After listening to Long Dangdang's question, Tao Linlin was stunned for a moment, thought for a while and said: "Theoretically, it is possible. But the requirement is even higher. The degree of deterrence is greater, and it is best to make the other party have no resistance at all. The kind of surrender that you have to your power will be very effective.”

Long Dangdang nodded slightly, a faint light flashing in his eyes.

With the bright moon in the sky, Ming Xi said: "Captain, there are monsters ahead. They are fighting against one of our monster hunting groups."

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is dazzling: "What type of monster?"

With the bright moon in the sky, Ming Xi said: "I don't know a few of the orangutan-like ones. They are quite strong in combat, but they have been suppressed now. Defeat is only a matter of time. Do we need support?"

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is shining: "No need, please show us the direction and let us avoid it."

With the bright moon in the sky, Ming Xi asked, "Wouldn't it be better not to help when you meet your comrades?" Her sense of justice rose again.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is dangdang: "Have you forgotten the mission of the instructors? If we go to help others when they have the upper hand, we will be considered as robbing monsters."

The bright moon was in the sky, Ming Xi said: "That's it! Okay then."

Long Dangdang also had a little headache about her sense of justice. He could feel that Ming Xi was very proud of his sense of justice, and did not think that he sometimes had an excessive sense of justice.

Under Ming Xi's guidance, they bypassed an area and continued moving forward.

Not long after, Ming Xi's voice came again.

With the bright moon in the sky, Ming Xi said: "We found a monster ahead, a very strange monster. Come and have a look. I don't recognize it."

Under Ming Xi's guidance, everyone quickly approached to join her.

About a few dozen meters ahead, two monsters appeared, roaring and roaring. These two monsters are fighting.

One of them was covered with scales, and its body was brownish-yellow. Its upper body was upright, but a big tail was trailing behind it. It had a big head and was about three meters tall. The upright upper body has a pair of front claws, which are slender but sharp. The pair of claws that landed on the ground were huge. high speed. From time to time, he will spit out wind blades from his mouth to attack the opponent. From time to time, spikes of hard soil appear on the ground to pierce or block opponents.

And its enemy is a lion whose whole body is burning with golden light. This lion's body is surrounded by golden light, like golden flames rising, and it looks much better. It is four meters long and even bigger. It looks extremely ferocious. Generally speaking, lions are more common in grasslands, and there are very few such monsters in the woods. But this lion is different. Its whole body is covered with golden hair, but there is a pair of huge wings on its back, which open and close from time to time. Unlike a lion, its mouth is pointed and hook-shaped, and the mane around its neck is much larger than that of a normal lion. The wings on its back flap from time to time, changing its direction. But this is a jungle after all, and it obviously has some influence on its actions.

Despite this, the lion-like monster still had the upper hand. It is conceivable that if this were in the sky or on the plains, the upright scale-armored monster would have been unable to hold on long ago.

Just because Ming Xi doesn't know him doesn't mean that Tao Linlin doesn't know him! Tao Linlin blurted out almost instantly, "The griffon is actually a light griffon. This is an underage light griffin!" His tone became excited at this moment.

When they heard his words, everyone was stunned at first, and then they couldn't help showing surprise at the same time.

Magical beasts like griffons have a great connection with humans. Especially for the Knights Templar. The strongest knighthood in the Knights Temple is not the Earth Dragon Knights. As for the True Dragon Knights, they don't exist at all. In the entire Knights Temple, the most powerful knighthood is composed of one hundred Bright Griffin Knights. Among this knights, the weakest knight is also a peak seventh-level being.

Bright Griffins can be raised in captivity, but it is extremely difficult and requires an astronomical amount of resources. However, there is no doubt about its strength. Its light attribute is very suitable for human knights, and the two complement each other. Moreover, the griffon is a very loyal monster. Once it identifies its owner, it will never change for the rest of its life. If the owner dies, it will even be buried for the owner. This is also one of the important reasons why the Bright Griffin Knights cannot expand. Another reason is naturally that it is not easy to keep them in captivity.

