The Blood Devil Tiger is indeed extremely powerful. Its own strength mainly comes from its own bloodline, so its attributes are also very special. Blood attribute. It exists independently of any element attributes.

All its power comes from its own blood, including the dark red lines on its body, which are the condensed power of the Blood Demon. The top blood devil tiger can even cultivate to the ninth level of strength and become the blood devil tiger king. The blood energy of its body integrates offense and defense, and its fur and bones are extremely tough under the nourishment of blood energy. Therefore, even if it was such a heavy blow from Wang Changxin, it would only hit it with stars in its eyes and make it even crazier.

The restraint of light from the ground only lasted for a second before being broken free by it. Before Wang Changxin had time to make up for it, she had to face the huge body that suddenly rose up and was knocked flying out. Fortunately, with the guidance of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, the Blood Demon Tiger could not pursue him, otherwise Wang Changxin would be in danger.

And it was at this time. The Demon Suppressing Tree suddenly turned green all over, and green branches emerged from the sky. They quickly became entangled in the air, turning into a whip that was more than ten meters long and as thick as a water tank, and headed straight towards The blood demon tiger attacks. The green whip even had a somewhat illusory feel to it.

Taolinlin's strongest moment was undoubtedly when he merged with the Demon Suppressing Tree. Although he himself did not have the sixth level, when he merged with the Demon Suppressing Tree and the Demon Suppressing Tree took root in the ground, he was definitely the leader of the team. Ranked first in defense, even the intensity of total spiritual power is not inferior to Wang Changxin. After all, he is also superimposed with the power of the Demon Suppressing Tree. Coupled with the growth of the two spiritual furnaces, Taolinlin was undoubtedly at her peak state at this moment.

To be able to be among the best in the Demon Hunting Team selection competition is not a waste of fuel!

The Blood Devil Tiger flying in the air was affected by Wang Changxin's previous hammer, and his mind was still a little unclear. While he was in the air, his huge head was still swinging, trying to make himself more awake. But at this moment, the bullwhip had arrived.

Blood erupted from the Blood Devil Tiger's body, and he let out an angry roar. His front paws slapped, and blades that were several times larger than before criss-crossed.

The seemingly huge long whip actually looked a bit fragile, being cut into pieces under the bloody blade. But at this moment, a strange scene occurred. Although the branches of the demon-suppressing tree were broken, a green light from inside still struck down, accurately hitting the blood demon tiger.

The Blood Demon Tiger's whole body froze in mid-air for an instant, as if it had been frozen out of thin air, and then a strange scene appeared. A bloody light and shadow that looked exactly like the Blood Demon Tiger was pulled out directly from its body.

Demon-suppressing tree, innate skills, soul-stirring!

Yes, soul-popping.

Tao Linlin had never used this skill once during the Demon Hunting Group trials. Because once this skill hits, it may be life-threatening. Its function is to draw the opponent's spiritual sea, or consciousness, and spiritual body directly out of the body. It's a very, very special skill. Shock and soul-stirring are the two core elements of the demon-suppressing tree.

If the opponent's strength is too weak, his mental power is not strong enough, and the soul that was extracted from the body cannot return to its place in time, then there is a direct risk of his soul being scattered. Even if they return in time, they may suffer mental trauma that is difficult to recover from. How could he dare to use it in a competition like the Demon Hunting Group Trials?

Facing this extremely ferocious Blood Demon Tiger, Tao Linlin naturally would not hesitate. With the great strength shown by his partners, he was naturally not willing to lag behind and used his own unique skills.

The Blood Devil Tiger chopped the branches into pieces, but the soul-stirring blow landed firmly on it. In fact, the most powerful thing about Soul Capture is that it is unstoppable. The only way to avoid being hit by it is to dodge.

The bloody light and shadow extracted from the Blood Devil Tiger looked exactly like it, but much smaller. The body, which is less than one meter long, looks chubby and a little cute. The main body fell, but the spirit body that was extracted showed a panicked look, obviously it didn't understand what was going on.

After all, the Blood Demon Tiger is an eighth-level monster, and its reaction speed is still very fast. The next moment, it has turned around and rushed towards its own body, trying to return to its position.

