Xiang Beihan was ranked twenty-fifth in the Demon Hunting Group Trials, which was considered an above-average result, not too outstanding, and he was not among the best in the Demon Hunting Group he was a member of. But he relied on his status as a knight to become the leader of this demon hunting group. He is only at the fifth level of strength, but he is one of the few guardian knights who focuses almost entirely on defense. This kind of knight also has another name, called heavy shield knight.

Xiang Beihan's mount is also very special, it is a leather turtle. This is a kind of Warcraft with very strong growth potential. It has almost no attack power, but its defense power is the highest among Warcraft. Because of its long lifespan, the turtle's defense power has almost no upper limit. According to legend, as long as it can survive, its shell's defensive power will continue to grow.

There are ridges on the back of the turtle, and the number of ridges corresponds to the strength. The defense of a turtle with ten ridges is comparable to that of a ninth-level professional. According to legend, there have been turtles with more than twelve ridges, and the defensive capabilities of turtles at that level are also legendary.

Xiang Beihan's turtle has as many as seven ridges on its body. It is comparable to a seventh-level monster, and its defensive power has always been known as the strongest at its level.

Xiang Beihan of the heavy shield knight, coupled with the defensive power of the seventh-level leather turtle, is almost born for the team. This is why he can become the absolute core of the team even though his ranking is not excellent.

However, at this moment, even with the strong defense power of him and his fellow Warcraft companions, they were still unable to hold on.

If it is said that after the test of the World of Warcraft Forest enters the second stage, every demon hunting group will face an eighth-level Warcraft, then Xiang Beihan's team must be the one with the worst luck. . Because the eighth-level monster that appeared in front of them was too powerful.

Storm Demonic Dragon, the eighth level peak. This is still the Storm Dragon that has not fully grown up. The upper limit of its growth is level ten monsters. Yes, level 10 is at the same level as a real dragon. He is a strong man who stands at the pinnacle of the sub-dragon.

The Storm Dragon is a close relative of the Storm Dragon in the dragon clan, and the only difference between it and the Storm Dragon is in physical fitness. In addition, it can even speak dragon language magic, and can be said to be the sub-dragon species closest to a true dragon.

The storm demon dragon that Xiang Beihan and the others faced in front of them was seven meters away. It looked slender. It was dark green in color and had no horns. Its four tails were much thicker than a lizard. Its upper body was semi-erect, and there were two horns on its forehead. A diamond-shaped green crystal shows its racial characteristics.

The strength of most sub-dragon species is reflected in their physical strength, but the Storm Dragon is an exception. Its most powerful aspect lies in its control of magic. Pure wind magic, it is the controller of the wind element. The eighth-level storm dragon can instantly cast almost all wind magic below the fifth level.

Almost as long as the crystal on its forehead flashes, a wind magic is completed. Xiang Beihan and the others were like twigs struggling in the storm. They could only resist with all their strength and could not even defend themselves.

The leather turtle stood in the front, relying on the top-notch defensive power of the seventh-level monster to block most of the wind magic attacks from the front. Otherwise, they would have been unable to hold on long ago.

Xiang Beihan held a heavy shield and stood a little behind the leather turtle to protect his friends from the wind and rain. The armor on its body was already full of cracks, and it looked like it was in danger of collapsing at any time. Even a quarter of the heavy shield in its hand was damaged. It can be seen how brutal this battle was.

The strong wind roared, blowing the surrounding branches and leaves, and countless green lights reverberated in it, making it impossible for them to even catch the figure of the Storm Dragon. Cut by the storm, the Storm Dragon continued to cast this fifth-level magic.

Resisting a fifth-level magic is certainly nothing to Xiang Beihan and the others, but when the fifth-level magic becomes uninterrupted and is gradually superimposed, it is an extremely painful thing. This storm dragon even allows this fifth-level magic to rapidly increase its power during the superposition process. Now its attack power is comparable to that of sixth-level magic.

You must know that the strongest person in Xiang Beihan's team is the sixth level, and magic has always been the most destructive attack among the same level.

