Everyone couldn't help but express their joy when they saw Tao Linlin taming the first monster.

The training mission for the next month is obviously to tame more Warcraft, and the higher the level of the Warcraft, the higher the evaluation will be, and the more merits will be obtained.

Although the experience just now was very thrilling, I finally got through it. With Golden Dragon Xiaoba here, the difficulty of taming monsters with dragon blood will obviously be greatly reduced. This is their great advantage.

Everyone adjusted their condition on the spot, and with Ling Menglu's powerful treatment and auxiliary abilities, it didn't take long for them to return to their best state.

Ling Menglu told Long Dangdang about the sincerity contract through a private online chat through Lingjing.

Long Dangdang really didn't know the meaning of the sincerity contract, and he looked strange after hearing Ling Menglu's words. Although it may not be used, if Ling Menglu has such a trump card. In the future, when they face undead creatures, especially the undead army, it can really be said to be a life-saving straw.

With the bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang chatted privately with Ling Menglu, "But in this case, wouldn't it be too unfair to you? After all, the talent potential of the Bright Griffin is only at the level of a ninth-level monster."

With the bright moon in the sky, Ling Menglu privately chatted with Long Dangdang and said: "It's not really a grievance. The light gryphon itself is also a very powerful monster. Coupled with my bloodline, it is possible to advance to the tenth level of monster. Moreover, there is a flying mount that is indeed It’s also easier to do. It’s just that I need to constantly help it purify its bloodline, which will take a little more time. With the help of the moon spirit power of Cangyue Angel, it shouldn’t be difficult.”

After weighing the pros and cons, if there really is a sincere contract, it is definitely worth it. Moreover, as one of the tamed monsters this time, the level six Bright Griffin will definitely gain points.

Correction completed, move on.

With the previous experience, the team became more and more cautious. Since there are ninth-level light griffins in this jungle, there must be powerful monsters of the same level. The Bright Griffins have also proven with their strength that the current strength of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group is far from enough to compete with the strong men of the eighth level.

On the way, they met other demon hunting teams. In this large forest, there were quite a few monsters, and the area they entered was dominated by mid- to low-level monsters. It is not difficult for these preparatory demon hunters to defeat these monsters, but what is difficult is how to make these monsters surrender. This is a very troublesome problem.

So they met several teams in succession. After suppressing the monsters, they tried every means to tame the monsters, such as severely injuring them or making them weak, and then tried to tame them again.

According to the requirements of the three instructors, you cannot kill the monsters, otherwise your merit points will be deducted, which makes the action particularly difficult. At least it is much more difficult than hunting Warcraft.

As Long Dangdang and the others marched, they were looking for medium-strength monsters with dragon bloodline. When encountering other types of monsters, avoid them as much as possible under Ming Xi's guidance, and repel them if you cannot avoid them. Traveling all the way, slowly moving towards the core area where the aperture was seen before.

Facts have proved that Xiaoba's deterrence is absolutely beyond doubt. At the end of the day, two more dragon monsters were harvested, one at level five and one at level six. For lower levels, just let it go. It doesn't make any sense either.

Tao Linlin tamed these two monsters one by one, and the process was not difficult. This is the advantage of the summoner. As long as the monsters can be surrendered, their master-slave contract can even be signed forever. The premise is that your own mental strength is enough to support it. And this mental support also refers to the fact that in the case of simultaneous summons, it only maintains the master-slave contract, which is not a burden to the summoner. After all, this is their profession.

High-level summoners must have some fixed summoned beasts of their own. In addition to the natal summoned beast that is the core strength that accompanies one's growth, the fixed summoned beast is the most stable combat power. Therefore, when other professions are fighting summoners, they must shorten their summoning time as much as possible so that they cannot summon enough summoned beasts.

