Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 124 Woman in Green Armor

"Such a young Preparatory Church is indeed a very suitable target." A pleasant voice sounded, and it even sounded sweet and greasy. In the green mist, the figure gradually became clearer.

It was a woman with a very tall figure, about 1.8 meters tall. Her whole body was covered with blue-green scales, and her long light green hair was spread behind her head. She had an excellent figure, with a bulging front and a curved back, but her waist was Amazingly slender, outlining a perfect arc. A pair of eyes are also green, but they are a deep green, as breathtaking as the abyss. It's just that his face is very pale, without any blood, and the nails on his long palms are a permeating dark green. In his right hand, he holds a short green blade, with a faint blade glow on it.

Looking at this strange beauty, Long Kongkong couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said: "Sister is so beautiful!" Yes, except for the abnormally pale skin, this woman looks no more than 20 years old, and her appearance is even more extreme. The facial features are almost impeccable. Even under the weird green color in front of her, there is a special and breathtaking beauty.

The woman couldn't help but be slightly startled when she heard what he said, and then she laughed, her branches trembling with laughter, "You are really interesting. You are about to die, do you still have the heart to look at beautiful women?"

Her face was frighteningly pale, but this smile seemed to inject a touch of life, making Long Kongkong's eyes go straight.

"Sister wants to kill me?" Long Kongkong said in surprise: "Can a beautiful woman like my sister also kill someone?"

The smile on the green-armored woman's face faded, "I'm not a beauty, I'm not a human at all! You have already become a preparatory church at a young age, so you must be very talented. Since you like your sister, why not let her take care of you? If you go to the kingdom of the dead, can you be a servant next to my sister?"

"The kingdom of the undead? Is my sister an undead creature?" Long Kongkong asked in surprise.

The face of the green-armored woman suddenly changed, and a flash of blood suddenly flashed in her eyes, and she said coldly: "We are not undead creatures, we are the dead. We are the opposite of you as firewood under the glamorous appearance of human beings. You. All the good is gained, and we are forced to absorb all the negative. Your time is up!"

Just when she finished her words, Long Kongkong felt his eyes blurred. The green figure suddenly turned into a green light, and a cold feeling spread all over his body. He slid to the side and back completely subconsciously. While evading, the Spiritual Ascension Shield is released in front of you, and the Divine Control Block comes into action!

This time, Long Kongkong's reaction was extremely fast, which could be said to have reached the peak of his current life. From the moment this person appeared, he was already full of vigilance, because the Shenqiyu Tongling Furnace strongly reminded him that the danger he faced was a life and death crisis. Therefore, he had always been cautious and exploded at this moment.

One of the three major attributes of the Ascension Spirit Shield is the Ascension to God, which can increase the triple defense of divine block to four times. Therefore, at this moment, he had raised his defense to the extreme. At the same time, black light surged in the chest, the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace was opened, the Holy Yinling Spiritual Furnace sank rapidly, the light of the Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace also bloomed at the same time, and the three major spiritual furnaces were fully integrated at the first time without reservation. .

This is not an assessment or a drill, but something truly fatal! Under this situation, he did not dare to have any reservations at all. Moreover, the mobilization of the three major spiritual furnaces was not completed by him but by Yutong himself.

"When--" The moment a green edge hit the divine guard's block, Long Kongkong felt as if his Spirit Ascension Shield had been hit by a giant hammer, and all the bones in his body seemed to be completely shattered at this moment. His mouth and nose spurted blood out of control, and his body flew out as well.

However, Shengyin Tianyuan, which was a level higher than Shengyin Devouring, also landed on the green figure accurately, causing the connected attack to slow down a beat and pause in the air.

"What kind of power is this?" The green-armored woman fell to the ground out of thin air, feeling the dark light that enveloped her body and was devouring her energy crazily. A look of shock appeared on her pretty face, because she clearly felt that the power she was supposed to have The immortal power was disappearing rapidly. This was the first time she felt like this.

