Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 150 Zisang Liuying’s Third Spiritual Furnace

After casting magic like element stripping, Zisan Liuying consumes a lot of energy! At this moment, she couldn't help but panic. This situation beyond her prediction forced her to cast magic forcefully.

The explosive fireball shot out, but was blocked by Tulong Dangdang with his hand raised. And, it's already here.

The silver wave magic held in his left hand stabbed out like lightning at the beginning, turning into sword rays and covering Xiang Zisan Liuying's delicate body. Before being thrown away, Long Dangdang, the most powerful weapon, had already been handed over to it.

Zisan Liuying had already used the four-element combination of magic element stripping and repulsion spiritual furnace. Faced with this sudden counterattack, her face looked very ugly. She really didn't expect that the opponent would still find a flaw in her originally foolproof fighting method.

no solution anymore……

There is no need to hide anything anymore. Once the opponent hits you, you will really lose! Biting her silver teeth, she raised her right hand and pointed it towards her forehead. The next moment, a large piece of silver thread spurted out from her forehead and instantly wrapped around Tulong Dangdang's body.

Tulong Dangdang's body was blooming with yellow spiritual power, but neither gravity nor spiritual protection had any effect when facing these silver threads. Even when the silver wave magic was first swung away, it actually just passed through those silver threads, as if it didn't exist in this world at all.

Long Dangdang was shocked. At this time, he had landed firmly on the ground. With the help of Tulong Dangdang's perspective, he could see clearly that at some point, there was a small silver frog on Zisan Liuying's forehead. , a little silver frog with a pair of big black eyes, and the silver threads spit out from the mouth of this little frog.

There are three bright silver lines on the little frog's back, but the rest of it seems to be transparent, just lying on Zisan Liuying's forehead.

And when those silver threads fell on Tu Long Dangdang, Long Dangdang immediately felt that his clone suddenly had a strange feeling. The silver threads clearly did not restrict Tu Long Dangdang's actions, but when it When it wrapped around Tulong Dangdang's body, Tulong Dangdang seemed to be sucked away by something, and it quickly became weak.

What's this?

Long Dangdang was taken aback, and his body quickly rushed towards the direction where Tulong Dangdang and Zisan Liuying fell. Although he does not have the support of elemental power now, he still has some spiritual power.

"Quack!" At this moment, the silver little frog suddenly screamed. Then Long Dangdang saw that the two staffs in Zisan Liuying's hands lit up with dazzling lights. The staff on the left was blue and the staff on the right was red. Immediately afterwards, the low dragon roar resounded throughout the sky.

He had seen this magic before, Zisan Liuying had used it to kill a large number of undead. Exactly: Dragon Song of Ice and Fire.

But, how could it be so fast? She didn't chant the spell at all!

Before he could think about it, the dragon song of ice and fire had swallowed up the body of Earth Dragon Dangdang in mid-air. The clone was broken, and Long Dangdang couldn't help but groan. Then he saw the huge ice and fire dragons falling from the sky and rushing towards him. Come.

At this moment, the small silver frog on Zisan Liuying's forehead seemed to have solidified, with three legs standing firmly on her forehead, while her pair of big dark eyes gradually turned gray, and the three silver streaks behind her The lines slowly floated up like three streaks of silver smoke.

Spiritual furnace, is that Zisan Liuying’s third spiritual furnace?

At this moment, Long Dangdang understood.

A tall figure appeared silently in front of him, blocking everything like a mountain. Let the magic power pour out naturally and then collapse.

Long Dangdang raised his hand to catch the silver wave of magic falling from the sky, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Although I have already guessed the outcome and am ready to trick someone, is the gap still too big after all?

"Magic Temple, Zisan Liuying wins." The referee standing in front of him announced in his deep voice.

Long Dangdang lost the semi-final after all. Although he didn't even know how he lost.

In the waiting area, there seemed to be no sound of breathing until now.

This game is not gorgeous, and it can even be said that it is not good-looking at all. There were no strong collisions and no grand scenes. The two sides even seemed a little awkward from the beginning of the game.

But a truly discerning person can see that both sides in this game know their opponents well and are racking their brains to plot against each other.

