"This training mission doesn't seem to be difficult! As long as you be careful, it feels like traveling." Long Kongkong sat under a big tree and said leisurely with a blade of grass in his mouth.

Indeed, in the past five days, except for the time when I encountered the light griffon where I felt danger and oppression, I had not encountered any powerful monster at other times. After five days, it was relatively stable, and eight monsters were tamed. At the same time, their previous rescue of Jiang Qingqiu was not in vain. They were the only demon hunting group that arrived at that time and defeated the Demonic Wind Monkey. This must be rewarded with meritorious service. Overall, the harvest is quite good.

After listening to his words, everyone else couldn't help but smile on their faces. Only Long Dangdang's face was slightly condensed.

Ming Xi said with a smile: "Is it because we are too strong? For others, it is still not easy. After all, we are a team that can defeat level eight monsters."

Tao Linlin also had a smile on her face, leaning on the Demon Suppressing Tree behind her. Recently, he was practicing with the Bright Angel Soul Furnace, and he could clearly feel the changes in the Demon Suppressing Tree. For a summoner, his natal summoned beast is the core strength, and the evolution of the Demon Suppressing Tree will definitely accelerate his strength. He is not far from the sixth level.

"Everyone can't relax, I'm afraid it's not that simple." Long Dangdang said with a frown.

Yue Li looked at him in surprise and said, "What should I say? Captain, have you discovered anything?"

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "Although I found nothing, if it is just so stable, something is wrong."

Ling Menglu said: "The aura in that area will continue to shrink, and the difficulties will probably come later. The closer to the core area, the stronger the monster will be. It should be a gradual pressure method, right?"

Long Dangdang nodded slightly and said, "I hope so."

"Shh!" Tao Linlin suddenly made a silencing gesture, attracting everyone's attention. He turned around and leaned his ear against the Demon Suppressing Tree, frowning slightly.

Everyone stood up immediately, with the legal profession leaning in and melee combat outside, maintaining the formation with the Demon Suppressing Tree as the center.

"There was a shaking sound." Tao Linlin said quickly, "It seemed like the whole forest was shaking."

"Shock?" Long Dangdang frowned and said, "What would cause a shock?"

"Is there an earthquake?" Long Kongkong asked excitedly. He had never encountered an earthquake before.

"No, it's not an earthquake. It seems like..." Tao Linlin was saying, and everyone had begun to feel a slight tremor at this time.

Ming Xi jumped up and quickly climbed up the tree. Almost the moment she climbed onto the tree crown, a scream came from above, "A tide of beasts, a tide of beasts."

Hearing Ming Xi's loud shout, everyone's expressions changed.

This is a forest of monsters, and there are many monsters living there! The beast tide of Warcraft...

"What should I do?" Wang Changxin looked at Long Dangdang.

"Don't panic!" Long Dangdang raised his hand and forced himself to calm down.

Long Kongkong couldn't help but said: "Boss, you are such a crow's mouth!"

Long Dangdang had no time to pay attention to him at the moment. He turned to look at Taolinlin and said, "Can your demon-suppressing tree hold its breath?"

Taolinlin said: "It can be done to a certain extent, but it certainly can't be completely covered up."

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and said: "It's too late to run. We can't judge the direction of the beast tide at all. Moreover, maybe this beast tide also wants to drive us away. Senior Tao, you control the demon-suppressing tree to breathe as much as possible , everyone climb up the tree and be prepared to face the impact of the beast tide. Cousin, be ready for area treatment at any time."

When encountering such a big drastic change suddenly, panic is the most useless thing, and it is also the easiest to cause greater risks. Long Dangdang chose to remain unchanged in response to changes.

Everyone flew up the tree one after another, all prepared for emergencies. At this time, the roar of the earth has become more and more intense, and a faint rumble can be heard. It is obvious that the beast tide is getting closer and closer.

Tao Linlin and others climbed up the tree, but he turned around and walked towards the Demon Suppressing Tree. The surface of the Demon Suppressing Tree slowly cracked, as if a tree hole had opened. Tao Linlin made a heart-holding gesture with his hands, and a strange green light suddenly lit up from his chest. It was a spiritual furnace that looked like a flower bud, but the flower bud itself was a gradual blue-green color, and the lower part was darker in color. Deeper, the closer to the top, the lighter the color, and at the top, it is even close to white.

