Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong didn't know how to deal with the attack of the high-level undead at the temple headquarters, but the Demon Hunting Group trials were still going on. And there is no down time.

After practicing all night, the three cousins ​​gathered together and headed directly to the grand arena. Starting today, they need to go to the competition on their own. After yesterday's elimination round, the number of participants today will also be reduced by half.

Along the way, Long Kongkong poked his head around from time to time to see if there would be another attack. Perhaps it was because his brother and cousin were around, so why was he still looking forward to the appearance of the green-armored woman?

But things went against expectations. It might be that the temple had carried out a major cleansing of the Holy City. The journey was uneventful and they arrived at the Colosseum smoothly.

"After the game, you guys wait for me." Ling Menglu said hello to the two of them, and then went to the priest's temple.

The knockout round will not continue in the order of yesterday's draw, but will be drawn again to avoid judging the opponent in advance during the game and formulate targeted tactics, so as to make the knockout round as fair as possible.

"Brother, you smoke first later. Let's smoke some time apart. I don't want to run into you." Long Kongkong touched Long Dangdang's shoulder.

Long Dangdang completed the drawing of lots first, and the number was actually very high this time, number three.

But when Long Kongkong took a long time to draw the lottery, he broke out in a cold sweat. He got the fifth lottery, and he was really close to meeting his brother in the second round of the knockout round.

"You don't want to scare people like this! What's going on when you almost hit me? God! You can't do this to me!" As he said this, Long Kongkong looked very sincerely towards the sky. Goodbye.

Long Dangdang said angrily: "So it's not reliable to draw lots separately. You might as well draw lots together. Get ready for the competition. We will be here soon."

The first game was uneventful. It was between two graduated knights from the Temple Union main hall. The strength of the two sides was almost the same, and the battle lasted for more than ten minutes before the winner was determined. One of them narrowly won, but was also seriously injured. Both of them died after being treated by priests.

"No. 3 and No. 4 enter the competition." The referee's voice sounded.

Long Dangdang was already waiting on the sidelines before. After hearing this, he stood up and walked into the field. His opponent's face looked a little solemn at this time. I don’t know if it’s Long Dangdang’s bad luck or his bad luck. This is a student from the third class of Knights of the Spiritual Furnace Academy. He is eighteen years old this year and his name is Wang Changxin. The reason why he is dignified is because he has seen Long Dangdang! It was during the battle to stop the undead that he watched Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong help Ling Menglu cast the forbidden spell.

Ling Menglu, who is known as a goddess and has cast forbidden spells, was selected. Although Long Dangdang is a first-year student, how can he dare to look down upon her? She is one of the opponents he least wants to meet.

Long Dangdang also had a serious face at this time. The third-year students of Lingluo Academy must be more difficult to deal with than the sixth-level graduates of Temple Academy. This one is a tough battle. And he still had to accept the challenge with some reservations. If you want to be among the best in the finals, you must expose your strength as little as possible now. After all, there is still a tough battle ahead of Ru Lin, the powerful man from other major temples. According to Ling Menglu's calculations, the best outcome would be for her and Long Dangdang to win the top two spots in the trials. It shouldn't be difficult for Ling Menglu, but it is not an easy task for herself.

"The game begins!" the referee announced. The second round of the Long Dangdang Demon Hunting Group Trials has officially begun.

Different from the opponent in the previous game, Wang Changxin on the opposite side released his mount almost immediately. It was a leopard-like monster covered with green scales. The green-scaled leopard was a very special beast. A rare leopard monster. It is two meters long, not very strong, but very fast and good at releasing poison. The upper limit of growth is peak level nine. Although it cannot reach level ten, it is still a quite powerful monster.

Wang Changxin jumped up and landed on the back of the green-scaled leopard. Spiritual power surged all over his body. A faint golden liquid spiritual power quickly covered his whole body. He held a heavy sword in each hand. The green-scaled leopard did not rush towards the dragon immediately. Dangdang, but go around to the side.

He is also a disciplinary knight, so he chose a magical beast like the Jade Scaled Leopard that is particularly good at attacking. Its strongest attributes are speed and burst.

Long Dangdang narrowed his eyes slightly. At this time, he only had a heavy sword in his hand and no shield. Seeing the other party's cautious and probing look, he seemed not to notice. He held the epee in both hands and slowly raised it above his head. A faint golden halo rose up from his feet, gathering momentum!

