Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 194 Going to the goddess’s house to take a bath?

Tao Linlin asked: "I understand the separate distribution every time, but how to distinguish the unified distribution?"

Long Dangdang said: "Uniform distribution means that we pool all the proceeds, and when we encounter equipment that is suitable for a certain teammate, we will purchase it with the highest priority based on suitability. In this way, it is not easy to miss good things. When a teammate is already in the unified distribution After benefiting, other teammates who have not benefited will be given priority."

Tao Linlin suddenly said: "This is good. Otherwise, it would be too troublesome to distribute each time. Merit has its own merit bracelet record, and I support the unified distribution of other items' income. Because it is difficult to define everyone's contribution to the task. In view of this I have already distributed my harvest this time, so you just need to give it priority."

In this first stage of training, he was undoubtedly the one who gained the most. The gains from so many summoned beasts were more impressive than any equipment, and his strength had made a qualitative leap.

Long Dangdang looked at the other teammates, "Long ran away empty-handed, so he is the minority obeying the majority. What else do you think?"

Wang Changxin said: "I have no objection. I just ask the team to provide me with the blood to cultivate the blood alchemy body. I am not in a hurry to equip it."

Yue Li smiled slightly and said: "I agree to the unified distribution." She has always supported Long Dangdang.

Ming Xi lowered his head but said nothing.

Long Dangdang looked at her and said, "Ming Xi, what did you say?"

However, Ming Xi shook her head and pouted: "For the principle of fairness, I feel that I am not qualified to suggest anything." Although she has made considerable progress in this training camp, her role in the team is obviously not as good as Others are depressed.

Long Dangdang smiled and shook his head, saying: "Since we have entered the same demon hunting group, we are teammates who are helping each other. You don't need to think about unnecessary problems. Each of us is an indispensable part of the team. This The role of the second person is small. Next time, everyone may have to rely on your ability. Different professions have different divisions of ability, so there is no need to belittle yourself."

Ming Xi blinked and said, "Then, I also agree to the unified distribution. My contribution is small, so I can allocate it later."

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "No, it can't be calculated that way. Cousin, what about you?"

Ling Menglu said concisely and concisely: "Let's allocate them uniformly."

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "Okay, that's it. If more than half of the teammates want to distribute it in other ways, we will make a decision again. Since it is a unified distribution, then we will first make a certain distribution of this harvest. Senior Tao harvested a lot of summoned beasts during this training, and he himself agreed that he would be the assigned target. Senior Wang, me, and Long Kongkong will all be selected from the blood of Warcraft. After we select the blood of Warcraft, Or the blood of Warcraft that is not easy to preserve will be sold directly. I am a VIP customer of the Holy City Auction House. I can hand it over to them for auction and strive to get the maximum profit. The income will be distributed to my cousin, Yue Li and Ming Xi first. "

At this moment, Ming Xi raised his hand and said: "Captain, I also want the blood of the Warcraft. I also want to continue practicing the Blood Alchemy Body."

Long Dang said: "Are you sure? Once your blood alchemy body catches up with your own level, it will affect your cultivation speed."

Ming Xi gritted her teeth and said: "I'm sure, doesn't it just hurt? I can do it." This time she was really stimulated and determined to work hard to improve herself, otherwise, she would really be unable to catch up with her friends. Footsteps.

"Okay." Long Dangdang nodded and looked at Ling Menglu and Yue Li.

Ling Menglu said: "The rewards we received in the trial have not been distributed yet. You and I should both get a good piece of equipment. It is estimated that we will be allowed to choose after three months of training. Therefore, the first in the team For this allocation, just tilt it toward Yue Li."

Although Yue Li is also among the top ten players, he certainly cannot compare with their rewards. What's more, Ling Menglu relies on the Ling family, so when necessary, equipment will definitely not be a problem.

And Yue Li relied on the Sun and Moon Tonghui Spiritual Furnace, and her thunder slurry ice spear also left a very deep impression on everyone. For a demon hunting group, under normal circumstances, magicians are definitely the first output choice.

Yue Li said, "Let's choose a weapon for the leader first. His sword is broken."

