Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 172 Getting to know each other

The golden reconnaissance eye penetrated into the ground a few seconds later, and suddenly, a faint golden halo spread to the surroundings. The reconnaissance eye allows the priest to observe a wider range. With Ling Menglu's cultivation, her reconnaissance eye can even cover a kilometer in diameter. Within this range, all invisibility will be invisible.

Long Dangdang asked Ling Menglu to use the reconnaissance eye at this time, which was obviously not for World of Warcraft. There were no Warcraft in this area before. The only ones who can become invisible are professional assassins.

After Ling Menglu felt it for a moment, she nodded to Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang smiled back, and then revealed his purpose, leading everyone to quickly walk towards the green-scaled tree python corpse left on the ground.

Arriving next to the body of the green-scaled tree python, Long Dangdang stopped. Tao Linlin said with some surprise: "Captain, are we going to collect these corpses when we come back? However, although the green-scaled tree python is a level six monster, its body value is limited. There are often parasites in its body, which is also The reason why they rely on Qingfeng Falcon is that there are parasites in their meat. Their skin defense is also very limited and of low value. The only things of slight value are poison sacs and python glue, but both of them cost a lot of money. It’s very difficult, the poison sac still has a chance, but it’s very easy to rupture.”

Although he said it a bit euphemistically, he was also telling Long Dangdang that the body value of this green-scaled tree python was not high.

Long Dangdang gave him a thumbs up. He was still a little surprised by Tao Linlin's understanding of Warcraft, "What material should the blood of Senior Tao's green-scaled tree python be stored in?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Changxin, who had a calm face before and just followed the crowd, moved his eyes slightly. The reason why she didn't think about it or was tempted before was because the sixth-level monster had no effect on her. But when Long Dangdang said this, she understood what Long Dangdang meant. So that's it. yes! Warcraft blood was too expensive to buy purely with money, and she herself suffered from it. Now that she came to such a Warcraft forest, and there were ready-made fresh corpses, it would be a loss if she didn't collect some blood. The blood of this level six monster is just right for the brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong.

Taolinlin said: "The green-scaled tree python is of wood nature. Storing its blood in wooden containers can keep its freshness for a long time. It will not be lost within a year. Are you planning to collect their blood? There is some blood. The value is just that I haven’t heard that its blood is needed to refine any magic potion.”

Long Dangdang said with some joy: "The wood is good. What about the Qingfeng Falcon?"

Tao Linlin said: "Qingfeng Falcon is of the wind attribute. There is an old saying that once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they are better than countless human beings. Therefore, the blood of the wind attribute monster is best collected in a jade container."

"Okay, let's get started." As he said that, everyone was stunned to see Long Dangdang taking out several large wooden barrels and several jade bottles.

"Everyone help collect the blood of these two monsters. I will explain to everyone why later." As he said that, Long Dangdang had already arrived at a green-scaled tree python, cut its wound, let the blood flow again, and used a wooden barrel to to accommodate.

Long Kongkong was helping from the side, while Wang Changxin had already picked up a jade bottle and found Qingfeng Falcon's body. The same is true for Ling Menglu.

Although the other four people were a little confused, they still got busy.

Although the green-scaled tree python is huge, the snake's blood accounts for a very small proportion of the body weight. All the green-scaled tree pythons' blood is completely emptied, and only less than one ton of green-scaled tree python blood has been accumulated.

Almost all snake monsters have a trace of dragon blood. For Long Dangdang, the harvest from this batch of green-scaled tree python blood is really not small. This thing is so huge in size. Although it is also a level six monster, its blood should be as effective in improving external spiritual power as the Earth Spinosaurus.

Qingfeng Falcon had even less blood, but there were also few jade bottles, so he didn't collect them all. Long Dangdang didn't force it and put away a few bottles. I sighed secretly in my heart. I didn't know in advance that the destination of this training was the World of Warcraft Forest. Otherwise, I would have brought more containers. Just because you can't kill Warcraft doesn't mean you can't collect Warcraft blood! A small amount of bleeding is not fatal.

Put away all containers. Long Dangdang asked everyone to gather around him and said: "Everyone has heard Senior Tao's evaluation of the green-scaled tree python. The reason why I collected the blood of the green-scaled tree python is that it can be used to practice a skill. I heard about this technique from Senior Sister Wang and started practicing it. It’s called Blood Alchemy, I wonder if you have heard of it?”

