Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 180 Eighth Level Demonic Wind Monkey

The Demon Hunting Team seeks help through the Sub-Spirit Crystal, and the Sub-Spirit Crystals of all demon hunters within a ten-kilometer radius will be reflected. At the same time, the nearest spirit crystal will also feedback the request for help to the headquarters of the demon hunting group as soon as possible, and the nearest demon hunters and temple strongmen will come to the rescue as soon as possible.

However, each demon hunting group's Sub-Spirit Crystal has only one chance to use it for help. After using it, it needs to pay a very high price to get it again from the branch's Sub-Spirit Crystal. The price is a thousand meritorious deeds.

Since these preparatory demon hunting groups are not yet official demon hunters, they will definitely not ask for help easily unless they encounter a life or death crisis. Just like that day when Long Dangdang and the others faced two level nine light griffins, their efforts were useless. Mainly because Long Dangdang also has Xiaoba as a trump card to deter the Bright Griffin. At the same time, the Bright Griffin has always been relatively friendly with humans.

Long Dangdang and his friends ran fast. From Zi Lingjing's map, we could see that they were very close to the incident site, only about three kilometers away. For professionals like them, who are on average fifth or sixth level, it only takes a few minutes to arrive at the scene.

In just a moment, Long Dangdang could already feel the violent fluctuations of elements in front of him, and could even hear faint screams.

With the bright moon in the sky, Ming Xi said: "Here we are. Right in front. A demon hunting group was attacked by monsters."

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragons are dazzling: "How many monsters are there? What kind of monsters are they, and how strong are they?"

The bright moon is in the sky, Ming Xi: "I can't see clearly. Otherwise, I will tell you directly."

After hearing these words, Long Dangdang couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart. As a scout, Ming Xi did not tell the attacker's situation immediately. He only judged that it was a monster. He originally thought it was a mistake, so he asked further. But Ming Xi's answer was that she couldn't see clearly. She was good at speed, so her eyesight must be good. Even she couldn't see the enemy clearly. It was conceivable that the enemy was more terrifying than imagined.

Everyone quickly moved closer to the area where Ming Xi was, and at the same time, they each took out their own equipment.

At the beginning of Long Dangdang's grasp of the Silver Wave Magic, after these two days of running-in, he was gradually mastering his sudden increase in external spiritual power. The benefits of the substantial increase in external spiritual power are also gradually emerging. At the very least, he does not need to In terms of inner spiritual power, his current strength and speed are already quite strong. At the same time, the side effects of skills such as detonation and sacrifice are decreasing, but their power is increasing. He felt it yesterday when he used the sacrifice skill. It was also burning blood, and it seemed that he had more fuel. Although the power of the sacrifice skill did not increase much, he clearly felt that his sacrifice could compare to In the past, it was possible to maintain it for a longer period of time, or even to burst out with stronger power in a short period of time, but in that case, the side effects would be stronger.

Passing through a dense forest ahead, everyone was immediately oppressed by the sharp aura coming towards them and stopped.

A strong wind blew across my face, and the strong wind was like a sharp blade, bringing a sharp "whoosh" howl in the air.

They first saw the Demon Hunting Team asking for help. At this time, the Demon Hunting Team was struggling to support themselves at the bureau level.

A team of demon hunters normally consists of six people. At this time, two people had already fallen to the ground. They were dressed as an assassin and a summoner. Among the other four people, the knights and warriors stood outside, while the magicians and priests continued to throw defensive magic, auxiliary magic, and healing magic at them one by one. Their bodies were like chameleons, constantly flashing different lights.

The surrounding vegetation seemed to have been swept by a storm, with a large number of pieces broken and toppled over. Within a radius of forty meters, there is even a clearing-like existence, which is extremely special in this dense forest.

The figure that is attacking the demon hunting group cannot be seen clearly. We can only vaguely see a green figure flashing across the field like a hurricane, hitting the already precarious defense of the demon hunting group again and again. Formation.

Long Dangdang turned to look at Ling Menglu. The two cousins ​​had a tacit understanding. Needless to say, Ling Menglu said: "The wind attribute is very strong. But it is definitely not as strong as the Bright Griffin. It should be like a peak seventh-level or eighth-level monster. "

Ling Menglu has the strongest mental power and the clearest sense of nature. This is the reason why Long Dangdang looks at her.

