Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 131 Hai Jifeng’s Road

Hearing Hai Jifeng say that he had finally embarked on the path of the reckless knight, Long Dangdang couldn't help but was slightly startled. He had been practicing with the reckless knight for more than a day or two. "Teacher, why is it today?"

Hai Jifeng smiled and said: "It is when you use deflagration and sacrifice at the same time in order to defeat your opponent at all costs. Even if it didn't work in the last battle, it will work in this battle. The main thing is that you have a unique advantage. Under such an outburst, it is still possible to avoid really hurting the source. This is considered to be on this path."

Having said this, he pulled Long Dangdang out of the training room and came to the living room outside and motioned for him to sit down.

"Dangdang, in fact, I was not a genius back then, or in other words, I was just a stubborn ordinary boy. My innate spiritual power was only over fifty, did you know?" Hai Jifeng's eyes were calm. said.

More than fifty? Although the innate spiritual power of over fifty is not bad, it is definitely not good. At least he would definitely not be able to enter the Spiritual Furnace Academy, and he wouldn't even be able to enter the main campus of the Temple Academy.

Hai Jifeng said: "Back then, I was just a knight student of the Temple Academy in a small city. Our place was very small, and there were not many professionals. With more than fifty innate spiritual powers, we could only It's already a very good level. So, at that time, I was always the first in the class, and I worked very hard. I felt that as long as I worked hard, I would always be the first, and I would be able to do well in the future. Become a Knight of the Seal."

"When I was twelve years old, I was selected by the college to take the assessment of the Temple Academy. Because our city is too small, there are only three places for each profession. You have to pass the exam to enter the Temple Academy. . And no one in our branch has been able to enter the main hospital for more than ten years. At that time, because I worked very hard and was far better than my peers, I thought that I would definitely be able to pass the exam. After all, I hardly had any rest. Time and all efforts are put into cultivation.”

"But, when I actually got to the examination room and took the examination with the students from big cities, I realized that talent is so important in this world. At the age of twelve, I was already a third-level knight . It’s pretty good in our small city. However, when I came to the Temple Academy main campus to take the assessment, I saw a lot of fourth-level knights. I was the last one in terms of innate spiritual power. First-rate. Many geniuses with innate spiritual power of sixty or seventy."

"I don't accept it! Why should I be weaker than them just because I have put in so much effort? I am sure that I have to work harder than them. The teacher who took me to the exam at that time told me, work hard It determines a person's lower limit, but talent determines the upper limit. With an innate spiritual power of over fifty, if I continue to work hard, I should be able to become a seventh-level Templar in the future. But if I want to go higher, But it’s unlikely.”

"I'm not willing to give in! I'm really not willing to give in. Why can't I succeed without talent? Can't I become a Divine Seal Knight? At that time, my inner stubbornness even became a little stubborn. In the assessment, even in the face of comparison I tried my best to attack my stronger opponents, but I kept defeating them and passed the tests one after another."

"At the age of twelve, everyone actually doesn't have much actual combat experience. Momentum is sometimes very important. In addition, I am not afraid of injury or pain and move forward bravely. I have defeated even fourth-level opponents. Then At that time, I began to gradually understand the benefits of courage and fearlessness.”

"In the end, I was admitted to the Temple Main Academy. Although my cultivation level was almost at the bottom, I defeated many opponents who were stronger than me."

"However, when I started studying at the Temple Headquarters, I discovered the problem again. I found that talent was indeed affecting me. After I entered the fourth level and then worked towards the fifth level, my spiritual power alone The level of liquid transformation is really difficult for me. Those students with high talents can complete it in a short time, but I need to put in much more effort than them, but I still can't find the trick. I knew at that time that I couldn't go on like this, because if I practiced step by step like this, I would only be left further and further behind by those classmates who were more talented than me, and it would even be unclear whether I would be able to graduate from the main campus of Temple College in the end. It’s a problem. Because when I hit the fifth level, I was already sixteen years old, and many students with less talent would be stuck at this level for a long time, and even couldn’t complete it until graduation, so they couldn’t truly graduate from the main academy.”

"So, I was thinking, is there any way to solve the problem of my congenital deficiencies? I asked many teachers, and their answers were similar to those of the teachers who took me to participate in the assessment. Talent, or talent, blocks the way My progress. I am not willing to give in! That year during the holiday, I decided to travel. During the travel, I met some friends. Although I was not very strong in the college, after all, the Temple Main Campus was also the best college. I have been around for a long time, and most of the friends I have made are very capable. We discussed and discussed, and I also told them my confusion. However, no one can give me good advice."

"Until that day, one of my friends suddenly told me. The limitation of talent is often the suppression caused by the bottleneck. What I am good at is explosion. So, if I can overcome the limit with explosion, maybe I can break through the bottleneck of talent? He said that he had seen a drug at the auction that could stimulate people's potential and have stronger power in a short period of time. He thought I could give it a try and see if I could break through to the fifth level in this way."

"At that time, I was eager to make a breakthrough and didn't think too much about it. So I went to buy this drug. Only after I bought it did I know that this drug is called Fenxue. It can stimulate potential, but it comes at the cost of longevity. .As for how much I paid, there is no specific data. It was not until later that I found out that the friend who gave me the advice had no good intentions. A girl he liked had always liked me, and he gave me such advice out of jealousy. "

"But I still tried. At that time, I was actually a little bit crazy, and I just wanted to improve myself at all costs. When I first saw the statue of the Six Divine Seal Thrones in the Knights Temple, I felt in my heart I couldn’t help but want to become a Divine Seal Knight. So, I took Burning Blood Pills.”