Both Yue Li and Tao Linlin, who were in the legal profession, were a little confused, but Ming Xi nodded and said, "I have learned it." As she spoke, she shivered intelligently.

Long Dangdang said in surprise: "Have you learned it? To what extent?"

Ming Xi stuck out his tongue and said: "I stopped after my external spiritual power reached 900. It was too painful, and it affected the speed of my internal spiritual power cultivation. If grandpa hadn't forced me to practice, I wouldn't have done it. Choose this. It’s hard to imagine how much pain you will endure if you continue to practice this in sync with your inner spiritual power.”

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "We are already teammates of the Demon Hunting Group, so I will inform you of any news I can share with you as soon as possible. Blood Alchemy is a very practical skill..."

At the moment, he briefly told everyone about the situation of the Blood Alchemy Body. The only thing he concealed was the awakening of the Warcraft talent skills after absorbing enough blood. One was that it had not been fully confirmed, and the other was that it was better to keep it a secret for now.

After listening to his story, Ming Xi nodded and said: "Yes, we Flash Thorns are all required to cultivate the blood alchemy body. Without more than 500 external spiritual powers, it is difficult to withstand the burst of speed. My grandfather said that external spiritual power Although power is not as important as internal spiritual power, external spiritual power often determines our limits. Have you also practiced?" She said while looking at Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "Kongkong and I have just started practicing not long ago. Senior Sister Wang has been cultivating the Blood Alchemy Body, and she has followed the path of both internal and external cultivation."

After hearing his words, others had no reaction, but Ming Xi already said "Wow" in surprise.

She came to Wang Changxin's side in a flash, squeezed her arm with her little hand, and was lifted up by Wang Changxin, "Don't touch her."

"Sister Wang, you are an idol! I have practiced blood alchemy. I know how painful it is. It is so powerful that you have taken this path. I have never heard of anyone actually taking this path. Didn't you say that no one can succeed?" After saying this, she realized that she had said the wrong thing and quickly covered her mouth.

But the next moment, Ming Xi seemed to realize something again, her pupils suddenly dilated, she let go of her hand, and said in a voiceless voice: "You have reached the sixth level, doesn't that mean that your external spiritual power has also reached the sixth level?"

Wang Changxin said calmly: "We just made a breakthrough."

As soon as these words came out, Yue Li and Tao Linlin couldn't help but shrink their pupils. Six levels inside and outside? What is this concept? The total spiritual power is more than 8,000? This is close to the seventh level of strength!

Ming Xi grabbed her arm again, "Senior, senior, how did you practice? We seem to be about the same age. I remembered that when you were in the first grade, you were already the first in the grade, but later you became the first in the grade. Disappeared, no movement. Are you going to practice this?"

Wang Changxin nodded silently.

Ming Xi's eyes looked at her as if stars were beginning to appear, "Sister, you will be my idol from now on. I really can't imagine someone being able to practice this technique all the time. You are really too strong. Ah! You actually failed to win the championship in the trials. It’s really..."

She said the wrong thing again... She turned her head and glanced at Ling Menglu. She was relieved when she saw that Ling Menglu was looking at her with a smile, seemingly not dissatisfied.

Wang Changxin said calmly: "This road is indeed difficult to walk, and the pain can only be known if you really try. So, Dangdang, Kongkong, you still have to think clearly before your external spiritual power reaches a thousand. Once you go down this road , there is no turning back. However, I suggest that others can practice and increase their external spiritual power to eight or nine hundred levels, as well as the legal profession. This will greatly enhance your own tolerance and endurance. Strength. It will be of great help to your future improvement and upper limit. As far as I know, many top powerhouses have to re-cultivate their external spiritual power after their cultivation reaches the ninth level. This is also what many people do after entering the ninth level. It is the reason why it is difficult to continue to improve after reaching a bottleneck. Of course, those with innate spiritual power above 80 will be less affected, and the elementalization of the body can also greatly increase the endurance."

Long Dangdang said: "What Senior Sister Wang said is what I want to say to everyone. Senior Yue Li and Senior Tao, I suggest you try it too. Increase your external spiritual power to around 900."

