Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 176 The Terror of the Bright Griffin

When that terrifying pressure fell from the sky, everyone's bodies couldn't help but freeze.

Adult griffon, adult griffon! The best among the ninth-level monsters, equivalent to the eighth-level human beings.

They finally woke up at this moment, why did the young griffon give up its advantage of flying ability to fight the earth dragon in the jungle? Isn't this obviously the adult griffin trying to sneak away the child? Exercise your child's hunting ability.

Long Kongkong opened his mouth, "Is it too late to say I was wrong now?" As he spoke, he took back his Tianyuan domain.

Long Dangdang took one step forward and stood at the front. As the leader of the group, he made the decision to fight. He was also a knight. Facing a strong enemy, he had no other choice.

At the same time, he put his left hand behind his back and gestured towards Ling Menglu and Long Kongkong.

The Tianyuan realm that had just been closed instantly started again. At the same time, a figure flashed and rode on the back of the young griffon. The sharp sword in his hand was aimed at the central nervous system on the back of the neck of the young griffon.

"Roar--" The adult griffon let out an angry roar again. The next moment, its extremely strong body fell out of thin air and landed on the ground without making any sound.

Even on the ground, it looked so tall, with a pair of huge wings spread out, every hair on its body exuded a radiant golden color, and a rich aura of light reverberated in the air.

And its golden eyes fell on Ling Menglu immediately, with a hint of surprise in their eyes. Obviously, it felt the pure light energy aura from Ling Menglu.

Ming Xi took action only after receiving the signal from Long Dangdang that the spiritual crystal was online. The body was also tense at this time. After all, this was a level nine monster.

Faced with the tremendous pressure brought by the adult Bright Griffin, Long Dangdang took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Senior, we didn't mean to offend. We just want to take your children back and become our human partners. You should know that we humans are related to each other. The affinity of the gryphon lineage. We are sorry for offending you. We can return your child to you now, but we need you to swear an oath not to hurt us."

The pupils of the adult bright griffin shrank obviously, and the eyes flashed sharply. However, it was obviously very intelligent and did not explode out of anger at this time. After all, the child is still in their hands.

The Bright Griffin nodded to make everyone relax slightly, and tapped its right front paw in the air. Suddenly, a golden six-pointed star appeared with strange light patterns on it.

The oath circle.

Ling Menglu took a few steps forward, raised the staff in her hand, and pointed it at the oath circle. After a moment, she nodded towards Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang bowed slightly to the bright griffon, and then gestured towards Ming Xi and Long Kongkong.

At this time, the young light griffon's internal spiritual energy was basically absorbed by Long Kongkong, but its strong physical ability still allowed it to move reluctantly, flapping its wings weakly, and staggering towards the adult light. The gryphon walked away.

With great difficulty, it struggled to reach the adult griffin of light, but was thrown away by the adult griffin, who didn't know whether it was its father or mother, with a wave of its wings and staggered. Obviously very dissatisfied with its previous performance.

The adult light griffon then turned back to the demon hunting group and let out a deep roar, its body flashing with golden light.

Ling Menglu said solemnly: "Senior, please abide by your oath."

The adult Bright Griffin's eyes suddenly gained a bit of cunning light, and Ling Menglu and Long Dangdang's hearts sank almost at the same time. The next moment, there was another low roar from above.

When they looked up, they saw another huge figure falling from the sky.

Yes, it turned out to be another light griffin, and it was also an adult. The figure is only slightly smaller than the previous adult light griffon.

Long Kongkong was dumbfounded and said: "You still play with tactics?" They could guess without asking them that the adult bright griffon that had just made an oath should be the griffin's father, and its oath must only be limited to itself, and this The person falling from the sky at this moment should be the gryphon mother. Obviously, they have no intention of letting them go! Even the gryphon mother is a level nine monster.

The brilliant golden light turned the surrounding tree crowns into golden color. The bright griffons didn't give them any chance to argue. Are you still thinking about arresting my child? Take action directly.

