Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 203 The Terror of Long Dangdang

The crazy instructor looked at Long Dangdang, who had woken up but seemed to be deep in thought, with the corner of his mouth twitching slightly. It’s only fifty-seven seconds? What kind of monster is this?

Isn’t it said that there are only five geniuses in their generation? However, he is definitely not among those five, because there is no knight among the five geniuses. However, under what he endured in the second round, he far surpassed those five people. Although the power of mental power does not represent everything, as a high-level professional, he knows that after reaching a high level, mental power and external spiritual power actually have no effect on inner spiritual power. A powerful ability that is necessary for the road to heaven.

How did Long Dangdang do it? Why could he endure it for so long without using any auxiliary skills? This is equivalent to simply bearing pressure!

There are no other prerequisites for resisting the evil eye tyrant's mental oppression for one minute. In other words, using skills and using equipment are all within the allowed range.

But both Long Dangdang's team and Zisan Liuying's team were very smart and realized that this was not just an assessment, but more importantly, a test of their mental strength. Where can I usually find a pure spiritual powerhouse like the Evil Eye Tyrant to continuously exert mental pressure?

Therefore, when they tried, they did not use any skills to enhance their mental protection, but relied on themselves to fully withstand it. Therefore, this does not mean that their assessment achievements are like this. During the actual assessment, through various means, and even through helping each other, the time they endure will definitely be greatly enhanced and improved.

And it can last for fifty-seven seconds with complete pure load. Not to mention a fifth-level peak person, even a sixth-level peak person, or even a seventh-level person may not be able to withstand it for one minute. However, he did it. Sixty seconds is just one step away.

What kind of talent is this? However, his mental strength is obviously not that strong!

In terms of measurement, what is the difference between fifty-seven seconds and forty seconds? The mental power must be at least twice the difference. But how could his mental power be twice as strong as Ling Menglu and Zi Sang Liuying? This is not scientific at all.

Undoubtedly, there is some unknown secret in this young man, and this secret determines the miracle he is performing now. Didn’t you see that Zisan Liuying almost hurt her spiritual origin because of her eagerness to win?

However, the crazy instructor is very happy to see this kind of competition. The more they are in this competitive state, the stronger their willpower will be, and the improvement effect will definitely be the best.

It has been almost a day since Zisan Liuying and the others arrived. However, the other teams have not yet passed the first hurdle, and the gap has been clearly revealed.

In fact, it is already very good to pass the water crossing in ten days. With the talents of these would-be demon hunters, breath-holding will continue to improve after long-term practice, including diving.

In this second stage of training, the most important and precious thing is actually the second level. That is the level of the Evil Eye Tyrant. The temple paid a lot of price to get this ninth-level evil-eyed tyrant to cooperate. Being able to try more mental endurance is definitely a lot of benefits for these young people. This is the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group laying a solid foundation for them. Very important foundation.

But who would have thought that a giant crocodile would appear in such a level. Fifty-seven seconds! Is this something that members of the preparatory demon hunting group can do? Even a general-level demon hunting group shouldn't be able to do it without equipment and skill protection, right?

There was a faint smile on Long Dangdang's face, his hands were clasped in front of his chest, and every time the light in his eyes flickered, his mental power would fluctuate slightly.

This time the rift was healed much faster. After sharing the damage, not only was he more tolerant, but his recovery ability was also greatly enhanced. The degree of improvement and compression of mental power this time is at least three times that of the first time. Long Dangdang even felt that his spiritual power was affected and improved as a result, and he was closer to the sixth level threshold.

Although the fifth to sixth levels are not as difficult to break through as the fourth to fifth levels, there is still an important hurdle, which is the solidification of spiritual power. Only by condensing liquid spiritual power into a solid state can one be able to display spiritual wings and gain the ability to sprint and fly. To allow spiritual power to change from liquid to solid, mental power is very important. Spiritual power can become viscous through practice, making it easier to solidify, but if the spiritual power is strong enough, this can be achieved directly by compressing the spiritual power. At the same time, after the spiritual power is fully compressed, it can withstand more internal spiritual power, and it will naturally become easier to achieve breakthroughs in practice.

