Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 191 Is that the power of ‘protection’?

Just when Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were discussing their own strange power, suddenly, a soft voice sounded in their hearts at the same time, "You don't need to think too much now, but Dangdang is right, you have to control it." Don’t arouse your emotions easily, lest they become uncontrollable.”

Hearing this voice, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were stunned.

The bright moon was in the sky, and Long Kongkong chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "Can she hear our online communication through the spiritual realm?"

The bright moon was in the sky, Long Dangdang chatted privately with Long Kongkong, "It seems so. Senior Yutong, can you hear our current exchange?"

Yu Tong, "Your child spirit crystal is just a spirit demon level, why can't you hear it? Besides, in a sense, I am a part of Kong Kong."

Haoyue Dangkong chatted privately with Long Kongkong, "Senior Yutong, do you know the source of this power in us?"

Yu Tong, "I know something. It is precisely because of the existence of this kind of power that I choose to be empty."

Cang Hai, "Why don't I know? It is said that I have existed much longer than you, but I don't even know what kind of power they have. How do you know?"

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong looked at each other, okay, so these two have been listening to Chuang Gen? Even though Yi Long Dangdang was calm, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed on his face. There is no doubt that Canghai must have seen the chats between the eldest and fifth sons of the Long family.

Yutong, "I also knew it by chance. This is not something that exists in the Holy Demon Continent itself, but an external force. I only know part of it. This external force came to the Holy Demon Continent. It The previous recipient once explored its origin and named it Guardian."

Canghai said in surprise: "Guardian? That's clearly an aura full of destruction!"

Yutong, "Isn't destroying all evil means protecting?"

Canghai said: "It seems that I have been sleeping for too long, and I don't know that this kind of power exists. I can only feel that this power is very high-end, and you must be careful when controlling it. Don't let it affect your emotions. But what Yutong said is probably right. Just now I clearly felt that Kong Kong was a little out of control, but it seemed that when the blood and breath of the two of you brothers blended, the negative emotions were resolved. This should be What’s strange about this power.”

The bright moon was in the sky, Long Kongkong chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "Then what kind of power is this?"

Canghai said: "Even if it is an external force, it is also a natural force. Just think that you are born with a spiritual furnace attached to your body. It's just that this kind of spiritual furnace takes longer to cultivate. Wait. Only when you are strong enough can you use it.”

The bright moon was in the sky, and Long Dangdang chatted privately with Long Kongkong, "Two seniors, what level of cultivation do we need to reach to be able to control this kind of power?"

Yu Tong said: "This is not clear, but your physical endurance, willpower, mental power, and spiritual power must be improved as a whole to be able to carry this power. Don't you feel it? Along with the external spiritual power With the improvement, your endurance has been greatly enhanced."

The bright moon was in the sky, Long Kongkong chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "As long as it's not a bad thing. It turns out that my mother still has such a powerful power! She didn't tell us, and she still hid it from her son."

Yutong, "It may not be that your mother hid this from you. It's probably that she doesn't have this power herself. This strange power may have been hidden most of the time, until you were born. It was only activated in your body. After all, the power of nature is full of strange things, which you can feel from the known spiritual furnaces. But in fact, the spiritual furnaces that you humans know now are just the tip of the iceberg. Many spiritual furnaces They have not been discovered yet, they are either still in the accumulation stage and have not yet taken shape, or they may be as powerful as Senior Canghai, which you humans cannot feel at all."

Long Kongkong always adjusts his emotions very quickly. When he heard this, he immediately smiled. The bright moon was in the sky. Long Kongkong privately chatted with Long Dangdang, "It's not a bad thing anyway. In the future, we may be given powerful power and the power of protection. It's quite good." Okay. Brother, am I strong? Even the Thunderbird scared me away."

Long Dangdang glared at him angrily and said privately: "You are so awesome. If you really explode with that power, you will be dead."

The exchange ended here. The two brothers looked at each other again and fell into silence. At this time, a thought emerged in their minds. It turned out that there was always a listener in their bodies! You have to be really careful what you say in the future.

