The four-meter-high body of the Bright Powerful Bear, coupled with the power of light that protects the body, completely blocks the body of the Brilliant Knight behind him, like the most solid shield.

When the pair of huge bear palms slapped the two "Dragon Dangdangs", the light element in the palms even exploded, covering a larger space and blocking Long Dangdang's attack path.

The two dragons paused for a moment at the same time, and then, two low roars sounded from their bodies almost at the same time, detonating!

I want to defeat an opponent with level 6 strength, and a powerful monster that is good at recovery, assistance, and combat. Without the use of magic, there is only an explosion!

It's not like Long Dangdang has never dealt with an opponent comparable to the sixth level. This was the case against the demons. The fighting style of the reckless knight has long been deeply rooted in his bones. What is true recklessness? It's so reckless that you don't have any chance to fight back.

The burst of deflagration made the heavy swords in the hands of the two "Dragon Dangdang" all light up, and almost at the same time as the deflagration, there was also the bright red, sacrifice!

Sacrifice again? Seeing this scene, Paladin Commander Nan Yu even leaned forward slightly, and his face became a little solemn.

The Knights Temple attaches great importance to Long Dangdang, who has a golden dragon mount, but the young man's fighting style really frightens him. How can you sacrifice your original ability every time you fight? How much of his heritage was sacrificed and consumed? It's all because of that guy Hai Jifeng, he must have taught me everything. In terms of cultivation, Nan Yu may not be as good as Hai Jifeng, but he is much more senior and has even taught Mang Knight.

There was no momentum this time, but using the two skills of Explosion and Sacrifice at the same time, which also cost a lot of oneself, still made the whole audience feel excited. Long Dangdang did not hesitate at all, and did not even make a tentative attack. , has already used such decisive skills, how can people not be shocked.

Visible to the naked eye, the double-handed heavy swords of the two "Dragon Dangdang" all lit up. A total of four heavy swords, including the beginning of Yinlang Magic, all lit up with brilliant holy light.

The Four Holy Swords!

The four holy swords were all aimed at the bright and powerful bear in front of him without any reservation, with a fierce momentum of indomitable and decisive domineering. That moment of explosion was so shocking.

Although the Bright Powerful Bear has a strength comparable to that of the sixth level, he was still startled when he was suddenly faced with the domineering attack from four sixth-level heavy swords. He subconsciously wanted to defend himself, but the impact from both sides was already close. Right now, it's too late to defend completely.

At the critical moment, the radiant knight who was connected with his heart had already rushed over from the side. He had also prepared the holy sword to intercept the two swords of the fire dragon Dangdang. Originally, he was planning to launch an attack after the bright strong bear intercepted the dragon Dangdang. Feeling something bad at this moment, he slipped around and almost collided with the fire dragon at the last moment.

"Boom -" Fire Dragon Dangdang's body was stopped, and a pair of holy swords struck the shield and holy sword of the Radiant Knight respectively. With the combination of explosion and sacrifice, no one took advantage this time. The sixth-level Glory Knight was also shocked by the two holy swords and fell backward, while the body of the fire dragon Dangdang directly turned into a stream of light and dissipated. A pair of standard heavy swords All are broken.

But Long Dangdang's own double holy swords collided with the pair of bear paws of Guangming Dali Bear. A low roar sounded like thunder. The bright and powerful bear reluctantly took the two swords, but the power of light in his body was almost split apart. His whole body was surrounded by holy light and he staggered back. Although his physique is amazing, the attack power of the Holy Sword is too strong. Long Dangdang struck with all his strength, and all the sharp sword intent rushed into its body.

The Brilliant Knight was not surprised at this time, but was happy. Long Dangdang's clone was broken by him, and Long Dangdang's holy sword that exploded with all his strength was barely resisted. After using the double amplification of deflagration and sacrifice, he had the remaining strength. There must not be much left. I will win this battle by myself. I am not the fifth-level earth knight who faced him yesterday. As long as I can withstand the first round of attacks in the sacrifice state, when my opponent loses his clone, he should...

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, he was stunned to see the light flashing on both sides of Long Dangdang's body at the same time, and then two more clones appeared beside him.

