Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 139 The Sadness and Happiness of the Rat King

"By the way, Kongkong! There seems to be something wrong with your big rat just now. Has it advanced? After the advancement, it seems that it has malicious intentions towards you." Long Dangdang said seriously, changing the topic meticulously.

Long Kongkong was stunned for a moment, "Really? I don't feel anything! However, it should have evolved. It even ate other people's summoned beasts. Fortunately, it was not the natal summoned beast that it ate. I will have a good relationship with this foodie guy later. Tell me, don’t swallow someone else’s natal summoned beast during the assessment, otherwise it will be troublesome. But, brother, aren’t you a pretty good foodie?”

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "It's more powerful than expected. That silverback gorilla should be a level six monster, which is equivalent to our fifth level. Your big mouse is only level five, which is equivalent to level four, and the same as 豼. Surprisingly It is indeed extraordinary to be able to devour people beyond levels without the opponent being able to resist. I just don’t know what its limit is. Moreover, it has already advanced to level six before you have even advanced. This The advancement speed of Devour is a bit fast.”

Long Kongkong touched his nose and said, "Maybe it's because I'm not far away from the fifth level."

Indeed, during the process of the three of them practicing together, he, without liquid spiritual power, was the one who made the fastest progress. Especially under the baptism of the moon spirit power brought by Cangyue Angel, his body's endurance is also increasing day by day. What he is enduring is not liquid spiritual power, and his progress is rapid. The fifth level is indeed not far away.

Long Dangdang muttered: "After it advanced, it seemed to have done something to you, but it seemed to have been hurt instead. You must be more careful with it in the future. Although it is bound by a contract, it was summoned from another world. There are still many things we don't understand about this creature, so don't be careless. We can no longer easily use the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace to replenish its spiritual power."

Ling Menglu seemed to have forgotten the previous topic, and followed Long Dangdang's words: "Your brother is right. It's better to be careful. However, the longer the blood contract is completed, the deeper the bond between the two parties will be. The possibility of violating the contract is lower. The blood contract is a very high-end contract. In history, I have never heard of anyone who can resist the blood contract. But you must also be sincere about it and connect through the blood contract. You are originally It is easy to develop friendship, and if the friendship is deep, even if it becomes extremely powerful in the future, it will always protect you."

"Well, I know. I don't feel that it is going to be detrimental to me. If there is, there should be feedback from the blood contract." Long Kongkong said.

Looking back now, he also felt that the Sky-Swallowing Rat seemed to have done something to him at that time, a bit like when he had just signed a contract with it, but this time he did not feel any malice from the Rat King. At least it didn't seem to be trying to hurt itself.

Returning to Spirit Furnace Academy, the three of them went back to their dormitories to rest, and then met to practice together after dinner. Cangyue Angel was most efficient at night, so that it could absorb the power of the moon spirit.

Long Kongkong returned to his room, closed the dormitory door, and immediately opened his contract space and tried to summon the Rat King.

Needless to say, he actually responded. In a flash of dark golden light, the Rat King appeared in front of him with a body that was fatter than before after his advancement.

It was lying on the ground, its plump body was like a big dark golden meat ball, its long tail was coiled around its body, but it looked like its originally sparkling little eyes seemed a little dull now. Even a little depressed.

"Foodie, are you okay? What happened?" Long Kongkong came up and touched his head. Not to mention, the rat king's fur felt really good to the touch, it was smooth and smooth!

The Rat King raised his front paw angrily and pushed his hand away, "I have something to do, I'm very depressed."

It is indeed very depressed. Originally, it thought that after taking the opportunity to advance, the power of bloodline will be greatly improved. One more bloodline judgment should be able to suppress Long Kongkong's bloodline. At that time, it will directly perform another blood contract reversal. , master and servant are in different places, wouldn’t that be wonderful?

But who knew that when it issued a bloodline judgment again, it was no different from the first one. The fear from the bottom of its bones almost caused its heart to arrest, and the backlash was even more severe than the first time. I really don't understand why my invincible bloodline suppression has completely failed when it comes to this kid who has no ability? You must know that the power of its bloodline has been continuously refined after devouring the world countless times, and has reached its peak in one plane!

