Monsters of the same level are also divided into strong and weak ones. Just like professionals at the same level have different strengths.

Also at the sixth level, how much different is the strength of Goddess Monroe compared with ordinary sixth-level professionals?

The rank difference between the Iron Demon Bear and the Red-armored Earth Dragon is not that big, but the big difference is the bloodline. The most important thing is that their basic attributes are of the same type, and they are both monsters known for their defense and strength.

If the Iron Demonic Bear is the primary stage of the eighth-level monster, then the Red-armored Earth Dragon is definitely considered an advanced level. The same goes for defense and strength. If the Iron Demon Bear is with the Red Armor Earth Dragon, it will be at the younger brother level.

Therefore, when the eighth-level steel demon bear rushed out fiercely, the first thing he saw was the huge beast whose whole body was burning with strong energy and blood fluctuations and looking at him with evil eyes.

It is more than eight meters long. Even if the four red-armored earth dragons standing there have the highest back spine, they are four meters high. They are much bigger than the giant steel bear. After seeing this person, the Iron Bear's first reaction was to suppress blood. Even the bloodthirsty state was suppressed. After all, bloodthirsty was not its ability in the first place.

The speed of the steel demon bear that was forced to brake suddenly slowed down, and the ferocious aura on its body dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye. The way it sucked saliva back was even a little funny.

Two huge monsters glared at each other. It felt like the red-armored earth dragon asked, what are you doing? The Iron Demon Bear quickly replied, Brother, I was wrong.

Then the Iron Demon Bear started to retreat and wanted to leave!

But it was too late.

Blazing red light burst out from the red-armored earth dragon. This was its first battle after signing the contract, so it had to leave a good impression on the benefactor! There might be a reward.

The next moment, under the shocked gaze of everyone, the red-armored earth dragon's body had turned crystal clear red, and every dragon scale on its body became as transparent as red crystal, and the blazing fire element exploded, Immediately afterwards, its huge body slammed into the Steel Demonic Bear like a siege vehicle.

The battle between powerful monsters is so violent. The red armor explodes.

It's too late for the Iron Demon Bear to run away. The red-armored dragon's charge after bursting into elemental form is an innate skill. It can rush a distance ten times its own body length, and its speed is as fast as the wind and lightning. The huge red body flew towards the ground like a meteorite.

The Iron Demon Bear roared wildly and stamped heavily on the ground with its forelimbs. With a low roar, the ground shook. Talent skill trample!

The charging speed of the red-armored earth dragon was slightly slower due to the trampling, but the next moment, the two giant beasts had collided with each other.

Without any suspense, the Iron Demonic Bear responded. With a roar, it hit the trunk of a giant tree, and a large number of leaves fell from the sky.

There will be no suspense in the next battle. Not to mention that the red-armored earth dragon itself is stronger than the steel demon bear. Even if it is not the case, there is a full team of demon hunters next to it.

Two minutes later, the Iron Demon Bear was already lying on the ground, being trampled by the red-armored earth dragon's right front paw. A whole body of spiritual power was continuously devoured by Long Kongkong and passed on to his friends for cultivation. Long Dangdang and Ming Xi were already busy bleeding the eighth-level monster.

After the previous experience with Warcraft, the bloodletting process is now somewhat familiar. The Iron Demon Bear couldn't even struggle.

An eighth-level monster has a lot of spiritual power. If everyone wants to absorb and transform it, they will definitely not be able to absorb it all, but it doesn't matter if they are rich! There are also so many contracted monsters in Taolinlin. Of course, they all have to be ranked at the back. Long Dangdang's Xiaoba and Xiaoxie, Long Kongkong's Rat King and Tao Linlin's own Demon Suppressing Tree are definitely at the front.

The spiritual power of Warcraft is the best supplement for Warcraft. Moreover, the monster itself will be purified during the process of digestion and absorption.