"The effect of Fenxue Pill is very overbearing. When I took it, I felt like my whole body was on fire, but my potential was indeed stimulated. It was like an explosion of stimulation. It made me feel so happy. I even really touched the edge of the spiritual liquid. I tried my best to use these external powers to try, and also consumed a lot of my lifespan. It was at that time that I met her... …”

At this point, Hai Jifeng paused, and his usually serious expression turned out to be a little gentle, "That's the girl who has always liked me. The friend who told me about Fenxue Pills, after knowing that I was going to take Fenxue Pills , I went to express my love to her, and accidentally let it slip. As a result, she came to me. She is a priest, and her family is very rich. She used a variety of precious medicines and the priest's treatment to stabilize my health. Shouyuan, help me interrupt the effect of Burning Blood Pills and replenish my vitality."

With a wry smile, Hai Jifeng suddenly slapped himself, "What a shame, I was blinded by the power at that time and only wanted to advance to the fifth level. Instead of thanking her, I angrily accused her of why she interrupted my cultivation and improvement. . I still remember the disappointment and sadness in her eyes. She said I was crazy, and then she turned around and ran away."

"At that time, I was obsessed with reaching the fifth level. Even after being treated by her, I continued to practice, hoping to find the feeling I had before. It was at that time that I realized the skill of detonation by chance. At that time, I also relied on the remaining medicinal power in my blood to successfully advance to the fifth level in an explosive state. I finally had liquid spiritual power. It was not until that time that I finally woke up, but it was already too late. She left. I regret it. I went to see her, at least to admit my mistake. But she still refused to see me. Maybe she really thought I was crazy. "

Long Dangdang couldn't help but said: "Have we never seen him again until now?"

Hai Jifeng nodded, "She always avoids me. Wherever I am, she will deliberately avoid it. I tried to find her several times later, but I never saw her again. Speaking of which, she is mine. A noble lady, if it weren’t for those medicines she had at that time, Fenxue Pills would have killed half of my life, and I wouldn’t be where I am later. And since I created Deflagration, I have started to walk on my own path, and very soon It’s dangerous, but it does solve the problem of my lack of talent. The danger is mainly reflected in whether my body can withstand it.”

"I have discovered through constant attempts that skills such as deflagration and sacrifice will consume a lot of money, and even consume the source and even vitality. However, after each explosion, our bodies will be completely stimulated, and this Although stimulating is risky, as long as the previous consumption is resolved, the growth rate of our body will increase. To put it simply, after you use deflagration and sacrifice, although you consume the source, the meridians and body strength will also be reduced. After being broadened, as long as you have enough life energy or heavenly materials and earthly treasures to fill it in, you can touch a higher power. This is much faster than regular practice. At the same time, after such consumption, you Your physical strength will also be tempered to a considerable extent, which is why I asked you to take the initiative to practice sacrifice. The best thing about you now is that you have the assistance of Cang Yue's spiritual power, which can make up for the loss of your body after sacrifice and explosion. The origin consumption. This is something I didn’t have at the beginning. Therefore, you might as well burst out more, and then practice after the burst, which will greatly increase your cultivation speed, whether it is to improve spiritual power or physical fitness."

"I myself have found such a path through constant research and training. It is a very dangerous path, but it is indeed a shortcut. Of course, if ordinary people try it, nine out of ten will probably be disabled. This is also my The reason why I have never found a disciple. I am also lucky to meet you. I want to see if you can create more if you practice in this way when your innate spiritual power is as high as ninety. Miracle. So, although you now have the restrictions brought by Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, don’t worry too much. This method of cultivation of mine can offset the problems you face to a certain extent. Judging from your outburst today, You should have almost reached the spiritual power level of level 5 or level 3. How long has this been? In just a few months, you have already broken through level 5 and reached this level. With this speed of cultivation, even for us saints Knights are also unheard of.”

Long Dangdang was stunned, it seemed like this was the case. Perhaps because there were too many geniuses around him, he didn't notice how fast he was improving. Moreover, his younger brother seemed to be improving faster, but looking back now, from the time he came to Spirit Furnace Academy to now, he had only improved a little bit. In just a few months, he has already passed the stressful level from the fourth to the fifth level, and can also increase his spiritual power to the level of the fifth and third levels. The nourishment brought by Cangyue's spiritual power makes him His spiritual power is definitely much stronger than that of professionals of the same level. Aren't these his advantages?

"There are some tips when using deflagration and sacrifice. Now that you have officially embarked on my path, I will start to teach you all the things I have learned over the years. Those clones you have actually It can be like this..."

At the same time that Hai Jifeng began to teach Long Dangdang, Nan Yu had already brought Long Dangdang's promotion to the Nine Swords back to the Knights Temple headquarters. He was naturally happy to hear about Long Dangdang's promotion, especially since no magic was used throughout the process. However, he was worried about the teachings of the reckless knight.

Hai Jifeng's growth is very special among the Knights Temple. It's not that the Knights Temple has never thought of replicating his growth process, but the problem is that it failed. Moreover, the price of failure is high.

As Long Dangdang was chosen by the Dragon King, Nan Yu was really worried about giving such a talent to Hai Jifeng to teach!

However, the question he submitted was quickly rejected, and the Knights Temple said that everything would be fine as usual.

The Demon Hunting Group Trials, continue!

With the end of the third round of competition, the selection of the Demon Hunting Group has also entered its final stages.

Long Dangdang, Ling Menglu, Zisang Liuying, Chuyu, Tang Leiguang, and Cai Caijuan all advanced successfully after the third round. In the fourth round, Long Kongkong will also face his third battle.

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