Ling Menglu had always been vigilant. When the golden light bloomed in the air, the Angel of Light Spiritual Furnace on her chest had emerged. The power of light filled with sacred aura burst out and turned into a layer of light to cover everyone.

Holy light array!

The Holy Light Array used by Ling Menglu was much more powerful than the ordinary Holy Light Array, both in terms of light energy and its own sacred attributes. Especially when the opponent's oppression method is also of light attribute, it plays a very good protective role. It made everyone feel lighter and their mobility became much easier.

The light on Long Dangdang's chest flashes, and the moon shines on the sea, and the spiritual furnace is released. At the same time, Long Kongkong's Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace also released a dazzling light.

At this time, there is no room for hesitation or reservation. Only by using your strongest means can you possibly save your life. You know, they have never faced an eighth-level powerhouse! But they all know that after reaching a certain level of cultivation, the higher the level, the greater the gap between them is.

The entry threshold for a sixth-level expert is 4,000 spiritual power, the seventh level is 10,000, and the eighth level is 30,000 spiritual power! In other words, no matter how weak the bright griffin in front of you is, it still has more than 30,000 spiritual powers. On their side, even Wang Changxin, who has the strongest spiritual power, only has less than 10,000. There is no need to calculate how huge the gap is.

Amidst the rapid spells in Ling Menglu's mouth, brilliant golden light emerged in front of her. At the same time, a figure rose into the sky and crashed into the light griffin falling from the sky like a cannonball.

The person who made this brazen move was none other than Wang Changxin.

The flapping of the spiritual wings behind her instantly propelled her body into the air. She waved the Tyrant Hammer in her hand, and a deep roar erupted from her body. Warrior skills, rage!

Facing an eighth-level opponent, they all understand that it is impossible not to fight tooth and nail.

The mother of the bright gryphon landed in the air with a look of disdain in her eyes. She flapped her wings fiercely and could clearly see that countless tiny light spots condensed from her huge wings in an instant. These light spots were in the air. They quickly condensed into one body in mid-air, just blocking Wang Changxin's impact.

Holy light bullet, the bright gryphon's best skill.

Wang Changxin only felt that she was instantly knocked into a ball of blazing light, and everything around her became sluggish, and seemed to be filled with a terrifying sense of explosion. She never knew that the light element could produce such a powerful and terrifying invasion force. She just felt as if her whole body was going to be burned up by the flames. She couldn't even swing her Tyrant Hammer, and the full output of her spiritual power couldn't stop the invasion of the white light. Her body seemed to be swallowed up by the brilliant white light.

However, the mother of the bright griffon didn't seem to care much about her. Perhaps it was because she had not taken action against the little griffin before. The holy light bomb suddenly flicked and flew to the side with Wang Changxin, and hit the ground with a loud sound. There was a roar and a deep pit exploded.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked! Senior Sister Wang, who has the strongest spiritual power, is not an enemy of Yihe?

And at this moment, Ling Menglu's magic was completed. With the increase of the Angel of Light Soul Furnace, she will be much faster when casting specific magic. This magic is undoubtedly: the arrival of angels.

An angel flapping a pair of golden wings appeared out of thin air and stood in front of everyone. Immediately afterwards, another golden light and shadow crashed into it, and it was the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace.

The body of the descending angel swelled obviously, and a pair of wings sprouted from its back. But the next moment, it had already pounced on Long Dangdang standing in front like a baby swallow. A blue halo rippled out from the surface of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, and the blue halo quickly enveloped the descending angel, and then merged with Long Dangdang's body.

The blue-gold armor emerged, and the dragon disappeared. In its place, only the Cang Yue Angel, who was five meters tall, descended.

But at this moment, Long Dangdang's feelings were completely different from before. He only felt that his whole body had been filled with strange and huge energy. It was not pure light element energy, but also more other energies. It came from the power of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. His energy and spirit were completely Unified, what is even more strange is that at this moment, the internal and external spiritual forces are no longer separated from each other, and they seem to have become part of the blue-gold energy.

