Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 171 Rewards and Punishments

The big hammer dominates the sky, and the small hammer shakes the earth. In the blink of an eye, Wang Changxin didn't have time to gather the strength to use the hammer. Therefore, this gavel is a small gavel. But even if it was a small mallet, this momentary explosion caused the surrounding tree crowns to collapse instantly as if they were blown by a terrifying air current. The body of the green-scaled tree python was directly thrown away, and its more than 20-meter-long body was lifted from the head. At the beginning, it flew out directly and hit another tree crown behind. The other green-scaled tree python that hit it fell to the ground together.

Wang Changxin didn't pause, her spiritual wings flapped again behind her, and she was back!

The force used this time was about the same as before, so it just returned to the position before it was activated. It came and went in just a few blinks. The green-scaled tree python that had rushed over earlier paused in mid-air and did not dare to rush over again.

On the other side, Ming Xi also took action. Just as the green-scaled tree python in the other direction rushed toward Long Dangdang and Yue Li, a figure flickered out of the tree crown. The speed is extremely fast.

This was also the first time Long Dangdang saw Ming Xi's action. The weapon used by this seemingly petite girl is not the dagger or short blade commonly used by assassins, but a thin sword. The slender long sword is about three feet long, but it has a triangular shape. There is a gauntlet on the palm. As her figure flickered, she could only see her wrist shaking, and the three-edged stabbing sword flashed out two illusory sword shadows in the air, pointing at the two eyes of the green-scaled tree python respectively.

Fast, really too fast. The phantom-like sword light arrived in front of the green-scaled tree python almost instantly. This huge green-scaled tree python didn't even have time to close its eyes.

Long Dangdang vaguely remembered that there were several different schools of cultivation in the Assassin Temple. Among them, there were three more famous schools, namely Wang Ci, Devious Thorn and Flash Thorn. Among them, Wang Ci has the largest number of practitioners and is known for his violent outbursts. When the Son of Samsara first met, Wang Ci was the representative of the younger generation. The thorn is best at hiding itself and making sneak attacks.

The last type of lightning stab has the smallest number of people. The direction of flash stab training is absolute speed. Because they always believe that absolute speed can bring the strongest attack power. So, everything starts from speed. Looking at the astonishing speed shown by Ming Xi in front of him, it was obvious that she should be a disciple trained by the Lightning Thorn lineage.

The whole body of the green-scaled tree python was shaken violently, its huge head raised high, and blood shot out from its eyes. He was already falling backwards while roaring. The huge body hit the tree trunk nearby, making a series of shattering sounds.

As expected of an assassin, ruthless!

Without being disturbed, Long Dangdang and Yue Li's magic continued to rise into the sky and burn. The other demon hunting groups in the sky are also using magic to face the poisonous fog.

In a flash of lightning, a sturdy figure forced its way through the poisonous mist and appeared directly on the tree crown. It was none other than Thunder Sword Master Tang Leiguang. The heavy sword in his hand fell down and struck a green-scaled tree python on the head. The green-scaled tree python was suddenly struck with an electric light all over its body, and it quickly fell from the air and hit the ground. Tang Leiguang's spiritual wings spread out behind him, his body flashed, and he attacked another green-scaled tree python again.

Wang Changxin is similar to him, except that she has just reached level 6 and is still a little uncomfortable with her spiritual wings. She often overshoots and her accuracy is a bit poor. But her Tyrant Hammer's attack range was even wider, and every bombardment could overturn the green-scaled tree python.

The poisonous mist in the air gradually became thinner, and more demon hunters fell into the woods. Although the green-scaled tree python is a sixth-level monster, it is equivalent to a fifth-level human professional. Even stronger than ordinary fifth-level professionals.

After the brief panic earlier, everyone still showed excellent qualities, repelling or killing the green-scaled tree python one after another, and quickly fell into the woods.