Zisang Liuying knew that Long Dangdang was good at using deflagration, sacrifice and clones to explode, so she didn't give him a chance to explode. As soon as he came up, he used his spiritual wings to distance himself and prevent him from getting close. And from the beginning, he was prepared with the ultimate move of a four-attribute combination magic like elemental stripping. This move is already in the category of seventh-level magic, and it can deal with almost all seventh-level magic.

However, all her calculations couldn't stop Long Dangdang and she still had a hand in hand. Even Long Kongkong and Ling Menglu didn't know that he already had a fourth clone.

When his own light attribute and the three clones were all destroyed by the elemental stripping, and when he could no longer maintain flight, he released the fourth clone, catching Zisan Liuying off guard. Even everything done before was simply an illusion, just to gain this glimmer of opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

As it turns out, he succeeded. After all, Tulong Dangdang succeeded in getting close. When the repulsive spiritual furnace was already used, it was completely beyond Zisan Liuying's expectation. Zisan Liuying never expected that Long Dangdang would have a chance to get close to her after her powerful elemental stripping and repulsive spiritual furnace exploded.

However, foundation and strength determine the outcome in the end. Zisang Liuying relied on the powerful third spiritual furnace to abruptly reverse the situation again.

The battle situation continued to change, and in the end, Long Dangdang was defeated. But if Zisan Liuying didn't have the assistance of this last spiritual furnace, she might really be in trouble. She was approached by a fifth-level earth attribute knight at close range. With the gravity spell added to her body, and in the weak state after having just released her ultimate move, she was unable to compete.

When Zisan Liuying fell to the ground, the little silver frog on his forehead had disappeared. He must have put away the spiritual furnace.

She looked at Long Dangdang with burning eyes, "I still underestimated you."

Long Dangdang smiled calmly, "If there is another time, at least you won't beat me."

The corners of Zisan Liuying's mouth turned up slightly, "I didn't expect you to be someone who can say harsh words."

Long Dangdang didn't say much, saluted to the referee and left the field. Zisan Liuying looked at his back, her eyes becoming hardened unconsciously. This Long Dangdang was indeed stronger than she imagined. He already had four clones, and they had gathered the four basic attributes. With his Magic Knight abilities, he will definitely be more difficult to deal with in the future, after all, he is still young now. If he was also at the sixth level, she really had no absolute certainty that she could defeat him.

"It's okay, it's okay. If you lose, you lose." Long Kongkong and Ling Menglu were standing on the sidelines waiting for him to come out. Long Kongkong smiled and went up to give him a hug.

Ling Menglu said softly: "You're not hurt, are you?"

"I'm fine." Long Dangdang shook his head.

"Okay, let me rest first, I'm going to compete." Ling Menglu patted him on the shoulder.

Long Dangdang walked to the waiting area to rest. At this moment, he seemed a little silent, as if he was thinking about something.

Ling Menglu sighed secretly, thinking that he was in a bad mood and would have to wait until he got back to persuade him. What she is about to do is the second semi-final, and she needs to finish the game first.

"In the first game of the semi-finals, San Liu Ying, the son of the Magic Temple, won. In the second game of the semi-finals, Ling Menglu, the priest temple, faced off against Tang Leiguang, the warrior temple. Both sides prepared for the entrance."

Ling Menglu and Tang Leiguang both walked into the field and came to the referee. The referee is still the same one from the Warrior Temple and has not been changed.

The referee looked at the two men and said, "Priest vs. Warrior, the distance between the two sides is two hundred meters. If there is no winner within ten minutes, the Priest wins. Do you understand?"



Tang Leiguang looked at Ling Menglu opposite. Today she was still wearing the college uniform with a veil on her face. But when he looked at her, he was surprised to find that the goddess, who usually smiled sweetly and was full of affinity, had firmness in her eyes at this moment.

Ling Menglu's staff shook in a circle towards Tang Leiguang and finally took it back in front of her, performing a priestly salute. Tang Leiguang responded with a warrior salute. Then he saw that Ling Menglu had turned around and walked away.