But Long Kongkong only felt that huge spiritual power quickly poured into his body, nourishing his body. Without hesitation, an angel's blessing was released on himself, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

At level seven, the opponent is at least level seven! He blocked the opponent's attack with divine control but couldn't stop it at all.

At this moment, he felt like his insides were burning, and he couldn't help but spurt out another mouthful of blood. When he raised his head and looked at the other party again in a panic, he saw eyes that were becoming more and more murderous.

"Help -" Long Kongkong screamed in an imageless and loud voice. This place is not far from the temple headquarters. Didn't the strong men at the temple headquarters realize that there were undead creatures coming to attack?

The green-armored woman stared at him with cold eyes, "It's useless for you to scream. Within the scope of my Hidden Stone, everything will be blocked. No matter how high the cultivation level is, the strong person will not be able to feel it. Everything. I understand why you were able to become a preparatory church at a young age, but you have such a special spiritual furnace. This is a spiritual furnace that should not exist at all. Die!"

Although she was shrouded in the Holy Yin Tianyuan, the green-armored woman's cultivation was extremely strong, and she couldn't swallow it all in a short while. The green light flashed again, and the green light fell instantly like a death scythe.

At this time, Long Kongkong's arms were completely numb from the previous resistance, and even the Ascension Spirit Shield was blown away by the blow just now. He wanted to dodge, but the opponent's ghost-like speed made it impossible for him to dodge at all.

It's over..., are you going to die?

At this moment, pictures flashed through Long Kongkong's mind, including those with his parents, those playing with his brother, and those of the goddess who had just parted. It was also at this moment that he seemed to have no fear in his heart, and there was even a strange feeling in his heart. It felt like... relief?

But at this moment, suddenly, Long Kongkong felt his waist tighten, and the next moment, his body suddenly moved sideways and was thrown away.

His body was out of control, and he hurriedly adjusted. The effect of the angel's blessing was quickly appearing, not to mention the connection between Shengyin Tianyuan and the spiritual power coming continuously. After being thrown out, he turned around in the air and activated the spiritual power in his body. He finally managed to Stabilized the body.

The turquoise light flashed from where he was before and fell to the ground out of thin air. His cold eyes were filled with astonishment as he looked at the plump figure standing between him and Long Kongkong.

Yes, it was a big rat, and its whole body was glowing with dark gold, and it was grinning at her. And Long Kongkong was caught and thrown away by the big rat with its tail, almost saving his life at the last moment.

"Foodie?" Long Kongkong looked at the sky-swallowing rat that appeared out of nowhere in surprise. He had completely forgotten that he still had this mount, let alone summoned it from the contract space.

The clearer fact is that when he tried to summon it before, the Sky-Swallowing Rat did not appear at all, but he did not expect that in the crisis of life and death, it was this foodie who saved his life.

The sky-swallowing rat stared at the green-armored woman with its small eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Advanced undead? There is such a thing in your world. Advanced undead have extremely pure spiritual energy. Great tonic!" As it said, greed was already showing in its little eyes.

The green light flashed again, still at a speed that Long Kongkong could not see clearly. The big rat, which was drooling just a moment ago, only had time to lift its front paws, and with a crisp "ding" sound, the big rat hit Long Kongkong like a cannonball.

Long Kongkong hurriedly raised his hand to catch it, but the impact was too great. One person and one mouse collided, and they suddenly became a gourd rolling on the ground. Roll backwards together.

"How long have you been thinking about eating?" Long threw all the meat and vegetables into the air, but he did not forget the sarcasm in his mouth.

"Nonsense, do you think high-level undead are so easy to encounter? You have not burdened me. You quickly terminated the blood contract. I will help you eat her immediately, and you will live. Otherwise, we will both die here. It's gone." The Sky-Swallowing Rat said angrily.

Long Kongkong said righteously: "I can't!"

"Whoosh -" The Sky-Swallowing Rat suddenly jumped out with a completely different agility than its body. The seemingly small front paws flashed with dark golden light and accurately hit the green light.

"Ding——" The body of the Sky-Swallowing Rat was knocked out again, like a big dark golden ball. But it also resolved the fatal blow for Long Kongkong.

