Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 192 Tianfeng Demonic Ape

The huge figure, which is three meters tall, exudes a tyrannical and ferocious aura. In his right hand, he holds a five-meter-long thick tree trunk. The trunk is obviously not a mortal thing, although there are uneven tree scars on it. , but there is a faint brown-yellow light emanating from the straight body.

This is an ape-like monster, with muscles all over its body. It looks extremely strong. If it weren't for the fact that its whole body was covered with golden hair, and it had a thunderous mouth. With the fierce aura in its eyes, it would even be different from humans. They are almost the same, even standing up they look like humans.

More than ten meters in front of him, there were several people lying in a mess, and it looked like the situation was not very good.

Red light flashed on each of them, and their eyes were different, including stubbornness, pain, fear, and mistakes. There is no doubt that this is the closest they have come to death.

When the three instructors announced in the air that they were about to face four level nine monsters, the demon hunting group initially believed that if one of the four level nine monsters were to be chosen as an opponent, then the Tianfeng Demon Ape should be is the best choice. It is not a flying monster like the Thunderbird, and it does not have the power of the Bright Griffin or the unrivaled mental power of the Evil Eye Tyrant. At least it is an object that can compete.

However, when they actually encountered the Tianfeng Demonic Ape, they truly understood what a ninth-level magical beast was.

A monster that can evolve to level nine has almost no shortcomings. The Tianfeng Demon Ape is extremely terrifying in terms of speed, strength, attack, defense, and explosion, and it also possesses extremely high intelligence. Their team thought that after working together for a period of time, they already had a tacit understanding, but when they really faced such a strong person, they only felt powerless. Totally irresistible.

The knight in the team had fallen into a coma at this time. He had withstood the most attacks. One of the warrior's arms hung limply by his side and was broken. The priest's face was as pale as paper, and his spiritual power was excessively consumed. If it weren't for his very strong healing ability, he wouldn't even be able to hold on now.

The assassin hung on a branch not far away, his body twitching from time to time. The only ones that are relatively complete are the magicians and summoners. There was only one summoned beast left in front of the summoner, and it had no fighting power. The magician was also as pale as gold due to excessive consumption of magic power. It can be said that the entire team has reached the end of its rope.

There was a wry smile on the corner of the magician's mouth. She still remembered what her friends had said before, that the best way to deal with the four level nine monsters was the Tianfeng Demon Ape. But, is this really the case? This Tianfeng Demonic Ape is not only powerful, but also has weapons in his hands. Although it is not real equipment, the material is definitely excellent. Coupled with the burst of spiritual energy from the Tianfeng Demonic Ape, it can be said to be indestructible.

The long stick in Tianfeng Demon Ape's hand is slowly being raised at this time, and among this team that has exhausted all its cards, no one can resist its blow.

At this time, suddenly, the Tianfeng Demon Ape's eyes fluctuated slightly. It seemed to feel something, and the eyes suddenly widened. Then, a golden light came from the distant woods, just in time. It fell on it, completing the connection like a bridge.

The magician, who was already a little desperate and was regretting not releasing the signal for help earlier, seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and shouted ecstatically: "Holy Spiritual Furnace."

Yes, isn't that the unique effect of the Holy Spiritual Furnace? In the woods, a figure has slowly walked out. He is tall and burly, covered with crystal-clear armor with a crystal texture. He is three meters tall. What is even more strange is that the four transparent wings on his back keep him In the state of being suspended in the air, because the armor even protects his face, his appearance cannot be seen clearly. But such a dazzling gesture still stunned the magician whose team was severely damaged.

What's this? It looks like a human being, but why is it so tall?

Long Dangdang, in the transformed state of Cangyue Angel, slowly raised the sacred hammer in his hand. The surface of the sacred hammer bloomed with light, and instantly spit out a brilliant white light. The white light shot up to a height of five meters. With the sacred hammer, As a handle, it condenses into a huge holy sword. All the light elements in the air condensed around his body at an alarming speed.

The pupils of the Tianfeng Demon Ape shrank slightly, but in the next moment, its figure disappeared.