There was no hesitation, it was urgent to save Paoze. Long Dangdang immediately said: "Yueli, ice magic range control. Prepare to fight. The Taolinlin Demonic Tree protects, serves as a shelter, and protects the magic system. Ming Xi, don't attack. Wait for the monster to slow down and swallow it empty. Senior Sister Wang, we front."

He completed the arrangement in the shortest possible words. During battle, he would now directly call his partners by their names, saving time.

Yue Li held the staff in his hand, and the melodious chanting of mantras rang out. The temperature of the surrounding air suddenly began to drop. The Sun and Moon Spiritual Furnace appeared in front of her. With the blessing of the spiritual furnace, her magic completion speed was greatly increased.

Long Dangdang made a gesture to Ling Menglu, and the golden light on Ling Menglu's chest flashed, and the sacred hammer and spiritual furnace appeared.

At this moment, a muffled groan came from the field. The knight guarding the outermost part of the attacked demon hunting group had his chest armor torn violently. There was a deep scar on his chest, and his breath also disappeared. As soon as it was exhausted, the defense suddenly showed flaws.

The whirlwind-like cyan figure suddenly attacked crazily and was about to sweep in.

"Monroe." Long Dangdang shouted loudly.

Ling Menglu's already prepared sacred hammer was instantly released, and a golden sledgehammer appeared out of thin air.

Ling Menglu was also unable to target the cyan figure, but her Holy Hammer's mental shock was a regional attack. She didn't need to target the opponent at all, as long as she aimed her attack in the direction of the attacked demon hunting group.

"Boom -" an invisible roar exploded in the spiritual world, and several members of the demon hunting group froze at the same time, affected by the indiscriminate attack. And the cyan figure is also within the attack range.

Ling Menglu is now a sixth-level archbishop-level priest. Plus the power of the spiritual furnace. The mental shock effect this time is quite strong. This was to prevent the attack power from being too strong and damaging the members of the Demon Hunting Team, so no other means were used to increase the attack power.

The cyan figure visibly stagnated, allowing everyone to finally see its true face.

It was an ape about one meter six tall. Its hair was a strange dark green, but its eyes were green, and each hair was shining with crystal clear luster. At this time, the blue light was shining all over its body, and its green eyes were filled with a strong aura. Bloodthirsty light. It has a pair of extremely sharp claws, which are thirty centimeters long, and they are also shining with a green light.

This is……

"Devil Wind Monkey!" Taolin Lin, who had completed the summoning of the Demon Suppressing Tree and was merging with the Demon Suppressing Tree, blurted out.

"Level 8!" Ling Menglu added. She felt the opponent's exact level through the feedback from the Holy Hammer.

The Demonic Wind Monkey seemed not to be greatly affected by the Holy Hammer, and almost immediately launched another attack in the next moment. But he ignored the subsequent Long Dangdang team and continued to attack the already endangered demon hunting group.

But at this moment, its body stiffened and turned around suddenly, its eyes filled with anger. A ray of light connected to it with extremely precise precision.

The reason why Long Dangdang wants to slow it down is to have a chance to complete the connection with it. The role of the Holy Spiritual Furnace is undoubtedly demonstrated at this moment, and only the Holy Spiritual Furnace can complete the rescue in time.

Snowflakes all over the sky also fell from the sky at this moment, and the temperature in the air began to drop sharply. The cold air surged out along with Yue Li's waving staff, not heading towards the Demonic Wind Monkey, but quickly covering a large area in front.

Fourth level ice magic, cold wave!

In a short period of time, many characteristics such as cooling, slowness, and range must be completed. This fourth-level magic is the most suitable. Although the power is not strong, it can definitely have a certain impact due to the effect of the cold wave.

The Demonic Wind Monkey is a magical beast known for its speed and is extremely proficient in the wind element. It is good at casting various wind-attribute magics and can blend into the wind, making it very difficult to deal with. It is one of the fastest among the eighth-level monsters that cannot fly.

