Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 134 The spiritual furnace also has a father?

Facing Long Dangdang's sudden burst forward, Yue Li was vigilant but did not panic. As a sixth-level great mage, at her age, she was definitely outstanding and had extremely rich practical experience.

The staff appeared instantly in his hand. When the staff was raised a little to the ground, a ring of resistance fire bloomed and turned into a fire that covered all directions and was pushed outwards. The solid red even completely covered her body.

The dragon's charging figure was almost instantly covered in flames and swayed outwards. At the same time, Yue Li moved the staff in his hand outward, and bursts of bursting fireballs were already locked on him and shooting out like a barrage of cannons.

When using these low-to-mid-level magics, she didn't seem to be chanting spells at all, they were all instantaneous. Under the feet, streaks of crimson light quietly spread and rose, turning into intense flames, a fire amplification array.

Facing the exploding fireball, Long Dangdang did not try to dodge, because after being locked by the magician's skills, it was very troublesome to dodge. The silver wave magic in his hand kept slashing out, blasting away the exploding fireballs.

What magicians are least afraid of is consumption, because they have various means to speed up the concentration of spiritual power. As long as you keep a certain distance, the magician is the strongest output profession.

"Bang!" There was an explosion in Long Dangdang's body, and his spiritual power increased instantly. The surface of Yinlang's magic suddenly lit up with bright holy light, the Holy Sword!

Qingguang pushed forward again, his figure rose up again, and he rushed towards the opponent like lightning.

Yue Li's eyes flashed, and she knew that such an attack from the Holy Sword could no longer be resisted by the Ring of Fire. Never let the other party get close!

Gold and silver light shone on her chest at the same time, and then, a very small-looking circular spiritual furnace appeared from it. This spiritual furnace is very strange. It looks like two spiritual furnaces spliced ​​together, one side is round and the other is crescent-shaped. The round part is gold, and the crescent-shaped part is silver. The two are perfectly connected together, emitting that soft gold and silver two-color light.

With the appearance of the spiritual furnace, the staff in Yue Li's hand suddenly lit up with a dazzling light. In addition to the previous fiery red light, there was also a blue water light.

Water and fire come from the same source?

Long Dangdang had seen similar magic in the elemental saint woman Sang Liuying. The ice and fire dragon song that Zi Sang Liuying performed at that time was extremely powerful and forcibly suppressed the undead army.

At this time, the magic of water and fire performed by Yue Li seemed even more peculiar. The two completely opposite attributes of blue and red converged into a spiral vortex in front of her.

Long Dangdang slashed away with his sword without hesitation, but when his silver wave magic cut into the two-color vortex with the power of the holy sword at the beginning, he suddenly felt the crazy alternation of hot and cold, constantly washing away the holy sword. The power of the sword was so powerful that the holy sword could no longer move forward after cutting only a third of it. Moreover, under the terrifying power of ice and fire, the cold and scorching heat had been transmitted back to his body.

The sun and the moon share the same spiritual furnace! It is one of the top ten spiritual furnaces in the Magic Temple. Its main function is to obtain the ability of ice and fire. Only magicians with dual talents of water and fire attributes can obtain it. There is no doubt that Yue Li is such a genius.

After the strange vortex of water and fire solved the attack of the holy sword, it quickly rolled up and invaded Long Dangdang's body. But at this time, Long Dangdang had a faint smile on his lips.

Do water and fire come from the same source? The basis of the coexistence of water and fire lies in the balance between water and fire! This is definitely particularly effective for other melee professions, but it seems to be a little different for me!

"Bang!" The blazing sword light erupted again almost instantly, and the skills attached to the Silver Wave Magic at the beginning overlapped!

The light of the Holy Sword flickered again, but this time the light of the Holy Sword was filled with fiery red color, because at the moment the Holy Sword appeared, Long Dangdang had transformed itself into the Fire Dragon Dangdang, and the power of the fire element suddenly merged into the Holy Sword. into the sword, and inject this fiery spiritual power into the whirlpool of water and fire.

Fire attribute? How come he has fire attributes?

The moment she felt the power of water and fire becoming chaotic, Yue Li couldn't help being surprised, but she didn't panic. If her power of water and fire was so easy to crack, she wouldn't be able to make it to where she is today.

