Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 140 Deterring the Three Kings

In the Demon Hunting Team Selection Ranking Tournament, Long Dangdang’s opponent in the third round was Zou Liang, whom Yue Li faced in the previous round.

A sixth-level war sect who possesses the brilliant three-king shield. There is no doubt that this is a very difficult opponent to deal with. The opponent's Three Kings Shield can be said to be a combination of offense and defense, and it is supported by sixth-level spiritual power. It is not easy to defeat the opponent. Therefore, after watching the game yesterday, Long Dangdang came back and thought carefully about how to fight against the opponent's Three Kings Shield.

Entering the competition venue, Zou Liang looked at Long Dangdang with a stern look on his face. He defeated his opponent in the first game, and lost to Yue Li in the second game. He had one win and one loss, and now has three points. Long Dangdang has won both games, with six points, and is a seeded player himself. The seeded players in each group are undoubtedly the ones the other members of the group want to beat the most. Because only by defeating the seeded players can you enter the top eight.

The two sides stood still, looking face to face at the tower shield held by their opponent. Long Dangdang could feel the pressure from this brilliant piece of equipment. It is really too big. In terms of flexibility, the Three Kings Shield undoubtedly has no advantage. Zou Liang is obviously very dependent on this equipment. Even if the Three Kings Shield is used at level 7 or even level 8, there will be no problem. Greater spiritual power can better unleash the power of the Three Kings on the shield. It's just that as he gets stronger in the future, his role will gradually decrease. But as a sixth-level person, this is almost like an artifact.

Watching the last match between Zou Liang and Yue Li gave Long Dangdang a closer understanding of powerful equipment. Of course, they can't get it yet. Only after becoming a member of the Demon Hunting Group can you gradually change your costume based on your merits and making money.

"The game begins!" With the referee's announcement, the third round of qualifying for the first group officially began.

Long Dangdang's eyes narrowed, and he launched a charge almost without any pause, a knight's charge!

Zou Liang, who was on the opposite side, was not surprised but delighted. His Three Kings Shield was undoubtedly powerful, but there was also a problem, that is, when it exploded with all its strength, it consumed too much spiritual power. Yesterday's match against Yue Li was because his spiritual power could no longer be sustained and he had to admit defeat.

When facing a knight, what he fears most is that the opponent is outsmarting him. Although the Leopard King of the Three Kings Shield has the ability to accelerate, it is only an instantaneous sprint. In terms of speed, it cannot be much faster than the lightly-armed Punishment Knight. If the opponent deliberately tries to dodge and go around in circles with him, he must deal with it very carefully to avoid excessive consumption.

And seeing Long Dangdang rushing directly towards him, this was the situation he most wanted to see. A head-on collision. With the explosive power of the Three Kings Shield, he believed that even the super geniuses of this demon hunting group were not his. opponent. Brilliant-level top-notch equipment coupled with the full burst of his sixth-level spiritual power, who can stop it?

On the surface of the Three Kings Shield, the Leopard King lit up immediately. Zou Liang thought very clearly that since the opponent was charging directly towards him, there was no need to change his tactics. His speed also increased sharply, and he strode towards Long Dangdang to meet him.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and it is already within ten meters. At this time, the reliefs of the Lion King and the Elephant King lit up at the same time on the surface of Zou Liang's Three Kings Shield.

The three kings roar! The strongest skill of the Three Kings Shield is that the power of the three kings is combined into one. When it explodes with all its strength, there is no way to hide at close range.

Zou Liang had no intention of making any tentative attempts with Long Dangdang. He had also seen Long Dangdang's explosive power in previous battles, so he decided to use his strongest explosive power in one go, relying on the advantage of the Three Kings Shield. Crush your opponent without giving them a chance to perform.

In the waiting area, Yue Li frowned as he looked at Long Dangdang who rushed forward so recklessly. She knew Zou Liang very well and was very afraid of Three Kings Shield. If her spiritual furnace had not evolved, it would not have been easy for her to defeat Zou Liang. Facing the Three Kings Shield, the best way is to consume him and let Zou Liang's spiritual power be consumed quickly due to the use of the shield. When he wears down his spiritual power, he will naturally win.

