Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 195 The second phase is about to begin

After returning to the dormitory, taking a shower, changing clothes, and taking a short rest, Long Dangdang arrived at the temple headquarters. He first went to find his two teachers, but they were not at the headquarters, saying they were out.

With his status as a Preparatory Temple, he successfully came to the inheritance hall where the Knights Temple specializes in learning skills.

Normally advanced knights will need to spend a lot of merit to learn skills here. Ordinary skills can be learned in the branch hall. Those that can be placed in the inheritance hall are secret skills and some high-end skills.

Long Dangdang has been here once before. At that time, he felt that there were so many choices that he didn’t even know how to choose. At that time, his cultivation level was far from what it is now, and there was no need to learn too many skills.

But it's different now. As he faces more tests and has become a team leader, he deeply feels that he needs more skills to supplement himself, especially in the state of Cangyue Angel. You must have some seventh-level skills to explode.

In the inheritance hall, there is a faint golden color all around, and the soft golden halo flickers in the air, giving people a very strange feeling. This hall is not too big, about twelve meters high, circular in shape, and fifty meters in diameter inside. Compared with the grandeur of the temple headquarters, it appears much more exquisite.

The walls are made up of golden squares, and each different square has a different pattern.

Long Dangdang's inner spiritual power is now close to four thousand, and he is getting closer to the sixth level. When I look at these patterns again, I have a completely different feeling than the last time I came here.

These patterns seemed to have a life of their own. When his eyes fell on these patterns, he could vaguely feel something.

Long Dangdang knew that every pattern here represented the skills passed down by an ancient knight. The higher you go, the more powerful the inherited skills become. The skills that can enter the inheritance hall start at least level five. These are the self-created skills of the knight ancestors of the past generations.

The top three meters seemed a bit illusory. With Long Dangdang's current mental strength, he couldn't see clearly what was on it. But he knew that what was left there were the inherited skills of the former Divine Seal Knights, which were the pinnacle combat skills of the real Knight Temple. But if you want to pass on those skills, it's not just your status and qualifications, you also have to pass the test. Each inherited skill has a special test. Second only to the test of the six sacred thrones.

Taking a deep breath, Long Dangdang calmed down his mood first, then sat down on the spot and meditated silently. He needs to adjust his condition first, and then start to choose the skills he wants to learn.

The reason why he chose the Knight Temple instead of the Magic Temple was a decision he made after careful consideration. The improvement of his individual strength as a group leader should be placed after helping the team. It was a pity for him that his spiritual power still failed to break through to the sixth level. In fact, with the help of Cangyue Angel in training, and based on their training speed, he should have broken through long ago. However, due to the purification and filtration of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, as well as the absorption of part of it by the Spiritual Furnace, as well as the absorption of his two Warcraft companions, the speed of his spiritual power increase has slowed down, and it has not even reached the level of Long Kongkong. Improvement is fast. Long Kongkong is about to reach the fifth level now. After passing the stage of converting liquid spiritual power, you can officially become a fifth-level earth knight. For Long Kongkong, with the assistance of several great wisdom spiritual furnaces and his own Holy Spiritual Furnace, this was hardly a problem.

The comfortable feeling of hot water washing over your body is truly one of the most wonderful experiences in the world. But at this moment, Long Kongkong didn't feel any enjoyment at all. He was just nervous.

Hepburn asked him to take a shower, and he almost walked directly into Hepburn's boudoir, and was then rushed to the guest room. But even so, his heart still kept beating at a high speed.

"Bang bang bang" the knock on the door sounded outside. Although it was through the bathroom door, Long Kongkong could still hear it clearly. Then he heard the door open and Hepburn's footsteps coming from outside.

Subconsciously, Long Kongkong crossed his arms across his chest. What is the goddess doing?

"Kongkong, I brought you a pair of my dad's clean clothes and put them outside. I took your clothes to wash for you. Come out and change into them yourself later."

"Ah? Oh, okay, okay..." Long Kongkong now only felt that his Sheniu Syndrome had been cured.

When he finished washing and changed into clothes, he breathed a sigh of relief and felt the refreshing feeling all over his body after taking a bath.

When he returned to the yard, he immediately saw Hepburn washing his clothes by the well. She was sitting on a small stool. From the side, he could see the girl's graceful curves. Hepburn was a bit thin, not a particularly plump girl. , but the figure is very coordinated, as if everything is just right. At least it was so perfect in Long Kongkong's eyes.

"Sister Hepburn, can I wash it myself?" Long Kongkong said to her.

Hepburn turned her head and glanced at him. A drop of water fell on the tip of her nose. She shook it off gently when she turned her head. She moved her nose slightly and said, "Go and have a rest. Aren't you tired today?" There's enough sunshine, so I should be able to dry your clothes in the afternoon. I have to go to the store to help dad in the evening."

"Oh, okay." Long Kongkong promised, but did not enter the house. He sat on a bamboo recliner under the eaves and watched Hepburn washing clothes there. Every move she made was so pleasing to his eyes. At this moment, he only felt that the various dangers he encountered in the Warcraft Forest, especially the restlessness in his heart when his brother almost encountered life-threatening danger, were gradually being smoothed away. Everything was so beautiful, wasn't it?

He didn't know when his eyelids started to fight again. He tried to hold on several times, but in the end he couldn't resist the strong sleepiness. Only before the eyelids are completely closed, the beautiful figure should be imprinted in his eyes and mind as much as possible.

Hepburn hung Long Kongkong's clothes to dry, then stood up again. When he turned around, he happened to see Long Kongkong lying in the recliner, already asleep.

He seemed very quiet at this time, and the sun shone on his chin, bringing a sense of light and shadow to his handsome face.