The Sun and Moon Tonghui Spirit Furnace on his chest shone brightly again, and instantly began to regulate the coexistence of water and fire.

And at this moment, a soft white light rushed out from Long Dangdang's chest, turning into a spiritual furnace as white as jade and emerging.

Almost instantly, everything around him seemed to become dim. Only the bright white light on Long Dangdang's chest and the silver light of the waxing moon on the sun and moon spiritual furnace were still shining.

In an instant, Yue Li's body stiffened. She was shocked to find that her Sun and Moon Spiritual Furnace had lost control almost instantly. In the next moment, the magnificent golden and silver spiritual furnace turned towards her like a baby swallow. The white spiritual furnace that just appeared on Long Dangdang's chest flew away.

During the flight, the Sun and Moon Tonghui Spiritual Furnace quickly became smaller, and then, with a "pop", it was thrown into the white spiritual furnace, and a piece of blue liquid was splashed.

The source of ice and fire also disintegrated almost instantly, and the silver wave magic sparkling with the light of the holy sword was also handed to Yue Li.

Yue Li didn't even remember to dodge, she just looked straight at the white spiritual stove on Long Dangdang's chest.

There was no need for the referee to take action, Yinlang's magic naturally stopped in front of Yue Li at the beginning.

"W-what did you do to my spiritual furnace?" Not to mention Yue Li, even the referee was dumbfounded at this moment. Why is there still a spiritual furnace that can devour the opponent's spiritual furnace? This is simply unheard of!

Long Dangdang smiled slightly and said, "When a daughter sees her father, she always wants to be intimate."

"What did you say?" Yue Li's eyebrows instantly stood up. Looking at this young knight who was obviously much younger than him, he became furious.

"Don't panic, I didn't say 豼, I said your spiritual furnace. Your spiritual furnace should be born out of my spiritual furnace. It's natural to be close to you. Don't worry, I will return it to you right away." Long Dangdang said helplessly. .

When the other party released the Sun and Moon Spiritual Furnace, the voice of the sea was already ringing in his heart. This Sun and Moon Spiritual Furnace was exactly some of the spirituality it and its partners had released, condensed after years of evolution. The completed spiritual furnace.

Therefore, when it felt the breath of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, it was really like a child meeting its parents, how could it not throw itself into their arms. Soaked in the spiritual sea of ​​the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, one would never want to come out.

Only then did Yue Li finally realize that her spiritual furnace was actually restrained by the opponent's spiritual furnace, and it was still in a situation where the spirit furnace of the sun and the moon was her core ability! How can she win if her core abilities are restrained?

She couldn't care about anything else. For her, the sun and the moon were too important. She hurriedly took a few steps forward, came to Long Dangdang, and looked into the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace.

I saw the shrunken Sun and Moon Tonghui Spiritual Furnace rising and falling in the blue spiritual sea, constantly exuding a happy smell.

Long Dangdang raised his hand to hold the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Stove and said softly: "Give it back to her."

The next moment, the golden and silver rays of light rose, and the sun and moon together with the Huiling Spiritual Furnace returned to Yue Li, but looking at it, it looked like it was still struggling to rush back into the embrace of the sea. Yue Li finally took it back into his body. But the next moment, her eyes widened. She could clearly feel that her Sun and Moon Spiritual Furnace had... actually been upgraded...

Yes, upgraded! From the first level to the second level! Although she knew before that her Sun-Moon Tonghui Spirit Furnace had reached the peak of the first level and was not far away from being promoted. But as one of the top ten powerful spiritual furnaces in the Magic Temple, it is by no means an easy task to truly advance. But it only took such a short time to soak in the opponent's spiritual furnace for such a short time! It was upgraded directly.

The depression of losing the game just disappeared almost instantly. What does losing a round robin match mean? When Sun Moon Tonghui Spirit Furnace is promoted to the second level, his strength will definitely make a qualitative leap! But how is this done?

Her eyes instantly became fiery when she looked at Long Dangdang.

"The game is over, Dragon No. 1 wins Dangdang. Both sides exit."

Long Dangdang nodded to Yue Li, turned around and walked out of the field.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, let's talk." Yue Li hurriedly followed and ran to Long Dangdang's side quickly.

