After a brief period of panic and confusion, each team basically stabilized their situation and did not really become a free fall. It's just that because the strength of the team is different, the reaction speed is naturally different, so it seems to be relatively scattered.

Under the guidance of his cousin, Long Dangdang stared down and applied wind auxiliary magic to his friends one by one. In this regard, he was even stronger than Yueli, a magician. After all, Yueli was a water and fire person. Although he can also practice dual elements and wind attribute magic, he is definitely not as good as Long Dangdang, the disciple of the Listener of Wind. At the same time, he also released some more floating skills to support some nearby demon hunters, allowing everyone to stabilize their bodies earlier.

After his body stabilized, Long Dangdang had enough time to observe his surroundings. Perhaps because of the endless forest below, the air here is extremely transparent and clear. The weather today is exceptionally good, with a cloudless blue sky and bright sunshine shining on my body, even making me feel hot. In this situation, it is definitely best for professionals in the light system. The light element is very abundant.

The forest below is extremely dense. Looking down from the sky, all you can see are huge tree crowns, and you can't see the ground at all.

Being teleported directly into the air was definitely a strange move, but Long Dangdang felt something vaguely in his heart. It won't be that simple! The devil instructor has said before that this special training is all real actual combat, and there are even quotas for casualties. With the average strength of these people being above level five, and with the support of magicians, there will definitely not be much danger. But if this is just a show of force, it seems a bit easy?

"Everyone, be careful. There may be danger in the forest below." Long Dangdang said loudly. He deliberately increased his voice, not only to remind the members of his own team, but also to remind other demon hunting groups around him. We are all heroes, so we naturally have to watch and help each other.

At this time, they had descended to less than 500 meters from the forest. As if to verify Long Dangdang's words, almost as soon as he finished speaking, the next moment, many tree crowns below shook, and then, streaks of green light shot up, flying straight in their direction.

Long Dangdang stared intently, and immediately saw that it was a cyan bird that was only about one meter long and had a wingspan of less than one and a half meters, but it was extremely fast. You can tell from the green light emitting from their bodies that this is undoubtedly a kind of magical beast!

There were hundreds of bluebird monsters that suddenly rushed out from the woods below, and they were extremely fast, and they were already close in the blink of an eye.

Long Dangdang's reminder played a very important role at this time, making everyone who had been somewhat relaxed before tighten their minds and focus their attention at the same time.

There was no need for the leaders of the various demon hunting groups to remind them, before streaks of magical light burst out. In the middle and long distances, that is the world of magicians.

The same was true for Yue Li. A layer of water curtain was released, blocking everyone in the group. When the blue bird monsters rushed into the water curtain, their speed was significantly slowed down. However, these monsters are obviously not that simple. As their speed slowed down, a green light flashed on their bodies, and a very sharp aura burst out from their bodies. They actually drilled gaps in the water curtain, forced themselves out of the water curtain, and continued to rush forward.

However, as a sixth-level great mage, how could Yue Li break through so easily? Another layer of water curtain bloomed, blocking the Blue Bird Monster that had just broken through the water curtain. At the same time, the temperature of the two layers of water curtain dropped suddenly and instantly condensed into ice. The blue bird monsters were frozen directly in the ice.

Just when Yue Li was about to detonate the ice, Long Dangdang suddenly said: "Don't kill yet."

Yue Li is the most convinced of him. Who allowed Long Dangdang to possess an existence like the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace that would have a huge impact on her future? The ice layer that was about to be detonated froze for a moment, and then fell downwards from the air like a free fall.

Wang Changxin looked at Long Dangdang with some doubts, "Why not kill?"

At this time, the other demon hunting groups had already demonstrated their abilities, and the blue bird fell like rain under the attack of magic. The one who killed the most was undoubtedly Zisan Liuying. Low-level magic couldn't be easier for her. Like mercury pouring down the ground, he killed a second-level bluebird monster and fell to the ground.

Only Long Dangdang and the blue bird monsters on their side were nearly falling to the top of the tree canopy along with the ice. When the ice melted, the blue birds struggled to land on the canopy without dying.