The summoner's own fixed summoned beasts are the most convenient and trouble-free during the release process. Naturally, the more the better. It's just that taming Warcraft is not an easy task, especially after taming Warcraft, it will hardly grow or grow very slowly, but the strength of the summoner is constantly improving, and it is easy to make these fixed. The summoned beast falls behind. This is also an important reason why summoners are weaker than other professions.

Of course, if a ninth-level summoner can have multiple contracted summoned beasts of the same level, that would be another matter. It is also extremely difficult for top summoned beasts to tame nature.

When night fell, Tao Linlin's face was already full of smiles. He had never felt so wealthy. You know, he didn't have any contracted summoned beasts other than his own summoned beast before! One is because there is no chance to come into contact with wild monsters, and the other is because the summoned beasts summoned by the summoner through magic cannot be tamed. His situation is also the situation of most summoners. And now, he already has two level six and one level five summoned beasts. This is a rare combat power! They all have dragon bloodline. Warcraft with dragon bloodline were originally stronger beings at the same level as him.

Everyone has drinking water and food in their storage containers, and they have made preparations before coming to participate in the training this time. Everyone knows that preparing for demon hunter training will not be easy, and you must be well prepared in this regard.

When resting at night, the role of Taolinlin is fully revealed. The natal summoned beast, the Demon-Suppressing Tree, was released and took root in a relatively high-lying place. The thick branches of the Demon-Suppressing Tree hung down, naturally forming a peripheral barrier to protect everyone. The demon-suppressing tree itself can nourish itself through the nutrients of the earth, which is completely different from the inability of ordinary summoned beasts to last. There is no problem if it exists for a long time.

What's more, there is still the existence of Ling Menglu's Bright Angel Soul Furnace! At this time, the Light Angel Spiritual Furnace was sitting on the treetop of the Demon Suppressing Tree. A faint golden light fell down and blended into the Demon Suppressing Tree. The Demon Suppressing Tree fed back life energy to nourish the light element angels. There were many differences between the two. Flavors that complement each other.

In front of everyone, Long Dangdang and the others couldn't use the Wisdom Spirit Furnace to practice. After all, we had just cooperated, so we still had to keep this core secret. Despite this, Long Dangdang also released the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, allowing Canghai to merge with the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace and the Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace to release the Sea of ​​Tianyuan.

This is a cultivation method second only to the power of Cangyue Angel Moon Spirit, and the spiritual power in this big forest is extremely abundant. A large amount of spiritual power, especially the breath of life, swarmed in from all directions. Everyone invariably felt that there was too much spiritual power and it was a little difficult to breathe.

This kind of cultivation method has never been experienced by the other four people. Facing the huge spiritual power like a tidal wave, even the excitement of entering the state of meditation is slower.

This feeling is so wonderful. After a night of practice, everyone felt like their meridians were full, and Wang Changxin benefited the most. As her external spiritual power has been raised to the sixth level, the upper limit of her internal spiritual power has become the seventh level. And with up to 4,000 external spiritual powers, her body's endurance is extremely strong, far exceeding that of others. Therefore, when absorbing the spiritual power brought by the Sea of ​​Abyss, she can hold the most. After one night, she clearly felt that her inner spiritual power had increased at least several times than usual.

Although practicing internal and external training is a very painful training direction, it has to be said that the physical endurance is indeed far beyond that of professionals at the same level. It's just that Wang Changxin could only practice step by step in the past. It was useless to have a strong body and not absorb enough spiritual power. And the Sea of ​​Tianyuan seemed to be tailor-made for her. Without testing, Wang Changxin felt that her inner spiritual power would have increased by more than 20 points this night. At this rate, her inner spiritual power would be able to touch the seventh level in a year at most. Although it still takes a lot of time to improve her external spiritual power, the rapid improvement of her internal spiritual power can save her a lot of time.

Therefore, when she woke up in the morning, her eyes when she looked at Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong had obviously become much softer and more friendly.

Others have also benefited greatly.

Ming Xi came to Long Kongkong's side and looked at him with a strange look in his eyes.