When he used the Divine Qi Cangyue Angel before, his external spiritual power was still too weak, so he didn't feel it so clearly, but this time he felt it clearly. Yes, both internal and external spiritual power have become part of his strength. Perhaps, this is also related to his current state of being somewhat elemental.

A powerful aura spurted out, and Long Dangdang, whose whole body was covered in blue-gold armor, could no longer see his face, and his face was covered by the mask. He grabbed it in the air with his left hand, and a blue holy sword appeared in his grasp. , what he grabbed in his right hand was naturally the sacred hammer sent by his cousin in time. With his own strength, he completely blocked the powerful oppressive force of the Bright Griffin mother.

Tao Linlin, Ming Xi and Yue Li felt shocked, but the one who felt the most profound was actually Ling Menglu. Because what she felt was the change, the change after the angel Cangyue possessed Long Dangdang.

At this time, God praying for Cangyue Angel, not only the armor on her body was more gorgeous, but the most important thing was the solid feeling, which made her feel that the current one was the real one.

The blue-gold light emitting from the four wings behind it circulates in the air like smoke and dust. Not to mention its combat effectiveness, its dazzling appearance alone is enough to shock people.

On the ground, the father of the Bright Griffin looked at this scene, his eyes seemed a little dull. It can't take action because of the oath, but it doesn't affect it from watching the battle!

Looking at the existence in front of it that was somewhat beyond its understanding, its eyes couldn't help showing interest.

At this moment, the mother of the bright gryphon in the sky had already condensed a second holy light bomb. Compared with the one that temporarily blocked Wang Changxin, this one was larger in size. The Holy Light Bullet exploded instantly and headed straight towards the Angel of God Praying for the Moon.

Long Dangdang's eyes were filled with white light, and he could clearly feel the Holy Light Bullet locking onto him. With his friends behind him, he couldn't even retreat. The sacred hammer in his right hand flew out, spinning in the air to draw an arc, bypassing the holy light bullet and heading straight towards the mother body of the bright gryphon. At the same time, he changed to holding the holy sword with both hands, with the four wings spread out behind his back, and the light and water elements in the air were crazily integrated into his body. Right chop!

"Boom -" the holy light bomb exploded. Long Dangdang felt his whole body heat up, and in the next moment, his body was bombarded by the huge light element and flew backwards. The holy sword in his hand also collapsed. The four wings on his back were spread out, absorbing various elements in the air with all his strength, and then he could barely stabilize his body.

very scary!

Although he barely blocked the blow, he was still horrified at this moment. You know, when he had insufficient external spiritual power before, he barely used the possession of the angel of the gods to pray for Cangyue, and he already had a seventh-level combat power. Now that the external spiritual power has been increased to more than 2,000, this spiritual furnace fusion skill has obviously been improved a lot and stabilized. The strength is definitely not as simple as an ordinary seventh level. The Bright Griffin should be at the eighth level. But even so, he still couldn't block the elemental attack without the opponent's advantageous external spiritual power.

Two words emerged in Long Dangdang's mind, Ling Gang!

The symbol for a professional to enter the fifth level is spiritual liquid, the sixth level is spiritual wings, the seventh level is elementalization, and the eighth level is Ling Gang!

Linggang is a truly powerful ability to solidify and compress spiritual power. It is versatile and integrates offense and defense. There is no doubt that the light griffon's seemingly ordinary holy light bullet is actually at least partially in Lingang state. Therefore, even in this situation, he is still somewhat unstoppable.

However, this is after all the union of the three spiritual furnaces of wisdom. Long Dangdang was not injured by this, and the four wings behind him swallowed the light and water elements in the air with all their strength. His condition remains stable. The sacred hammer has also fallen on the mother of the light griffon.

The mother of the bright gryphon stiffened slightly, and her huge body that was about to swoop down paused. But that's about it. The difference in rank makes the shock effect of the Holy Hammer not very good. Its huge body was already like a dark cloud, rushing towards the angel of the god praying for the moon.

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