However, everyone used so many skills continuously and tried their best to control it, how could they let it return so easily? If it weren't for the rules, it would be a killing blow.

Golden light and shadow fell from the sky and enveloped the spirit body of the Blood Demon Tiger. The spirit body of the Blood Demon Tiger felt a sudden warmth all over the body and an indescribable restraint. Even the panic in his heart became much calmer at this moment. And the next moment, it fell into a warm embrace.

A pair of delicate golden arms hugged the Blood Demon Tiger's neck from behind, hugged it into his arms, and then gently fell to the side. Golden light shimmered, completely covering the Blood Demon Tiger's spirit body.

The only person who can control the spirit body is the spirit body. The person who took this action was Xiao Ming, the incarnation of the Angel of Light Spiritual Furnace.

Under the nourishment of the Angel of Light, the Blood Demon Tiger spirit body only felt tired, and subconsciously closed its eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Nourished by the gentle power of light, its spirit body will not be harmed, but it is temporarily impossible to return to its true form.

Everyone jumped out of the Demon Suppressing Tree and landed next to the huge Blood Demon Tiger.

Ming Xi said: "What a great guy! It's so big! It's so full of blood that it's really scary."

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "It's not just scary, it's also scary to animals. After being possessed, the energy and blood in the body are still so strong. Look at what I'm doing, it's really enjoyable!"

The devouring power of his Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace is still being used, but it still takes a certain amount of time to make the Blood Demon Tiger's body enter a weak state. This shows how strong this guy is.

Long Dangdang praised: "Senior Tao's soul-catching technique is really powerful. This move will give everyone a headache no matter who encounters it."

Long Kongkong couldn't help but shuddered, "Fortunately it didn't work. Otherwise, I would be finished."

His own strength is not strong enough. If he encounters this soul-absorbing soul, once the spirit body is extracted, he doesn't know whether he can go back.

Ling Menglu said: "Xiao Ming has temporarily restrained its spirit body. It should not be a big problem under the support of the Demon Suppressing Tree. However, its spirit body needs to return once within a day, otherwise, the body will weaken and die. .When it comes back, keep it weak and then pull it out again."

Wang Changxin frowned and said: "It's really troublesome! It would be much easier if I could kill him. Taozi, can't this guy be tamed? We have captured the spirit body. Is there anything we can do?"

Taolinlin split from the demon-suppressing tree. Although the beast tide was still continuing, affected by the breath of the blood demon tiger, the demon beasts passing around them deliberately avoided their side.

"There's nothing we can do about it. The Blood Devil Tiger is naturally ferocious and cannot be tamed. At least not by me. Is there anything the goddess can do?"

Ling Menglu said helplessly: "I'm not good at taming monsters either! It doesn't have the same attributes as me."

Long Dangdang said: "Although it is a little more troublesome, the effect is still very obvious. At least the beast tide will deliberately avoid us, saving a lot of trouble. Let's keep it like this for now. Everyone goes back to the Demon Suppressing Tree. Cousin, I'll trouble you. Monitor the status of the Blood Demon Tiger at all times."

Everyone nodded. Indeed, having the Blood Demon Tiger here saved them a lot of trouble.

Forest, somewhere.

"Devil, are you done?" the banshee said to the devil instructor who was holding a green scepter and waving it continuously, releasing a faint green halo.

The devil chuckled and said, "Don't worry, have some more. Even though these little guys are young, there are quite a few with extraordinary talents."

The madman licked his lips, "You are really not a human being! But, I like it. These little guys just need to be trained well."

The banshee smiled and said, "You two, let's not talk about the other. By the way, in the face of the beast tide, how do you think these little guys will make a choice? Affected by the demon tide, the monsters will fall into a semi-out of control state, especially Some of the more ferocious monsters will definitely attack humans when they encounter them. It will not be easy for them to persist without killing the monsters."

The devil said: "The reproduction speed of the monsters in the monster forest is a bit too fast. The above meaning is to harvest a batch to a certain extent to maintain balance. To prevent the monsters from leaving the forest and causing chaos. Therefore, this time it was originally meant to give Those who have obtained the killing quota. It depends on whether these little guys can make quick decisions or follow the rules. If they follow the rules, the difficulty they have to face will be much greater, and it will be easier to kill the monsters to intimidate them."