Hepburn came to him quietly and looked at his sleeping appearance. He couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

"This guy, this is the only time he behaves!"

She bent down and touched his head gently. The smile at the corner of her mouth became a little stronger. Then she stood up again and looked around the small courtyard. "It's great. Everything seems to be alive."

When Long Kongkong woke up, it was already dark, and he didn't know what time it was. He was stunned at first, and then sat up suddenly.

With his strength close to the fifth level, he felt that he was the only one left in the small courtyard after just a slight induction, but he still subconsciously exchanged words, "Sister Hepburn."

Of course there was no response.

Standing up from the lounge chair in a hurry, Long Kongkong immediately saw the neatly dried clothes piled on the small table next to him, with a note on them.

"I'm going to the store. If you wake up, come over too."

It turned out that I went to the store.

Long Kongkong quickly changed his clothes and ran directly to the He-style pork rib shop. Then he saw the familiar figure again. When he stood outside the door and saw her, he felt as if his heart had been filled with an overflowing sense of satisfaction.

Happy days always pass quickly, and two days fly by. Long Kongkong didn't even see his brother until the moment he had to go back and set off.

He spent the past two days at the He-style pork rib restaurant, but at least he returned to live at Spirit Furnace Academy at night. The academy had no intention of driving them away before he officially became a demon hunter.

But Long Dangdang was lucky. In two days, he didn't even see a single person, and he didn't even come back at night.

"Brother, what's the matter with the dark circles under your eyes? What have you been doing these two days?" Long Kongkong looked at Long Dangdang with confusion on his face.

Long Dangdang said angrily: "Do you really think you will rest after everything looks like you? I went to the inheritance hall to learn skills."

Long Kongkong asked curiously: "How many skills have you learned?"

Long Dang said: "I only have two days to learn a few. I only learned one. I can barely use it."

Long Kongkong blinked, "Teach me?"

Long Dangdang said calmly: "You are not worthy of seventh-level skills."

Long Kongkong said a little unconvinced: "The angel of Cang Yue transformed and landed on me, maybe I can do it too."

Long Dang said: "Are you serious?"

"Uh..., you thought I didn't say anything." Long Kongkong couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the pain Long Dangdang endured after his first Cang Yue Angel transformation. It's a good day, why make it difficult for yourself? He immediately changed the subject and said: "The first phase of training is completed. What will we do in the second phase?"

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "The first stage is quite unexpected. The second stage is probably not going to be easy either. Logically speaking, this kind of training should be more difficult as it goes on."

"What? It needs to be harder? In the first stage, we faced level nine monsters at the end. Is it going to kill us in the second stage?"

As the two brothers talked, they returned to the square of the Temple Academy main campus.

When they arrived, they immediately saw many familiar faces, not to mention their own team members, but also other teams they had faced in the first stage.

The team that was hunted down for taking away the baby Demon Wind Monkey did not appear in the second gathering. Long Dangdang still remembered that the leader's name was Jiang Qingqiu. After that time, it seemed that this preparatory demon hunting team was really were eliminated. But he vaguely felt that the reason for his elimination was probably not because of his strength, but because of his actions.

In addition, the heavy shield knight Xiang Beihan and his team members who they rescued, as well as the team led by the magician Bai Du in the last battle, have already arrived. When they saw the twin brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, they immediately showed kind smiles and nodded to Beihan and Baidu. They couldn't tell who the elder brother Long Dangdang was without speaking.

But at this time, Long Dangdang's more attention fell on another familiar face, the elemental saint woman Sang Liuying.

The final champion of the Demon Hunting Group Trials looked very pale at this time, and even looked a little thinner. He was obviously in poor physical condition. Not only her, but also several people in their demon hunting group seemed to be in bad condition.

Tang Leiguang's right arm was obviously a little unnatural, and the son of reincarnation also had an ugly face when they first met him, and even his lips looked a little pale. Only Cai Caijuan seems to be in good condition. The knights and priests in the team also looked bad.

"Captain." A pleasant voice sounded, and Yue Li walked over with a sweet smile. Immediately afterwards, the partners of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group gathered over.

Except for Ling Menglu who hasn't come yet, everyone else has already arrived.

"Cousin, are you going to be late?" Long Kongkong asked curiously.

"Who are you saying is late?" At this moment, Ling Menglu's voice came from behind. At the last moment when the gathering time was about to arrive, the goddess arrived.

The three instructors walked leisurely towards the crowd from the direction of the teaching building. The remaining nine demon hunting groups were obviously tense.

After going through the first stage of training, they deeply experienced the terror of these three instructors. Especially the last stage. Obviously, even Zisan Liuying and the others suffered a big loss. I don’t know if it fell into the hands of the Bright Griffin or encountered the Evil Eye Tyrant.

The devil instructor looked at the nine demon hunting groups that quickly lined up and nodded with satisfaction, with a warm smile on his face, "First of all, I want to congratulate you on passing the first stage of training. At the very least, you nine This team is still qualified to continue. You should also know that due to the unfavorable results of completing the first phase of training, the 19115903 Demon Hunting Group has withdrawn. They have lost the qualification to become demon hunters this time. Previously All the demon hunter equipment distributed has also been withdrawn. I hope that in the next two stages of training, no one will follow in my footsteps."

Having said this, his eyes swept over everyone. Although he kept smiling, everyone could clearly feel a chill running down their backs.

"First of all, let's make a summary. At the end of the first phase of training, each team has performed differently. I believe you know it in your own mind. Everyone's performance and merit bracelets will give fair judgment. Therefore, your respective merits In fact, changes have already occurred. You can check it yourself after all the training is over. What I want to announce next are the changes in meritorious service besides the bracelet. The leader of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group is out."

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