Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 133 The semi-finals begin

When Long Kongkong took the first step with a strange expression, Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu were the only two people left in the room.

Ling Menglu only felt that her pretty face was slightly hot, and she was instantly confused. Long Dangdang's words just now not only shocked Long Kongkong, but also made her heart pound like a frightened deer.

Confession, he, he, he... actually said he wanted to confess to me?

This... is it too fast?

Her mind was rapidly recalling everything that had happened since she met this unrelated cousin. For a moment, Ling Menglu felt confused and even her breathing became a little short.

"Cousin, are you okay? Why are you blushing?"

"Ah? You..." Ling Menglu raised her head and looked at him. She didn't know why, but the first thought in her mind at this moment was that he was quite handsome. That is, even though we are still so young, it is really suitable to fall in love. ?

"Cousin, if you have a choice, would you like to be on the same team as Zisan Liuying?" Long Dangdang didn't think too much about my cousin's state at this time, but said thoughtfully.

"Ah? What did you say?" Ling Menglu was stunned. It turns out that talking to me alone is not a confession?

Long Dangdang looked up at her, watching the blush on her face fade away quickly, and said, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Ling Menglu's pretty face quickly returned to normal, but there was a hint of imperceptible embarrassment in her eyes, and she didn't know whether it was towards herself or the guy in front of her.

"If there is a choice, of course I am still willing. We have known each other since childhood and have always been good friends. We originally agreed to be on the same team. Isn't it because of you?" As she said that, her eyes suddenly turned a bit resentful. .

Long Dangdang said: "Now I have a way. Maybe, we can all be on the same team. In that case, will the problem be solved?"

Ling Menglu was stunned and said: "Do you have any idea? The Federation clearly stipulates the composition of the demon hunting group. This rule is very strict."

Long Dangdang leaned close to her ear and whispered something?

Ling Menglu was brought to his side, her pretty face blushed again, but when she heard Long Dangdang's words, her expression instantly became wonderful, "That's okay? Then why don't you tell Kong Kong?"

Long Dangdang said: "His lazy temperament, if I tell him now, do you think he will still work hard in the knockout round? Let's wait until all the matches are completed. Don't tell Zi Sang yet, we won't do it then. You have to look at the situation. If there is no need to communicate in advance, then there is no need to communicate. Then it will go smoothly according to the plan. On the contrary, it will be more natural. Originally, I thought that you would be worried about the conflict between your and Zisang's personalities in the same team. "

Ling Menglu stuck out her tongue and said: "You are really good. Who told you that Zisang and I have conflicting personalities? That's because you don't understand either of us at all. We are both well-behaved and kind-hearted beautiful girls, not strong at all. .”

Long Dangdang looked at her speechlessly, a well-behaved and kind-hearted beautiful girl? Zi Sang Liuying's element of decisive killing was stripped away. Is that how he behaved? As for yourself, don’t you have any idea? The sacrificial forbidden spells were released at will. Although I guessed at that time that it might be an illusion, what if it wasn't? If you don’t have the courage and determination, how dare you do that? What's more, the feeling of sacrificing death is real!

"What kind of look are you looking at? Have you ever looked at your cousin like this?" Ling Menglu glared at him angrily.

"Okay, I understand what you mean. Then let's leave as soon as possible. Don't let Kong Kong really misunderstand us. We are still young, so don't say anything like confession in the future, in case we are How bad is it to treat it as puppy love? We are still young and we should focus on cultivating and improving ourselves, do you hear me?"

Seeing her serious look on her face as she lectured him, Long Dangdang smiled slightly and said, "Okay, cousin. I'll leave first then."

When he turned around, the corners of his mouth could not help but turn up slightly, and he thought to himself: Cousin! do you know? You are so beautiful when you are shy. Next year, when I am sixteen. According to the rules of the Temple Federation, you can have a coming-of-age ceremony at the age of sixteen. After you become an adult, you can engage in various jobs, join the army, and are allowed to get married.

When Long Dangdang walked out of Ling Menglu's dormitory, Long Kongkong had already been waiting outside. He rushed up with a single step, grabbed Long Dangdang's right arm, and said excitedly: "Is it done? Is it done? "

Long Dangdang glanced at him, "What's done?"