Yue Li glanced at Ling Menglu and said, "That is to say, apart from me, are all of you actually practicing?"

Long Dangdang nodded. He did not expect that Ming Xi also cultivated the Blood Alchemy Body, but it also gave him the idea that he should not underestimate any professional. Undoubtedly, not only he saw the effect of the Blood Alchemy Body, but many powerful people also saw it. The reason why the teacher didn't let him practice was probably because his innate inner spiritual power was over ninety, and he didn't think it was necessary. As for Kong Kong, it’s probably because Knight Gou thinks he can’t bear the pain...

Tao Linlin nodded and said: "Okay, after the training is over, I will try it when I go back. My pain tolerance is not bad. The shock talent of the Demon Suppressing Tree can help me share the pain to a certain extent."

Yue Li also nodded and said, "Then I'll give it a try too. I hope it won't hurt too much." As she spoke, she stuck out her tongue.

Long Dangdang said: "If you have a container, we can find a way to collect some more blood when we encounter Warcraft. Outside, the price of purchasing Warcraft blood is quite high. From today on, we will start to make careful calculations. All teams The harvest will be shared by everyone. Whoever needs it most will be given priority. Do you have any objection to this?"

Everyone shook their heads. This is the unwritten rule of the Demon Hunting Group. Unless the group leader is particularly selfish, it is unlikely that a selfish group leader will be able to control the demon hunting group.

The profession of a demon hunter often involves life and death, and only teammates who can be trusted with their backs can be trusted.

Long Kongkong said to Long Dangdang: "What are we doing now? Where are we going?"

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "Don't rush now, wait and see. I estimate that the other groups are moving in different directions. There are people who should choose which direction. It may be the right direction, or it may be the right direction." Wrong. The instructor said before that there will be changes in the area in the future, and we must be in the area. We wait until the area prompts are given before acting to ensure that we can enter the area as soon as possible. Act too early, if the direction is reversed , being too far away from the given area will make us exhausted. If we encounter powerful monsters again, it will be a bit troublesome. Taking advantage of this time, I think it is more important for us to get familiar with each other first."

Through all the previous events, except for Long Kongkong and Ling Menglu, everyone else has also established basic confidence in Long Dangdang. Long Dangdang’s command was sound and well-founded, and also led them to be slightly ahead of other teams.

Seeing his friends nodding, Long Dang said: "I'll go first. I am a disciplinary knight and a magician, which can also be said to be a magic profession. I am good at the four magics of water, fire, earth and wind. Among them, the earth magic is just It didn’t take long for me to realize it. My knight fighting style is mainly explosive. My magic is not as good as that of a magician of the same level, but the difference shouldn’t be too big. I own the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace, the Holy Yinling Spiritual Furnace and the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. Yueming Canghai. The spiritual furnace is an auxiliary spiritual furnace, which can increase the power of various spiritual furnaces with water and light attributes." He did not have many reservations about his introduction. This is to trust our partners and to better cooperate with everyone.

Ling Menglu said: "I am a priest, good at all kinds of priest's healing and auxiliary magic. I have just entered the sixth level. I can also attack. I have a spiritual furnace fusion skill with Dangdang and Kongkong, which can burst out a seventh-level magic in a short time. Combat power. I own the Repulsion Spiritual Furnace, the Holy Hammer Spiritual Furnace and the Angel of Light Spiritual Furnace."

Long Kongkong was already impatient, "I am a guardian knight, good at defense and replenishment. Everyone usually calls me a charging treasure. You must have experienced it just now, I can absorb a large amount of spiritual power through the spiritual furnace, and then replenish it to Everyone. I also have three spiritual furnaces, the Shengyin Spiritual furnace, the Yuanvortex spiritual furnace and the Shenqiyu Tong spiritual furnace."

The other four people were listening carefully, and as they spoke, their expressions changed to varying degrees.

Ming Xi just listened, with the smallest change in his expression. He only looked thoughtful when he heard the name Shenqiyu Tongling Furnace.

Tao Linlin suddenly stuttered and said: "Can I...can I ask...if your spiritual furnace...has wisdom...spiritual furnace?"

Then he saw three people nodding together...

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