Long Dangdang and the others also fell in this direction. At the same time, he explained: "The Federation has always advocated ecological balance, and has never hunted World of Warcraft on a large scale, and even specially opened up areas for Warcraft to inhabit. At least in Before the mission is clear, we should not make decisions easily. The devil instructor has emphasized that this is not a simulation or an exercise, everything is real. Since it is real, we need to consider the real situation of the Federation."

"Kill them all! What if the mission is judged by the number of monsters hunted?" Ming Xi said with some disapproval.

Not only her, Yue Li also had similar thoughts, but she wouldn't say it out loud.

"I think what the leader said makes sense. Don't kill people casually. It is everyone's responsibility to protect nature." Tao Linlin said.

At this time, everyone had landed near the tree crown. At this moment, huge snake heads poked out from the tree crown. This snake head is really too big. Just a head is already the size of a water tank. When it opens its bloody mouth, its diameter can even reach nearly four square meters. It has sharp teeth. It's really scary.

But a strange scene also happened at this moment. After those huge tongues poked out, the only area left empty was where Long Dangdang and the others landed. Because the place where they landed was exactly where the blue bird fell and landed on the canopy of the tree.

And all around, I could see the huge tongues opening their mouths, spitting out large swaths of green mist that rose up, heading straight for the various demon hunting groups falling in the sky.

Long Dangdang pulled Long Kongkong in front. Long Kongkong's Spirit Ascension Shield had been activated. At the same time, the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace was ready to be activated.

The bluebirds that had landed on the tree crown were looking at them sharply, but they did not attack them.

Everyone landed lightly on the tree crown one by one. On the surrounding tree crowns, huge bodies of giant snakes had rushed out of the tree crowns. While spitting poisonous mist, they attacked the demon hunting group falling in the air. Only Long Dangdang and the others did not encounter any attacks.

This change instantly made his teammates understand the correctness of Long Dangdang's judgment.

"I remember, this is the Qingfeng Falcon. Isn't it not extinct?" Tao Linlin suddenly said in surprise.

"Qingfeng Falcon is a kind of magical beast with a strong personality. An adult Qingfeng Falcon has about level three strength, which is equivalent to our second-level magical beast. It is not strong, but it likes to live in groups. They themselves pose little threat, but Qingfeng Falcon But it is a half-life monster of the level 6 monster Green Scaled Tree Python. It feeds on the parasites on the green scaled tree python. I only remembered it after seeing these huge green scaled tree pythons. Others are in trouble! Green Scaled tree pythons are extremely protective of their shortcomings because parasites have always troubled them. Although the Qingfeng Falcon is weak, it is an indispensable partner for them."

After listening to Tao Linlin's words, everyone couldn't help but look at Long Dangdang a little strangely, especially those who were not too familiar with him.

When Ling Menglu initially gave up the position of captain to the youngest knight, although no one said it clearly, even Yue Li would not think that Long Dangdang was more suitable for this position than Ling Menglu.

But Long Dangdang's calm response just now may have a certain amount of luck, but it did resolve the attack they would face.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Long Dang said: "Everyone is ready to fight."

"Don't you want to go first? If we go first, we should be able to gain some advantages. This training should have a purpose. We have already taken the lead!" Yue Li said with some surprise.

Long Dangdang shook his head. Before he could speak, Ming Xi's angry voice sounded, "How can we leave first? Our army is under attack. Even if they did something wrong, they are still our partners! We must rescue them." That’s what they do.”

Tao Linlin couldn't help but pat her forehead when she heard this. Ming Xi's overwhelming sense of justice was undoubtedly coming back again.

Long Dangdang explained: "Do you remember that we already knew the goal of this training before this training? This training is mainly to integrate us and enhance our ability to cooperate. In this situation, Of course we can survive alone, but it is inconsistent with the team spirit of the demon hunting group. If we give up other teams to escape alone now, does that mean that we will give up on each other when we encounter danger in the future? So, we must both Showing our judgment of the situation also has to make a difference.”

Ling Menglu suddenly said: "Dangdang, you are the leader, especially now that we are still in training, everyone listens to your command. You don't need to explain to us, just give the command directly, otherwise it will waste time. Anyone who has different opinions can also Let’s wait until it’s safe to mention it. If you continue to make mistakes, we will re-plan.”