Xiaoba and Xiaoxie are not at a high level now, so they shouldn't feel too comfortable absorbing the spiritual power of an eighth-level monster. In the past ten days or so since they entered the World of Warcraft Forest, they have all advanced to one level. Xiaoxieyan has now reached the level of a fourth-level monster, and Xiaoba has just entered the fourth level. They are all equivalent to third-level professionals. But it is definitely not comparable to ordinary third-level professionals.

Even the team of the elemental saint woman San Liuying cannot defeat an eighth-level monster in such a short period of time. After all, it is extremely difficult for a summoner to contract an eighth-level monster. It is not a simple leapfrog contract. The transition from level 7 to level 8 for Warcraft is just like the transition from Level 6 to Level 7 for human professionals. It is a very important level. It is much more difficult for Warcraft to break through this level than for humans. That's why the number of magical beasts above level eight is so rare. Without strong bloodline and a considerable degree of luck, it is almost impossible to achieve such a breakthrough.

Therefore, if a summoner wants to contract an eighth-level monster, he normally needs a seventh-level strength. After he reaches this level, he must contract an eighth-level monster that matches his attributes with a certain amount of luck. Generally speaking, after more summoners reach this level, they give priority to improving their own summoned beasts, and then see if there is an opportunity to contract a summoned beast of the same level as one of their core strengths.

Tao Linlin's luck is undoubtedly excellent. The existence of the golden dragon allows him to achieve a leap in the quality of summoned beasts in advance. Although each summoning time is only half an hour and can only be summoned once a day, it is enough for him to His strength has greatly improved and he has come to the forefront of the team. Especially when playing against Warcraft, the presence of the Red Armored Earth Dragon as the mainstay has made their entire team's strength a huge leap forward.

While bleeding the Iron Demon Bear, Long Dangdang was thinking. The sudden appearance of an eighth-level monster definitely didn't just appear for nothing. This is obviously related to the discoloration of the halo in the sky. The simplest guess is that the difficulty has increased.

Although every demon hunting group is an elite selected through trials, it is not so easy to compete against level eight monsters. This is equivalent to a seventh-level professional's magical beast. It is very difficult to deal with whether it is innate skills or physical strength. The higher-ranked demon hunting groups may be easier to deal with, but the lower ranked demon hunting groups may be more difficult to fight against. Just like the demon hunting group they had rescued before, their lineup was now incomplete and it was almost impossible to compete. More importantly, it can't be killed yet. Killings will deduct merit points.

There is another reason for this judgment. The Iron Demonic Bear itself is not a murderous monster. It would be a problem to suddenly attack them. But if you think about it carefully, such a change is indeed a good test for these preparatory demon hunting groups. With the past ten days of running-in, the team's tacit understanding has definitely improved a lot. Under such circumstances, suddenly facing powerful monsters would definitely stimulate their potential and increase their cooperation. After all, if you don’t work hard, you will die! At least for now, the three instructors have no intention of rescuing him.

However, this is a training camp after all, not killing them. Therefore, there should not be a second attack by such a powerful monster in a short period of time.

Long Dangdang expressed his judgment and received unanimous affirmation from everyone.

"This is good! If such an eighth-level monster comes here every day to let us bleed, it will definitely be cured when we go out. Hehehehe." Long Kongkong said happily.

Tao Linlin's eyes also brightened, "It would be better if you meet a dragon-type monster." The power of the red-armored earth dragon made him feel very happy. Who would have too many monsters of this level? It can be used up to level nine! If he could contract another eighth-level monster, he would be able to break into the sixth level and possess spiritual wings. The self-protection ability will also be greatly improved, and the demon-suppressing tree will also evolve.

Long Dangdang's eyes flickered, "I think we can still work harder."

As he spoke, the light in the contract space beside Long Dangdang flickered, and Xiao Xie emerged from it.

Xiao Xie, who has been promoted to the fourth level of Warcraft, has grown to a foot in diameter. He has big eyes and four tentacles dancing around his body. If he saw it suddenly, it would be a bit scary. Feel.

