Brilliant golden light illuminated the entire street. The reckless knight Hai Jifeng looked at the Gou knight next to him, who was more proficient in healing skills than the priest. Almost immediately, he imposed an Archangel's Embrace on his disciple, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

This attack came suddenly, and the enemy reacted very quickly. It seemed that the moment they sensed their arrival, they had already activated their strange equipment and escaped.

Long Dangdang stared nervously at his brother in his arms, feeling the changes in him. Under the influence of the Archangel's Embrace, the energy and blood fluctuations in Long Kongkong's body soon stabilized, and his condition was obviously restored. He was slightly relieved.

When he felt that his brother was in danger, he was filled with regret. Why should he leave in such a hurry? You should just wait for your brother, even if you wait outside the chop shop, that's fine!

While maintaining the effect of Archangel's Embrace, Naye checked Long Kongkong's body. There were many bone fractures in his body, especially in his arms, but they had healed quickly under the treatment of Archangel's Embrace. After all, this was Ninth-level healing magic is definitely overkill to treat his level of injury. He was more worried about Long Kongkong's mental trauma, but upon inspection, he found that his spiritual sea was intact and he had not suffered much trauma.

The Sky-Swallowing Rat squatted aside angrily, his small eyes flashing with light, not knowing what he was thinking.

It wasn't until the effect of the Archangel's Embrace was almost dissipated that Long Kongkong took a breath and woke up from his coma.

"Dead, dead!" As soon as he woke up, he subconsciously shouted twice. Then he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the people in front of him in confusion. When his eyes focused on Long Dangdang, he blinked and reacted.

He raised his finger and pointed at Long Dangdang and then at himself, "Am I not dead?"

Long Dangdang said "yes" and nodded.

Long Kongkong was immediately overjoyed, and sat up as soon as he turned over. When he saw Hai Jifeng and Na Ye next to him, he suddenly said excitedly: "It's great that he didn't die, hahaha! Is this a scourge that will last for thousands of years? What a pleasure! "

"You're beautiful." Looking at his still despicable look after the disaster, Naye couldn't help but slap him, but Long Dangdang lowered his head and blocked it with his own head.

Na Ye was stunned for a moment, then stopped, "Get up, it's okay. Tell us what's going on."

Only then did Long Dangdang help Long Kongkong stand up.

Long Kongkong seemed to have remembered something, looked around, and then focused on the big mouse, "Wait a minute!"

As he spoke, he turned around and came to the Sky-Swallowing Rat, then opened his arms and gave it a big hug.

The Sky-Swallowing Rat originally wanted to avoid it, but seeing that there were two ninth-level experts present, it finally closed its rat eyes and endured it. Then it heard Long Kongkong hugging himself and saying in his ear: "Thank you, brother."

The Sky-Swallowing Rat was stunned for a moment, then opened his eyes again, suddenly feeling a strange feeling in his heart. Thinking of swallowing the Heavenly Emperor himself, only people used to be afraid of themselves, lest they be swallowed by themselves. This was the first time in its life that it heard someone say "thank you" to it, and it couldn't help but feel a little dazed for a moment.

Long Kongkong hugged it hard again, squeezing its fat figure until it was somewhat deformed, and then stood up again. He knew very well that if the Sky-Devouring Rat hadn't suddenly taken action at the critical moment, rescued him, and solved at least two fatal crises for him, he wouldn't have been able to wait for his brother and teachers to come. It can be said that the Sky-Swallowing Rat is also his savior! All the rejection of this big rat in my heart has disappeared without a trace.

There was no need for Long Dangdang to ask them, Long Kongkong had already vividly told everything that had happened before.

Listening to his story, both Na Ye and Hai Jifeng's expressions became serious.

"It's so dangerous! It's really dangerous! I thought I was going to die. Teacher, what exactly is a high-level undead? Is it also a kind of undead creature? She calls herself the dead. She seems to be very hostile to us humans. But it seems that except for being a little pale, she looks no different from us humans, and she’s quite pretty.”

