Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 182 Just do whatever you want

The summoner in Jiang Qingqiu's team suddenly solidified the atmosphere.

Long Dangdang's expression suddenly became indifferent, and he looked at Jiang Qingqiu calmly.

Jiang Qingqiu smiled bitterly and said: "Captain Long, you also know that this time we triggered a request for help, the loss is very heavy. The Summoner Temple has been studying the possibility of captive breeding of Demon Wind Monkeys, because The Demonic Wind Monkey has a docile personality and strong strength. If it can be successfully raised in captivity, it can be used as a fixed summoned beast for the summoner. Just because they are very fast, wild Demonic Wind Monkeys are difficult to catch. After they become adults, it is also difficult to tame them. There has been no It can be successful. Therefore, the Summoner's Temple gives more rewards to the Demonic Wind Monkey cubs."

After hearing what he said, Long Dangdang completely understood. The reason why the other party is willing to use the call for help signal at all costs, and is not willing to return the baby of the Demonic Wind Monkey, is because the benefits they can bring from the baby Demonic Wind Monkey must be in addition to the loss of a thousand meritorious deeds. On top of that, it can also be included in this training mission, which is a good calculation.

However, they were satisfied, but what about the adult Demonic Wind Monkey that had already been captured? Having lost its child, let alone being tamed, it may explode at any time. One must always be careful. Jiang Qingqiu's team obviously did not consider this problem.

"What should I do as an adult Demonic Wind Monkey?" Long Dangdang asked calmly.

There was some hesitation in Jiang Qingqiu's eyes. The summoner who spoke earlier said, "Just kill him. If you don't dare to kill, leave it to us. Isn't it just a deduction of some merit?" Undoubtedly, being able to kill the demon Taking the Wind Monkey cub back would be of the greatest benefit to him as a summoner.

Long Dangdang said calmly: "Then will we be counted as accessories?"

Long Kongkong took a step forward beside Long Dangdang and was about to speak, but was stopped by Long Dangdang raising his hand.

Jiang Qingqiu smiled awkwardly and said: "Actually, it doesn't have to be killed. It's enough to injure it a little more seriously so that it can no longer threaten us. Captain Long, thank you for your rescue this time. But if we Without the baby devil wind monkey, the loss would be too great. Please forgive me." Although he said it tactfully, his attitude was firm.

Long Dangdang still said in a calm tone: "Captain Jiang, you have your reasons to protect your team, and I also have my reasons to protect my team. I cannot accept the method you said. We are both in the demon hunting group, so I can Take this Demonic Wind Monkey away temporarily, and we will release it after leaving you for half an hour."

"How dare you!" the magician in Jiang Qingqiu's team shouted angrily, "Do you know who I am? My father is from the Magic Temple..." He just said this, but was covered by the priest next to him. Mouth.

Long Dangdang turned to look at him, his eyes becoming colder and colder, "Are you teaching me how to do something? Let's go." As he said that, he turned around and left without hesitation.

If it weren't for Nian Zai's identity as a demon hunter, he would have let the Demonic Wind Monkey go now.

"You can't leave, leader. They must hand over the Demon Wind Monkey's child." At this moment, an angry voice sounded from behind Long Dangdang.

Ming Xi stepped out and came to Long Dangdang's side. Because of her excitement, her face turned red. She looked at Jiang Qingqiu and others angrily, "How can you arrest other people's children? Do you know that doing so is breaking up a family?" , Warcraft are not living beings anymore? Don’t you think it’s despicable to do this? You also have parents. If you are captured, will your parents be sad? How can you do this? For your own selfish desires, you deserve to be a demon hunter ?"

Listening to her angry rebuke, Jiang Qingqiu, who was already a bit ugly, suddenly became even more gloomy, "The law of survival is the law of the jungle, and Warcraft are not humans. Since the Summoner Temple can issue such a mission, it means that it has approved our behavior. . Why can’t we capture the cubs of the Demonic Wind Monkey? It’s just that we are slightly weaker and were successfully attacked by it. Otherwise, we wouldn’t need your help. Captain Long, please restrain your teammates.”

Long Dangdang turned to look at Ming Xi, who was also looking at her, with a stubborn look on his face.