Yes, at this moment, he chose to accumulate momentum. The opponent obviously wanted to use the speed of the green-scaled leopard to fight him, so he was not in a hurry and increased his spiritual power by accumulating momentum.

It can be clearly seen that the golden color on Long Dangdang's body begins to become richer quickly, and the knight's epee in his hand also emits a faint golden halo. The golden light becomes stronger and stronger, and the rich light aura continues to rise on his body. . It seems that he is not worried at all about the distance between the other party and himself.

Wang Changxin did not rush to interrupt Long Dangdang just because he was gathering momentum. As a top student at Spirit Furnace Academy, he was very familiar with various low- and mid-level knight skills.

The skill of accumulating power also has a limit. Once the power reaches the limit, it must be released to the outside world. Moreover, the spiritual power released must be very strong, which will also consume a lot of oneself. The playing field is not small. With the knight's attack distance, it is not that easy to attack him from a distance. The green-scaled leopard has a natural ability, which is to get rid of the lock. Therefore, after thinking for a while, he decided not to step forward and still kept the distance between him and Long Dangdang. If I don't interrupt your momentum, no matter what tactics you have, you will naturally be unable to use them. After your momentum explodes, the consumption of spiritual energy is my opportunity.

One is gathering momentum, the other is calmly bypassing to a farther place. The start of this game is undoubtedly not exciting, but anyone with a real eye can see that both sides responded quite well. In particular, Wang Changxin, who was riding a green-scaled leopard, did not rush to attack in a hurry. This calmness and sophistication still made many senior Knight Temple officials who were watching the battle secretly nod.

Nan Yu's eyes fell on Long Dangdang. Even within the Knights Temple, not many people knew that this person was from the Preparatory Temple. Long Dangdang's performance yesterday could only be regarded as average. The use of the Dousha Xuanyuan Sword was not so smooth. It was obvious that he had just practiced it not long ago. It seemed that it did not take long to defeat the opponent, but the combat power he displayed could only be said to be If it is above average, it will definitely not meet the expectations of preparing the church.

But Nan Yu also guessed that this young man must have had reservations about the previous competition, so he was most concerned about Long Dangdang's competition. In comparison, Long Kongkong's Holy Yin Devour yesterday was quite outstanding. The spiritual furnace fusion technique used by a teenage boy can definitely be described as stunning the whole audience. Yesterday, Long Kongkong was the brightest kid in the knight selection, attracting the attention of many high-level officials. Even the knight who was defeated by Long Kongkong yesterday was called for questioning and asked about his feelings after being hit by the spiritual furnace fusion technique.

At this time, seeing that Long Dangdang was just accumulating momentum, his opponent was keeping a distance, and it was a special monster like the Green Scaled Leopard with equal emphasis on speed, explosion, and poison. It seemed that Long Dangdang was in a bad situation.

In the last game, Long Dangdang released the Little Evil Eye. The little monster, which seemed to be less than level 3 at most, was comparable to the level of human beings at level 2. In a duel at this level, it would not have much impact at all. effect. As for the golden dragon Xiaoba, it's useless. It's only the first level and needs a long time to grow.

How will Long Dangdang, who is clearly at a disadvantage, deal with his opponent who is also from the Spirit Furnace Academy and whose cultivation is even higher than him and who is also older?

Long Dangdang's momentum seemed very calm, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry. Wang Changxin cunningly rode the green-scaled leopard around to the side of Long Dangdang, keeping the distance as much as possible so that Long Dangdang couldn't see him clearly. action.

The biggest problem with accumulating momentum is that you can't move. Once you move, the accumulating energy will be terminated. Therefore, Long Dangdang couldn't even turn his head, so naturally his vision couldn't fall on him. As for mental detection, the fifth-level knight is not particularly good at this aspect. After all, mental power is not something that knights are good at.

When the Green-Leveled Leopard came to a blind spot beyond Long Dangdang's sight, a shadow spread quietly from the Green-Leveled Leopard's feet, and Wang Changxin quickly controlled the Green-Leveled Leopard and returned to Long Dangdang's side. within the field of vision, attracting his attention.