Listening to Long Kongkong's inquiry, Na Ye said in a deep voice: "High-level undead are naturally part of the undead creatures. In fact, the undead creatures already have their own kingdom after launching many undead tides. Hidden among the ordinary undead creatures Behind the creatures are these high-level undead. They are not only powerful, but also as intelligent as humans. They are also a group of existences that are extremely hostile to humans and are our biggest threat."

At this point, he paused before continuing: "Speaking of these high-level undead, many of them are indeed poor people. They suffered injustice before they died, so they were extremely resentful when they died, and even their mental power was combined with their resentment. They condense together and never disperse, forming natural resentful spirits. After such beings are revived by powerful undead, they have the possibility of being reincarnated into high-level undead. In a sense, they are half human and half undead, because there is no way to truly I have to study it, so I don’t know if they are still human beings. But there is no doubt that these resurrected high-level undead hate humans very much, and they are willing to destroy the entire human race. They are more terrifying than ordinary undead creatures. . Their growth potential is no less than that of humans, and much stronger than ordinary undead. It can be said that they have the advantages of both undead creatures and humans. Do you know how you exposed your identity as a preparatory temple? Don’t you know what you should do? Do you want to hide your identity well? You are still weak now, so you are obviously being targeted."

Long Kongkong said in a daze: "I don't know either! I didn't do anything! By the way, teacher, haven't we been strictly on guard? Why are there still high-level undead entering our world?"

Hai Jifeng said in a deep voice beside him: "Because the high-level undead are so similar to humans, it is difficult to distinguish them if they deliberately restrain their undead aura. Therefore, there is naturally the possibility of sneaking in quietly. It is impossible to guard against it. Do you think the temple organization is hunting What does the demon group do? A large part of the mission is to fight against these undead creatures that secretly invade. This time you are lucky, so you must be more careful in the future. You should have been targeted."

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "You must be lucky if you survive a catastrophe. Maybe I will catch her next time." When he said this, his eyes flickered slightly. Does he really not know how his identity was exposed? No, he actually knew, he just didn't want to say it. He had used the identity of preparing the temple once, when he bought a necklace for the goddess last time. But if you say it, you will definitely be scolded!

Ye Xianghai Jifeng said: "Even the Holy City has been infiltrated, and the identity of the Preparatory Holy Church has been exposed. It seems that the Holy Church must respond. Let's report today's incident together later."

Hai Jifeng nodded and said in a deep voice: "It's getting more and more uneasy. Now I just hope that the number of high-level undead will not be too many, otherwise, it will be a big trouble in the future. This should be the seventh-level undead just now, which is average than us All seventh-level professionals must be strong. The other party is probably distracted by the ability to maintain the barrier to isolate the breath. Otherwise, Kongkong may not even be able to insist on our rescue."

Hai Jifeng and Na Ye personally sent Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong back to Linglu Academy, and then returned to the temple to report what happened this time. Zitianwu has not returned from pursuit.

Back in the dormitory, Ling Menglu had just returned. The game at the Priest Temple had gone on for too long, and her draw was relatively low. As for the outcome, there is no suspense.

"What? Kong Kong was attacked?" After hearing Long Dangdang's story about Long Kongkong's experience, Ling Menglu was also shocked.

"You guys wait for me after the game tomorrow. Let's come back together. Don't act alone for the time being." Ling Menglu said cautiously.

Long Dangdang nodded, he also meant the same thing. The three of them together, with the presence of the God praying for the moon, can still fight even against seventh-level enemies. This is a holy city after all. As long as we can hold on for a while, rescue will naturally come.

Long Kongkong said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay. Speaking of which, the deceased was pretty good-looking."

Long Dangdang said angrily: "People want your life, but you still think they are good-looking. Are you stupid?"

Long Kongkong said: "Isn't he not dead? Moreover, if he really has to die, it would be better to die at the hands of a beautiful woman than to die at the hands of those disgusting undead creatures. By the way, today is all thanks to the foodie. If it hadn't been for it, I might really die." As he said that, he tried to open the contract space and summon the sky-swallowing rat that he had just taken back outside.