The signal for help has been captured by Xiang Beihan, but he still gritted his teeth and waited for a miracle to appear.

Now he just hopes that the magic of the Storm Dragon can slow down and catch its breath, giving them a chance to fight back and seize a glimmer of hope.

However, it was obvious that the power of the storm cutting was still increasing, and it seemed that it would not stop until it tore them into pieces.

"Captain!" The soldiers in the team called Xiang Beihan in a low voice.

Xiang Beihan turned to look at him. He knew that his teammates were reminding him that he could not wait any longer. Because even if a distress signal is used, rescue will take time to arrive. And they must hold on to this time.

Gritting his teeth, Xiang Beihan was about to use it. Of course he knew that after using the distress signal, his performance in the training assessment would be greatly reduced, but there was nothing they could do! Survival is the first priority.

But at this moment, suddenly, the cutting force of the sharp wind around him suddenly slowed down, and the huge pressure Xiang Beihan endured suddenly weakened a lot, causing the turtles in front of him to let out a low cry. The signal that was ready to be released immediately stopped. Is the Storm Dragon exhausted?

It was at this moment that his vision became clear again. A large number of leaves and branches fell from the sky. And in his field of vision, a huge red figure rushed out from the slant, charging fiercely in one direction. And all the strong wind swept away towards the red figure in an instant. This is the key factor in their sudden reduction in pressure.

what is that? This is the question on all of their minds.

Then they saw the huge figure rushing into the strong wind, and at the same time, a golden beam of light fell from the sky and landed on Xiang Beihan. Xiang Beihan felt his whole body warm, and his almost exhausted spiritual power was directly After being pulled up for a few minutes, the vitality in the body became strong again, the energy and blood surged, and the warmth was melting.

Holy blessing!

Not only that, a golden light also shot out from the huge red figure and fell on the Storm Dragon that was turning its magic, instantly attracting its attention completely.

Holy Spiritual Furnace, pull!

Xiang Beihan, as a heavy shield knight, also possesses the Holy Spirit Furnace, so he naturally recognized him at a glance. What shocked him even more was that the being who released the Holy Spiritual Furnace raised a long sword. Beside him, three identical figures were flashing lights of different colors at the same time. The four rays of light will gather together and expand into a strange four-color halo.

The storm cut that had clearly swept in front of them actually disappeared silently the moment it came into contact with the halo, like ice and snow melting. Even the wind element in the air is decreasing at an alarming rate.

And the huge red figure was a red-armored earth dragon. When the storm cut was melted, its collision was not blocked at all. Charge forward boldly.

The originally cold eyes of the Storm Demonic Dragon finally showed a trace of panic, and the blue light on its body flashed, and it was about to dodge by virtue of its speed.

However, the strange four-color halo has enveloped its body, making its entire body stiffen suddenly, and the green light on its body disappeared instantly. But just this short time was enough for the red-armored earth dragon to get close.

"Bang -" Two huge bodies collided violently, and the Storm Dragon was sent flying horizontally by the impact, breaking several large trees.

The red-armored earth dragon roared and charged forward again. At the same time, a golden sledge suddenly appeared in the air and smashed down violently. The sledgehammer condensed with light and shadow hit directly on the head of the Storm Demon Dragon. However, the Storm Demon Dragon seemed not to have been harmed in any way. , the light and shadow dissipate.

However, if you look closely, you will find that the moment the Storm Dragon was hit, its limbs stiffened and its entire body straightened.

The red-armored earth dragon has arrived, and it strikes again, using the horns on its head to lift the storm dragon into the air. The next moment, it leaps high and strikes hard with its tail like a heavy hammer. onto the Storm Demonic Dragon and smashed it into dust.

The figure releasing the Holy Spiritual Furnace rose into the air, and the long sword shining with the light of the Holy Sword was already pressed against the cyan crystal on the forehead of the Storm Demonic Dragon. But the three figures who looked exactly like him had disappeared like bubbles.

There is no doubt that the four people who came to the rescue were Long Dangdang, Ling Menglu, Tao Linlin and Wang Changxin.