The light green shadow walked close to the ground, silently approaching Long Dangdang from the side and behind, while Wang Changxin rode the green-scaled leopard and ran towards the farthest place from Long Dangdang in the field.

As long as Long Dangdang is ready to explode, then his latent attacks and himself will quickly take action and explode. Once the Punishment Knight attacks, the best situation is to not give the opponent any chance to fight back and kill him with one strike!

In just two minutes, although the two did not confront each other, their tactics were actually constantly colliding. Suddenly, Long Dangdang's eyes suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and the knight's sword in his hand turned into bright gold.

coming! Wang Changxin's eyes instantly solidified, her spiritual power surged, and she was ready to deal with it. At such a distance, even if Long Dangdang's attack can still reach his position, the attack power will definitely be weakened a lot.

However, at this moment, he clearly saw a ball of golden light coming out of Long Dangdang's chest, and the golden three-legged cauldron exuded a magnificent brilliance.

That is……

At first glance, Wang Changxin didn't recognize what kind of spiritual furnace it was, but the warning signs in her heart suddenly increased.

Without any hesitation, he immediately controlled the shadow that had lurked behind Long Dangdang and launched an attack.

Contingency, this is what every student of Linglu Academy must learn. When Long Dangdang released the spiritual furnace, he felt that he was about to be threatened. His original plan immediately changed and he first interrupted Long Dangdang's attack at this time.

The light green figure lurking on the ground suddenly rose up and turned into a light green leopard-like shadow in the air, directly hitting Long Dangdang's body. Once the green-scaled leopard shadow possesses an enemy, it will release poison, which will be introduced into the enemy's body and cause intense damage. It is a natural skill of the green-scaled leopard specially used for hunting. Silence is very sinister.

But at this moment, Wang Changxin saw that under the pale golden spiritual furnace that Long Dangdang had appeared before, another strange cone-shaped spiritual furnace appeared. When this spiritual furnace appeared, the surface of the spiritual furnace quickly became like The petals open wide and turn into a white lotus.

This is? Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace? He recognized this spiritual furnace. Immediately afterwards, a layer of white light mask burst out from Long Dangdang's body, and the green-scaled leopard shadow that attacked behind him was instantly ejected. The simplified version of the Holy Light Spiritual Array and the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace defense skills. It also has purifying properties. The green-scaled leopard shadow immediately emitted green smoke upon the collision and then dissipated.

How did he know there was an attack from behind? You know, the green-scaled leopard shadow has the unique abilities of assassins such as stealth and stealth!

How did he know that Long Dangdang was not only a knight, but also a magician. His mental power was by no means weaker than that of a magician of the same level, and was even stronger. After all, he was now blessed by the Little Evil Eye.

At this time, a brilliant golden light shot out from the first spiritual furnace. When the golden light fell on Wang Changxin, he finally knew what kind of spiritual furnace it was.

Holy Spiritual Furnace! The second-level Holy Spiritual Furnace, this is..., traction!

Yes, traction.

The powerful pulling force instantly pulled Wang Changxin's body towards Long Dangdang's direction. The pulling ability of the second-level Holy Spiritual Furnace is impossible to resist among those at the same level. It can only fight head-on in front of the opponent being pulled. For the two sides who are both in close combat, this is not that effective originally, but when the opponent is being pulled over and faced with an opponent who has been gathering momentum for more than two minutes, it is not so comfortable.

Wang Changxin shouted coldly. He reacted very quickly. After all, he had studied at Linglu Academy for three years and he still had adaptability.

The green-scaled leopard beneath him simply accelerated. The first thing he had to do now was to get rid of Long Dangdang's battle assumptions. The knight swords in both hands lit up with two dazzling lights at the same time, and the two swords slashed with the sun. At the same time, the jade-scaled leopard beneath him burst out with intense turquoise light, and its speed instantly increased to the extreme. Instead, it borrowed the traction power of Long Dangdang's Holy Soul-Inducing Furnace and suddenly exploded. At this time, Long Dangdang seemed to be pulling two little suns towards him.

Long Dangdang's expression remained normal, and he suddenly took a step with his left foot. As he stepped on the ground, there was an explosion in his body, and at the same time, a bright red light lit up all over his body. The heavy sword held in both hands was as white as jade at this moment!

Explosion, sacrifice, holy sword!

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