However, Long Dangdang just chose to charge forward, just like the previous game. How can you attack the Three Kings Shield like this? This is completely unwise! Seeing Zou Liang directly unleash the Three Kings Roar, Yue Li's first thought was, it's over, Long Dangdang is going to lose.

But at this moment, suddenly, the surface of the silver wave magic in Long Dangdang's hand lit up with a faint golden light, and the sound of Qingyue's sword buzzed like a dragon's roar.

At this moment, the roar of the three kings that had just begun suddenly stopped, and the three reliefs on the shield dimmed almost at the same time. At this moment, Long Dangdang rose into the air, holding the beginning of Yinlang's magic with both hands, and slashed with the holy sword!

"Dang-" Zou Liang, who still didn't understand what was going on, was struck backwards with his shield. The Three Kings Shield has lost its Three Kings, which is the Brilliant Level Defense Shield. Moreover, all his spiritual power was injected into the shield to release the roar of the three kings. The three kings turned off the flames, but the output spiritual power was not returned. With this sword strike, Zou Liang's body lit up with holy light.

Long Dangdang took advantage of the situation and rebounded. He was in the air, his body roared and exploded!

The light of the holy sword suddenly lit up again. He went straight to Zou Liang and chopped down again.

Zou Liang was completely confused at this time. Since possessing the Three Kings Shield, he has used it countless times in battle. This brilliant piece of top-notch equipment had never let him down, but he never imagined why his such a powerful shield would suddenly shut down.

He cherished the shield of the three kings more than his life. At this time, there was a problem with the shield, and he was dumbfounded.

This is the negative effect of over-reliance on equipment. Once there is a problem with the equipment, his fighting spirit drops to an extremely low level, and he cannot even perform explosive skills. Now he just wants to check what happened to his Three Kings Shield.

Long Dangdang's subsequent series of attacks suppressed him, leaving him unable to fight back, and he quickly gave up. After admitting defeat, he didn't even bother to exchange greetings with Long Dangdang, and ran away in a hurry to check his Three Kings Shield.

When Long Dangdang walked out of the competition venue, Yue Li had already come up to him, looking at him in surprise, and said: "How did you do this magic? How did you make Zou Liang's Three Kings Shield ineffective?"

Long Dangdang smiled slightly and whispered: "This is a secret!"

Yue Li rolled his eyes and said, "You're still pretending."

Long Dangdang shrugged, "You work hard." After saying that, he walked out. He still had to press the formation for Kongkong.

As for how he restrained the Three Kings Shield, it was actually very simple. When he was thinking about how to deal with this brilliant shield last night, Canghai woke up the dreamer with a direct word.

No matter how small the golden dragon is, it is still a golden dragon. Just such a sentence made Long Dangdang understand.

Golden Long Xiaoba has been sleeping in the contract space most of the time since he followed him, and Long Dangdang has been using the power of the moon spirit and the power of his own blood to nourish Xiaoba during his training. The relationship between him and Hachi is different from that of most knights and mounts. Generally, the relationship between knights and mounts is just a contractual relationship, a master-slave contract. But Xiaoba and he had a blood contract, not an ordinary blood contract. Xiaoba was basically hatched by him using the power of his own blood. It can be said that we are connected by heart and blood, like one body. This is also the reason why Xiaoba was so weak when he was born. The power of Long Dangdang's blood suppressed Xiaoba's own talent, and he was not particularly strong at birth like ordinary dragons. But this also made the blood bond between them even closer. Long Dangdang's practice is equivalent to Xiaoba's practice. Xiaoba is always growing. But its growth still requires time and more energy.

Long Dangdang only retained a trace of Xiaoba's aura at the beginning of Yinlang's magic. When his opponent burst out the Three Kings Shield with all his strength, he released this aura. The reason why the Three Kings Shield is powerful is because of the breath of the Three Kings left on the shield. When the Three Kings of Artifact Spirits feel the suppression of the bloodline from the golden dragon, how can they still burst out? He was immediately frightened and stopped. That was the five-clawed golden dragon, the aura of the Dragon King's lineage! It has natural blood suppression against most monsters.

After all, the Three Kings Shield is only Brilliant level equipment. If it is a higher level, it may be able to barely resist, but the Brilliant level is still a bit weaker.

