Just when Long Dangdang released three clones and the main body rushed towards Zisan Liuying from four different directions. An unexpected scene happened to him.

At this moment, Zisan Liuying suddenly stopped all low-level magic blocking and attacking him, leaving him completely clear.

This sudden change made Long Dangdang slightly startled and subconsciously slowed down a bit because he didn't know what Zisan Liuying's purpose was.

And at this moment, he clearly saw a pair of huge light golden light wings unfolding behind Zisang Liuying. With a tap, she was already flying upwards, flying diagonally behind her. Shoot away.

This is……

Spirit wings!

The symbol of the sixth level professional. Only after reaching the sixth level of cultivation, through the continuous purification of spiritual power and the conversion of liquid spiritual power into a semi-solid state outside the body, can an existence like spiritual wings be condensed, thus truly allowing professionals to have the ability to fly.

It can be said that spiritual wings are the symbol of sixth-level professionals. All professionals, no matter what profession they are, may be able to display spiritual wings when they reach the sixth level. The reason why it is possible but not all is because if you want to display spiritual wings, you must first complete the process of transforming spiritual power from liquid to solid. This requires another qualitative change in spiritual power. Although it is not as difficult as the fourth to fifth levels of spiritual power liquid transformation, it still requires sufficient spiritual power accumulation and strong mental control.

Relatively speaking, spiritual wings are of greater significance to melee professions, because it means that melee professions have the ability to fight in the air. As for magicians, more magicians will still use wind magic to assist themselves in flying. Wings of Wind is a fifth-level magic, and Dragon Dangdang can also use it now. But because it is a fifth-level magic, it takes a certain amount of time to chant.

The disadvantage of the Spirit Wing compared to the Wind Wing is that it is not durable and consumes a lot of spiritual energy. Unlike the Wind Wing, which can reduce consumption by continuously absorbing wind elements to achieve the purpose of long-term flight. But the advantage of the spirit wing is that it is instantaneous, does not require spells, and can explode faster in a short period of time.

At this time, Zisan Liuying did not choose to use the wind magic she was more familiar with, but directly used the spiritual wings, which consume more energy. This first means that her control over spiritual power has reached the level where she can cast The level of spiritual wings, and the other thing is that she needs speed, a faster burst of speed.

The sixth-level opponents Long Dangdang encountered before did not use spiritual wings. It was not because they didn't want to, but more because they had not yet reached the level of cultivation and ability. There is no doubt that Zisang Liuying can already do it.

The gorgeous light golden spiritual wings behind her gently flapped, and her delicate body quickly flew diagonally to the rear. At that moment of speed, she directly opened the distance between her and Long Dangdang and the three clones. distance. The staffs in both hands of Zisan Liuying were shaking gently, and the mantras in his mouth were chanting without stopping.

Seeing the distance between the two sides being widened, Long Dangdang's heart sank. Zisang Liuying was more cautious than he thought. Not only did he use the dual staffs and the Origin Soul Furnace as soon as he came up, he didn't even mean to collide with him head-on, and directly distanced himself. Making his planned outbreak impossible. And once the opponent's magic is prepared, there is no doubt that what he will face is Zisan Liuying's extremely powerful magic attack.

She saw through it. This is the intuitive feeling of Long Dangdang. In order to keep distance from him, Zisan Liuying even gave up her best wind magic and used spiritual wings directly. Just not prepared to give him any chance to get close.

Zisan Liuying had the upper hand in terms of spiritual power, and she had obviously understood that although Long Dangdang's clones were powerful, each clone consumed spiritual power, and using the clones at the same time would double the consumption. Long Dangdang's fighting method is to explode, and as long as he is not given a chance to explode, the gap between the two sides will be obvious. But she herself can rely on the distance she has opened to prepare magic calmly.

what to do?

Long Dangdang only hesitated for a second before his body and three clones rushed in the same direction, closing the distance between him and Zisan Liuying as much as possible.

Zisan Liuying flapped his spiritual wings behind him, changed direction dexterously, and then opened the distance between the two sides from another direction. The speed was obviously much faster than Long Dangdang.