Although Bright Griffins can be kept in captivity by humans, their fertility will be affected after being kept in captivity by humans. The specific reasons have not yet been studied by humans. I just know that after being kept in captivity, the Bright Griffin can only give birth to two offspring at most, and then it will no longer be able to reproduce. And the offspring they gave birth to will not be able to continue to give birth to offspring in the future.

This makes the Bright Griffin in the wild extremely rare. There has always been a very expensive task in the Knights Temple. Whoever can capture the Bright Griffin alive in the wild and turn it over to the Knights Temple will receive a huge reward.

The adult Bright Griffin is comparable to an eighth-level professional and is a true ninth-level monster. In their adult form, they are more than seven meters long, as fast as the wind, as aggressive as fire, and are even better at a variety of light magic. It is the most ideal mount for knights. You know, being able to fly is already a huge advantage. Therefore, when many knights enter the Holy Mountain of Knights to find mounts, their first target is the Bright Griffin. After all, not everyone wants to be a dragon knight as much as Long Kong Kongxin.

Once you obtain the Bright Griffin as a mount, you will automatically become a candidate knight of the Griffin Knights, and your future is limitless. You will also receive additional awards from the Knights Temple.

At this time, they saw a bright gryphon appearing in the wild, and it was still underage, that is, around level six. How could everyone not be excited? If you catch this thing, it will definitely be worth a lot!

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look at Long Dangdang for the first time.

Long Dangdang thought for a while and then immediately said: "Everyone split up. Senior Tao, you summon the demon-suppressing tree. The spirit of the cousin's sacred hammer shocks the light griffin. Only the light attribute of You can suppress it. Devour the light griffin's spiritual power in vain." Let's fight quickly. Leave that earth dragon to me. Senior Sister Wang will sweep the formation for me. Ming Xi will be responsible for filling in the gaps. Wherever there is a problem, you will be there to stop the monsters from escaping. Take action."

At this time, a decisive decision must be made. Firstly, the Bright Griffin must not be allowed to escape, and secondly, it must avoid encountering other demon hunting teams. It is absolutely normal to see a bright gryphon and fight for it.

These two are both level 6 monsters. The Bright Griffon seems to be at the peak of level 6. It is also a flying monster, so it must be stronger. The strength of that earth dragon is a little weaker. But for Long Dangdang, what matters more is this earth dragon. After all, this is related to the improvement of his and Long Kongkong's external spiritual power!

With the strength of their team, it would not be difficult to deal with two level six monsters at the same time.

Ling Menglu was the first to launch it. The spiritual furnace on his chest shimmered with light, and the huge sacred hammer came out of the air, illusory and fleeting in the air.

The bright gryphon, which was flapping its wings in pursuit of the earth dragon, didn't even react and was hit on the head with a hammer.

The reason why the Bright Griffin is valued by the Knights Temple is related to its strong spiritual power. The intelligence is also much stronger than that of ordinary Warcraft.

But despite this, facing the sixth-level goddess Monroe, this hammer fell, and the hair of the bright griffon instantly exploded, and the strong body froze in place and fell from the air.

The light of Long Kongkong's Holy Spiritual Furnace fell on it, and at the same time the Tianyuan Domain was opened. The powerful devouring power exploded and fell on the Bright Griffin.

The external spiritual power has increased twice, making him much bolder when using the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace. After all, his body's endurance has become stronger.

At the same time, Tao Linlin had also summoned the Demon Suppressing Tree. Although the demon-suppressing tree did not take root, the thick branches were thrown out one after another, and while the bright gryphon was stiff, it was struck directly on it, trapping it firmly.

On the other side, Long Dangdang also launched an attack at the same time. When his body was ejected, even Wang Changxin and Ming Xi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Because it's too fast.

Long Dangdang just took a step, and there was a muffled sound under his feet, and then his whole body flew out like a cannonball, crashing into the earth dragon almost instantly.

I saw a flash of yellow light on Long Dangdang's body. The Earth Dragon's movements were obviously a bit stiff, and he subconsciously turned around to attack. But Long Dangdang has already arrived behind it.

The silver wave magic flashed with light at the beginning, but it did not use the knight's attack method. The restraints of the wind quickly fell on the earth dragon, locking it firmly.