Therefore, it is very depressed, it cannot understand, but the ending is bleak. After all, it still cannot take back the initiative, and it cannot restore its peak cultivation level. Right now, it simply feels like life would be worse than death.

"Okay, why are you depressed? My dad told me before that there are only so many days in a person's life, one day is happy and one day is depressed, so why not be happy? Isn't it good to live happily? ? You rest here for a while, I'll be back as soon as I can." With that said, Long Kongkong left the Rat King alone in the dormitory and left.

The Rat King slowly sat upright, with his front paws clasped across his chest, and his small eyes gradually became sharp again!

How can I get rid of this kid and regain my glory as the Rat King? Now it seems that the bloodline judgment seems to have failed. Maybe there is something special about the formation of the blood contract? It doesn't believe that that little human being can suppress itself in terms of blood. Yes, there must be something wrong with the blood contract. I need to study the blood contract carefully.

Now that he is at the fifth level, his strength has been greatly improved. Although that kid is not very good, his devouring ability is very suitable for him. It didn't expect it to be able to advance so quickly this time.

It uses devouring to improve itself. In fact, devouring is not eclectic, but rather very harsh. Any creature it swallows needs to be continuously purified through the special space formed by swallowing the world before it can absorb the purified energy. Basically, compared with the devoured energy, the final purified energy is less than one hundred, so it is not that easy to advance.

However, when it was with Long Kongkong, it found that its improvement was much easier than when it was in the original plane. It was suppressed to the fourth level of cultivation when it signed the contract with Long Kongkong, but that was also the peak of the fourth level. It seems that level five is not far away, but in fact, the transition from level four to level five of Warcraft, that is, level five to level six, is a watershed. It is not easy to break through this bottleneck.

As for today's devouring, the energy of the silverback gorilla is definitely not enough for it to digest normally, and three more may not be enough. However, the energy provided by Long Kongkong played a big role. The purification effect of his spiritual furnace was surprisingly good. The energy brought to the Rat King was so pure that the Rat King's devouring heaven and earth effect was actually reduced due to this. Improved, as if absorbing the energy brought by the Dragon Kong Kong Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace resonates with Devouring Heaven and Earth, allowing it to directly combine the energy brought by the Silverback Gorilla with the energy brought by the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace during the process of digestion and absorption. Energy merged together.

Pure energy cannot be absorbed by Devouring Heaven and Earth, but it seems to be feasible when combined with food. As a result, it actually succeeded and entered the fifth level. This was an unexpected surprise, but it also made him think twice and make another bloodline determination.

The Rat King's mentality gradually stabilized. After all, it was an existence that had once dominated a plane, and its determination was very determined. It decided to study the blood contract carefully, while studying how to find the flaws in the blood contract, and at the same time use Long Kongkong's Yuanvortex Spirit Furnace to improve itself. The stronger it is, the more innate abilities it can awaken. In the near future, hum!

While thinking about it, its mentality gradually calmed down, and then it suddenly thought, what did that kid do? Why did you run out for so long? This has been twenty minutes, right?

At this moment, the dormitory door was pushed open, and Long Kongkong rushed in from the outside with two big basins in his hands. There was steam rising out of it.

The Rat King's pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle tip, and his pointed nose twitched crazily.

Fragrant, so fragrant! This taste..., this...

In an instant, all the depression was left behind, and all that remained was an unparalleled strong desire.

"Come on, come on, foodie. I promise you, I, Uncle He, have also added more. This pot is for ribs, this pot is for rice. Hurry up, let's eat together while there is still pot gas, pot gas for you Understand? I'll go! Don't squeeze me, foodie! You're too fat, leave a place for me and I'll have a share of it!"

Long Kongkong had just put down a bowl of ribs and a bowl of rice when a fat butt squeezed over him. The big butt swayed, causing him to stumble and fall to the side. The sharp dark golden teeth started instantly. The wind and the remaining clouds are gone.