There is a qualitative gap in strength between the fifth level and the sixth level!

Those sixth-level people who had lost to Long Dangdang now realized that if they could cultivate spiritual wings, they should be invincible against low-level opponents. Of course, except for people like Yue Li who are naturally restrained by spiritual furnaces.

Long Dangdang took a deep breath, and his body and three clones instantly gathered together, but he did not withdraw the clones to reduce the consumption of spiritual power. The four figures rose up at the same time, waving the silver wave magic in their hands at the beginning. The light body technique and the floating technique were released on the body and clone at the same time. At the same time, they jumped with all their strength. In the air, four figures gathered together. The main body is at the front, and the three clones are at the back.

The fire clone is at the bottom, it breaks out first, fire bursts out from under its body, magic, flames spurt!

The blazing fire burst out, suddenly pushing the three bodies in front to increase in speed and fly into the air.

Long Dangdang's main body is currently divided into two parts: one mind controls three clones, and the other one is constantly chanting spells. The silver wave magic in the hand flashes with light, rapidly condensing the power of the elements.

Zisang Liuying flapped her spiritual wings in the air. Although Long Dangdang's acceleration method could speed up, it could only rush in one direction. But she directly changed direction and flew in another direction. Go, the forced Long Dangdang had no choice but to follow her and change direction when the second clone assists her in speeding up and spraying water waves.

Although they are also closing the distance between each other, they have no intention of catching up.

After accelerating the main body and the wind dragon Dangdang in front, the two clones were taken back into the body by Long Dangdang. At this moment, Long Dangdang's spell was completed, and a pair of wind wings bloomed behind him. The wind dragon Dangdang behind him The strong wind swept across, ejecting the main body directly, and quickly rushed towards Zisan Liuying.

This time the distance between the two parties quickly closed, and Zisan Liuying actually stopped dodging, and instead stopped in mid-air.

A ray of light burst out almost as soon as they entered the fifty-meter distance, and instantly fell on Zisan Liuying. The strong pulling force pulled her body and flew directly in the direction of Long Dangdang. And go. But Zisan Liuying just continued to chant the spell, without even the slightest intention of struggling. She even restrained her spiritual wings behind her back, letting the pulling power of Long Dangdang pull her like a baby swallow. Arriving in a blink of an eye.

The three clones that were withdrawn from the body were released again, and a knight's sword shone with light, and it was too late to activate the holy sword. In fact, with the continuous explosions, Long Dangdang was not sure that he would be able to unleash the power of the holy sword in a sacrificial state. For magicians, there is actually no need for the attack power as strong as the Holy Sword.

The light lit up in the sky like clusters of small suns of different colors, heading straight for Zisan Liuying.

But at this moment, the corners of Zisan Liuying's mouth turned up slightly, and her spell was completed.

Blue, red, green, and yellow rays of light instantly formed a dense halo around her body. The next moment, the halo swept out, covering almost the entire battlefield space in an instant.

The change happened so fast that even Long Dangdang couldn't react. He didn't even know what was happening. But in the next moment, he already felt that his whole body was empty, as if something was missing.

Yes, it is lost.

The water dragon dangdang, the fire dragon dangdang, and the wind dragon dangdang disappeared almost at the same time. The wind wings behind Long Dangdang's body and the light attribute Yaori Slash released from the surface of the silver wave magic in his hand also disappeared at the same time.

Water, fire, earth and wind, the four elements are mixed! Elemental stripping!

All of Long Dangdang's attacks, all of which had detonated explosive attacks, disappeared in front of the elemental stripping. Even his three clones also disappeared.

At this time, the reason why he could not fall from the air was because the Holy Spirit Furnace on his chest was pulling Zi San Liuying's delicate body, and she was pulling her in the air, so he did not fall in the first place. Time just falls.