The Taolinlin below has completed the rooting of the demon-suppressing tree. The branches are swinging and twisting towards the green-scaled tree pythons that were knocked to the ground. The demon-suppressing tree's natural skill of intimidation has taken effect at this time. Excellent results. Under the influence of the shock, the green-scaled tree python's anger was obviously relieved a lot, and the green-scaled tree pythons around the demon-suppressing tree quickly calmed down.

Ling Menglu's sacred magic circle has also been completed, and Long Kongkong is using the Tianyuan Domain to absorb and swallow the spiritual energy of the green-scaled tree pythons, and then replenishes it to Tao Linlin and Ling Menglu through the Spirit Ascension Shield.

Taolinlin had lost to Long Kongkong before, but she didn't know that Long Kongkong had this ability to share spiritual power. Feeling the endless spiritual power coming from the Ascension Spirit Shield, I was surprised and at the same time a little surprised.

The four dragons in the air landed one after another and joined them together. Without rushing into action, they concentrated on recovering their energy in the sacred circle. With the sacred magic circle and the Tianyuan Realm around, they can undoubtedly remain in excellent condition.

Other teams have also landed, but the situation is not as good as theirs. Some melee fighters were invaded by poisonous mist and were covered with a faint green color. They were using their spiritual power to fight against the poison.

Most of the green-scaled tree pythons were repelled. Long Dangdang asked Taolinlin to relax the shock effect, and the green-scaled tree pythons on their side also swam away one after another. Warcraft is still very good at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. There were some green-scaled tree python and Qingfeng Falcon carcasses left on the ground, but the number was not too many. Apparently other teams realized something later.

Many demon hunters naturally gathered towards Long Dangdang and the others. It’s not because of the Demon Suppressing Tree, but because of Ling Menglu’s sacred magic circle! Ling Menglu was in the sacred magic circle and released a healing spell from time to time. Although every team has a priest, who can compare with the goddess? Detoxify, heal, restore. Naturally, it attracted other demon hunters.

At this moment, a low voice sounded, "Welcome to the Warcraft Forest. In the next month, this will be your trial place."

In mid-air, three figures slowly fell down, weren't they none other than the devil, the madman, and the banshee.

The devil instructor's eyes swept over the corpse of the monster on the ground. Then he looked at the crowd and said calmly: "You have made me very disappointed. Of the ten teams, only one can consider the federal policy on Warcraft at the first time. We have already killed the Warcraft you have killed at this time." Detailed records will affect your demon hunter merits. Of course, it is not an increase, but a decrease. The demon hunter points of all teams that have killed demon hunters before will become negative. Three months At the end of the training, if there is still a team with negative points, then you will be deprived of the qualification as a demon hunter."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces suddenly became ugly. They didn't know before that this preparatory demon hunter training was directly related to the demon hunter's merit points.

The devil instructor then looked at Long Dangdang and the others. He nodded slightly and said: "The demon hunting group No. 19115897 was able to react immediately and did not kill any of them. World of Warcraft, and support other teams after landing safely, and receive initial rewards. Each team member will be rewarded with ten merit points. For other teams, if they kill a Qingfeng Falcon, their merit points will be reduced by two, and if they kill a green-scaled tree python, their merit points will be reduced by two. The merit value is ten. I will change your merit value through the spiritual crystal online. You can also check the specific value through the spiritual crystal online combined with your own merit bracelet. The merit value deducted by the team will be reflected evenly among the team members. Yes Problem?"

No one said a word. Although they knew they had been tricked, it was true that they did not react immediately. Only admit it.

The devil instructor continued: "Next, you will carry out the first mission. Your mission is to survive in the Warcraft Forest within the next month. At the same time, tame the Warcraft. Remember, it is taming, not Killing. Every time a monster is killed, the merit will be deducted according to the strength of the monster. And taming a monster will increase the merit. "

"Then how do we tame the monsters? Even as summoners, we have never had such knowledge before." Cai Caijuan, standing next to Zisang Liuying, asked.