"What are you doing? Although you are pretty good-looking, I already have someone I like. Don't be obsessed with me. I'm just a legend." Long Kongkong said proudly.

"Bah, who is obsessed with you? Don't be so narcissistic, okay? I just think that your way of cultivation is really unfair. No wonder you can become a demon hunter at a young age." Ming Xi was a little confused. said.

Long Kongkong said: "Unfair? Then you won't participate in the future?"

Ming Xi immediately said righteously: "Of course I must participate! I am a messenger of justice and a future knight. In order to safeguard justice and eradicate evil in the world, of course I must become stronger."

Tao Linlin, who had also woken up from practice, happened to hear her words, raised her hand and patted her forehead, and here she goes again...

Long Kongkong rolled his eyes at Ming Xi and said, "Then why do you still question me? I am your teammate, the man who helps you maintain justice in the world, and your partner."

Ming Xi blinked, "It seems to make sense."

Long Kongkong chuckled, "That must make sense!"

Tao Linlin came to Ling Menglu who was already having breakfast, bowed slightly and said, "Thank you."

Ling Menglu looked up at him, smiled, and said, "It's just mutual benefit. The breath of life brought by the Demon Suppressing Tree also makes my spiritual furnace feel good."

Long Kongkong looked at Tao Linlin and said: "Sister Taozi..., cough, Taozi, why don't you thank me!" He always thought that Tao Linlin might be a woman disguised as a man, but his Adam's apple did exist. , which made Long Kongkong feel a little confused.

Tao Linlin glared at him, ignored him, and went to have breakfast by herself.

"Buzz--" The sudden buzz made everyone raise their heads almost at the same time. Ming Xi immediately jumped into the air, followed closely by Long Dangdang.

Everyone came to the top of the tree crown and looked up at the sky. Sure enough, the halo that appeared yesterday appeared again.

The color was exactly the same as when it appeared yesterday, and this time the halo still expanded to a very, very far place. And they were indeed in the halo, but they still couldn't see the starting point when the halo spread. The only thing that was certain was that at least they didn't move away from the area away from the halo.

"Continue to go deeper?" Ling Menglu asked Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang thought for a while and said: "We won't go deep today. Let's move laterally and continue to look for Warcraft. Judging from yesterday's observation, the shrinkage speed of this mission area is not fast! There is no doubt that the closer to the core area, The greater the possibility of encountering powerful monsters. Therefore, we cannot enter the core area prematurely. Gradually approaching should be the best way. Observe the starting point of the halo that divides the area at any time, and gradually shrink inward."

Long Kongkong chuckled and said, "Safety first."

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "Safety comes first. One of the trainings this time is to promote our team's running-in, and the other is to improve our survivability. This month has just begun, and there will definitely be more in the future. There's something wrong. It's better to be cautious."

"I agree." Ling Menglu nodded.

No one else had any intention of objecting, and everyone set off again. Ming Xi was still exploring the way in front, while the others kept some distance and followed behind.

Tao Linlin is the most interested one now. Being able to tame multiple contracted monsters is definitely the biggest improvement in his strength. Although there will be a certain mental load, this is also an exercise for the summoner. You know, every contracted monster is equivalent to a fixed summoning magic! He can't wait to get a few more, even better, seventh-level monsters, which can directly increase his strength as a fifth-level summoner to sixth-level.

They were walking forward, and suddenly, everyone's body was shaken. The next moment, they had each taken out their own sub-spirit crystals.

Everyone's sub-spirit crystals are now red, exuding a somewhat eerie red brilliance. A map-like existence appears on the surface of the sub-spirit crystals, with clear lines outlined on it, pointing in one direction.

This is?

Long Dangdang suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashing, "There is a team from the Demon Hunting Group asking for help. They must be in danger of life. Let's go!"

Everyone did not hesitate, and immediately spread out their bodies with all their strength, and according to Zi Lingjing's instructions, they quickly headed towards the direction where the signal for help was sent.

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