Long Kongkong said excitedly: "Of course it's a confession!"

Long Dangdang rolled his eyes and said: "That's just what I said casually. There is no confession. You are overthinking it. We are still young. Don't say anything like confession in the future, in case it is regarded as puppy love." Not good? We are still young and we have to focus on cultivating and improving ourselves, do you hear me?" What Ling Menglu taught him just now is now used on Long Kongkong.

Long Kongkong was speechless for a while and threw away his arm, "It's boring. I thought you really confessed to your cousin. By the way, what's wrong with you just confessing to me? Although we are still young now, let's take advantage of it! Cousin is so Okay girl, if you don’t take advantage, what if someone else gets there first? We have no blood relationship with her."

Long Dangdang looked sideways at him, "Do you think my cousin is very good?"

This time it was Long Kongkong's turn to roll his eyes, "Aren't you talking nonsense? I can't see why my cousin is treating us. She even gave up her best friend for many years in order to form a group with us. She always protects us, she really acts like a sister. Son, you are good-looking and strong. Let me tell you, if I hadn’t already had my own goddess, I would have taken action long ago, and it’s your turn? Look! If you get together with your cousin, in the future, You have a goddess girlfriend, and I have a goddess girlfriend, isn’t it perfect? ​​I’m so happy! What else are you thinking about? Hurry up.”

A smile appeared on Long Dangdang's face, "I know, I'm going back."

The preliminary rounds of the Demon Hunting Group Selection Tournament are all over, and the final list of sixty players selected by the major temples has been released. They will form ten demon hunting groups after the rematch in the near future to supplement the sequence of demon hunting groups.

What is a bit sad for the Cavaliers Class is that only the brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong entered the finals. Even Mu Yi and Jian Mu were eliminated. After all, the disadvantage of age still has a relatively large impact on strength. They either lost to the sixth-level Temple Knights or to the senior students of the Spiritual Furnace Academy.

As for the Temple Headquarters, only two sixth-level knights finally successfully entered the semi-finals, and the rest were wiped out. Eight of the ten knights come from the Spiritual Furnace Academy. The youngest ones are naturally the two brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong.

After three days of rest, when sixty people gathered again at the Holy City Arena, everyone was in high spirits again.

Today there will be a group draw to complete the qualifying rounds for the rematch.

There are no professional requirements for grouping. They are randomly drawn into groups. The seed players in each group stand at the front. They will not be assigned to the same group.

Long Dangdang became the seed of the Knights Temple by virtue of his ability to defeat level six opponents. The process of drawing lots is very simple. The seed players in each group take turns to draw lots, and the draws are carried out in a circular manner until the end of the ten rounds.

The order starts with the Knight Temple, then the Mage Temple, Warrior Temple, Priest Temple, Assassin Temple, and Soul Temple.

The one Long Dangdang picked in the first round was an unknown magician who graduated from the Temple Headquarters, a powerful sixth-level magician! Not so lucky.

The second person in the lottery was Zisang Liuying.

The girl came to the front, raised her hand and pressed it on the randomly selected crystal ball. After the light continued to flicker for a while, it suddenly froze. Then a name appeared, and it was exactly: Long Kongkong!

"Me?" Long Kongkong pointed to his nose and then looked at the brother beside him. He really didn't expect that he would be hit as soon as he came up, and it was Zi San Liuying who hit him. He hopes to enter the group of older brothers or cousins!

Zisan Liuying's eyes immediately turned towards the two brothers, and she glanced at Long Kongkong with deep meaning.

Long Kongkong grinned at her, showing his white teeth.

Long Dangdang couldn't help but look in the direction of Zisan Liuying. He also smiled and nodded to her, looking like one of his own.

Zisan Liuying curled her lips slightly. She had some complicated feelings about the brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. With constant contact, especially when she saw their fighting power and role when fighting against the undead, she had a lot of feelings about them. Ability is increasingly recognized. However, it was precisely because of the appearance of these two brothers that Monroe left her!