When Long Dangdang discovered the situation through the evil eye's mental detection, he decided to rescue. The mental detection was unable to see clearly because the magic fluctuations here were too strong at the time. I could only vaguely identify that it was a dragon-type monster with wind attributes. In the process of arriving, Long Dangdang once again used Xiaoxie to perform mental detection, and then he roughly understood the situation here.

Elemental stripping takes time, and the time it takes to get there is just enough. Therefore, the Storm Demon Dragon is indeed powerful, but it is perfectly restrained by Long Dangdang's combined magic element stripping, which can also reach the sixth level. Coupled with the red-armored earth dragon, which is also an eighth-level monster, and Ling Menglu's sacred hammer, the storm dragon, which had already consumed some of its power before, was directly suppressed by deliberate calculation and unintentional.

In terms of strength, the Storm Demonic Dragon is even better than the Red-armored Earth Dragon. In a one-on-one fight, the Red-armored Earth Dragon will even be beaten due to its complete speed disadvantage. But the Storm Dragon, which had temporarily lost control of the wind element, was like a toothless tiger, and how could it survive being approached by the red-armored earth dragon?

At this moment, Xiang Beihan and his teammates were stunned as they watched this scene.

Ling Menglu and Long Dangdang were the second and third place finishers in the Demon Hunting Team trials respectively. How could they not recognize them. However, when they actually saw them taking action as teammates, their shock was so intense.

They all became demon hunters at the same time, why is the gap so big?

That is the eighth level peak monster! A powerful storm dragon capable of elementalization. Although the Storm Demonic Dragon is not known for its physical strength, that means that compared with dragon-like monsters of the same level, with a length of more than seven meters, its physical strength is absolutely extraordinary.

However, in front of Long Dangdang and the others, they were already subdued without even the strength to fight back, and there was no decent resistance at all.

This scene is really shocking.

At this time, Long Dangdang had already squatted down in front of the Storm Demon Dragon, blocking the Storm Demon Dragon's head with his own body. He was quietly releasing Xiaoba's aura.

The originally cold eyes of the Storm Demonic Dragon had turned into astonishment. As an eighth-level monster, he already has considerable intelligence. Its bloodline is already very pure among the sub-dragons, close to the dragon, and the feeling is even more obvious. The anger and unwillingness in his heart quickly faded away, and when he looked at the humans in front of him, the shock in his eyes gradually turned into disbelief.

Long Dangdang patted it on the head before standing up. The red-armored earth dragon made a low "wuwu" sound from its mouth, suppressing the storm dragon.

Several other people had already jumped off the back of the red-armored dragon and came to Xiang Beihan's team with Long Dangdang.

"Are you okay? I am Long Dangdang, the leader of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group."

Xiang Beihan crossed his right fist across his chest and made a knightly salute to Long Dangdang, "Hello, I am Xiang Beihan, the leader of the 19115906 Demon Hunting Group. Thank you very much for your rescue." He is Sincerely grateful, he was just a little bit away from sending out a signal for help.

Long Dangdang smiled slightly and said: "It's necessary to help each other. Are you guys injured?"

Xiang Beihan looked at the broken equipment on his body, smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said, "It's not bad. If it weren't for you, we would have been in big trouble."

Long Dang said: "It is necessary for the demon hunting groups to help each other. The difficulty of the training has increased, so you should be more careful. However, the storm dragon is indeed a difficult monster to deal with. If we had not prepared it first, it would have been very difficult. Trouble. Since you are fine, let’s leave first. Take care.”

Xiang Beihan was slightly startled. He originally wanted to communicate more. He glanced at the Storm Dragon not far away and said, "What are you going to do with this Storm Dragon? You can't kill it, but if you let it go, you're afraid of its revenge." . If we decide to kill him to avoid trouble, we can take action and deduct our merits."

His words immediately made the smile on Long Dangdang's face become a little gentler, but he shook his head and said: "No need to kill, don't worry, we have our own way of dealing with it."

"Okay, thank you again, you deal with it first, I will take my teammates to take the first step."

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