The light of the Holy Spiritual Furnace falling on the Demonic Wind Monkey was not just one, but two. Long Kongkong's Holy Spiritual Furnace was also activated at the same time. Not only that, his Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace and Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace also followed suit. Although his strength is not strong, under the simultaneous action of the three spiritual furnaces, the devouring power of the Tianyuan Domain has fallen on the Demonic Wind Monkey.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" The Demonic Wind Monkey yelled angrily, and with just a flash of cyan light and shadow, it had already rushed out of the cold wave and arrived in front of Long Dangdang as if it had arrived in an instant.

Long Dangdang didn't even see its movements clearly, and a strong sense of crisis already appeared in his heart.

An eighth-level monster is equivalent to a seventh-level powerhouse. The speed of the Demonic Wind Monkey is undoubtedly very terrifying, but Long Dangdang was already prepared when he activated the Holy Spiritual Furnace.

A white light like petals suddenly stretched out from his body, blocking the attack of the Demonic Wind Monkey for the first time.

Although it was only for an instant, the defense was torn apart by the attack of the Demonic Wind Monkey. But it also allowed Long Dangdang to make a judgment and put the beginning of Yinlang Magic in front of him. At the same time, a white light shield also fell on him.

The Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace, the Divine Barrier, and the Holy Light Protection from my cousin.

"Dang!" Long Dangdang slid back two meters, and the cyan figure was instantly bounced away. At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed with a violent roar, and the Tyrant Hammer appeared from the sky and directly hit the area behind the Demonic Wind Monkey.

At the same time, a flash of yellow light flashed in Long Dangdang's eyes, and the green light hesitated for a moment when the hammer fell. Gravity control!

"Boom——" Big Hammer Tyrant!

Amid the violent roar, a large crater with a diameter of five meters was smashed into the ground. Although the cyan figure dodged as much as possible, it still could not escape under the influence of Long Dangdang's gravity control. The attack range was shaken and flew out diagonally.

The Demonic Wind Monkey also revealed his figure again. It is famous for its speed and wind attributes, but defense is not what it is good at.

The Demon Hunting Team, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't help but feel shocked when they looked at the scene in front of them.

So strong!

You know, they had tried their best before, but they could only barely resist the attack of the Demonic Wind Monkey, and they were not even able to see each other clearly once. As for the supporting Demon Hunting Team, they stopped the Demonic Wind Monkey several times as soon as they came up, and even repelled it this time.

Of course they had recognized the members of this team, but Ling Menglu was still too conspicuous. There is no doubt that in their hearts, this demon hunting team with Ling Menglu is definitely one of the strongest teams among the preparatory demon hunters this time.

"Entering Taolinlin's defensive range, let's help him hold on for a while. Give me some time." As he said that, Long Dangdang retreated and retreated into the range of the stretched branches of the demon-suppressing tree. Light and shadow flickered, and four figures appeared next to him one after another.

Those were clearly the four clones of Long Dangdang. As for his clone, although his companions had seen it in the Demon Hunting Group trials, this was the first time for him to see it at such a close distance.

Ming Xi couldn't help but said: "It looks so much like a real person! Is this a clone skill? Why have I never heard of it?"

As she was talking, she heard the four clones starting to chant low spells together. Long Dangdang's true body is guarding the front with his friends.

The Demonic Wind Monkey seemed to be completely irritated at this time. As it stood there, the green light on its body began to become more and more powerful. The dark green body gradually turned completely green. Not only did the entire body It didn't get bigger, but instead seemed to shrink a bit, but it had a more transparent feeling.

Everyone couldn't help but feel their hearts sinking. This is the transformation and elemental transformation that only seventh-level powerhouses can possess.

The reason why the gap between each level of professionals is so large is related to the qualitative change after each breakthrough. Starting from the fifth level, every qualitative change is a qualitative leap in strength. Even if there is only a slight difference in spiritual power, the difference between a qualitative change and no qualitative change is huge.

And elementalization is a qualitative change that can only be achieved at the seventh level. And it is a qualitative change that is more important than the sixth-order spiritual wing. Only when you reach the level of elementalization can you be qualified to be described as a strong person!

The Demonic Wind Monkey, whose whole body was crystal clear, roared violently again, and under the guidance of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, it frantically pounced towards Long Dangdang.

And at this moment, Tao Linlin's voice sounded in Long Dangdang's heart.

The bright moon is in the sky, Tao Linlin: "How strange, the Demonic Wind Monkey is a vegetarian monster, and it has a docile temperament!"

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