Fast, too fast. Even in the state of Cangyue Angel, Long Dangdang could only catch an afterimage rushing towards him. The long stick in the hands of the Tianfeng Demon Ape had been raised high, and it was slashing at him with a terrifying aura like a throw from the universe. Come.

In just a moment, Long Dangdang judged that the Heavenly Wind Demonic Ape was definitely not as good as the Thunder Bird in terms of attributes, but in terms of power and explosion, it was even higher than the Thunder Bird.

With his previous experience against the Thunderbird, Long Dangdang knew that this level nine monster was simply not something he could handle head-on. The four wings behind his back suddenly flapped, and at the same time, his feet slipped and he slid towards the side and behind. avoid. The huge holy sword in his hand was swung, but instead of slashing at the Tianfeng Demon Ape, it broke the aura of the Tianfeng Demon Ape that was locked on his body.

"Boom -" The next moment, a huge ravine was opened on the ground by the Tianfeng Demon Ape, and Long Dangdang dodged aside. With the blessing of the wings on his back, his speed is also extremely fast.

The Tianfeng Demonic Ape used its strength to bounce back and chased him again. Long Dangdang immediately dodged again. The holy sword in his hand did not directly touch the opponent, but was only used to cut off the Tianfeng Demonic Ape's lock.

Rays of soft light fell from a distance, constantly falling on Long Dangdang, blessing him with auxiliary effects one after another.

This naturally comes from the support of the goddess Monroe. Not only does Monroe have two spiritual furnaces, she is also the number one genius in the history of the Priest Temple! Her auxiliary magic is almost 30% more powerful than a priest of the same level. After the sixth level, both healing and auxiliary abilities have been improved to a higher level. With her support, Long Dangdang's Cang Yue Angel transformation will naturally last longer.

On the way here, Long Dangdang had already thought of a countermeasure. Fighting head-on with a level nine monster is the most unwise choice, because there is no way to stop it. The battle with Thunderbird has fully proved this point. So, what are the advantages of Cangyue Angel? Speed, strength, something else?

The strongest point of Cang Yue Angel lies in its comprehensiveness, the armor effect attached to it after transformation, and its strong defensive capabilities. This is also the reason why Long Dangdang was able to get up quickly after being blasted back by Thunderbird. Cang Yue Angel transformed into him and blocked most of the impact.

Long Dangdang learned his fighting skills from two ninth-level knights. The recklessness of the reckless knight is obviously not very applicable when facing such high-level monsters. No matter how reckless you are, it is useless if you can't defeat it! Then, Gou of Gou Knight seems to be the most suitable choice.

Although Long Dangdang is not the direct descendant of Ye like Long Kongkong, he has also learned a lot from Gou Knight, for example, Gou Knight's footwork of Ye Guanjue's Six Great Temples.

Cang Yue Angel's flying ability and agility, coupled with Gou Knight's footwork, became his best choice to deal with the Tianfeng Demon Ape at this time. Coupled with the traction of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, there is no need to worry that the Wind Demon Ape will divert its target this day. This naturally became the best way to fight.

As a spiritual furnace that is comparable to an artifact for knights, the greatest advantage of the Holy Spiritual Furnace is that it allows teammates to have no worries. The magician can release magic calmly, and the summoner can also summon it calmly.

All the partners have arrived at the scene. Long Kongkong released his Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace. Although it did not have the increase of the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace, his Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace, which was already in its second stage, could still use Devouring Domain to greatly absorb the spiritual power in the air. Add to my cousin.

Ling Menglu held the staff, and each magic was emitted continuously as if it were instantaneous. The third and fourth level auxiliary healing magic fell accurately like a barrage of cannons. Most of them fell on Long Dangdang, and some healing magic was released on On the members of the rescued demon hunting group who had lost their fighting ability.

Yue Li was chanting the spell silently, and the sun and moon in front of her were shining with the light of the Spiritual Furnace. It was obviously difficult for her to complete the spell. It was obvious that this was a very powerful magic.

Ming Xi relied on her speed to rescue the injured demon hunters, gathering them together at least first, briefly treating their injuries, and cooperating with Ling Menglu's treatment.