The soft breath of life rippled in circles, and the Demon Suppressing Tree suddenly grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. The trunk began to become thicker and the branches spread far and wide.

Tao Linlin just held the spiritual stove in her hand and walked slowly in. The tree trunk closed, and the man and the tree became one.

As he entered, the entire Demon Suppressing Tree began to emit a soft green halo, and the rich breath of life expanded outward, even affecting the surrounding vegetation, which grew rapidly, whether it was thorns, grass on the ground, or the surrounding vegetation. Every big tree grew up accordingly. Become an effective cover for the demon-suppressing tree.

Praise for life spiritual furnace.

The next moment, the Demon Suppressing Tree shook slightly, and a faint yellow halo expanded outward. The surrounding large-scale vegetation grew crazily again at a rate several times faster than before, and the yellow halo spread completely. A hundred meters in diameter, all the vegetation in this area grew crazily. In just a short time, it was already so dense that it felt airtight.

This is the effect of Taolinlin's other spiritual furnace, and the earth is withered and prosperous! The function of this unpopular spiritual furnace is very strange, and what Tao Linlin is displaying in front of her is only the first step of its power.

With the extremely dense vegetation around it, the aura of the Demon Suppressing Tree was naturally greatly obscured. At this moment, it was like the king of plants in this area, with all the surrounding vegetation protecting it.

The roar of the earth became closer and closer, and sharp screams sounded from time to time in the air. The originally bright sky would become momentarily dark from time to time, as if dark clouds were passing by. Those were obviously not real dark clouds, but monsters, swarms of flying monsters. Suddenly, the entire Warcraft Forest seemed to have become violent.

"Whoop, whoop, whoop!" More than a dozen green arrow porcupines ran past, rushing forward in a panic. Pass by the Demon Suppressing Tree area not far away.

This kind of monster, whose perception is not very sharp, obviously did not notice the existence of Long Dangdang and them.

The bright moon shines in the sky, and the dragon shines brightly: "From now on, all our communications will be conducted online through the spiritual realm."

As the Green Arrow Porcupine passed by, more and more monsters began to appear. These monsters were large and small, with different breaths and shapes, but they all showed panic and were all running in the same direction.

Wherever the monsters passed, the thorns and grass blades on the ground were constantly trampled, and some particularly strong monsters even broke small trees. But fortunately, in this large forest, towering trees account for the majority, and the monsters still will not take the initiative to destroy the source of life in these forests.

The branches of the Demon Suppressing Tree were retracted around the main body, tightly covering everyone on the tree crown, covering everyone's aura, and also covering up their own aura.

The number of monsters in the outside world is increasing, but fortunately, I haven't felt any strong aura. At most, they are level six or seven monsters. Level seven and above have not yet been discovered. However, the number is too much! In just a dozen breaths, hundreds of monsters can pass by. The vegetation in this area, nourished by the earth's withered spiritual furnace, has been trampled to the point of being out of shape. Only the trees fared better.

Everyone did not speak, but they were filled with admiration. They now deeply understood the importance of having a plant summoner teammate in such a big forest. There is no doubt that this place is equivalent to Tao Linlin's home court, which can greatly amplify his abilities. This is still under the condition that Tao Linlin has not reached the sixth level. If his strength reaches the sixth level, the effect will definitely be better.

"Roar--" At this moment, a roaring roar sounded. The running monsters suddenly became more chaotic. When they heard this roar, they immediately fled in panic. Some monsters had already started to hit the demon-suppressing tree.

Taolinlin did not fight back and just maintained the protective state of the Demon Suppressing Tree. Fortunately, the monsters that hit the Demon Suppressing Tree also ran away immediately after getting up.

But at this moment, everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group had a thought in their minds at the same time: Level 8!

Yes, the spiritual fluctuations brought about by this roar are clearly a characteristic that only eighth-level monsters can possess.

The next moment, a huge figure appeared in their field of vision.

It was a ferocious tiger, with a length of six meters and an extremely majestic body. The most strange thing was the color of its hair, with dark red markings on its snow-white body. The word "王" on the forehead is even more vivid and eye-catching blood red.