Undoubtedly, Ling Menglu is recognized as the strongest person in the team, and her support is very important to Long Dangdang. Long Dangdang's two explanations are equally reasonable. The team has just been initially formed, and it is not easy to reach a tacit understanding, but before that, mutual trust is the most important.

"Okay. Taolinlin, the demon-suppressing tree takes root and interferes with the green-scaled tree python. Cousin, set up a magic circle to prepare treatment and supplies. Kongkong, open the abyss, and share the spirits. Mingxi, stay on the tree crown to guard the surroundings, Senior Sister Wang, and guard Yueli. Senior sister, Senior Sister Yue Li, fire magic output, burning poison mist. I will cooperate with you. Let’s begin.”

A series of orders were issued. Long Dangdang, Yue Li and Wang Changxin stayed on the tree crown, while Ming Xi's figure was hidden in the tree crown and watched from the side. Long Kongkong, Tao Linlin and Ling Menglu fell to the ground.

The demon-suppressing tree summons and takes root. Long Kongkong opened the Tianyuan realm at the same time. Everyone instantly felt as if a black hole had appeared below, swallowing up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around it. The Spirit Ascension Shield was then opened, and the light mainly enveloped Tao Linlin and Ling Menglu.

Ling Menglu's Bright Angel Soul Furnace was activated, and the light shone brightly, assisting the Taolinlin Demonic Tree to take root. With the Angel of Light around, the speed at which the Demon-Suppressing Tree takes root is greatly increased, and the vitality released by the Demon-Suppressing Tree also feeds back to the Angel of Light. The two complement each other and form the best cooperation.

Yue Li and Long Dangdang used fire magic at full capacity, and bursting fireballs exploded in the poisonous mist, burning the poisonous mist. This kind of poisonous mist is generally afraid of fire. It began to become thinner under the burning flames. But it also attracted the attention of several green-scaled tree pythons nearby.

With an angry roar, two green-scaled tree pythons took the lead in charging over from both sides.

Wang Changxin snorted coldly, and took the Tyrant Hammer instantly, and a powerful aura burst out from her body in an instant. There seemed to be air currents surrounding her entire body. The unparalleled power combined with his own inner spiritual power burst out instantly, and the huge and powerful breath even made the surrounding leaves rustle.

Long Dangdang glanced at her, and he knew that this senior sister should have just broken through the sixth level. However, don't forget that Wang Changxin is both internal and external. Her sixth level is not the same as the ordinary sixth level. . The ordinary sixth level requires four thousand internal spiritual powers, but Wang Changxin's sixth level requires four thousand internal and external spiritual powers to complete the breakthrough. In other words, her current total spiritual power is as high as 8,000. In terms of total spiritual power, she is the number one demon hunter in this class.

Moreover, the sixth level gave her spiritual wings, and her previous shortcomings were no longer there.

The green-scaled tree python that rushed towards her clearly felt something was wrong and hesitated for a moment, but the next moment, Wang Changxin moved.

The pair of spiritual wings behind her flapped violently, and a low roar erupted in the air, just like thunder on the ground. Then her body disappeared.

When she reappeared, she was thirty meters away from the green-scaled tree python. It wasn't that she hadn't arrived, but that she had rushed past...

She had just acquired the spirit wings, but it was obvious that she was not yet very accurate in controlling her spirit wings. Furthermore, the explosive power that her body could withstand was far beyond what warriors of the same level could match. However, although she failed to meet the previous green-scaled tree python, she rushed to the other green-scaled tree python. The Tyrant Hammer in his hand was violently punched out.

"Boom -" This hammer did not hit the green-scaled tree python's head. Although Wang Changxin fought domineeringly, he was very calm and sober. He clearly remembered Long Dangdang's previous analysis, so where was this hammer? The giant python erupted three meters in front of it.


The Douluo animation has been completed. It has been serialized for five years, and I have mixed feelings. Thank you all for your support along the way.

The animation "Douluo Dalu II Peerless Tang Sect" will also start broadcasting on June 24 (the original schedule has been adjusted to 6.17). It will still be every Saturday at 10 o'clock, and we will continue to advance.

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