Wang Changxin was guarding Ling Menglu, holding the Tyrant Hammer to accumulate power. Taolinlin has released the demon-suppressing tree and is taking root. As he entered the sixth level, the Demon Suppressing Tree also completed the advancement with him. It took root faster than before, and it also evolved a lot. As for the red-armored earth dragon, you have to wait until the critical moment to summon it. After all, the summoning time is limited.

At this moment, the magician from the rescue team felt that his eyes were about to fall out. Although she has never seen Cangyue Angel, the goddess Monroe knows about it! This was the second place finisher in the Demon Hunter Trials and the number one genius in the Priest Temple. In the Magic Temple, only Zisan Liuying could compare with her.

But that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is, why is there a knight in their team who can entangle the Tianfeng Demon Ape by himself? Is the knight of Goddess Monroe’s team the third Dragon Dangdang? But wasn't he by Monroe's side? She immediately recognized Long Kongkong as her brother.

It wasn't until a while later that she realized it was like, those were two brothers! One of them is next to Ling Menglu, so that means the three-meter-tall one with four wings on his back is another knight?

This is at least the seventh level of strength! Although being chased by the Tianfeng Demon Ape was a bit embarrassing, being able to dodge the Tianfeng Demon Ape's attack, cut off the Tianfeng Demon Ape's lock and entanglement without being quickly defeated, this is already extremely powerful, right? That's a level nine monster! Being able to entangle the opponent in a one-on-one situation, is this what they, the preparatory demon hunters, can do now?

"You hurry up and recover, we alone can't deal with the Tianfeng Demon Ape. We all have to work together." Ming Xi's voice woke her up and nodded quickly, getting rid of distracting thoughts, and quickly recovered her strength through Ling Menglu's treatment and auxiliary magic. Spiritual power. With the goddess here, she no longer needs to worry about the injuries of her friends.

In the demon hunting group, the first occupation that has the most leaders is the knight, and the second is the priest. Why can a priest, the profession with the weakest combat effectiveness, become the group leader? That's because a powerful priest can give the team greater endurance and improve the overall strength of the team through assistance. Or even rebirth the team.

This was the situation at this time. When Long Dangdang's Cangyue Angel and Tianfeng Demon Ape struggled for five minutes, most of the members of the team who had been attacked by Tianfeng Demon Ape had recovered. The unconscious ones have all woken up, and their spiritual power has recovered by at least one-third, and they have regained their combat effectiveness, and are still recovering rapidly. The golden light on Ling Menglu's body was still strong, not at all weakened by the continuous use of magic.

At this time, the most eye-catching person was not Ling Menglu, but Yue Li who chanted the spell for five minutes beside her.

The Riyue Tonghui Spiritual Furnace was trembling unsteadily in front of her. Yue Li's eyes had changed color at this time. The left eye turned into a light blue, and the right eye had a flowing red flame. .

Behind her, red and blue lights intertwined and were slowly condensing into a strange spear. The spear looked crystal clear and appeared dark blue, but on the dark blue surface, there were streaks of electric light. 's flashing.

This is no longer a magical combination of water and fire, but a combination of ice and thunder after the advancement of water and fire. This level of combined magic was even used by Yue Li for the first time. So it's not easy to control.

"Captain!" Yue Li shouted with a trembling voice.

Long Dangdang, who was dodging with all his strength, immediately knew what she meant. The wings behind his back suddenly flapped, and his body instantly lifted into the air. The reason why he did not dare to fly into the air before was because he was afraid that the distance would be too large and interrupt the traction of the Holy Spiritual Furnace. But at this moment, he took the initiative to cut off the connection.

Along with a buzz in the air, a blue-purple electric light flashed almost instantly and arrived in front of the Tianfeng Demon Ape.

The ice spear was about four meters long, but it was filled with the brilliance of thunder. What was even more strange was that inside the ice spear, there was a faint purple liquid flowing inside. That was clearly the energy of thunder plasma.

This magic, which doesn't even have a name yet, was created by Yue Li based on his perception of these two elements.

The thunder and ice spears came so fast that even the Tianfeng Demon Ape had no time to dodge or block them with a long stick. It could only raise its right hand in an instant and grab the tip of the spear that had arrived in front of it.

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