The three major instructors finally gathered for the second level. Then, they took everyone with them to witness the miracle that someone was constantly creating.

When the average of other teams is still stuck at persisting for fifteen to twenty seconds. This one has already broken through eighty seconds.

After many days of practice attempts, Ling Menglu was able to pass fifty seconds, and Zi Sang Liuying, who was third, reached forty-eight seconds.

This is a fault-level gap. It also made the remaining members of the nine demon hunting groups know for the first time in their hearts that the number of peerless geniuses was no longer five, but six. There is one more knight named Long Dangdang. It seems that all the professions have finally been completed for Tianjiao.

After seventy-two seconds, Long Dangdang's improvement speed slowed down significantly. Even if the five major spiritual boundaries rotate, he can't withstand the evil eye tyrant's special care for him! It seems that he feels that this human being is unusual. After sixty seconds, the mental pressure brought by the Evil Eye Tyrant on him would be strengthened every time, thanks to the special treatment. It becomes difficult for Long Dangdang to strengthen even for a second.

However, he and his partners also went from trying once a day to trying twice a day. Everyone's mental strength has been restored and their mental toughness has been greatly enhanced. While other teams are still immersed in pain, they have already deeply felt the benefits brought by this second level.

Influenced by the Long Dangdang team and Zisang Liuying team. Other teams also gritted their teeth and did not use skills to increase their performance, and they were forced to bear the mental pressure. Therefore, a good example will always influence others. But this undoubtedly put everyone in a miserable state.

Long Dangdang was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. He himself couldn't even remember how many times he had endured the mental pressure of the Evil Eye Tyrant. Lying on his chest was Xiao Xie, who was huge and nearly one meter in diameter.

The growth of spiritual power is the most important to Xiao Xie. In just a few days, its progress can be said to be rapid. Perhaps it was also under the care of this elder of the clan that its potential was greatly developed. Coupled with the rapid growth of the host dragon Dangdang's own spiritual power, it has rapidly moved from the fifth-level monster to the sixth-level monster. The strength of the evil eyes comes from their mental power, which is equivalent to their spiritual power.

Long Dangdang silently felt the changes in his mental power. In the sea of ​​​​spirit, the golden liquid flowed slowly, because of its own viscosity. Being continuously compressed and tempered made his spiritual sea extremely stable and tough. His spiritual cultivation speed is equivalent to five times that of the same level! The pressure he endured once was actually equivalent to five exercises, and it also allowed him to make great progress in mobilizing the mental power of himself and his clones.

How many days has it been? This should be the twenty-third day since they entered the second stage. Excluding the days in the first level, they were already close to twenty days in the second level. During the entire process, he had endured the pressure of the Evil Eye Tyrant at least thirty times.

Eighty-eight seconds is Long Dangdang’s highest record. Now, no one can reach sixty seconds except him. Even Ling Menglu was stuck at fifty-five seconds.

And Long Dangdang is stuck at eighty-eight seconds for a while. It's not that he can't make progress, it's that the Evil Eye Tyrant doesn't let him make progress. Every time eighty seconds pass, the pressure brought by the Evil Eye Tyrant will increase as his strength increases. Yes, don't give him a chance to hold on longer at all.

Long Dangdang thinks this is good, at least it seems that he is not so outstanding?

All teams are stuck at this level, continuing to endure the oppression of the Evil Eye Tyrant. No team tries its best to pass the assessment. Because everyone is also aware of the benefits that can be brought here. It was really painful and happy!

Of course, there are also those who are dissatisfied. For example, the dragon is empty. It hurts! It hurt so much, he was afraid of pain the most.

However, under Long Dangdang's threats again and again, he had to reluctantly persist, although not to the limit. But the progress is really not small. Now he can hold on for more than twenty seconds. Although he is still at the bottom of all teams, compared with himself, it is still quite good.

Among the team, it was Ming Xi who made the most progress. Ming Xi can now hold on for thirty-five seconds. The strong sense of crisis gave this girl a very strong willpower. With constant persistence, her progress has been remarkable.

Zisang Liuying was also stuck there for fifty-five seconds now, just like Ling Menglu. However, the improvement during this period also made everyone feel for the first time that the three instructors did not seem so hateful.

"Bah bang bang." At this moment, the sound of clapping sounded.

Long Dangdang raised his head and took a look. It was discovered that three instructors were walking towards everyone. He quickly turned over and sat up, holding back his headache and holding on to the big tree next to him before he stood up again.

"I believe you have all realized the benefits of improving your mental power. However, I must remind you here!" It was the devil instructor who spoke.

"Your assessment in the second stage of training is not just two levels, but also a third level. If you fail to pass the third level, although you will not be eliminated, the team will be deducted a thousand merit points. Yes, after With special approval, your merit points are allowed to exist as negative numbers. Therefore, it is best to leave some time for yourself. There are still seven days left to pass all the levels."

Everyone has recently been immersed in the improvement of withstanding the pressure of the Evil Eye Tyrant, and they have really forgotten that there is a third level.

"Instructor, can I try to pass the third level without passing the second level?" someone asked.

The devil instructor shook his head and said: "Of course not. Unless you give up the second level. Oh, if you fail to pass the second level, one thousand merit points will be deducted."

Everyone was speechless. But the teams immediately gathered together and began to discuss countermeasures. That’s thousands of merits! No one can bear the deductions. Especially a certain team that has lost thousands of meritorious deeds before.