Long Dangdang sighed softly and said: "Ming Xi! Your excessive sense of justice is sometimes undesirable. In this world, everything is indeed not fair."

Ming Xi's fists were clenched tightly, and just when she was about to speak, Long Dangdang suddenly smiled at her, "But I support you, who makes us teammates? But you need to remember, not every time We can solve whatever you want. Everything you do, our entire team will bear for you, but you must also be responsible for the team, do you understand?"

Ming Xi was stunned. Support me? To be honest, she didn't fully understand. But she knew that Long Dangdang supported her.

Jiang Qingqiu's expression changed: "Captain Long, what do you mean?"

The smile on Long Dangdang's face remained unchanged, "I suddenly thought of a better solution. After all, if we release the Demonic Wind Monkey after we leave, it is likely to threaten your safety again, and you have no Another call for help. For your safety, the only thing you can do is take action..."

Following Long Dangdang's loud shout, Ming Xi, who had already been unable to bear it for a long time, suddenly burst into flames and rushed past Jiang Qingqiu almost in an instant, rushing directly into the opponent's camp.

Jiang Qingqiu was shocked and angry, but a ray of pulling light had already fallen on him. Not only that, a large cold wave rushed out from the side of Long Dangdang, directly covering every member of Jiang Qingqiu's team.

There was a roar similar to a sonic boom in the air, and a figure, driven by the spiritual wings, instantly crashed into the opponent's camp, and the hammer smashed down with a loud shake. The target is not anyone in Jiang Qingqiu's team, because none of them may be unable to withstand such an attack.

A violent roar appeared on the ground. Along with the roar, the powerful shock wave shook almost everyone in Jiang Qingqiu's team to rise from the ground. The blood in their whole body was shaking, accompanied by dizziness and loss of control.

The lightning-like figure cut in instantly, and a cold edge appeared on the neck of the opponent's summoner. The little creature held tightly in his arms was directly alien to its owner.

"Two, captain, it's two." Ming Xi's voice came. At this time, the powerful pressure brought by Long Dangdang was all on Jiang Qingqiu.

Although Jiang Qingqiu's injuries improved after receiving treatment from the priest, he was still seriously injured. Under the guidance of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, he was unable to rescue his teammates at all. The surface of Long Dangdang's silver wave magic was already shining with the light of the holy sword.

"Captain Long, you, you actually attacked Pao Ze. Do you know that this is taboo in the demon hunting group?" Jiang Qingqiu's hands and feet were a little cold at this time. Everyone was obviously at level five, but for some reason, facing Long Dangdang, he even felt like he was being oppressed by someone superior.

Long Dangdang said calmly: "This is not called action, it is called correction. You can protect your teammates and mess around, why can't I follow the wishes of my teammates and uphold justice? Moreover, this is for your safety."

The figure flickered, Ming Xi had returned. In her arms, two Devil Wind Monkey cubs less than half a foot long were looking around in surprise with their big eyes open, seemingly not panicking at all.

When the adult Demonic Wind Monkey saw his child, his eyes opened wide, but its struggle also stopped. Eighth-level monsters already have considerable intelligence, especially primate monsters. It could vaguely understand the communication between Long Dangdang and the others and Jiang Qingqiu's team.

The magicians and summoners in Jiang Qingqiu's team all wanted to speak, but when they looked at the woman holding a giant hammer not far in front of them, their open mouths closed dryly.

This is Wang Changxin! Tyrant Hammer Wang Changxin. They were born in Linglu Academy and were in the same class as Wang Changxin. They have all experienced the days when Wang Changxin dominated his peers. At this moment, the pair of spiritual wings behind her were so distinct, with that terrifying pressure and cold eyes. No one doubts that he will be greeted by her giant maul attack.

Long Dangdang ignored Jiang Qingqiu at all, turned around and came to the Demon Suppressing Tree, looked at the adult Demonic Wind Monkey, and said, "Hello, can you understand what I say?"

Although the eighth-level Demonic Wind Monkey did not have the ability to communicate spiritually, he still nodded gently towards Long Dangdang.

"I apologize to you for my people who captured your children. Now I will return the children to you. You also injured them just now. Can you let them go? If possible, I will let you go and take your Kids, stay away.”

