At this time, Wang Changxin was inexplicably excited, while Tao Linlin and Ming Xi, not far away, looked at each other.

They feel a little lonely, yes, lonely.

The fourth one. The fourth wisdom furnace. And it’s not just any ordinary wisdom spiritual furnace. Although they don't know what the Twelve Watchers are, it doesn't affect the unclear feeling in their hearts!

Why do people have the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace, and there are existences like the Twelve Watchers? Even if Yue Li does not have the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace, he still has the Magic Temple's top spiritual furnace Sun and Moon Tonghui as his core spiritual furnace. But what about them?

Tao Linlin even wanted to sigh, are you human? Are you going to let others live? He even regretted joining the team because he never wanted to be the one holding him back!

Canghai returned to Long Dangdang's body. Wang Changxin walked aside and sat down to meditate to recover from the previous consumption. But her emotions could not calm down for a long time.

Long Dangdang looked at Tao Linlin, "Senior, it's your turn."

Tao Linlin coughed dryly and said, "I am a summoner and I can basically master all kinds of ordinary summons. The summoned beast is the demon-suppressing tree, and everyone has seen it. My demon-suppressing tree combines offense and defense, and is especially good at fighting in the area, but It takes time to take root in advance. I have the Praise of Life of the Spiritual Furnace and the Wither and Glory of the Earth, so plant-based summoned beasts are what I’m best at.”

The two spiritual furnaces, Praise of Life and Earth's Withered Glory, are relatively common and rank in the middle. Among them, most of the Praise of Life spiritual furnaces appear on priests. This is a spiritual furnace that can absorb and release life energy. It is supplemented by the priest's various healing magics and has excellent effects. But this is obviously not how it works with Tao Linlin.

As for the Earth's Withering Spiritual Furnace, it is relatively unpopular. It is the exclusive spiritual furnace of the Summoner's Temple. Only plant-type summoners can use it, and can summon plant-type summoned beasts through the spiritual furnace. The reason why this kind of spiritual furnace is unpopular is first of all because the number of plant summoners is originally small. Also, the entry threshold is very high, and you must be at least level five to use it. And it's hard to upgrade. As for the spiritual furnace, which is difficult to upgrade, its effects are naturally limited.

As soon as Tao Linlin finished speaking, Ming Xi spoke up, "I am a member of the Assassin Temple's Flash Assault route. I am good at speed, that is, fast, especially fast. The direction of our training is not to be the fastest, but to be faster. Today I saw Sister Wang's internal and external training, which made me interested in the Blood Alchemy Body again, and made me hesitate again. If the external spiritual power is greatly increased, it seems that my speed and speed tolerance will be affected. It is indeed very helpful. I have the Spiritual Furnace Thousand Strikes and the Ascension. They are the signature spiritual furnaces of our Assassin Temple."

The Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace is suitable for assassins with various training methods. It focuses on powerful attack power, integrates speed and attack, and can unleash super explosive power in an instant.

The Feathering Spiritual Furnace is known as the life-saving spiritual furnace. Once activated, it can be immune to both physical and magical attacks when attacked. The immunity time of different levels of Feathered Spirit Furnace will be different. This is a special existence where the body is emptied. It does not exist in the form of energy. Except for being unable to attack during the process of emerging into nothingness, he is almost invincible. It is the best spiritual furnace used by assassins to save their lives. Its importance is equivalent to the repulsion furnace for magicians and priests.

Tao Linlin and Ming Xi were in strange moods before, so why not Yue Li? Seeing that each of the students of the Spiritual Furnace Academy had at least two spiritual furnaces, she felt a little complicated.

"I am good at water and fire magic. After the leader's Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace helped me complete the spiritual furnace upgrade, I can now also use thunder and ice magic. The sun and the moon shine together in the spiritual furnace. Water and fire shine together. Source is my core attribute." She briefly introduced herself.

Long Kongkong blinked and said, "I suddenly feel that our team is quite strong!"

He was obviously not the only one who felt this way, after listening to everyone's unreserved self-introductions, especially the ownership status of the spiritual furnace. Their newly formed demon hunting group is undoubtedly closer to each other.