With the bright moon in the sky, Tao Linlin said: "It's broken, the Blood Demon Tiger. This kind of monster is extremely bloodthirsty, with a very strong sense of perception and smell. It also hates any living creature, and all creatures are within its hunting range."

The bright moon is in the sky and the dragon is shining: "Get ready to fight."

The huge Blood Demon Tiger arrived near the Demon Suppressing Tree in a few leaps. It pounced and knocked down a deer-like monster. Its huge sharp teeth directly pierced the neck of the monster. He was swallowing his blood with big mouthfuls.

With the arrival of this person, the panicked monsters rushed to the vicinity and spread out to both sides like a diversion flood, running wildly into the distance.

The blood demon tiger tore at the monster beneath him with its big mouth, but its fierce eyes flickered as it looked towards the demon-suppressing tree not far in front of it.

It was also an eighth-level monster, but this one was obviously not on the same level as the Demonic Wind Monkey that day. The Demonic Wind Monkey is just fast and has sharp attacks. But the Blood Demon Tiger in front of him is the best among the eighth-level monsters. No matter in terms of attack, defense, speed, or spiritual power, it is not comparable to the Demonic Wind Monkey. Of course, to humans, its value is definitely not as good as the Demonic Wind Monkey, because the Demonic Wind Monkey is close to humans and has the potential to be tamed. But this blood demon tiger is famous for its ferocity. In this kind of monster forest, it is also the top of the food chain.

Soon, almost all of the prey under it was eaten by it. Without any warning, it suddenly raised its head, waved its right front paw, and five blood-red claws with a piercing sound in the air went straight towards the town. The demon tree came slashing.

At this moment, a figure fell from the sky, swung a giant mallet, and smashed down in the air.

A huge roar accompanied the rolling air waves, shattering the five blood-red claws, and then crashed to the ground, looking at the Blood Demon Tiger with cold eyes. Surprisingly, it was Wang Changxin.

Powerful spiritual power and fiery energy and blood exploded in this female warrior's body. Even when faced with a powerful monster like the eighth-level blood demon tiger, she had no intention of retreating.

The Blood Demon Tiger raised its head. Even if it was on all fours, it was much taller than Wang Changxin. A low roar accompanied by a bloodthirsty light flashing in his eyes. Without any hesitation, he rushed straight towards Wang Changxin.

"Buzz--" At this moment, a buzz was heard and an invisible halo of light rippled on the surface of the Demon Suppressing Tree.

The body of the Blood Demon Tiger froze slightly in the air for half a minute. The Demon Suppressing Tree was shocking!

All monsters with the word "magic" in their names have negative emotions or negative natures, and the demon-suppressing tree specifically restrains these aspects. Breaking demons and suppressing evil are the core skills of the demon-suppressing tree. The power lies.

Even though there was a gap in levels between the two sides, when the shock was released, the ferocity of the Blood Demon Tiger was suppressed for a moment.

But this was only the first blow. Immediately afterwards, two white lights shot out from the canopy of the Demon Suppressing Tree and acted on the Blood Demon Tiger at the same time. It was the light of two Holy Spiritual Furnaces, one of which quickly turned into Turning black, the blood demon tiger's strong blood energy suddenly fluctuated violently.

Not only that, a golden hammer of light appeared out of thin air above the Blood Demon Tiger, and almost the moment the shock was activated, the hammer had already been smashed down.

The Blood Demon Tiger's pupils dilated immediately, and the powerful body that jumped out suddenly fell out of control out of control.

An ice wall appeared in front of it at the right time, and it crashed into it, shattering the ice wall. But he also hit the bloody demon tiger in all kinds of ways.

With this series of obstruction and control, Wang Changxin swung the giant mallet in his hand again. In a flash of lightning, he was in front of the Blood Devil Tiger, and the mallet shook the ground!

"Boom——" This hammer really hit the Blood Demon Tiger's forehead.

All the bloody lines on the Blood Devil Tiger's body, especially the word "王" on its forehead, burst out with intense blood light at the same time. The innate skill is Blood Gang!

However, despite the blood-gang body protection, Wang Changxin's charged hammer was so powerful that it still smashed the blood demon tiger's big head directly onto the ground, causing the huge body to crawl on its knees.

On the ground, golden rays of light rose up, locking the huge body of the Blood Demon Tiger. But at this time, it had woken up from being controlled in severe pain and was struggling with all its strength.

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