Long Dangdang said: "Okay, I also have something to say to you. However, I want to see how my brother's game is going first... Oh, no need."

Just when he was about to go to Long Kongkong's competition venue, he saw Long Dangdang walking over to him, and the game ended faster than he did.

"Is your game over?" Long Dangdang looked at Long Kongkong, who looked like an old god, and asked doubtfully.

Long Kongkong said matter-of-factly: "Yes! It's over."

"How did you fight?" Long Dangdang asked.

Long Kongkong said: "It's very simple. When we came up, Zisang Liuying introduced who she was, and then I introduced who I was. Then I said to her, Sister Zisang, we live and die together. As one of my own, I will let you win this game, which is the gentleman's demeanor. Then, I will admit defeat."

Long Dangdang was speechless for a while. Fortunately, he was worried about this guy just now. It would be better for him to just admit defeat.

No need to ask anymore, Long Kongkong could never be Zisang Liuying's opponent, and he might not be able to stop it even with a big magic spell. Throwing in the towel is a good choice. This kid really hasn't become inflated by constantly defeating his opponents in the preliminary rounds.

"You still know how much you weigh." Long Dangdang said.

Long Kongkong chuckled and said, "That's a must! Safety first. Have you forgotten whose disciple I am? Hey, is your competition over? It's so fast! Did you win or lose?"

"He won." Yue Li, who was standing next to Long Dangdang, said, and then looked at Long Dangdang with some eager eyes.

"Let's talk aside." Long Dangdang pointed to the corner of the battle zone.

The three of them walked there together and found a place to sit down.

Yue Li glanced at Long Kongkong and asked impatiently: "What's going on? Your spiritual furnace... Why did my spiritual furnace get upgraded after being soaked for a while?"

Long Dangdang thought about the wording for a moment and said: "The general situation is this. My spiritual furnace itself is of high status, but it is damaged and incomplete. And your spiritual furnace is my spiritual furnace. The spirituality that originally emanated has evolved over the years. So there is nothing wrong with me saying that they are father and son or father and daughter. When your spiritual furnace feels the breath of my spiritual furnace, it will naturally be like a child meeting his parents. They were intimate and affectionate in front of me. Their breaths are connected, and my spiritual furnace is at a higher level. Under the stimulation, it helps your spiritual furnace complete the cultivation of promotion, so that it can be promoted successfully. My spiritual furnace allows me to Let me tell you, although your Sun-Moon Tonghui Spiritual Furnace is very powerful, it can only evolve three times. But if it can complete five evolutions in the future, it may be promoted to a wisdom spiritual furnace."

Yue Li's breathing suddenly became heavy, "You can only evolve three times, so how can you evolve five times?"

Long Dang said: "That requires an improvement in level. If my spiritual furnace can be repaired, I can help it to be reborn, have higher talents, and have the opportunity to complete five evolutions."

Yue Li was stunned and asked subconsciously: "Then how do you repair the damage to your spiritual furnace?"

Long Dangdang smiled bitterly and said: "It's difficult. It requires me to inject a lot of spiritual power. This will even affect my own cultivation. I will try my best. If my spiritual furnace completes its evolution in the future, I can help you cultivate it. After all, they are related."

Yue Li's mood had only calmed down a little at this moment, and he suddenly said: "Long Dangdang, if you enter the top ten in the end, can you choose me when you choose someone? If it weren't for my spiritual furnace being restrained by yours. , I am still quite strong. I am already at the sixth level and am good at both water and fire magic. Now that the Sun and Moon Tonghui Spirit Furnace has advanced, I should be able to start trying the advanced thunder attribute magic of the fire system and the advanced ice attribute magic of the water system. When combined, we will be stronger. Choose me, I will be on your team!"

Long Dangdang was stunned, "There are still a lot of uncertainties, and I don't know where I will go in the end. Moreover, I already have the choice of a magician in my mind, not to mention, I am also a magician. .”

Yue Li said with some dissatisfaction: "Then who do you want to choose? Is it better than me?"

Long Kongkong also said at the side: "This sister sounds very strong! Brother, please think about it."

Long Dangdang looked at Yue Li, pondered for a moment, and then asked: "After your spiritual furnace has advanced, can you beat Zi Sang Liuying?"

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