Is she blaming me for choosing Zisan Liuying? Tang Leiguang's brows frowned slightly.

The two sides quickly completed the distance and stared at each other from a distance.

"Start!" With the referee's announcement, the second game of the semi-finals between the Goddess and the Thunder Sword Master officially began.

On the rostrum, this event was also taken very seriously.

The goddess Monroe, the elemental saint woman Sang Liuying, the son of reincarnation, Tang Leiguang, the thunder sword saint, and the white phoenix Cai Caijuan are known as the five geniuses of the new generation of Lingluo Academy. But today's match is a real collision between geniuses, the most powerful showdown among the lower grades of Spirit Furnace Academy. You must know that these five geniuses are almost all the targets of major temples as preparation temples for training. As long as it grows smoothly, it will almost certainly become a holy church in the future. How can it not attract attention?

"Boom -" As the referee announced the start, Tang Leiguang moved immediately. The blue-purple light on his body suddenly burst out, and the next moment, his whole body was like a thunderbolt, heading straight towards Monroe. It rushed in the direction, really as fast as lightning, almost breathing, it had already rushed out of the distance of thirty meters. Then the body roared again, and the speed increased sharply again. It is obviously much faster than when Long Dangdang charged before.

Ling Menglu held the staff, and her delicate body slowly floated up from the ground. What's strange is that as her delicate body slowly rises into the sky, her whole body begins to bloom with a soft light. It is a kind of blooming from the inside out, as if she is a luminous body herself.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light lit up on her staff, directly covering her delicate body, and a golden six-pointed star bloomed at her feet.

Holy light!

Blessed by light!

Two magic spells were released in a row, and at this time, Tang Leiguang had already rushed over a hundred meters away.

The effect of the sacred light is to make the caster possess sacred attributes, sublimate his own light attributes, increase the power of light magic by 30%, and increase the oppression against darkness and all negative attributes.

The blessing of light is even simpler. It attracts a large amount of light elements to itself and greatly enhances the cohesion of its own light elements.

After Zisan Liuying's elements were stripped off before, the strong men from the Magic Temple had restored the elemental power here before the start of this game, so it did not affect Ling Menglu's spellcasting at this time.

Under the influence of these two auxiliary magics, the light on Ling Menglu became stronger and stronger.

Amidst the roar of thunder, Tang Leiguang's momentum became stronger and stronger, as if his whole body became taller, and he rushed straight towards her with unparalleled force.

Ling Menglu murmured a spell in her mouth, and her feet began to move. She was not retreating, but was tapping her toes and sliding continuously on the spot. It was like a magic circle was carved on the ground, and the rich flavor on her body The ultimate light element continued to flow into the ground like a liquid, making the golden color under her feet more and more gorgeous.

At this time, she looked pure and transparent. Against the background of the sacred aura, the deep holiness even gave people a feeling of worship.

In previous games, she relied more on attrition to defeat her opponents. Priest has many means of defense and control. But today, she obviously didn't want to do what she usually did.

Getting closer, Tang Leiguang was already within fifty meters of her. At this time, he already had a heavy sword in his hand, and his whole body was covered in blue-purple thunder and lightning, and his whole person had an unparalleled aura.

With a sudden step on the ground, the roar of thunder was several times louder than before, and his entire body was ejected and flew directly into the air. There was a thunderous sound in the sky, and in the next moment, Tang Leiguang's body turned into a bolt of thunder and fell from the sky, heading straight for Ling Menglu and blasting away.

Facing such a powerful attack, Ling Menglu just raised her head slightly, and her beautiful eyes turned completely golden at this moment. The rhythm of the chanting spell in her mouth did not change at all, and she had no intention of evading. A ball of pale golden light surged out from her chest, and a magnificent golden light and shadow emerged. It was the repulsive force that Zisan Liuying had used before. Spirit furnace.

The golden halo suddenly bloomed and exploded in response to the falling thunder.

There was a loud noise of "Boom--". Ling Menglu stayed still, but Tang Leiguang's body bounced back. But Ling Menglu's eyes shone even more this time, and another spiritual furnace appeared almost at the same time.

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