Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 193 The end of the first phase

The moment the Tianfeng Demon Ape's palm grasped the thunder plasma ice spear, time seemed to have stopped. In that frozen moment, the Tianfeng Demon Ape's pupils shrank obviously. Because, at this moment, it felt dangerous.

A dazzling blue-yellow aura instantly burst out from the Tianfeng Demon Ape's body. The moment the spirit gang exploded, its whole body also turned into a transparent green-yellow color, as if the entire body had become a part of the spirit gang.

And the thunder slurry ice spear exploded at that moment. The moment this terrifying single attack magic exploded, ice blasts and thunder blasts bloomed at the same time. Even the powerful strength of the Tianfeng Demon Ape could no longer control it. And the moment it exploded, the terrifying elemental power actually split into two parts. One part exploded outwards, and the other part compressed the thunder slurry inside. A dazzling blue-purple ball almost instantly replaced the brilliance of the sun. The terrifying ball lightning instantly exploded in front of the Tianfeng Demon Ape.

There is no doubt that this is the strongest attack that Yue Li has practiced so far. The mixed magic that is enough to reach the peak of the sixth level still appears in the form of a single attack. Its power is so powerful that it even exceeds Yue Li's own prediction.

Even under the protection of the spiritual gang, the strong body of the Tianfeng Demon Ape was blown upside down, and his body was covered with electric light, which made a series of "crackling" roars with his own spiritual gang.

The two figures arrived almost at the same time. One fell from the sky, and the other rushed from the side and behind like lightning.

Big hammer dominates the sky.

Holy sword!

The bombed Heavenly Wind Demon Ape's body-protecting soul shrank inwards, and burst outwards at the moment when the two blows came, and the two figures flew out in response. But the huge roar also slammed the Tianfeng Demon Ape to the ground. Half of the body sank in, and the green-yellow spiritual energy on his body obviously weakened. The long stick in his hand was blown away by this blow.

The rescued demon hunting group who had just recovered some of their strength in the distance were dumbfounded. Is this what the preparatory demon hunting group can achieve? Also facing the Tianfeng Demon Ape, why do they seem to have the upper hand now?

It was precisely because they had faced the Tianfeng Demonic Ape before that they knew how terrifying this monster was!

Long Dangdang flapped his wings in mid-air to stabilize his body. The blow just now was entirely their active attack and did not receive too much impact. But another figure came from nowhere, pressed against his body from behind, pressed his hands on his vest, and large waves of spiritual power rushed into Long Dangdang's body quickly.

At the same time, a blue-black halo fell from the sky, and it happened to fall on the Tianfeng Demonic Ape that had fallen to the ground. This powerful ninth-level demonic beast that was about to emerge from the ground froze. Break free.

Demon-suppressing tree, innate skills, shocking!

This is the natural skill of the Demon Suppressing Tree, and it is also its most powerful skill. It has a deterrent effect on everything. If it is an opponent whose cultivation level is lower than it, as long as the resistance is insufficient, if it is frightened, it will even lose the courage to fight again.

At this time, the Demon-Suppressing Tree, which was rooted in the ground and had merged with Tao Linlin, used all its strength to control the weakened Tianfeng Demon Ape for more than a second.

Also taking advantage of this moment, a huge fiery red figure had already collided.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for the Tianfeng Demon Ape to be hit by such a cumbersome collision at its speed. However, its body is still sinking into the ground, and it even fell into a brief dizziness due to the shock. It was only when the sturdy figure came closer that it regained its ability to move.

This series of outbreaks came so suddenly and so intensively that even the ninth-level monsters looked a little embarrassed. Without its long stick, it could only cross its arms in front of itself and let out a roar.

In an instant, the Tianfeng Demon Ape's eyes suddenly turned scarlet. The scarlet-red eyes of the red-armored earth dragon that collided with it even froze. This is because monsters with dragon bloodline are born with strong bloodline. If it were another race, their fighting spirit would probably be the same. attenuation.

The next moment, the palms of Tianfeng Demon Ape collided with the red-armored earth dragon.