"Bang, bang!" Explosion, sacrifice!

Yes, the same explosion plus sacrifice. Brilliant gold and red blended together, bursting out the most tragic aura. The extremely powerful and tragic aura exploded with all its strength, and four more holy swords with dazzling brilliance appeared in front of him.

not good!

When this idea arose in the mind of the Radiant Knight, he reacted immediately. He even gave up the knight sword in his hand and instead held a shield with both hands. At the same time, his inner spiritual power exploded with all his strength, and the holy light appeared on the surface of the shield in his hand. lingering. Holy Shield!

Integrating the power of the holy sword into the shield and turning it into a holy shield is a high-level skill of the guardian knight. At the same time, his body has completed the posture adjustment, and he is blocking!

Yes, divine block and divine shield! The Radiant Knight has the strongest defense.

The four holy swords struck at this moment! There's nothing fancy about it, it's just chopping and reckless.

"Boom -" The four holy swords struck the Glory Knight's shield almost at the same time, and the energy that burst out in that moment was like a storm raging crazily. Even the bright and powerful bear, who felt something bad and forced his body to attack back, was knocked over by the terrifying energy that exploded in an instant.

The knights watching the battle all held their breaths when they saw this scene. Holy swords, so many holy swords! Is this something they can perform at their age?

A mouthful of blood spurted out from the Glory Knight's mouth, the shield in his hand was shattered inch by inch, and his whole body fell backwards uncontrollably.

He blocked it, but he still blocked it after all. The holy shield and the divine shield were enough to bear several times the attack. So what about the four holy swords, I blocked them...

However, at this moment, the brilliant brilliance, with its unparalleled momentum, and the lingering holy light, had already arrived in front of him.

"Dang-" A shield stood in front of the Brilliant Knight, blocking the light of the glorious holy sword!

At the beginning of Silver Wave Magic, the skills are re-engraved, the Ninth Holy Sword!

The moment Long Dangdang's last sword was blocked by the referee with a shield, the game was over.

At this moment, all the knights watching the battle, including the paladin commander Nan Yu, stood up at some point and looked at this incredible scene in the field.

The fifth level challenges the sixth level, and the sky or earth knight challenges the radiant knight. From the beginning to the end of the game, it only takes nineteen seconds!

Yes, just nineteen seconds.

In a short period of nineteen seconds, Long Dangdang acted as the Nine Holy Sword, and the opponent was suppressed from the beginning to the end and unable to fight back, until he was finally unable to resist and was defeated.

Is the Radiant Knight strong? Of course he is strong. This person is known as one of the three strongest knights in the temple. The three sixth-level knights are all about the same strength as each other, and they usually win and lose when they compete. But such a powerful knight with a powerful mount was defeated by Long Dangdang in just nineteen seconds without even releasing his mount.

Although everyone can see that Long Dangdang is at the end of his strength at this time, and his face is as pale as paper, and it seems that he may fall down at any time, but a win is a win.

The Radiant Knight was able to withstand eight attacks from the Holy Sword in a row. He was by no means a weakling among the sixth level, but he still lost. He was not even able to exert his true strength at all, and the linkage between himself and the Bright Powerful Bear was not fully displayed at all, but he was already defeated.

Hai Jifeng! At this moment, Nan Yu only had this name in his mind. This is clearly the fighting style that the reckless knight Hai Jifeng has become famous for. Hai Jifeng relied on this reckless energy in the Knights Temple to become a ninth-level holy knight.

In Hai Jifeng's own words, this is called fearlessness.

And what Hai Jifeng taught Long Dangdang is the true recklessness, leaving no room for the opponent or himself, exploding with all his strength, suppressing the opponent and being unable to explode, then the recklessness is successful.

Therefore, the moment he discovered that his opponent was a sixth-level knight, Long Dangdang had already made a decision in his mind. There are no reservations, no fancy techniques, and no temptations, just recklessness. Nine holy swords determine the outcome! Not even the power of the spiritual furnace was used.

