A brilliant sword light appeared across the sky like a startling rainbow, and the brilliance of the holy sword illuminated the entire competition venue. At that moment, Long Dangdang's figure seemed to have disappeared, and the only thing left was the sword that seemed to be able to penetrate the world.

Wang Changxin's hands, which were originally like two little suns, were now like moths flying into the flames. His expression completely changed, and a spiritual furnace rushed out of his chest. It was a light green spiritual furnace.

The Life Guard Soul Furnace has the attached skill, Life Guard, which can quickly restore 50% of vitality when injured and heal 50% of injuries. After future evolution, the effect will be even stronger. It is a very powerful spiritual furnace, ranking higher than the Holy Spiritual Furnace. It is equivalent to giving the user half an extra life.

"Boom--" A violent collision exploded the next moment.

Long Dangdang had been preparing for this attack for more than two minutes! It was all the accumulation of liquid spiritual power. If only deflagration was added, he could also use the holy sword. However, with Wang Changxin's stronger cultivation than him, although it would be very difficult to resist, it would not be completely impossible to block it. live.

But add sacrifice to the mix, and it's different.

Sacrifice is a powerful skill that a knight can use to explode his life energy at all costs in the most critical moments. It can double the user's ability almost instantly, or even more. That instant of explosive power, superimposed with detonation, would make a normal knight half-dead after using it once.

Therefore, this sword is almost comparable to the full blow of a sixth-order peak knight. The sword light rising into the sky swallowed up Wang Changxin and the green-scaled leopard under him almost at the moment of collision.

The green-scaled leopard was sent back to the contract space almost in the next moment, and the double swords in Wang Changxin's hands instantly turned into powder, the armor on his body was shattered, and the whole person was blown away in the holy light.

When Long Dangdang's body lit up with red light, the referee had already arrived on the battlefield, ready to stop him at any time. But when he saw the light green spiritual furnace on Wang Changxin's body, he didn't immediately take action to prevent the collision between the two parties.

At this time, the surface of Wang Changxin's body was filled with a layer of green. While his body was being hacked away, the armor and clothes on his body were shattered, but the green light guarded his body tenaciously, causing a ray of light to appear on his body. The blood marks continued to heal, but they kept reappearing under the continuous erosion of the holy light.

After flying more than thirty meters, Wang Changxin's body hit the ground hard. The green light suddenly and violently spurted out from his body, thus maintaining his vitality.

At this moment, Wang Changxin felt that her mind was blank, as if her body and mind had been filled with the previous holy light.

Crazy, this guy is a crazy person. How could he use sacrifice? Isn't this a skill that only seventh-level Templars can learn? Only after level seven can one have the possibility of recovering one's vitality after sacrifice. Is he crazy? For a victory, even at the expense of his own future?

Long Dangdang stood there, breathing heavily and with a pale face. The red light brought by the sacrifice skill disappeared after the sword was struck. Unlike the normal sacrifice, which was almost uninterruptible, it was retracted with just one blow. But despite this, the explosion and sacrifice still made his whole body feel shaky. The knight's heavy sword that launched the previous attack had been broken. At this time, he had to summon a knight's sword again and put it on the ground to support his body and not fall down.

At this time, the referee quickly came to Wang Changxin, checked his condition, and then waved his hand towards the referee's seat.

"Knight No. 4 loses combat effectiveness, No. 3 wins." While making this decision, the referee also had a strange expression. Different from Wang Changxin's feeling, he just felt that there was something wrong with Long Dangdang's sacrifice skill just now, and it seemed different from a real sacrifice.

Those who can become referees must have at least level seven strength and above, and they will truly sacrifice their skills, but what is the point of this sacrifice that can be used to send and receive? How did he get his skills back? He understands this skill better. It's not that it can't be learned below the seventh level, but if you really use it after learning it, you will almost die until your own vitality is burned out. But why, after this young man exploded for a moment, his sacrifice skills immediately terminated. How did he do this?

In the stands, when he saw the brilliant red light on Long Dangdang's body, Nan Yu stood up almost immediately, but then, he saw the red light on Long Dangdang's body disappear. Even the paladin captain was distracted for a moment.

Long Dangdang walked out of the field with some difficulty, and Wang Changxin was also carried out under the treatment of the priest. With the powerful healing ability of the living guardian soul furnace, he has only lost his combat effectiveness and has not been seriously injured.

The boys and young knights in the stands were all silent at this time.

There was only one collision from beginning to end in this battle, but this collision made them excited and silent. Most of the knights were thinking, if it were them, would they be able to block the sword just now?

The young knights who graduated from the Temple General Academy are thinking more now. Spiritual Furnace Academy is indeed the Spiritual Furnace Academy! Is the spiritual stove just a piece of cabbage in your place? In one game, three spiritual furnaces were seen. They all have it, they all have it!

Emotions of envy and jealousy surged into my heart. When did spiritual furnaces become so popular? Why hasn't it spread to us? You must know that among the graduated knights of the Temple Headquarters, those who can own a spiritual furnace are definitely rare.

Long Kongkong had already arrived at the edge of the venue and helped Long Dangdang back to his seat.

"How's it going?" Long Kongkong asked in a low voice.

"Fortunately, hurry up." Long Dangdang said. At this time, his face showed pain, and sweat was pouring out from his pale face. Sacrifice is indeed not that easy to use. Although the secret method taught by the teacher can quickly interrupt it after the explosion, even at the moment of the explosion, it is really burning one's own life force. However, his situation is rather special. His clone has greatly shared the side effects of the sacrifice, and his vitality has a strong recovery ability, which is brought by Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace.