"What should we do?" The companions also gathered around Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang smiled slightly and said: "Let me ask you a question, is a thousand meritorious deeds more important, or is this opportunity to greatly improve mental power more important? And, are we short of a thousand meritorious deeds?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, but the next moment, their expressions became a little weird. Yes, for other teams, they are worried that the negative merit points will affect the final results of the three-month training camp and be eliminated. But for them, there is no such worry at all. Their merits are not only the highest among all the preparatory demon hunting groups, but they even far surpass other demon hunting groups, by no means. Let alone one thousand, even if two thousand merit points are deducted, he is still number one.

"What do you mean, we give up the third level and practice directly with the second level?" Ling Menglu asked.

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "There is no need to give up, but we can continue to practice here until the last two days, and then take a day off. We only need to challenge the instructors once. It's best if we can live naturally. We really haven't beaten us. I admit it. In just a few days, in the face of the instructors' oppression and actual combat, we should be able to improve to a good extent. But this kind of improvement through actual combat can still be found by strong people after we go back. But the improvement of mental power But it’s too difficult. We have no place to find another evil-eyed tyrant.”

"It makes sense." Tao Linlin was the first to agree. Long Kongkong had no objection at all and just rolled his eyes. Under the pressure of Long Dangdang, he has really suffered these days! But being mentally shocked is a punishment, being beaten by an instructor is also a punishment, that’s about it...

Others agreed. Although it can be said that they are living in dire straits these days under the torture of the Evil Eye Tyrant, everyone's mental strength has improved significantly. That was an all-round improvement. Whether it was the total mental capacity, the intensity of mental power, or the resilience of the spiritual sea, there had been considerable progress. This was definitely a rare opportunity.

After the discussion, the members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group naturally continued to fight against the Evil Eye Tyrant. Other teams have already begun to try to pass the test with all members in full status.

The so-called full state naturally means wearing and using all equipment, using all the priest's auxiliary skills, and facing the mental impact of the evil-eyed tyrant in the strongest state. In this case, the time that can be tolerated will naturally be strengthened a lot, and the results will also start to improve significantly.

Except for the special one Long Dangdang, the results of other teams have also caught up with the use of equipment.

With the full strength of Zisan Liuying's team, the four geniuses all passed sixty seconds smoothly. The other two were weaker, but with the support of equipment, they also reached fifty seconds. It's not far from passing the customs.

As for Long Dangdang and the others, they are not in a hurry to improve their performance. Naturally, other teams are well aware that they have a proven track record of meritorious deeds! This can't be compared.

As time continued to pass day by day, some teams finally began to pass the second level. Although they were barely able to pass it, they finally passed it. Zisang Liuying did not follow Long Dangdang's example, but chose to pass the test at the first opportunity. On nineteen days, they left here and entered the third level.

The third level assessment was not here, but went to another place, and the three instructors also left. The person responsible for caring for the students here has been replaced by an instructor. This made everyone realize that they were not only followed by the three instructors, but also other staff from the Demon Hunting Group headquarters.

But the third level assessment place should not be too far away from here, and it can still be easily felt when huge energy fluctuations erupt in the distance. Zisang Liuying and the others chose to leave first and proceed to the third level. It was obvious that they wanted to take the lead in this second stage of the assessment and win.

Regarding this, Long Dangdang is not anxious at all. A one-time victory is nothing. The most important thing is to get enough benefits!

Time passes like this day by day. Although each team hopes to pass all assessments, the second level is really not that easy. Except for Zisang Liuying and the others, the second team that passed had already reached the twenty-fifth day of the second stage. On the twenty-eighth day, only four of the nine teams passed. The evil eye tyrant's mental pressure is simply too strong.

"That's almost it. Let's get ready to pass the test." Long Dangdang greeted everyone after his friends recovered again.

After this period of training, Long Dangdang, Ling Menglu, Yue Li, Tao Linlin and Wang Changxin can all reach more than sixty seconds while naked, and Ming Xi has also exceeded forty-five seconds. Only Long Kongkong is relatively far ahead, still around thirty-five seconds. However, during this period of time, he officially broke through to the fifth level and became a true fifth-level earth knight, a rat knight to be precise.

Although there is still some time before the completion of the assessment, Long Kongkong's own mental power has improved very much. In terms of proportion, it may even be more improved than Long Dangdang. However, this painful process really made him miserable.

Ming Xi was obviously nervous. She still had fifteen seconds to pass the level. Even if she used equipment, she didn't have any equipment to resist the mental shock!

Then she saw Ling Menglu walking towards her, taking off a necklace from her neck, and hanging it around her neck. Then another spiritual furnace was released from Ling Menglu's chest, and a sledgehammer with glittering golden light was also handed into her hand. It was the sacred hammer.

Immediately afterwards, auxiliary magic was continuously released by Ling Menglu like a blowout, covering everyone with layers of protection.

"Cousin, what about me? Where about me?" Long Kongkong became a little anxious when he saw that Ling Menglu's equipment and the Sacred Hammer Spiritual Furnace were given to Ming Xi.

Ling Menglu and Long Dangdang looked at each other. The next moment, a spiritual furnace bloomed in front of them. Long Dangdang smiled strangely and said: "Brother, you have to hold on. One minute. Hold on in non-combat state. Just one minute."

Long Kongkong immediately understood what they were going to do, and said in horror: "Wait, you can come back when I reach my limit..."

Long Dang said: "When your mental strength reaches the limit, you will not be able to support it anymore. Don't panic, come on."

The next moment, two rays of light rushed out from in front of Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu at the same time, heading straight towards Long Kongkong, and the humanoid spiritual furnace appeared on Long Kongkong's own chest.

Appear, Cangyue Angel, Long Kongkong!

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