The red-armored earth dragon is famous for its strength and defense among the eighth-level monsters, and its size is completely out of proportion to the Tianfeng Demon Ape. In this collision, it even used the element of fire.



The huge body of the red-armored earth dragon was actually thrown away in response. The body of the Tianfeng Demon Ape doubled in size at this moment, and a crazy light flashed in his eyes. The air currents in the air erupted with a horrible smell.

Yes, this is its strongest state as a ninth-level monster, bloodthirsty and violent.

The terrifying pressure exploded crazily in all directions, making all members of the two demon hunting groups present feel breathless, and their eyes showed horror.

Long Kongkong, who was sticking close behind his brother and replenishing his spiritual power, was stunned and said: "What kind of hell mode is this? Is this the suffering we should endure at our age?"

"Get out of the way!" The wings on Long Dangdang's back suddenly flapped, instantly throwing the complaining dragon away. At the same time, he held the sacred hammer with both hands and made a lunge.

Divine Royal Block, Divine Royal Block in Cangyue Angel state. Don't forget, Tianfeng Demon Ape is still connected to his Holy Spiritual Furnace.

The next moment, "Bang——"

Long Dangdang's whole body was flashing with brilliant golden light and he was blown away. In the air, the light of the three spiritual furnaces of wisdom flickered and floated out of him almost at the same time. The Cangyue Angel state was abruptly bombarded. Lifted.

The violent Tianfeng Demon Ape was simply not something they could resist.

Just when Long Dangdang was ready to release Xiaoba to see if it could be a bit of a deterrent. Suddenly, a soft female voice said, "That's enough."

The brilliant golden figure stood in front of the Tianfeng Demon Ape who was about to pursue him. A finger that shone with a faint golden light and looked non-threatening touched the Tianfeng Demon Ape's forehead.

The Tianfeng Demon Ape's body had doubled in size. In front of the seemingly powerless fingers, it stopped for an instant. What was even more strange was that the ferocious aura on its body actually dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye. , and then the body quickly returned to its original size, and the violent and bloodthirsty eyes became clear again.

"Yu Tong..." Looking at this scene, Long Kongkong called out in incredible surprise.

Yes, the one who stood in front of the Tianfeng Demon Ape and released it from its mad state was none other than the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace.

At this time, her whole body was exuding a soft golden halo, and her appearance could not be seen clearly, but the moment she appeared, the atmosphere in the entire forest seemed to have changed. The air that had previously become turbulent due to the violent Tianfeng Demon Ape actually softened at this moment, as if there was an invisible force comforting the wounded forest.

Is this okay?

Yutong can actually suppress level nine monsters? So what were we doing before? Long Kongkong suddenly felt that he was in a trance...

Not far away, the devil instructor who was coming from the forest quickly quickened his pace and let out a sigh of relief.

Something almost happened! He wiped the cold sweat from his head. If the preparatory demon hunting group really has a team to solve the problem, his responsibility will be huge. However, who would have thought that with the strength of these preparatory demon hunting groups, they could trigger an irrational outbreak of level nine monsters?

The light on the surface of the compass in his hand gradually dimmed. When the ninth-level Tianfeng Demon Ape broke out, his compass was obviously flashing with scarlet light, which meant it was very dangerous.

There had been a very special situation before. The ninth-level Thunderbird suddenly ran away while suppressing a demon hunting group. There was no sign of danger, and he didn't know what happened. Now there is an outbreak of Tianfeng Demon Ape again, and this is even after the demon hunting group has sent out a signal for help. According to the previous instructions with these four ninth-level monsters, once the demon hunting group sends a signal for help, they will stop! Why did he suddenly become bloodthirsty and violent after he stopped?

Finally, everything ahead is in sight.

At a glance, the devil instructor saw the Tianfeng Demon Ape who had regained his composure, as well as the members of the two demon hunting groups not far away. From the flashing red light on the body, you can tell who is the rescuer and who is the rescued. He also suddenly understood why the Tianfeng Demon Ape had exploded. But, is this really what the current demon hunting group can do? Even if this is the goddess Monroe's demon hunting group?