After suppressing the three kings, it would be much easier for Long Dangdang to face Zou Liang again. Just win.

Therefore, what may seem unbelievable to others is actually extremely simple for Long Dangdang.

Of course, for the Knight Templar Commander Nan Yu who had been paying attention to him, he could tell what he had done at a glance. He paid the most attention to the young man who might well become the Temple's fourth Dragon Knight.

Long Dangdang didn't seem to show much strength along the way, but he steadily defeated his opponents one after another, especially the sixth-level knights, warriors, and magicians, who were defeated one by one in his hands. , this is not just as simple as talent.

Long Dangdang didn't watch Yue Li's game and went directly to the second group's competition venue. Long Kongkong hasn't appeared yet, and the previous game is still going on.

"Is everything over with you? Did you win?" Long Kongkong asked in a low voice.

Long Dangdang nodded.

Long Kongkong gave a thumbs up happily and said: "Excellent, brother."

"Who is your opponent today?" Long Dangdang asked.

Long Kongkong pursed his lips as he looked not far away. It was a warrior wearing fish-scale light armor, and she was also a female warrior. He has a slender figure and is actually no shorter than their brothers, at least 1.75 meters tall. A pair of long legs is very eye-catching.

"Is it from our college or from the main temple?" Long Dangdang asked.

Long Kongkong said: "She is from our college, a third-year student. She is very strong. Do you know what her weapons are?"

Long Dangdang glanced at him and said: "If you ask this, her weapons must be very weird."

Long Kongkong said: "That's not an ordinary weird thing. Have you ever seen a girl wielding a big mallet? This is it. It's the kind of heavy mallet with a huge cylindrical head. It's amazing. Her first round. At that time, the opponent who was hit by the big hammer had almost no resistance. She is still at the fifth level, but her explosive power is very strong, so she must be very talented with innate strength."

"Then how do you plan to deal with it?" Long Dangdang asked.

Long Kongkong said: "I'll help my rat king! I devour it, and it resists it. We cooperate tacitly. There should be a chance."

As soon as he heard Long Kongkong call him the Rat King, Long Dangdang knew that this kid didn't hold it in well. She glared at him angrily, "You still have to improve your strength quickly. And ah! Don't let your foodie eat others up. It's okay to eat a summoned beast, but if you eat people, you'll be in trouble. Big.”

"I know, I know, I told you a long time ago. My Rat King is now at the fifth level, and he must be an invincible existence!" Long Kongkong has always felt that the Rat King can hear his words through the contract space, but now The slap on the rat's fart made a snapping sound.

The game on the field finally came to an end. Tao Linlin, who Long Kongkong defeated yesterday, relied on the powerful power of his own summoned demon-suppressing tree to defeat his opponent. Seeing the demon-suppressing tree beating his opponent one by one with no resistance, Long Kongkong couldn't help but secretly sighed. He knew that he was able to defeat the opponent yesterday because of a certain amount of luck. No, it was a lot of luck. Element.

"Brother, it's my turn, I'm going." As he said that, Long Kongkong stood up, lifted his pants, glanced at the female warrior who had strode into the venue, and hurriedly followed.

Wang Changxin walked to the competition venue, stood still, then summoned his weapon, leaned on the ground, and looked in the direction of Long Kongkong.

Although Wang Changxin is not the type of stunning beauty, she has a very delicate appearance, a slender figure, and perfect body proportions. Together, her appearance is quite excellent.

However, when the big hammer appeared in front of her, the atmosphere was obviously ruined. The long handle of the mallet is two meters long, the huge cylindrical hammer head is 80 centimeters high, and the cross-sectional diameter reaches 30 centimeters. Just putting it there gives people an extremely heavy feeling. The top of the giant hammer is inlaid with a yellow gem the size of a fist, which emits a faint light. When paired with the beautiful girl next to it, the picture is really beautiful. At least Long Kongkong's legs felt a little weak when he looked at the big hammer in front of him.

Long Dangdang's expression also became a little serious. Being able to use such a weapon must be something special. What's more, this is a third-year student of the Spiritual Furnace Academy. For a female warrior to be admitted to the Spiritual Furnace Academy, she has proven a lot of things. Moreover, she should have gained something from the Spiritual Furnace Selection Ceremony.

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