The devil instructor gave her a cold look, "Whoever wants to speak, raise your hand first, and then shout a report. If you interrupt the instructor, you will be deducted five points of merit. If you do it next time, you will be deducted double."

Cai Caijuan was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then her eyebrows stood up. Just when she was about to get angry, the Son of Samsara stood in front of her and suppressed her words.

The devil instructor said calmly: "How to tame the Warcraft is your problem and has nothing to do with me. I am only responsible for telling you the task. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the sky at all times. There will be signals in the sky from time to time, and you must enter the signal coverage Within the area. Otherwise, they will be eliminated directly. Each eliminated person will have one hundred merits deducted. Again, at the end of the three-month training, if the total number of merits of a team is negative, the hunt will be lifted. Demonic qualifications. We will always supervise your behavior, but we will not provide any form of rescue when you are in danger. If you die, you are dead, we are only responsible for recording your behavior. Now, disband."

The figures of the three instructors then became illusory, and the next moment, they disappeared on the spot. Just this hand left everyone with an unfathomable feeling.

Taming World of Warcraft will also have regional changes. In fact, no one even fully understood what this meant. However, the training camp has already begun.

The three instructors left, and each of the preparatory demon hunting groups gathered together to whisper, and some even used spiritual crystals to communicate online. At this time, there is no longer any support and help, only each one working independently. From the moment everyone learned that the training was directly related to the demon hunter's meritorious service, everyone's attitude became tense unconsciously.

The merits of a demon hunter are related to future promotions and whether they can exchange rewards from the demon hunting group headquarters. Everyone is preparing for the demon hunting group. There is no doubt that this training is equivalent to a watershed moment.

Long Dangdang and his friends from the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group also gathered together. Everyone's eyes were unanimously focused on Long Dangdang.

"Let's go first. Follow me." As he said this, he didn't explain anything, but moved forward quickly in one direction. Everyone had no choice but to follow him, about five hundred meters away, but Long Dangdang stopped again and stopped next to a giant tree with a thick trunk. "Everyone, take a rest first. Ming Xi, please go to the tree crown to scout." , wait until the other teams have left to inform me.”

"Oh." Ming Xi didn't ask any more questions. He disappeared out of thin air in a flash. It was like teleporting. His speed was extremely fast. He was worthy of being called a lightning strike.

Long Kongkong looked at Long Dangdang curiously and said, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Long Dang said: "It's okay, just wait."

Long Kongkong blinked and didn't ask any more questions. But Long Dangdang’s spiritual crystal online reacted immediately.

The bright moon was in the sky, and Long Kongkong chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "Every time you say it's okay, something must be wrong. Do you have any bad ideas?" No one can understand each other better than their brothers.

Long Dangdang didn't respond, just glared at him. But he also discovered that there were some changes in the spiritual crystal online. Now the only group he could enter was Haoyue Dangkong, and the six groups in the Holy City could not enter. This should be a closed permission for preparatory training.

Not long after, they already heard the sound of a team passing by nearby. Long Dangdang signaled everyone to calm down and just waited silently behind the big tree.

After a while, the figure flashed and Ming Xi came back.

"Captain, everyone has left." She said to Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang nodded and said, "Wait a little longer."

He didn't explain much. His cousin said that he was the group leader and everyone should implement his decision. And having to explain everything in detail every time is really troublesome. What he needs to do now is to use actions to prove to everyone that his decision is correct.

After another five minutes, Long Dangdang stood up and said, "Let's go back." After saying that, he took the lead and returned the way he came.

Ling Menglu's eyes showed a somewhat thoughtful light, and she was the only one who vaguely guessed Long Dangdang's purpose. Others followed somewhat inexplicably.

Everyone quickly returned to the place where they landed before. At this time, the building was empty and all the demon hunting groups had gone separately.

Long Dangdang looked around and then said to Ling Menglu: "Cousin, spy eye."

Ling Menglu gave him a thumbs up. For a team, the leader does not necessarily need to be the strongest, but he must be the calmest. Negligence at any time may lead to the collapse of the team.

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