"Your clone is actually just a weakened version of the elemental body. It is made of condensed elements. Right?" Zisang Liuying smiled calmly.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. She did not underestimate Long Dangdang at all, and even used such a powerful element stripping method just to prevent Long Dangdang from having any chance to resist. Because she has discovered that this guy may not be very strong, but his endless and ingenious fighting methods and methods are very troublesome. The reason why he used elemental stripping to deal with Long Dangdang was to prevent him from using all these methods again.

Not discouraged, Long Dangdang was still able to remain calm at this moment. After all, the two sides were close at hand, and after all, the traction effect of his Holy Spiritual Furnace was still there. He suddenly jumped upward with the help of the traction force of the spiritual furnace, and the initial light of the silver wave magic in his hand bloomed, and it was reproduced! Holy sword!

At close range, as long as the power of the holy sword threatens his opponent, he can turn defeat into victory.

"It's useless. I've seen it before." Golden light burst out from Zisan Liuying's body, and a familiar spiritual furnace appeared in front of her. It was also owned by Ling Menglu. The repulsive spiritual furnace of the artifact.

The powerful repulsive force directly ejected Long Dangdang and his holy sword that had not yet fully exploded with power.

Although the traction force of the Holy Spiritual Furnace was still there, the repulsive force of the spiritual furnace bomb flew far enough away, and the traction between them was broken instantly.

And without this traction, Dragon Dangdang's body directly turned into a parabola, falling towards the ground under the action of the repulsive spiritual furnace.

Under the influence of elemental stripping, no elemental attributes will exist in the entire competition venue for at least ten minutes.

This is the power of this combination of magic, and this is why even with Zisan Liuying's strength, he has to sing for such a long time.

Long Kongkong's hands had already covered his face, and he was done. Abused. He was abused almost without any ability to fight back. The difference was quite big! Without a suitable mount and sixth-level spiritual wings, there is no way to compete with the opponent! Moreover, my brother’s abilities have been seen through by others.

"Hey!" At this moment, a soft cry suddenly came from beside him.

Long Kongkong opened his eyes subconsciously and looked at his cousin beside him in confusion. But he found that Ling Menglu's eyes were fixed on the direction of the battlefield.

He quickly turned around and saw a surprising scene.

Long Dangdang, who was originally falling, was slowing down rapidly, and next to him, another figure exactly like him appeared. Hasn't his clone been destroyed?

What is even more strange is that the Holy Spiritual Furnace is being pulled between two bodies, and the main body is rotating rapidly, and the clone that finally appeared was actually pulled by the traction force of the Holy Spiritual Furnace to follow and rotate, continuously. A few weeks later, he was suddenly thrown out and flew straight towards Zi San Liuying who was looking at Long Dangdang with a look of astonishment on his face.

How could it be..., how could he have a clone?

Zisan Liuying was shocked, but the staff in her hand was not idle. Her elemental stripping deprived all the magic elements in the air and the elemental power that the opponent had. The elemental body was stripped away as a whole. , so we can destroy Long Dangdang’s three clones. But she can also use her own magical spiritual power to cast magic, but the power will definitely be weaker than when there is abundant magic elements in the air.

Before the figure that was thrown away by Long Dangdang arrived, his hands had already made a false pressing motion. Suddenly, Zisan Liuying felt that her body suddenly sank, and she was actually falling downwards.

Gravity! Earth element!

Yes, at this moment, it was Tulong Dangdang who appeared in front of her.

From the beginning, Long Dangdang did not think that he could defeat Zisan Liuying, not to mention that most of his abilities had been seen by the opponent. Therefore, all the methods he used before were to lure Zisan Liuying to release the magic. He can only really have a chance if his opponent gives him a chance.

Zisan Liuying was deeply impressed by Long Dangdang's explosion, so she decided to use elemental stripping to completely cut off his abilities. In her opinion, the battle was over when Long Dangdang fell from the air. If he fell from such a height in the sky, he would be seriously injured if the referee did not intervene.

However, she never expected that Long Dangdang still had a hand left, and there was a brand new earth-type clone. The earth clone first helped Long Dangdang lower his gravity, and then was thrown out by him as a follow-up attack method.

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