongkong quickly lowered his voice and continued to clean the table.

Hepburn went to the back. Long Kongkong suddenly became a little elated. The moment he saw Hepburn, his heart was filled with a huge sense of satisfaction. That’s really satisfying! Happy and excited from the bottom of my heart.

Long Dangdang was sitting at a dining table, watching the change of expression on his brother's face, he couldn't help but reveal a smile. With his out-of-the-box character, it seemed pretty good to have such a person who could hold his heart. .

It didn't take long, and the aroma was already spreading from the kitchen. Long Kongkong couldn't wait to run to the back, and within a short time, two large bowls of pork ribs noodles were brought out.

"The goddess said that the rice was sold out at noon, so she ordered some noodles for us. Come on, try it, it's great." Long Kongkong said as he sat down to eat.

The noodles are chewy and the pork ribs have an attractive aroma. They are the best ribs. There are more than a dozen pieces in a bowl of pork ribs noodles. They are obviously added with ingredients. The soup of the braised pork ribs is soaked in the noodles. , Long Dangdang can’t bear it either!

Hepburn came out of the kitchen with a plate of green vegetables. Seeing the two of them snoring, he couldn't help but smile and said: "You guys eat slowly. If it's not enough, I'll cook it again."

Long Kongkong raised his head and smiled at her. His mouth was still full of noodles and he couldn't speak. Seeing him puffing up his cheeks and smiling, Hepburn couldn't help but smile and said softly: "Eat."

A big bowl of pork rib noodles, with only the bones left in the end, along with the soup and noodles, the two brothers ate it cleanly. A plate of green vegetables has also seen its bottom.

"Comfortable, so comfortable." Long Kongkong leaned back on the chair with a satisfied look on his face.

Hepburn sat down next to Long Kongkong and said, "How long will it take for you to come back to work again?"

Long Kongkong looked at his brother sitting opposite him.

Long Dangdang said: "It should take some time. The trials we participated in this time are relatively complicated. If we enter the semi-finals, we may need many more games."

Long Kongkong looked at Long Dangdang, then at Hepburn next to him, and suddenly had a sad face.

If it were before, he would have stopped participating in any trials for the Demon Hunting Group. What good would it be to join the Demon Hunting Group? Wouldn't it be nice to accompany the goddess every day? But it was different now. There was always a tension in his heart. He wanted to protect his brother! I can't be the one who pays for myself every time. But in this case, not only is it the current trial, but also if I join the Demon Hunting Group in the future, will I really be able to work in a chop shop?

When he thought of this, Long Kongkong's eyes suddenly dimmed. He was a little afraid to look at Hepburn next to him. He was afraid that his confidence would become unstable.

"Okay, then you have to work hard." Hepburn said with a smile.

"Well, thank you." Long Dangdang nodded.

Hepburn gently touched Long Kongkong beside him, "What are you doing?"

"Ah?" Long Kongkong raised his head with a troubled look on his face, "Sister, I'm thinking that if I pass the trial this time, I'm afraid I'll be even busier in the future, and I'm not even sure if I can stay in the Holy City. "

Hepburn was stunned, and then said softly: "You must first be a man who can stand up to heaven and earth! Then you can protect the people you want to protect."

Long Kongkong expressed his loyalty instantly without hesitation, "I will definitely protect you."

Hepburn glanced at Long Dangdang sitting opposite, and said slightly angrily: "Who wants your protection?"

Long Kongkong said matter-of-factly: "Didn't you tell me to protect the people I want to protect? You are the one I want to protect the most!"

Hepburn's pretty face turned red, "Anyway, just do what you have to do."

Long Kongkong nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay. Brother, why don't you go back first. I'll help Sister Hepburn pack up the store and then go back."

Long Dang said carefully, do you think I am in the way?

"Okay! I'll leave first." He said hello to Hepburn, then left the chop shop and went back.

"There is nothing to clean. You can go back with your brother." Hepburn said softly.

Long Kongkong smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, I'll clean it again. This way I can see more of you! Just sit here and just tell me what you need to do." As he said that, he happily started to go deep. cleaning job. He doesn't have the same look he showed in the game now.

After staying for another two hours, until He's father woke up from his nap, Long Kongkong reluctantly left the chop shop and prepared to go back to the college.

When he walked out of the He-style pork rib shop, his heart was filled with satisfaction. It’s so happy to see the goddess! He has decided that if he is really admitted to the Demon Hunting Corps, he must find a way to stay in the Holy City with his brother. That way, you can see the goddess more often.

Yes, just do it. His mood was now in high spirits again. He is a person who is good at explaining himself, and he believes that his brother will support him.

"Be careful." An urgent voice suddenly sounded in my heart without warning. While Long Kong was in high spirits, everything around him seemed to become distorted, and a faint green mist surged, as if he was transported to another world in an instant.

In the green mist, a figure slowly walked towards her. Her speed was not very fast, but with every step she took, Long Kongkong's heartbeat would skip a beat, and his face suddenly became pale because of this.

"Who are you?"

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