Long Kongkong hurriedly threw an angel's blessing in the direction of the Sky-Swallowing Rat, and at the same time tried his best to use sliding steps to distance himself.

But this time, the green-armored woman had obviously made up her mind to kill her, and her speed was extremely fast. The moment she knocked the Sky-Swallowing Rat away, she accelerated again. The original green light suddenly turned into a sky full of green light, and the death was... The crisis completely enveloped Long Kongkong's figure.

At this time, a golden light rushed out from Long Kongkong's chest and turned into a female figure. The brilliant golden light suddenly bloomed. Long Kongkong felt that his body suddenly became empty, and then he saw the golden light in front of him, the golden figure. The figure blocked in front of him. Green blades dissipated after they entered her body, but each time she received a green blade, her body became a little more illusory.

"Yutong——" Long Kongkong was shocked and turned pale.

Yes, Shenqiyu Tong Linglu used her body to block this fatal blow for Long Kongkong.

Long Kongkong's eyes suddenly turned red. At this moment, for some reason, a strong sense of fear suddenly surged in his heart. He couldn't, couldn't lose her!

A crazy aura bloomed in his eyes, and at this moment, Long Kongkong made a muffled sound in his body. It was the first time that he used the skill of deflagration.

The devouring power of Sheng Yin Tianyuan suddenly increased sharply. He made a sudden move with his left hand towards the Soul Ascending Shield not far away. He used the power of Sheng Yin Tianyuan to pull the Soul Ascending Shield into his hand, and at the same time stimulated the Soul Ascending Shield's spirit ascension. Skill, he poured his spiritual power crazily towards Yutong at all costs.

The light and shadow transformed by Yutong stabilized and began to become solid again.

However, although she blocked the green-armored woman's attack, the opponent's attack did not stop. She suddenly let out a scream, a piercing scream, which made Long Kongkong feel as if his head was about to explode. Even Sheng Yin Tianyuan was interrupted because of this, and Yu Tong's figure suddenly became illusory.

Just as the Sky-Swallowing Rat said, the spiritual power of this high-level undead is extremely pure, and pure spiritual power has another meaning, that is, powerful!

The terrifying mental shock made Long Kongkong lose consciousness almost instantly. His spiritual sea and his head were changing rapidly at this moment. The blue veins on his forehead were exposed. Seeing that, his whole head was about to There was an explosion.

But at this moment, a flash of purple suddenly flashed through his absent-minded eyes, an astonishing purple meaning.

His head returned to normal in an instant, but the green-armored woman groaned, and the ensuing attacks suddenly stopped.

At this moment, her expression also changed at the same time, and her body suddenly flashed to the side. In the next moment, a bright sword light passed by her previous position and struck the ground heavily.

"I will come again, you must die." In the cold voice, the green light suddenly converged, and all the surrounding green collapsed towards the center, turning into a magnificent green gem. The next moment, the gem was already invisible to the naked eye. The speed of sight was fleeting, rushing into the air and disappearing.

Long Dangdang, who was holding the beginning of the Silver Wave Magic, rushed towards Long Kongkong quickly and blocked him with his own body. The next moment, figures fell one after another. The leaders were none other than the reckless knight Hai Jifeng and the Gou knight Na Ye. Immediately afterwards, a strong wind blew by, and Fengzhi listened to Zitianwu's arrival.

The three ninth-level warriors held the two brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong in the center with their horns in hand, their expressions looking very ugly. The next moment, Zi Tianwu soared into the sky and disappeared without a trace under the sweep of green light, pursuing the green-armored woman.

When Long Kongkong was attacked and felt a fatal crisis. Long Dangdang, who had just returned to the academy, suddenly felt his heartbeat speed up. The twin brothers had the same mind, and he immediately rushed back through the teleportation array. While looking for Long Kongkong, he quickly sent a distress signal to the teachers at the temple headquarters. Beings that can pose a fatal threat to his brother may not be something he can deal with.

Soon, he saw the area shrouded in green light, without any energy or sound leaking out. What he could see was his brother who was already on the verge of death.

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