Cang Hai's voice sounded at this time, "You two don't need to have so much inner drama. Usually we are not so bored listening to what you are saying. My energy is on cultivating and repairing ourselves. You still have to practice more. With me and Yu Tong and Kong Kong Na Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace are here. Your cultivation speed is several times that of normal professionals. It is only right to increase your spiritual power as quickly as possible. Especially since you can quickly increase your external spiritual power with this 'Guardian' bloodline. This is equivalent to that every time your internal spiritual power increases a little, your external spiritual power can keep up with it in time. It is equivalent to a double improvement. This is the first time I have encountered such a good thing. So, you don’t have to, Dangdang. You are too worried about the trouble I will bring you. According to your current cultivation speed, especially when your external spiritual power increases, when Kong Kong’s cultivation surpasses yours in the future, he will be able to provide you with a large amount of spiritual power through the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace, and When your external spiritual power is strong enough, your physical endurance will also be strong, and your practice will be more effective with half the effort. After I have completely repaired it, it will naturally feed back to you. Among all my hosts, you are the most promising to help me in a short time. I have accomplished my goal. I estimate that in less than twenty years, you will be able to provide me with enough spiritual power."

Twenty years..., Long Dangdang’s mouth twitched when he heard this. However, twenty years later, he seems to be only thirty-five years old. If you can reach Level 9 and Level 2 at the age of thirty-five, it seems pretty good?

As Long Dangdang expected, after the attack from the Level 9 Thunderbird, their side temporarily fell into calm.

Everyone gathered together and their eyes were focused on Long Dangdang. After surviving the first round and being the Thunderbird who was probably the least friendly to them, they were already relatively safe. After all, with the paving the way and the addition of With the existence of Xiao Xie, the possibility of the other three level nine monsters attacking them is relatively small.

"Do we think we have passed the test?" Tao Linlin said.

Long Dangdang nodded slightly, "It should be almost done. However, I think the more this happens, the more we shouldn't stop now."

Ming Xi said: "Are you supporting other preparatory demon hunting groups? Those are level nine monsters!"

Long Dangdang narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "The three instructors gave us training after all. Although the devil instructor said before that he would not rescue us, and even when a team was in danger before, there was indeed no support from the instructors, but the Federation It is impossible to allow us to be killed on a large scale. After all, it is not easy to cultivate a group of demon hunters, and our average age is much smaller than the normal reserve demon hunting group. Previously I It's just a guess, but after the last assessment, I can be sure that the danger we face should be controllable by the instructors. Because the level 9 monsters are beyond what we can deal with, if not If we take control, our entire army may be annihilated.”

Looking at his partners, Long Dangdang continued: "From the very beginning of this training, the instructors have actually told us that training can earn merit. We rescued a team before, and the other party used a distress signal. According to the rules of the demon hunters, the thousand merit points they spent should be rewarded to us. In addition, the contracted monsters will receive merit points, and we have already gained something. So, now we can rescue other demon hunting groups when there is no danger. There will definitely be rewards for meritorious service. Watching and helping each other is an important responsibility of the Demon Hunting Group. What's more, we still have some relationship with the Tianfeng Demon Monkey and the Bright Griffin, so the possibility of encountering danger is even smaller. In this case, we Obviously we should pursue more meritorious deeds. I suggest that we look for the nearest demon hunting group to provide support. The minority obeys the majority, and let's vote."

As he spoke, Long Dangdang was the first to raise his hand.

The second person to raise his hand is Long Kongkong. Brothers are united. Although he always bickers, he still has to stand up for his brother at critical moments.

Long Dangdang's analysis was clear-cut and completely reasonable. Naturally, the others had no reason not to support it and unanimously approved it.