Long Dangdang's internal spiritual power has already reached 3,099, but because he has cultivated the Blood Alchemy Body, he must wait until his external spiritual power reaches 3,090 before he can make progress together. So he can't really attack the sixth level now. But with the improvement of his mental power, he gradually felt the mystery of the solid state of spiritual power, which made his future breakthroughs very easy. As long as the spiritual power is there, breakthrough is almost a matter of course.

Only Ling Menglu saw that Long Dangdang persisted longer than herself, and no one else saw it. Therefore, when everyone woke up, Ling Menglu looked at Long Dangdang in a strange way.

With the bright moon in the sky, Ling Menglu chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "How did you do it? How long did you persist?"

With the bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang chatted privately with Ling Menglu, "About fifty seconds. I tried it and used the clone to share the mental pressure, and it worked. And the effect on improving mental power is more significant."

Ling Menglu looked at him in shock.

With the bright moon in the sky, Ling Menglu chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "Isn't your clone a skill? Can it also share the mental pressure?"

The bright moon was in the sky, and Long Dangdang chatted privately with Ling Menglu, "It seems like it's not just about skills. I don't fully understand it yet."

With the bright moon in the sky, Ling Menglu privately chatted with Long Dangdang, "It's a bit powerful, keep it in reserve."

With the bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang chatted privately with Ling Menglu, "I really didn't leave it this time. It was my body that left it for me. Do you believe it or not?"

With the bright moon in the sky, Ling Menglu chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "Should I believe it?"

With the bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang chatted privately with Ling Menglu, "It should be."

"Humph!" Ling Menglu rolled her eyes at him and ignored him.

By the time they were about to start their third attempt, Zisan Liuying, who had consumed a lot of energy, had not yet woken up. And until now, it is already the third day since they came to the second level, and no third team has come yet.

This time everyone's recovery speed was obviously a little faster than the first time.

"Kongkong, can you be more angry?" Long Dangdang looked at his younger brother. Somewhat helpless.

Long Kongkong blinked, "Do you have such high requirements for a fourth-level person?"

Long Dangdang said angrily: "Don't think I didn't see it. When you were meditating just now, your spiritual power was continuing to liquefy. You have reached the fifth level threshold, okay? Your mental state may not be that bad, mainly because Willpower. Be patient. Otherwise, I will complain to your goddess when you go back, saying that you are dragging down the team and your image will be tarnished."

Long Kongkong's eyes widened, "Are you my brother?"

Long Dangdang said earnestly and thoughtfully: "With deep love comes deep responsibility, do you understand?"

Long Kongkong said with a smile: "Brother, can you just love me?"

Long Dangdang kicked him away and said, "Get away."

The third round of attempts began. It was also at this time that Zisang Liuying finally woke up.

"Zisang, you can't hold on any longer, you almost got into trouble." Xiang Zisang Liuying said to Zisang seriously when they first met.

"Yeah." Zisan Liuying also felt his own problem this time. The cracks in the sea of ​​​​spirit were bigger than the first time, and he almost collapsed. If she hadn't been strong-willed, she might have been in danger. In this way, although the improvement is good, the recovery time will be longer. Not conducive to continued practice.

"Have they started again?" Zisang Liuying looked at the seven Long Dangdang people who were walking away neatly.

"Well, they are ready to start the third time." Cai Caijuan's eyes were always staring at Long Dangdang. Not only Zisang Liuying didn't understand, they also didn't understand why Long Dangdang could persist for so long!

Zisan Liuying resisted her headache and sat up straight, staring at Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu.

Under Long Dangdang's "encouragement", Long Kongkong finally didn't fall down after three impacts this time, and finally managed to hold on for a few more seconds. To be precise, it was four seconds, but this time, Ming Xi gritted his teeth and held on for six seconds. But they are the ones who have made the most progress except Long Dangdang.

Even Ling Menglu only lasted one second longer this time than the second time. The more you hold on backward, the greater the burden will be and the more unbearable it will be.