That golden figure is...

Tianfeng Demon Ape took two steps back, nodded to Yutong, with a hint of respect in his eyes, and then glanced at the many young demon hunters present, then he stood up and rushed in in one direction. The woods disappeared in an instant.

"Yu Tong, were you able to stop the Tianfeng Demon Ape from attacking? Then why didn't you take action just now?" Long Kongkong ran forward curiously and asked.

Yu Tong glanced at him and said: "This is your assessment, what does it mean if I take action rashly? Moreover, I didn't make it stop attacking, I just resolved its mad state. I can increase it, and naturally I can also decrease it. After removing its bloodthirsty, it naturally wakes up. Every spiritual furnace is a gathering of the purest spiritual energy between heaven and earth. Warcraft are also born and raised by nature. In some aspects, they have the same destination as us, so you can give me some face. In its bloodthirsty state, it is no longer a test for you."

Listening to Yutong's words, Long Kongkong finally came to his senses and couldn't help but pout: "Yutong, you have other skills, but you didn't even tell me."

Yutong smiled and said, "You didn't even ask me." At this moment, she even felt a little playful. The next moment, she had turned into a golden light, reintegrated into Long Kongkong's body and disappeared.

Bai Du and his team members were already a little dumbfounded. Is that a spiritual furnace?

Was that powerful angel-like warrior with four wings on his back actually a skill created by the spiritual furnace? Three statues, right? They seemed to be three spiritual furnaces.

Also, is this talking golden figure also a spiritual furnace? Can talk..., a spiritual furnace of wisdom?

As a magician, Bai Du had naturally done a lot of research on spiritual furnaces, but he never expected that among his peers, there were already people who could own the spiritual furnaces of wisdom. And it still looks so powerful.

They are also a demon hunting group!

At this moment, a figure walked over from the woods.

"Bai Du, you and your team have already used the call for help signal. You will need to spend one thousand merit to make up for it later. Using the call for help signal also means that your final assessment is over. The merit bracelet will calculate your score based on your performance. Final score.”

Seeing the devil instructor suddenly appearing, Bai Du and his team members suddenly looked a little bad. Obviously, the request for help signal was used. Let’s not talk about the results. A thousand meritorious deeds are gone! The amount of money earned for this meritorious service started from single digits, but it didn't rise to four digits. How could I not feel heartbroken.

Long Dangdang looked very calm, and his teammates even showed some admiration. In their opinion, the devil instructor should have been nearby, ready to rescue at any time, which was completely consistent with Long Dangdang's guess.

The devil instructor's eyes also happened to fall on Long Dangdang at this time, "Long Dangdang, you have continuously fought against Thunderbird and Tianfeng Demon Ape, and even defeated them respectively. Your assessment has also ended. You have performed well. The rewards will be settled later." .We can return together.”

Is it done? The assessment ended early.

Of course, the devil instructor was not out of kindness, but because Long Dangdang and his team had defeated level nine monsters twice, which had actually affected the overall assessment. Also, the appearance of the spiritual furnace just now made him a little confused. He seemed to have seen that spiritual furnace before he entered school. Yes, he is also a student of Linglu Academy!

Ten minutes later, Long Dangdang and his teammates, as well as Bai Du and his teammates, stepped onto the magic circle arranged by the devil instructor using teleportation equipment and teleported back.

What made Long Kongkong ecstatic was that he had completed the first phase of training ahead of schedule. They have two extra days of rest, which they can arrange freely. Two days later, we returned to the gathering.

Watching Long Kongkong running away like a rabbit, Long Dangdang also looked helpless. He turned to his friends and said: "We can't rest yet. Let's go to the auction house together and consign some of the unnecessary Warcraft blood. And A portion must be reserved for everyone to use in cultivating the Blood Alchemy Body in the future. Also, we need to discuss how to distribute the profits obtained from these sales. Should it be distributed uniformly or separately each time."

Ling Menglu didn't say a word. At this time, her silence was the best support for Long Dangdang.

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