If Wang Changxin, Tao Linlin, Ming Xi and Yue Li thought that they were weaker than the team led by the elemental saint woman Sang Liuying before, then they no longer have this idea at all. Apart from anything else, their Bright Moon Demon Hunting Group has four spiritual furnaces of wisdom. Does the Saint of Elements have them? Not even one.

These four spiritual furnaces of wisdom alone ensure that they will not only be 19115897 in the future, but also be able to hold the title of Bright Moon in the Sky.

Suddenly, everyone's mood changed more or less.

"Uh, brother, do you still want these corpses? If not, can you give them to me?" Long Kongkong said, looking at the excitement in everyone's eyes.

"Huh? Do you need these monster corpses?" Long Dangdang suddenly understood what Long Kongkong meant, but he still had to ask everyone first.

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Long Dangdang nodded to Long Kongkong.

Long Kongkong suddenly smiled, "Come out, foodie."

The light flashes and the contract space opens. The next moment, the fat Rat King emerged from the contract space.

Among the people, there were some who had seen him, the Rat King, and some who had not. But when they looked at the Mouse King's dark golden, shiny and smooth fur, they couldn't help but express curiosity.

Especially Tao Linlin, who is a summoner, looked at the Rat King with a slight twinkle in his eyes. He had faced the Rat King before, and he lost the match with Long Kongkong in the end. With Long Kongkong, his mount partner There is an inseparable relationship.

Yue Li smiled and said: "It turns out Kongkong is the rat knight! Hehehehe."

Long Kongkong rolled his eyes angrily, but couldn't refute anything.

After the Rat King landed, he glanced around. His interest seemed a little lacking, but he still opened his mouth. The opening of its mouth really startled those who were not familiar with it. The mouth opened almost 180 degrees and raised upward, revealing a huge mouth that was completely disproportionate to its body.

The next moment, in its big mouth, there was a faint dark golden light surging, and then, a powerful suction force came from it.

The smaller Qingfeng Falcons flew directly towards its big mouth. When they were submerged in the dark golden light in its mouth, they disappeared in such a swift flight. As if its mouth itself was a bottomless pit.

Soon, all the Qingfeng Falcons were swallowed up. Just when everyone thought that its devouring was over, the Rat King suddenly jumped up and came to a green-scaled tree python. He lowered his head and actually bit the front end of the huge python's head into his mouth.

The green-scaled tree python is so big that even with its fully opened mouth, it can only bite the front end of the python's head. Then, under the shocked gaze of everyone, the big mouth of the sky-swallowing rat seemed to be squeezed a little wider by the python head, and then it began to suck the huge green-scaled tree python bit by bit. Swallow it into your mouth.


Everyone has heard that rats are food for snakes. When have you ever seen rats eating snakes? This scene of a rat swallowing a snake is not only shocking, but even a bit scary.

They could also see that the Rat King's body had obviously swelled a bit, but compared to the size of the green-scaled tree python it had swallowed, it was nothing at all.

Everyone watched in stunned silence as the Rat King began to devour faster and faster. In only about five minutes, a huge green-scaled tree python had been swallowed up completely. .

The Rat King chirped and curled his lips again, as if he was still a little dissatisfied. Only its voice echoed in Long Kongkong's heart, and it said again, "It tastes really bad."

Even though it said that, it still moved towards the next green-scaled tree python.

For the Rat King, the green-scaled tree python is really weak and not very suitable for his taste. But that’s also energy! This unreliable master rarely finds enough food for himself. Although it is now unable to break through the upper limit of the fifth level of a human due to the influence of Long Kongkong's level, it is good to accumulate more energy to help its recovery. After Long Kongkong's cultivation level breaks through, it will be easier for him to break through.

When the Rat King swallowed the last green-scaled tree python, everyone's expressions were already a little numb.

Tao Linlin finally couldn't help but asked Long Kongkong: "Kongkong, where did you find this monster? In my memory, it seems that there is no such rat monster on the mainland! It swallows So capable.”