Long Dangdang's heart ached for a moment. The Yinlang Magic was his first top-quality spiritual demon-level equipment at the beginning, and it was really heartbreaking when it was broken! Especially the replica skill that comes with it. Although it is a spiritual-level equipment, it can definitely be called a magical skill.

At the moment, he smiled bitterly and said: "I'm not in a hurry. I'll try to repair it first. Then we'll see what equipment we can get as rewards in the trials. Okay, there's nothing else. Everyone can go and rest. We'll be here again in two days. Assemble and don’t be late.”

Everyone said goodbye and left quickly. After being in the Warcraft Forest for nearly a month, if nothing else, go back and take a shower and rest comfortably, which is better than anything else!

Ling Menglu and Long Dangdang walked together. As they walked, Ling Menglu asked, "What are you planning to do these two days? Kong Kong must be going to find his goddess."

Long Dangdang smiled slightly and said: "He is not as good as me, but I always have my goddess cousin by my side!"

Ling Menglu rolled her eyes at him and said, "Why are you not as calm as the leader now?"

Long Dangdang smiled and said: "With only us siblings, why should I be calm? Being calm in front of everyone is to give everyone more trust. There are only us, and the only one in front of you is Long Dangdang."

Ling Menglu smiled with satisfaction, "You haven't answered my question yet, so let's keep it in check."

Long Dangdang said: "I want to go to the temple and learn some skills. We have the token to prepare the temple and you can learn it directly. Now I feel more and more that my skills are not enough. Whether it is knight or knight. In terms of magic. The blood alchemy body allows me to basically withstand the state of Cangyue Angel for a period of time, but in that seventh-level state, the strength I exerted is not the seventh-level strength at all. Elementalization cannot be achieved without first Speaking of skills alone, I still use mainly fifth-level skills. The sixth-level skills only have one Holy Sword. This is far from enough for the team. Otherwise, with the help of the three spiritual furnaces of wisdom, With fusion, even at the seventh-level realm, it shouldn’t be that difficult to contain the ninth-level monsters.”

Ling Menglu nodded and said: "This is indeed what you need to make up for. However, this also proves the disadvantages of practicing magic and knights at the same time. Your training time is not enough for you to specialize in the skills of both professions. After all, you are only fifteen years old. I think if you want to improve in a short period of time, you should consider specializing in one profession first."

Long Dangdang frowned slightly, he understood what Ling Menglu meant. Starting from the team point of view, the most important thing is to strengthen the ability of the knight profession, but becoming a magician has been his dream since childhood. To be honest, it's a bit difficult to choose.

"Okay, let's go back and take a shower first and rest for a while. You can't be too tight. We are still young. If the sky falls, we don't need to hold it up."

Hectorian pork ribs shop.

Hepburn was sitting behind a dining table, with her white lotus-like forearms and elbows propped up on the table, her palms resting on her chin, her beautiful big eyes a little vacant, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Occasionally, the corners of the mouth will be slightly raised, revealing a faint smile.

"Sister Hepburn, I'm back!" A shout suddenly sounded from outside. Hepburn frowned, but in an instant, her pretty face turned into a smile.

The door opened, and Long Kongkong rushed in from the outside. When he saw the girl sitting behind the table, he couldn't help but froze.

The sun shone from the window, shining on the side of her face, bringing a radiant light to her fair cheeks, and seemed to add a layer of brightness to her smile.

She smiled with a frown on her face, "You've been training for a long time, why are you still so reckless?"

Only then did Long Kongkong react, he chuckled and scratched his head, "Sister, you don't know how kind I am when I see the sign of our store. I was afraid that you weren't out of school right now, but I didn't expect that you were already Back. Where is Uncle He?"

Hepburn said: "He went out to buy ingredients. Why did you come back so early? Didn't you say it would take three months?"

Long Kongkong said proudly: "Because we performed well, we were given two days off. Won't I rush back to see you right away? Is there any work in the store? I'll do it for you first."

Hepburn smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing. Are you hungry? I'll make you something to eat."

Long Kongkong's stomach seemed to be stimulated, and it immediately began to "gurgling". He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Is there any food left?"

Hepburn said: "You take a rest for a while, it will be fine in a while." As she said this, she turned around and went to the kitchen.