Seeing the steel demon bear being drained of blood and devouring spiritual power, Xiao Xie immediately narrowed his eyes, giving the impression that he was laughing. I just want to get close to him like I did when I shared the spiritual power of other monsters. But was stopped by Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang transmits some messages to it through spiritual transmission. Xiao Xie immediately waved his tentacles, and the next moment, its big pupils that were both eyes and body suddenly lit up, a faint golden light was released, and Long Dangdang's eyes also turned golden. Xiaoxie's two tentacles floated up and rested on both sides of Long Dangdang's temples. Suddenly, the tentacles turned golden the next moment.

The evil eye tyrant’s innate skills and spiritual sharing.

It was still weak at this time, so of course Long Dangdang shared his mental power with it.

The next moment, Xiao Xie turned around and looked in one direction with his huge eyes. Everyone was around him. At that moment, they all clearly felt a strong mental wave coming out, and a faint golden light shot out from Xiao Xie's eyes. The brilliance and invisible mental fluctuations only spread in one direction.

Long Dangdang's golden eyes had a hint of space and darkness. As Xiao Xie looked in one direction, after a few seconds, Xiao Xie began to turn his body and his huge pupils began to sweep.

When everyone's bodies are swept by its gaze, they will immediately feel helpless, as if their whole person has been seen through, and they will subconsciously dodge aside.

The evil eye tyrant’s innate skill is mental detection.

Whether it is mental detection or mental sharing, these are the core skills of the Evil Eye Tyrant's lineage of monsters. As one of the most powerful monsters, its detection ability is extremely powerful. Of course, this is because Xiaoxie's current level is relatively low. When it truly grows up, its mental strength will reach an extremely terrifying level, and it will be a nightmare for all enemies.

The fourth-level Little Evil Eye is only equivalent to a third-level professional, but its current mental power is comparable to that of a fourth-level or even fifth-level junior professional. This is the talent of a top-level monster. After all, everything else about a monster like Evil Eye is scum, except for its mental power, which is unparalleledly powerful. Long Dangdang shares his spiritual power with it, and its spiritual detection power will naturally be greatly enhanced. Moreover, it itself can be nourished by spiritual power and grow.

If it weren't for the influence of the blood contract, as a descendant of the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord, it would have been stronger than it is now when it was born. But because of the fusion with Long Dangdang's bloodline, its starting point has been lowered, but its endurance is still very strong.

After scanning for about half a circle, Xiaoxie's eyes stayed in one direction, and Long Dangdang's expression also changed slightly. He immediately turned to Tao Linlin and said: "Come on, let's set off. Kong Kong, Ming Xi, Yue Li, you stay here, cousin, Senior Wang, and Senior Tao follow me."

As he spoke, Long Dangdang jumped up and landed on the back of the red-armored earth dragon, while retracting the little evil eye. Although everyone still didn't understand what he meant, the tacit understanding and trust formed over the past few days allowed them to take action without any hesitation.

Leaving three people behind, the other four people all got on the back of the red-armored earth dragon. The red-armored earth dragon followed Long Dangdang's guidance and started running in one direction.

Its speed is indeed not the fastest among the same level of Warcraft, but with its strong defense and huge body, it can ignore the bushes and most terrain in the forest, giving it a somewhat rampant feel.

Long Dangdang then explained to his partners: "We are not the only ones who are being tested, but other teams are as well. Not every team can compete with the eighth-level monster. Let's go to the rescue."

After listening to his words, everyone suddenly understood that the mental detection with the Little Evil Eye was to find the target!

Rescue Paoze is what he should do. Helping his partners when he is able is the responsibility of every demon hunter.

Tao Linlin's eyes were filled with brilliance, "Is it dragon type?"

Long Dangdang turned around and glanced at him, then nodded slightly.

"Great!" Tao Linlin suddenly felt energetic, and then she immediately started meditating on the back of the red-armored dragon with her legs crossed. The duration of the summoned beast is directly proportional to its spiritual power. It will also consume his mental energy all the time. The better he maintains his condition, the longer the summoned beast can last. Undoubtedly, this is not only a rescue, but also a bumper harvest!

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