Not to mention, this time the Sky-Swallowing Rat showed some respect and came out directly.

"Bastard, if you call me a foodie again, don't expect me to save you in the future." As soon as he came out, the Sky-Swallowing Rat said angrily.

Looking at this eloquent big rat, Ling Menglu also looked surprised.

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "Come on, come on. You didn't save me just because you couldn't live if I died. Of course, I must recognize the grace of saving my life. Tell me, what reward you want, as long as it is within my ability Yes, I’ll get it for you.”

The Sky Swallowing Rat's little eyes lit up and he said without hesitation: "The one you eat is the one you two have today. I want ten portions."

Long Kongkong was stunned, "Are you talking about pork ribs noodles?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." The sky-swallowing rat's head was nodding like a beetle, and its saliva was about to flow out.

Although it is in the contract space, it is different from ordinary mounts. It can feel what is happening in the outside world, and naturally can also feel the fragrance of pork ribs noodles. I'm drooling alone in the contract space! But he can't save face, can the majestic Emperor Tuntian still beg for mercy?

Long Kongkong's eyes lit up, "I understand, you don't want me to call you a foodie because you don't deserve the name, right? That's right! I haven't even fed you anything. No problem, just ten pork ribs noodles. ?I’ll buy you twenty servings so you can eat to your heart’s content.”

After hearing what he said before, the Sky Swallowing Rat was about to get angry, but when he heard him agree so happily and doubled the amount, he immediately fell silent and just hummed to express his reluctant satisfaction.

Long Dangdang didn't like this big rat at first, mainly because he thought this guy was too cunning. And he is not obedient. But today, the Sky-Swallowing Rat saved Long Kongkong, which immediately changed his mind a lot, and he nodded, "I'll pay for it."

Yes, Long Kongkong had no money. If he wanted to buy pork ribs noodles, he had to either ask Hepburn for credit or have him pay the bill.

Long Kongkong pulled up the little paw of the Sky-Swallowing Rat and looked at it. The dark golden claw tip was completely undamaged, and the dark golden light on it was particularly bright. He couldn't help but marveled. The attack that his Spiritual Ascension Shield could not block was completely visible from the green armor. The woman's short blade was so powerful, but it did not hurt the Sky-Swallowing Rat, which was currently only in its fourth-level state. This shows how tough its claws are.

"What are you looking at? Can this great emperor's claws be easily broken? Not only do I want to eat pork ribs noodles, but if you really want me to help you, you also need to find me some more energy-rich things. Devour. My ability to devour is different from yours. You can directly devour energy and filter it, but I need to rely on food. The more energy I eat, the faster I evolve." The light in the small eyes of the Sky-Swallowing Rat flickered. , recalling the Holy Yin Tianyuan that Long Kongkong had used before. Even though it was almost killed by the green-armored woman, it was very shocked at the time because it discovered that this was actually a very high-end devouring ability, and its own devouring ability Although the world is different, it cannot directly help one evolve, but it can swallow a large amount of energy and complete the filtering, which is very powerful for assisting cultivation and battlefield replenishment. It can be said that each of them is good at swallowing the world.

"Okay, I'll think of a solution for you later. But, where can I buy food with enough energy?" Long Kongkong scratched his head and said.

Ling Menglu said from the side: "This is not difficult. Go back and take a look at the auction. You will definitely be able to find some. Not only you, the big rat, but Dangdang Xiaoba also needs energy replenishment. Otherwise, it will just rely on the energy you shared during cultivation. Letting them evolve is too slow. This kind of super-talented monster requires a lot of energy to advance. Replenishing it through food is a good way. Don’t you have the VIP card given by my father? I will be with you then. Go and give you some advice, but the top priority is that you have to advance from the selection competition at the Knights Temple. As long as you can enter the top ten, each major temple will have a bonus, and you will have more confidence to go to the auction."

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