Watching her walk into the kitchen, Long Kongkong couldn't help but slapped his face twice, and said to himself: "Long Kongkong, Long Kongkong, where is your She Niu? Didn't I think about it just now? If I see Will the goddess just rush up and hug her? Uncle He didn’t have such a good opportunity and was so cowardly, you are such a waste!”

Not long after, Hepburn had already brought out a bowl of steaming ribs and a large bowl of rice. I also made a vegetable soup specially for him. Long Kongkong wanted to help, but was stopped by Hepburn.

Those who sleep outdoors in the Warcraft Forest eat only the dry food they carry. If you want to eat something hot, you have to use magic to heat it up. Looking at this big pot of steaming and fragrant pork ribs, Long Kongkong's saliva almost flowed out. He didn't care about being polite and immediately started to eat with great enthusiasm. A sweet one.

Hepburn sat opposite him, looking at his imageless eating appearance, with a smile on his lips. Compared with before he left, Long Kongkong's skin was darker, and he seemed to be a little stronger. His hair was a little disheveled, and he still had a bit of a plant atmosphere.

In just a moment, Long Kongkong swept away all the food, leaving not even a drop of soup.

After eating everything, he leaned back on the chair with a look of satisfaction on his face, "It's so delicious. Our pork ribs and rice are still delicious! I won't change it for any delicacies."

As he spoke, his eyelids were already a little twitchy. After nearly a month of training, his nerves were tense most of the time, especially in the last paragraph, facing the oppression of level nine monsters, although he was not the most important one. Although he has fighting power, the bloodline explosion and the pressure of facing strong enemies all the time have made him tired.

"Kongkong, Kongkong..." A call came from his ears, waking up the sleepy Long Kongkong.

"Ah? Ah, Sister Hepburn, I almost fell asleep. Sorry, sorry, I'll help you pack your things." As he said that, Long Kongkong stood up and started to clean up the dishes.

Hepburn grabbed his sleeve and said: "Don't clean it up yet. You are tired from training and finally have a vacation. You need to have a good rest now. Take a bath and have a good sleep. The most important thing is."

"But I can't bear to sleep!" Long Kongkong almost blurted out. He only had two days of rest in total. To be precise, it should be one and a half days. He just wanted to see more of his goddess now.

Hepburn said angrily: "Your body is the most important thing. Don't mess with yourself. Come with me." As she said that, she pulled his sleeves and walked out of the chop shop.

After closing the shop door, locking it, he pulled Long Kongkong and walked in one direction. After walking out for more than ten steps, Hepburn seemed to realize something, and then let go of his sleeves.

Long Kongkong naturally knows this road, because he has walked it more than once. This is clearly the direction of the Hepburn family!

"Sister Hepburn..." Long Kongkong called.

Hepburn ignored him and continued walking forward. Long Kongkong didn't scream anymore and followed her. Looking at her beautiful back, his eyes were full of satisfaction. It was so nice to see her as soon as I came back.

When Hepburn stopped, Long Kongkong was shocked to realize that the goddess actually took him home.

Opening the door to the courtyard, Hepburn took the lead and walked in. Although Long Kongkong had sent her back several times, this was definitely the first time he had entered the palace.

The courtyard is not big, only a few dozen square meters, but it is very clean and comfortable. A quarter of the ground is covered with lawn, and a maple tree is planted on one side. In this season, the maple leaves have just begun to turn red. At the foot of the maple tree, there are several stone figures piled up, all of them looking very naive. On the other side of the courtyard, there is a small well. The water from the well is led out and flows in the bamboo tube on one side, making a slight sound of water. The water overflowing from the bamboo tube will flow back through the other bamboo tube and then flow again. It flows back into the well and is not wasted. This gurgling water brings a bit of invisible vitality to this small courtyard, which makes people feel peaceful.

Hepburn walked to the well and washed her hands. Long Kongkong gently shook off the water drops on his hands and turned to look at Leng Shen, "Stop looking and go take a shower first."

"Ah?" Take a shower? Taking a bath at the goddess’s house?

Long Kongkong's face flushed slightly, and he was so embarrassed that he didn't know where to put his hands.

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