Long Kongkong said with some pride: "The Rat King was summoned from an alien plane by me in the Holy Mountain of Knights. It has a blood contract with me, so don't worry. It evolves through devouring it. It is now at the fifth level."

Hearing the word blood contract, the Rat King turned around and glanced at Long Kongkong with some resentment. After devouring so many monsters, its plump body was obviously a little bigger, and its round belly was bulging. This much magic beast energy is enough for it to devour and digest for a period of time. Although it's not delicious, it's still satisfying, so I'm in a good mood now.

Just as Long Kongkong continued to chant, suddenly, a strange buzzing feeling attracted everyone's attention.

Long Dangdang reacted the fastest. As soon as his eyes moved, he immediately jumped up, released a floating technique on himself, and quickly climbed up a big tree next to him.

The few people who could fly also jumped up one after another. But the fastest one was Ming Xi, who was a lightning thorn. She even reached the top of the tree crown earlier than Wang Changxin who used her spiritual wings.

Wang Changxin was the second one. Her spiritual wings were extremely explosive. She rushed out of the tree canopy almost instantly, breaking many branches along with it. She had no choice but to control it now.

Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu came up one after another. As for Tao Linlin and Long Kongkong, they didn't come up at all.

Long Dangdang looked up and saw a huge halo of light expanding outward in the sky. The halo was red, so it was very bright. It can be seen that the red halo is rippling towards the distance. It soon covered a very wide area and spread until it was beyond sight before gradually dissipating.

Long Dangdang raised his hand and gestured towards the air, while turning his body to change direction. Finally, he stopped. Pointing to a direction, he said: "Everyone, remember this direction. The aperture just started to expand from this direction. We will go in this direction. Ming Xi, please explore the way ahead. Everyone will follow."

Everyone fell to the ground again, and Long Dangdang arranged the formation.

Ming Xi was exploring the path ahead, no more than a kilometer away from the team, and kept in touch at any time through spiritual crystals online.

The two knights, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, are in front. Behind him are Ling Menglu, Yue Li and Tao Linlin. Wang Changxin cut off the queen.

Through just observing the halo in the sky, everyone vaguely understood what Long Dangdang meant. The admiration in my heart also increased. Obviously, judging the direction in this way, at least in the general direction, there should be no mistakes. It is much better to save as much time as possible than to rush forward rashly.

Ming Xi's speed was very fast, and he disappeared almost in the blink of an eye. Everyone moved forward quickly without suppressing their speed. There were also demon hunting groups that had left in this direction, and those people were undoubtedly exploring the way for them.

While walking, Yue Li asked Tao Linlin beside him: "Taozi, can you conquer the monster?"

Tao Linlin said: "We summoners have some means to make monsters surrender, or even become their own fixed summoned beasts. But this requires a lot of prerequisites and is not that easy." As he spoke, he looked at Yue helplessly. Li glanced at him and found that he was somewhat resistant to the title Taozi. But Yue Li was the oldest one in the team, so he didn't say anything. His personality was originally very easy-going.

Ling Menglu said: "Tell me, what are the prerequisites?"

Tao Linlin said: "First of all, the level of the monster cannot be higher than mine. In other words, if the level of the monster is higher than mine, the probability of failure will be very high. Secondly, the weaker the monster, the harder it will be to tame it. Small. Therefore, if our summoners are hunting wild monsters to complete the contract, we will usually choose to defeat them first, or even severely injure them. But this speed is not easy to control. The disabled monsters cannot be recovered and will be lost. It makes sense. And it’s not just about defeating the opponent, it’s best to make them sincerely convinced. This will make it easier to conquer, otherwise it will increase the burden.”

"Then it comes to attributes. I can be said to be a summoner who prefers natural attributes. Therefore, if it is a plant-type monster, it will be easier for me to intimidate and suppress it. At the same time, it will be easier for me to get close to the opponent. It will be easier to conquer. Other types of monsters will be more difficult."

Long Dangdang, who was walking in front, suddenly turned back and said, "Senior, is it okay if someone else helps you complete the deterrent?"

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