The sixth-level radiant knight stood there blankly. Although his energy and blood were surged by the previous holy sword and he was injured to a certain extent, his own condition was obviously better than that of the crumbling Dragon Dangdang opposite him. Much more. But he lost. If there was no referee, Long Dangdang's ninth holy sword would have killed him.

Why lose? He couldn't help but ask himself, how did his opponent burst out with so many holy swords? What are those clones?

Various thoughts continued to attack his mind, but the most important thing was that he lost. He was eliminated, he couldn't join the demon hunting group.

Suddenly, his face turned gloomy. He had prepared for this day for too long, too long, but he still lost, he still lost the game! Even with the strength of the sixth-level knight, he failed to enter the final demon hunting group rematch.

A golden light flashed, and the angel's blessing quickly fell on Long Dangdang. When Long Dangdang used his sacrifice again, Long Kongkong had already rushed out from the viewing area and came to the sidelines to start preparing magic.

Seeing that the game was over, he rushed in immediately and hurriedly treated Long Dangdang.

"Long Dangdang, you are too troublesome!" Long Kongkong said angrily.

It would be better if he sacrificed his own use, but he used the clone three times in succession, and the consumption on himself was far from what it could be compared to yesterday. Long Kongkong pulled his arm, carried him on his back, and then walked out. Before leaving, he stared at the Glory Knight opposite with some annoyance.

This glance made the Brilliant Knight shudder. Only then did he realize that it was one of the twins who defeated him, and the other one should be more terrifying. But this one is already able to use the Nine Holy Swords, so how terrifying is the other one! Coupled with the spiritual furnace fusion skill...

The reluctance in my heart gradually faded away, maybe I just had no chance with the Demon Hunting Group after all. At his age, if he fails to pass the exam for the Demon Hunting Corps this time, he may really have no chance. It may be that he is not strong enough, or maybe he is not lucky enough.

Long Dangdang lost consciousness behind Long Kongkong, and the warmth brought by the angel's blessing finally made him feel a little more comfortable.

When they returned to the stands, the reckless knight Hai Jifeng and Gou knight Na Ye were already waiting there.

"Nonsense! It's all your fault." Na Ye said to Hai Jifeng angrily.

Hai Jifeng surprisingly did not refute this time, but instead bowed to Na Ye. Before Long Kongkong understood what was going on, Naye's body had already lit up with a familiar light.

Under the stunned gazes of many participating knights, a huge golden angel descended on the world, swept up Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong and disappeared.

When Long Dangdang woke up again, he found that he was already in the teacher's training room. He still felt a little empty and uncomfortable in his body, but at least he no longer felt like his whole body was about to collapse.

Indeed, using the main body and all the clones to perform deflagration and sacrifice at the same time is still too much of a load. Although Hai Jifeng's secret method can interrupt the side effects of sacrifice the moment after it is used, it is only a moment, which is enough to make him Source consumption.

This feeling is different from when using the God Praying Cangyue Angel. The Cangyue Angel brings too much energy to itself, and it is somewhat unbearable. Sacrifice stimulates one's own potential, thereby overdrawing its own potential. If it weren't for the spiritual power of Cangyue brought by God's Prayer Cangyue Angel during his cultivation state, which can cleanse and strengthen the body and strengthen the body, he would not have dared to use it so easily.

"Well done." A familiar voice sounded. Long Dangdang turned around and saw Hai Jifeng waiting in front of him. This reckless knight had a rare smile on his face.

"Teacher!" Long Dangdang quickly stood up and saluted him.

Hai Jifeng smiled and said: "Inside the Knights Temple, many people think that my way of fighting is an evil path, but how do they understand that wealth can be found in danger. Without enough courage and dedication, how can it be possible to achieve this goal?" High position? How can he become the youngest holy knight in the Knights Temple? Relatively speaking, Naye is really lucky. With his safety-first character, he would never be able to touch the ninth level, but I'm different, as long as I don't die, my cultivation method will definitely reach the ninth level."

"Dangdang, in this world, besides me, you are the first one to try this kind of cultivation method. Moreover, what you have endured is even more than what I endured at the beginning, but your adventures are also more than Mine is better. Today, you have finally started to embark on my road of reckless knighthood, and I am very happy."

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