The lunatic said: "Does killing a monster really deduct their merit? The headquarters did not have such a rule before."

The devil said: "Of course it will be deducted. These little guys are too young and should not have become demon hunters so early. Let them enter the demon hunter family with negative merits and have enough time to grow up. I am also doing this For their own good."

The banshee smiled and said, "Are you sure you're not trying to earn more merit for yourself? After all, part of the deducted merit is for us."

The devil rolled his eyes and said: "You also said it was us, don't you have no share? Moreover, what I said is also true. It said above that we should be as strict as possible on them, and there will be more special training Shed tears and bleed less in the future. Living is more important than anything else."

The madman chuckled and said, "Then let the storm come more violently."

The beast tide lasted for three days and three nights.

Even with the protection of the Demon Suppressing Tree, Long Dangdang and the others felt a little exhausted.

The powerful monster is not only the Blood Demon Tiger, but also several eighth-level monsters appeared later. Therefore, now there are four level eight monsters lying there under the Demon Suppressing Tree, and their spirits are all imprisoned by the Angel of Light Spiritual Furnace in exactly the same way. Later, because there were too many powerful spirits, the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace had to increase the size of the Bright Angel Spirit Furnace in order to restrain their spirits without actually killing them.

What makes Tao Linlin very excited is that among these four eighth-level monsters, there is a red-armored earth dragon with dragon blood. Although the level is too high and he cannot surrender for a while, the intimidation power of the golden dragon Xiaoba is still extremely strong. At the moment, he is having a "friendly" exchange with this red-armored earth dragon. The spirit body of the red-armored earth dragon is almost exhausted.

Although with Tao Linlin's current strength, it is still impossible to contract with an eighth-level monster. But as long as this eighth-level monster is willing to surrender, after he is promoted to sixth level, he will have the ability to surpass the first-level contract. That's a red-armored earth dragon! If the contract is really successful, his strength will directly rise to the level that he can compete with the seventh level in a short time.

With the physical deterrent of the four eighth-level monsters, the beast tide naturally does not pose much of a threat. The reason why everyone is tired is mainly to maintain the state of these four eighth-level monsters, so as not to really hurt them, but also They cannot be allowed to recover.

Long Kongkong's eyes had no sparkle anymore. Apart from Ling Menglu, he was the most tired. The Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace had to continue to be activated in order to continuously devour the spiritual power and energy of the four eighth-level monsters that were recovering on their own at any time. The blood energy keeps them in a weak state, so that they will not get angry because the spirit body has not controlled its return.

Others can still take turns to take a break, but he can't help it! Those were four eighth-level monsters. His own strength was still a little weaker, and he could only use time to make up for it.

Of course, the benefits are not small, as his spiritual power increases significantly. The spiritual power of everyone else is also steadily improving.

Ling Menglu and Tao Linlin have to keep an eye on the World of Warcraft spirit body, while Wang Changxin, Yue Li and Ming Xi are responsible for guarding it. Long Dangdang will use the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace to supplement the growth for his partners from time to time. Especially for Long Kongkong, without the increase of his Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace alone would not be able to swallow it up at all.

"It's finally over. What should we do now?" It wasn't until two hours after the beast wave ended that everyone gradually relaxed.

Everyone's eyes also fell on Long Dangdang.

Long Dang said: "The red-armored earth dragon is now basically determined to be willing to follow us. But Xiaoba needs to be intimidated at all times. Senior Tao needs to enter the sixth level as soon as possible before he can sign the contract. I'm afraid the other three will have to be let go." "

Yes, let it go. According to the three instructors, only tamed monsters can be rewarded with meritorious deeds. Obviously, these three monsters are just controlled monsters that are no longer within the tame range.

Long Kongkong said: "Let them go, what if they come to take revenge? It's only the ninth day, and we have to stay in this ghost place for more than twenty days."

The corners of Long Dangdang's mouth turned up slightly, "Of course there is a way. You can't maintain them for so long in vain. If you attack us, you have to pay some price."

Ten minutes later, everyone began to understand the price Long Dangdang said, and some changes occurred in their eyes when they looked at him.

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