She also heard about Long Kongkong's situation in the knight assessment. Is it the spiritual furnace fusion skill? It is indeed very good. However, he is still a fourth level! Those knights of the Temple Main Campus are really hard to describe! They have never seen the world. No matter how powerful the spiritual furnace fusion skill is, it still depends on the user's own strength. How much effect can the fourth-level Long Kongkong use the spiritual furnace?

The drawing of lots continued, and each seeded player had one person in each round. In just a short while, all six groups were already divided. Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong had only been to Lingluo Academy for a short period of time, and they were first-year students. They really didn’t know most of the people. The ones they were most familiar with were the seeds from each group.

The drawing of lots has been completed, and today the first round of round-robin competition for each group will begin. Still the same as before, there are six divisions, and each group is assigned to a division to compete. Ten people, five games per group per round. Nine consecutive days, sorted by points.

Long Dangdang brought the other nine players in this group to the selection area for the previous Knights Temple preliminary round. Long Kongkong followed Zisan Liuying to the selection area of ​​the Magic Temple, and the two brothers separated.

Watching his younger brother and Zisan Liuying leave, Long Dangdang suddenly felt a little empty in his heart. According to the rules of the competition, in the first game, they will face him against the first student drawn previously, and so on. On the other hand, it will naturally be Zisan Liuying against Long Kongkong.

Although Kongkong has the spiritual furnace fusion skill, he is probably still far behind Zisan Liuying. I don’t know how he will respond, so don’t get hurt!

"Please enter the seeded players of this group and the first player drawn previously. You will be the number one and number two of this group by default."

Following the referee's announcement, Long Dangdang walked into the field together with the magician he had drawn before.

The referee looked at both sides and said: "In order to facilitate the subsequent team selection for the first round of fighting, please introduce yourself, including but not limited to name, age, rank, etc. It depends on what you want to say and let the other party Understood. This is very important for the selection after qualifying. Let’s get started, No. 1, you go first.”

Long Dangdang nodded, raised his right fist across his chest, performed a knight's salute, and said to the other party: "Hello, I am Long Dangdang from the Knight Class of Spirit Furnace Academy. I am a disciplinary knight and a magician at the fifth level!"

The magician on the opposite side couldn't help but be slightly startled after hearing his introduction, because they had previously competed in the knockout rounds in their respective divisions, and there was no time for them to get to know the opponents of other temples. Therefore, regarding Long Dangdang's situation, he was indeed It's a black eye.

This is normal for disciplinary knights. The fifth-level disciplinary knights of Spirit Furnace Academy are definitely not weak, but after all they are one level lower than themselves. The knights still have to look at what the mount is. As long as the opponent's mount is not too strong, he always has a chance, but the opponent Being able to rank first in the preliminary round of the Knight Temple with level 5 strength must be very difficult to deal with.

But what the hell is it to be a magician at the same time? When can knights also practice magic?

While stunned, the magician from the Temple Headquarters also began to introduce himself: "Hello, I am Yue Li, a sixth-level graduate of the Temple Headquarters Magic Academy."

Long Dangdang was also observing the other party at this time. She was a female magician, tall and in her early twenties, with a beautiful appearance and a somewhat confident heroic spirit between her eyebrows. In terms of rank, she was still above Zisang Liuying.

Yue Li didn't introduce his magic attributes. He was going to be his opponent immediately. He could cover up everything he could. At this time, his eyes were full of vigilance as he looked at Long Dangdang.

The referee saw that both sides had finished introducing each other, then nodded and said in a deep voice: "Both sides are ready."

"Game start!"

Following the referee's announcement, Long Dangdang rushed out almost immediately, sliding under his feet. At the same time, the green light on his body flashed, and the floating technique was applied to himself. The floating technique plus sliding steps made his whole body look like As if he was flying close to the ground, a whirlwind erupted behind him, pushing his body towards his opponent like a blue phantom.

What do magicians fear most? There is no doubt that it is close combat. At this time, Long Dangdang's burst of speed was even faster than that of assassins of the same level.

Yue Li's eyes flashed, a disciplinary knight assisted by the wind element?

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