Does he have a share? Pooh! The Rat King secretly felt cruel in his heart. In order to avenge his bloodline judgment, he would not even leave a bone for him, hum!

It turns out that this guy went out to make pork ribs rice for me!

Although the Rat King was unwilling to admit it in his heart, his body was honest. At this moment, he clearly felt that his mood was finally happy again. These ribs and rice obviously don't have any energy bonus, but the taste is amazing!

The dragon squeezed three times but failed to reach the edge of the basin, so he had to give up. Somewhat helplessly, I sat down next to the Rat King and watched it feast.

The Rat King is a good eater. He first stuck to the pot of ribs and ate all the ribs inside, including the meat and bones. Then he poured the remaining ribs soup into the rice bowl and started a big cleanup.

Although it was not eating slowly, it was not fast compared to when it devoured the world and swallowed up the silverback gorilla. Its little eyes were narrowed, full of enjoyment, and its long tail was raised. Beware of Long Kongkong and prevent him from competing for food with you.

Finally, the two big basins were empty, and the big, round belly of the Rat King didn't look like much change.

"I'm talking about foodies, you are too unreasonable. I obviously have a share of this! Do you have any humanity?" Long Kongkong said angrily.

"No, I am a Sky-Swallowing Rat. What kind of humanity do I need? My natural instinct is to eat!" the Rat King said coldly.

It raised its little paw, took off a grain of rice on its nose, and handed it to Long Kongkong, "Here, your share."

"Wipe it!" Long Kongkong glared at it, and the Rat King said leisurely: "Don't forget it." As he said that, he stuffed the last grain of rice into his mouth, which made Long Kongkong's mouth twitch.

But the next moment, Long Kongkong changed his expression and said with a smile on his face: "Rat King! Are you feeling better?"

The Rat King's eyes suddenly became wary, "What are you going to do?"

Long Kongkong said with a smile: "I won the game today. This is the first time I won the qualifying match. Of course I want to win again. I don't have much ability, but you are awesome! You are already at level five, we are Can’t we kill everyone?”

"No matter!" The Rat King raised his head.

Long Kongkong said: "You have a short mouth to eat, but you just ate so much pork rib rice from me."

The Rat King said: "That's the reward for helping you fight that battle today."

"Okay, no problem. You continue to help me play the game tomorrow, and I'll treat you to other delicious food. The spicy shrimp from one restaurant is particularly good. I guess you will never have it in your previous world. Do you want to try it?"

"Gudu!" The Rat King swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked anxiously: "How does it compare with pork rib rice?"

Long Kongkong chuckled, "The styles are different, but they are all delicious!"

The Rat King rolled his eyes and thought to himself, now that he has come, he will be safe, so he should use this kid to practice. At that moment, he shook his head and said: "Okay, since you still know how to be filial to me, I reluctantly agreed."

"Okay! Keep your word. I'll buy it for you when you come back from the game tomorrow." Long Kongkong nodded happily.

Got it! Long Kongkong couldn't help but feel a little proud. He could see the strength of the Rat King. He could swallow the monsters of one level higher than him. It seemed that there were no side effects and it could be upgraded. This guy is definitely not comparable to ordinary Warcraft. Once you coax it well, even if you are a little weaker, you can still lie down! Wouldn't it be a pleasure to help the Rat King in a down-to-earth manner?

Naye once taught him that it doesn't matter if people are lazy, but they must find ways to make themselves better lazy. All lazy people are actually the smartest, because they can always invent something to make themselves more comfortable. Therefore, people can be lazy, but they cannot use their brains. They must find ways to make themselves lazy safely and happily. Long Kongkong Shen takes it for granted!

The two-day qualifying schedule is over, and the players in each group have already had some collisions with each other. Unlike the knockout rounds, which are the most cruel, the round robin also requires strategy to a certain extent. To many people, admitting defeat like Long Kongkong versus Zi San Liuying is a normal and excellent choice.

The third round came as promised.

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