However, one person seems to be an exception. In other words, he is like a normal existence that does not belong to this world.

When Long Dangdang fell, time had passed, sixty-eight seconds!

Yes, a full sixty-eight seconds. It has exceeded the sixty seconds required for the assessment. Compared with the last time, it improved by a full eleven seconds.

Only Long Dangdang himself knows how he did it. This time, he evenly distributed the mental margins of the main body and the avatar to withstand the oppression. Moreover, start trying the five spiritual edges to resonate with each other and complement each other.

Although the pressure brought by the Evil Eye Tyrant is continuous, it is like a wave, with always peaks and troughs. Whenever a wave peak comes, he tries to speed up his mental rotation to quickly share the pressure, and at the same time tries to resolve the pressure in the process of sharing it. This allowed him to persist longer. This was still sixty seconds later, and the Evil Eye Tyrant raised the mental pressure to another level. Otherwise, the time he could endure would probably be longer.

"Is he really a human being?" Cai Caijuan said.

This idea even appeared in other people's minds at the same time.

Sixty-eight seconds! From the first thirty seconds, it has doubled. Could it be said that a person's spiritual power can double and grow so quickly? This is obviously impossible.

And Long Dangdang's own feeling is that he is open and happy!

When he woke up again, he clearly felt that his spiritual sea had become more solid, especially his ability to feel and control spiritual power, as well as his control of spiritual power through mental power, became more effortless. It can be said that we are making rapid progress. I tried to use mental power to solidify the liquid spiritual power, and it felt effortless. He even felt that although he had not yet reached the sixth level, he seemed to be able to do it if he managed to gather a spiritual wing.

If the first stage of training brings the greatest benefit, it is the summoner. Well, this round is actually more for priests and magicians. Of course, summoners are also big beneficiaries. The mental will test in the first level, plus the mental strength improvement in this level. The benefits to legal professions should definitely be greater. For melee professions, the long-term benefits are even greater. After all, mental strength is important to everyone.

But the benefits Long Dangdang gained exceeded those of others. The most important thing was that it allowed him to understand the way he should really control his clone and the path he should take.

He has decided that after returning this time, he must have a good chat. Well, practice the method of illusory mind and distraction, and strive to achieve the point where every clone can be controlled by one thought as soon as possible. He believed that by then, he would even be able to form a group by himself.

Zisan Liuying's recovery speed was affected by the second overload. It was not until Long Dangdang and the others recovered that Zisan Liuying and the others started their third attempt.

This time, Zisang Liuying did not force herself anymore. She persisted for forty-four seconds, but she was able to escape unscathed.

After all, she was still 46 seconds behind Ling Menglu.

At this time, the third demon hunting group finally came to the second level. It wasn't until they saw this team trying to withstand the mental pressure of the Evil Eye Tyrant that Zisan Liuying and the others felt like they had returned to the real world.

In less than thirty seconds, the group is destroyed! Even most people are finished within fifteen seconds.

However, this undoubtedly shows someone's abnormal state...

19115897 Demon Hunting Group, fourth attempt.

Long Kongkong, six seconds, Ming Xi, nine seconds. The base number is low, and it seems that the speed of progress will be greater.

Tao Linlin, thirty-five seconds, Wang Changxin, thirty-eight seconds, and Yue Li touched the edge of forty seconds for the first time. Ling Menglu, forty-seven seconds, steadily improving.

And the dragon dang dang, seventy-two seconds! His rate of improvement dropped significantly. But, seventy-two seconds! What is that concept?

Without considering the outbreak, he was able to withstand the evil eye tyrant's mental output which gradually increased to 60% of his own. That was the ninth-level monster, the evil-eyed tyrant.

But after this time, Xiaoxie broke through. Really reached level five. An important evolution of the Evil Eye lineage has been completed.

In the next two days, other teams also completed the first level of assessment. It was not until the twelfth day that all teams passed the first level. Only they themselves know how many times they have narrowly escaped death. But there is no doubt that many people have become more resilient while leaving a shadow in their hearts. At least they all seemed to have grown up a lot compared to before the three months of training.

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