Long Dangdang released Xiao Xie again. Xiao Xie's growth rate has been really fast in recent times, mainly because Long Dangdang and the others gained too many benefits in the World of Warcraft Forest. Long Kongkong was captured by the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace Devour The extra spiritual power of the monsters was distributed to their monsters. Xiaoba, Xiaoxie, Rat King, and the Demon-Suppressing Tree are all given priority! In addition, Xiao Xie's original level was low. After this period of time, it has become a circle again, its body is a soft lavender color, its huge pupils blink from time to time, and it feels a bit cute. Especially when it was rubbing against Long Dangdang.

The strength of a monster signed by a blood contract is closely related to its owner. If the master is strong, the monster's growth rate will be accelerated by the influence of blood energy. Xiaoxie and Xiaoba benefited from this, especially after Long Dangdang's external spiritual power was also improved. Warcraft was more affected by blood. The external spiritual power can actually be said to be the power of human blood. Therefore, their improved It will be faster.

Xiaoba didn't dare to use it in battle with Long Dangdang because of his sensitive identity, but Xiao Xie didn't have this problem. It was originally the contracted monster of Long Dangdang. After this trip to the World of Warcraft Forest, Xiao Xie is now close to a level 5 Warcraft.

Long Dangdang's spiritual power was injected into Xiao Xie's huge eyes, and his pupils suddenly shrank, staring in one direction. The violent mental fluctuations caused other people to actively avoid its front. The soft eyes have a feeling of penetrating the heaven and the earth. As his mental power increased, the light in Xiao Xie's eyes gradually became more ferocious.

The Evil Eye Tyrant, known as a tyrant, is naturally not a gentle monster. In nature, the Evil Eye Tyrant has always been known for its horrific killings. Its mental attacks can often cause weaker opponents to be directly shot in the head. It also makes a living by devouring the brains of monsters, which is extremely cruel.

With the full output of mental power, Xiao Xie began to slowly turn his head in one direction to explore a wider area at the longest detection distance.

After a moment, Xiao Xie's movements suddenly stopped, and gentle mental fluctuations were transmitted to Long Dangdang.

"There are strong energy fluctuations in that direction, let's go." Long Dangdang waved his hand, leading Xiao Xie to take the lead in the direction it determined.

The crowd followed closely behind. It has to be said that in this forest with complex terrain, mental detection is definitely the best reconnaissance method.

The Storm Demon Dragon has been taken back by Tao Linlin and cannot be summoned today, but he can still summon the Red Armor Earth Dragon once, so the team's strength has not been reduced much.

After running for more than ten minutes and adjusting their position several times, they could vaguely feel the burst of energy in the distance. There was clearly a fight going on.

"Everyone, be careful." Long Dangdang warned, but did not let Ming Xi go to investigate first. Facing level nine monsters, it would definitely be safer if friends gathered together.

"Boom -" A huge roar suddenly sounded in front of them, and then they saw a horrifying scene. A huge yellow light and shadow flew into the sky, and the light and shadow like a giant stick came down violently, smashing hard. To one direction.

At this moment, Long Dangdang and the others also felt the sub-spirit crystals they carried vibrating violently, and the light shone brightly. Even storage equipment could not cover up its light.

It is the signal for help attached to the Ziling Crystal.

"Up!" Long Dangdang flew up and released the spiritual furnace without any hesitation. The light of the three spiritual furnaces converged again, and the four wings stretched out behind him, transforming into an angel of the moon, and rushed straight towards the direction of the attack.

Only in the state of Cang Yue Angel, he could barely withstand a blow from the ninth-level monster.

"Dangdang, continue." The light and shadow behind him flickered, and Long Dangdang made a backhand move, catching the sacred hammer thrown by his cousin in his hand. His Silver Wave Magic was broken when he fought against the Thunderbird at the beginning, and he didn't know if it could be repaired. Now only the Holy Hammer can be used as a weapon.

In the Cangyue Angel state, he was extremely fast, but during the flight, Long Dang was wary of something. He glanced in one direction and vaguely saw a figure flashing away. But at this time, he had no time to think too much and rushed towards the center of the energy explosion.

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