This earth dragon itself also has wind attributes, and is quite resistant to wind magic. But at this moment, I just felt that my whole body was heavy. Although I was struggling desperately, I couldn't hold Long Dangdang's wind restraints free faster than it could break free. I saw that his whole body was surrounded by green light, and his movements had been restrained extremely slowly.

That's when. There seemed to be a golden light shining in front of Long Dangdang. Because his figure blocked everyone's view, from Wang Changxin and Ming Xi's side, they could only see that there seemed to be something extra in front of him.

Then the golden light suddenly shone. The Earth Dragon in front of Long Dangdang obviously did not suffer any attack, but his legs weakened and he fell directly to the ground. The golden light in front of Long Dangdang also disappeared.

The whole process was extremely fast. Even the bright gryphon over there hadn't even been captured yet, and Long Dangdang had already stepped on the ground.

how did you do that?

No one would be surprised that Long Dangdang could defeat a level 6 monster. After all, he was among the top three in the Demon Hunting Group trials! His explosiveness is obvious to all. But he didn't explode at all just now! Just use a few simple wind magics and that's it? Could it be said that the earth dragon itself has been severely damaged?

Just when they were wondering, the Bright Griffin on the other side had also woken up from the mental shock of the Holy Hammer. After waking up, the Bright Griffin was immediately furious and struggled hard. The branches of the Demon Suppressing Tree suddenly made a series of "crackling" sounds.

Of course, Ling Menglu wouldn't let it get used to it, and immediately added another shot of the Holy Hammer to prevent it from harming its partners with light magic. Long Kongkong, on the other hand, swallowed it with all his strength without any hesitation.

The devouring power of the Tianyuan Realm was extremely fierce. Under the guidance of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, the Tianyuan Realm turned into strips of black light and attached to the Bright Griffin, devouring them vigorously.

This is the linkage of spiritual furnaces recently discovered by Long Kongkong. When he uses the Holy Spiritual Furnace to attract the enemy, the Holy Spiritual Furnace will play a guiding role in his Tianyuan field, and can concentrate the devouring power to devour a target, and It won’t be blind scope devouring. This effect naturally becomes better. The main reason is that his current physical strength can fully withstand such devouring.

The Ascension Spirit Shield flashed with light. Long Kongkong swallowed it and distributed the excess spiritual power to his nearby cousin and Tao Linlin. When the Bright Griffin woke up from the mental shock again, the look in its eyes was obviously much dimmed. Even the exploded feathers have returned to normal and have begun to weaken.

Done! Everyone was surprised.

Although the Bright Griffin still tried to struggle, the massive loss of spiritual power forced it to struggle with its own strength. After such a short period of time, Taolinlin had completed taking root on the ground, and its binding power had been greatly enhanced. , how can we let it escape?

Long Dangdang dragged the earth dragon to the side of the demon-suppressing tree, and everyone gathered over.

Seeing the light in the Bright Griffin's eyes getting darker and darker, everyone couldn't help but feel a little joyful. Undoubtedly, the quality of these two monsters is quite good. Especially the Bright Griffin, which will definitely be worth extra points in training missions.

Long Dangdang gave a thumbs up to his cousin. To be able to take down the Bright Griffin so easily, his cousin's sacred hammer was the most crucial.

Ling Menglu smiled back.

Just when everyone was relaxed and ready to discuss how to deal with the Bright Griffin, suddenly, a majestic roar sounded above their heads.


In an instant, everyone clearly felt their hearts sinking, as if something was weighing heavily on their hearts, and they all had symptoms of soreness in their hands and feet.

"Bloodline shock!" Tao Linlin almost blurted out.

Everyone subconsciously looked up and saw a huge figure squeezing down from the tree crown.

Seeing this person, everyone couldn't help showing a look of horror in their eyes. The huge head, the body over seven meters long, and the huge wings with a wingspan of eight meters.

Long Kongkong subconsciously stopped his Tianyuan Domain and continued to devour it, and said somewhat dryly: "If I stop now and let it go, is it still too late?"

Yes, what emerged from the tree crown was an eighth-level adult griffon.

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