The Demonic Wind Monkey looked at Long Dangdang, its eyes seemed a little deep, but it still nodded slowly.

On the other side, the magicians and summoners of Jiang Qingqiu's team were about to speak out to stop them, but they immediately felt the surging spiritual power erupting from the Tyrant Hammer, and they could only hold back without speaking out.

Ming Xi came over and handed the two little Demonic Wind Monkeys to the adult Demonic Wind Monkeys. Tao Linlin then released the restraints on them. It was now spiritually weak and could not climb out of the sky.

The Demonic Wind Monkey held his two children in his arms, and his originally violent eyes suddenly softened. When he looked up at Long Dangdang again, his expression obviously changed. He nodded to him, made a "squeak" sound in his mouth, and stared at Jiang Qingqiu and the others fiercely before turning around and running away. Although the spiritual power is insufficient, it does not affect its physical strength and flexibility. In an instant, he disappeared into the forest and disappeared without a trace.

Watching the Demonic Wind Monkey leave, Ming Xi couldn't help but smile. She turned to look at Long Dangdang, "Captain, you are this one." As she said this, she gave a thumbs up.

Long Dangdang said: "I won't support you every time. It depends on the situation. It's a good thing to have a sense of justice, but don't overdo it."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Captain, don't imitate Taozi! He just likes to nag me like this." Ming Xi said with a smile.

Tao Linlin had just separated from the Demon Suppressing Tree and said angrily: "You are not alone in the future, and you really can't be willful anymore. Because every time you are willful, it will affect everyone, you know?"

"Okay, Sister Taozi, please stop talking." Ming Xi rolled her eyes.

Long Dangdang released the hold on Jiang Qingqiu's Holy Spirit Furnace and said, "Let's go." After saying that, he took the lead to go into the woods.

The members of Jiang Qingqiu's team all have evil eyes, but what can they do if they are not as strong as others?

Long Kongkong followed Long Dangdang, and everyone continued to walk through the woods. After what had just happened, he felt that there seemed to be some subtle changes in the atmosphere in the team. The most important ones are reflected in Wang Changxin, Ming Xi, Tao Linlin and Yue Li.

He couldn't express this feeling, but it should be a good development.

Ling Menglu always had a faint smile on her lips, experiencing the appearance of Golden Long Xiaoba and the decisiveness shown by Long Dangdang just now. The cohesion of the team has undoubtedly been greatly improved, and Long Dangdang, the leader, has really begun to be recognized and accepted by everyone.

Still returning to the track of the previously established route, moving forward all the way, looking for monsters suitable for taming. At the end of the day, two more level six monsters were recorded. There is no point in taming monsters below level 5. Although they are encountered at level 6 and above, they will not take action rashly if they do not encounter the existence of dragon bloodline.

There are many monsters in this large forest, and there is definitely no shortage of strong ones. They had encountered the ninth-level monster Bright Griffin before! Therefore, Longdangdang’s philosophy is to be as cautious and cautious as possible.

After finding a water source, Long Dangdang discussed it with his friends and decided to settle here for the time being and not be in a hurry to go deeper.

A month is a long time, and the aura in that area is not shrinking very fast. Although they have brought enough food and drinking water, they also need water in their daily life. Especially since there are mostly women in the team, the demand for water is greater. Not to mention taking a bath, you should at least clean your body every day.

With this station as the center, they mainly explore around and take action when they encounter suitable monsters. If they don't encounter them, they won't force them.

After observing for the next few days, the halo indicated in that area would appear once every morning, and the coverage area seemed to shrink every day. In five days, they could vaguely see the edge of the halo, but it was far away from where they were now. There are still some places.

After five days, a total of eight dragon-blooded monsters were tamed, including two level five monsters and the remaining six were all level six monsters. The main reason is that Tao Linlin no longer looks down on level five monsters. Everyone is not just stationed here, they communicate with each other, learn from each other, and practice together every day, and a tacit understanding is gradually emerging.


The animation "Douluo Dalu II Peerless Tang Sect" starts airing today! The first 2 episodes will be aired on Tencent Video and one episode will be updated every Saturday at 10 am.

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