The true innate ability of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace is as vast as the sea! Canghai once told Long Dangdang that if it could solve the damage problem, restore it to its peak, and complete five advancements. It can really make Long Dangdang's spiritual power, vitality, and spiritual power have vast talents like the sea, and he can become the professional with the strongest endurance. Although it is far from possible now, it is not difficult to restore vitality. Unlike other knights, if they want to restore their vitality in this situation, they need to consume a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

"Right away, right away!" Long Kongkong promised and walked directly to the venue.

His appearance made the knights watching the game slightly stunned. They have exactly the same appearance, body shape, and even the knight-style armor they wear. It really gives people the feeling that the dragon is back. Although I knew clearly that they were twins, I still felt like they were performing a magic trick.

Long Kongkong's opponents already had serious expressions when they saw him appear on the stage.

In yesterday's game, although Long Dangdang's fighting Xuan Yuanjian was good, it was not particularly outstanding in the knight selection. There are many knights who have used spiritual furnaces and secret skills that are much more eye-catching than him. But Long Kongkong is different. He was the most dazzling one yesterday! From the spiritual furnace fusion skills to the young man under the sun at the end, everything shocked the audience. Therefore, even the sixth-level knights are somewhat unwilling to face this opponent whose strength is unknown.

When Long Dangdang first appeared on the stage, no one knew which of the twins it was. It was not until Long Dangdang used two spiritual furnaces that were different from Long Kongkong that they realized that it was the twin who had fought earlier. Weaker, yes, in their perception, Long Dangdang is weaker.

At this moment, when Long Kongkong came on the field one after another, everyone who had just breathed a sigh of relief because the previous game ended suddenly became nervous again.

The spiritual furnace fusion skill! That is a spiritual furnace fusion skill that most professionals cannot achieve in their lifetime.

The referee was still the same referee just now. He was also in a daze when he looked at Long Kongkong. He unexpectedly nodded towards Long Kongkong and then realized his gaffe.

"Both sides prepare. The game begins!"

I don’t know if fate is not too kind. In this scene, the opponent Long Kongkong encountered turned out to be a disciplinary knight. You must know that the ratio of disciplinary knights to guardian knights is about one to four. This is because the Temple General Academy and the Spiritual Furnace Academy are the highest schools, and many knight students have chosen to focus on their own combat effectiveness.

What Long Kongkong faced at this time was also a disciplinary knight. The opponent's two-handed long sword looked slender than an ordinary knight's sword. As the referee announced the start of the game, the opponent immediately released his mount.

Yesterday, Long Kongkong's opponent's mount was a blue bird. Strangely, today's opponent's mount was actually a blue bird!

When did flying mounts become so worthless? Long Kongkong himself was stunned for a moment. But the opponent had already jumped up and flew directly onto the blue bird's back.

The blue bird quickly spread its wings and flew high. When it took off, Long Kongkong saw something different. This blue bird was larger than the one from yesterday, and the liquid spiritual light on the sky knight he faced seemed to be weaker than yesterday's knight.

This is not an ordinary bluebird, right? The blue bird not only had green light flashing on it, but also had a faint golden halo. This is not a difference in cultivation level, but a difference in bloodline level. The king of bluebirds?

Although Long Kongkong thought so in his heart, his actions did not stop. The Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace and the Holy Yinling Spiritual Furnace were activated at the same time, and the two spiritual furnaces quickly merged in his chest.

But his opponent, when the Blue Bird King took off under him, did not try to distance himself, but hovered in the air. The Blue Bird King opened his mouth, and three wind blades were sprayed out, almost instantly. Flying in the direction of Long Kongkong.

The speed of this wind blade is extremely fast. Long Kongkong's spiritual furnace has not yet completed the fusion, and the wind blade has already arrived.

Long Kongkong was startled. After all, his true strength was only at the fourth level. How could he dare to face the full-strength attack of the Blue Bird King's wind blade, which was clearly at the fifth level? His feet slid quickly, and his figure shimmered like a ghost.

If he relies on the divine block and the ascending spiritual shield, he should be able to block the opponent's attack, but the problem is that once he uses defense, everyone in the audience will be able to see his true strength.

He pretended to be a little happy yesterday, so he was not willing to expose himself easily. After all, the unexposed self is more intimidating! Moreover, my brother just said to hurry up.

Thinking of this, Long Kongkong quickly avoided the wind blade and activated his third spiritual furnace without hesitation.

At the same time that the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace merged with the Holy Yinling Spiritual Furnace, a ball of golden light suddenly burst out from Long Kongkong's chest, and behind him, a slim golden figure also emerged.

Even Nan Yu, the leader of the Holy Knights, didn't know what happened when he saw this scene. However, the next moment he saw that everything around him was plunged into darkness with Long Kongkong's body as the center.

In order to interrupt Long Kongkong's spiritual furnace fusion, the sky knight riding the Blue Bird King just chose to dive. At this time, he was only about thirty meters away from Long Kongkong, and the wind blade he just sent out was already locked with it. He chased Long Kongkong's body from behind.

But at this moment, when he looked from the air, Long Kongkong disappeared below, and was replaced by a darkness like an abyss.

The wind blade rushed into the darkness and disappeared silently. What was even more frightening was that in the next moment, the darkness had covered his and the Blue Bird King's bodies.

The Blue Bird King let out a sharp cry and flapped its wings desperately to escape from the dark vortex, but it was useless. Everything within a fifty-meter diameter area was shrouded in pitch-black light. The violently rotating black light wildly devoured it and the spiritual power of the Sky Knight. The feeling was like a moth caught in a spider's web, so powerless.

All the knights watching the battle opened their mouths in shock. Yesterday's devouring of the Holy Spirit was surprising enough. But what kind of ability is this? This is completely beyond their understanding of knights, okay?

Yes, Sheng Yin Tian Yuan!

The fusion skills of the three major spiritual furnaces!

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