Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 205 A very expensive battle

Yes, Long Dangdang had already thought about how to let Long Kongkong pass this second level.

Under normal circumstances, even if Long Kongkong was given another month, his mental strength would not be up to standard. After all, the gap between his cultivation levels is quite big. However, after the fifth level, Long Kongkong's physical strength is different. In particular, he also has the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace that Long Dangdang does not have, which can continuously replenish his spiritual power. Therefore, Cangyue Angel Transformation is his best choice. Long Kongkong himself had never considered this possibility all this time because he never thought he could support Cang Yue Angel. However, unknowingly, he actually could.

The three streams of light converged, and Long Kongkong felt that his body quickly began to expand. The tearing pain also began to spread throughout the body. Only at this moment did he truly understand how much pain his brother endured when he first transformed into an Angel of Cang Yue. Compared with the original Long Dangdang, his current external spiritual power is much stronger. Recently, when he and Long Dangdang were resting mentally, they dug holes in the woods to absorb the blood of monsters to increase their external spiritual power. Because of his low base, the effect was very significant, and his external spiritual power had basically kept up with his internal power. The pace of spiritual power has also reached about two thousand. Just because there are many types of absorption, there has not yet been a situation like Long Dangdang's awakening of innate abilities.

Therefore, although he has only just entered the fifth level, in fact, his combined internal and external spiritual power is already about 4,000. Much stronger than Long Dangdang when he first carried Cang Yue Angel.

The body swelled, the spiritual power surged, the armor of the Cang Yue Angel began to appear on the body, and the whole person's mental state also began to undergo great changes. Fortunately, his mental strength has improved a lot during this period. Otherwise, he might not be able to hold on just because of this mental pressure.

It hurts, it hurts so much! However, this sense of power is really powerful.

Holding back the severe pain throughout his body, Long Kongkong, who had already expanded to three meters in height, turned to look at Long Dangdang, with an obvious hint of ill-intention in his eyes.

"If you plan to beat me up now, think about your future." Long Dangdang said calmly.

"Ahem, no way. I'm your dear brother! Let's start quickly, I'm not sure how long I can support it!" Long Kongkong couldn't wait to walk to the front.

The last time to endure the oppression of the Evil Eye Tyrant officially begins. The overwhelming mental pressure was familiar again.

Time passed by second by second. Although Long Kongkong in the Cangyue Angel state also felt the pressure was pressing, it was obviously much more relaxed than when he had endured it naked. What he has to do now is to fight against the severe pain in his body and the burden brought by the transformation of Cangyue Angel.

Several other teams that failed were watching, and then they saw with envy a minute later that 19115897 passed the Evil Eye Tyrant's assessment without any danger. This time, Long Dangdang persisted for nearly a hundred seconds. Yes, it took a full hundred seconds before his mental strength could no longer support him.

After canceling the transformation of Cangyue Angel, Long Kongkong fell to the ground as if he was exhausted. He stretched his limbs and felt the strong stinging pain coming from all over his body, but a strange look flashed in his eyes. For the first time, I felt the benefits of powerful power! It seems that it is somewhat beneficial for me to force myself to practice.

Since Long Dangdang was able to hold on for more than sixty seconds, he would no longer be unconscious. After more than twenty days of mental training, his spiritual sea has undergone great changes.

Relying on the cyclic carrying of five levels of spiritual margins, his mental power is equivalent to being tempered and improved five times all the time. The benefits reaped are much greater than others.

The overall change in mental capacity is the biggest. The five levels of spiritual edge take turns to bear the pressure, and the ability to withstand pressure is equivalent to a shared improvement. But the mental improvement it brings is superimposed. Therefore, his current mental power has been greatly improved, and he deeply feels the benefits of improved mental power. Whether it is the control of spiritual power, control of the body, control of magic elements or even clones, there has been a qualitative leap. He is definitely the biggest beneficiary at this stage.

If his external spiritual power hadn't reached the requirement yet, he would have already crossed the threshold of the sixth level. But this kind of transformation and improvement also gave Long Dangdang a lot of ideas.

As a dual practitioner of magic and knighthood, he himself has always been aware of his own problems. After entering the Spiritual Furnace Academy, he focused more on improving the knight profession and relaxed somewhat about magic. It's not that he wants to do this, but because he really feels that his energy cannot keep up with the improvement of two major professions at the same time, especially after owning the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace and the pressure of 200,000 spiritual powers in the future. , which forced him to devote more energy to improving his spiritual power.

Later, he had Xiao Ba and Xiao Xie to share the cultivation level improvement, which made it more difficult to complete the requirements of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. The reason why he focused more on the training of knights and he himself had some psychological changes was mainly because of Xiaoba. At that time, Long Kongkong shouted every day that he wanted to become a dragon knight. Why didn't he have this idea deep in his heart? That's a dragon knight!

But after more than twenty days of practicing spiritual power, he finally realized why he had to deviate. The most important reason was actually that his mental power could not keep up with the improvement of his spiritual power. Especially after the external spiritual power is improved through the blood alchemy body, the mental power becomes even more powerless. And mental power is obviously more important to magicians.

After more than twenty days, his mental power has been greatly improved, which not only improved his strength, but also allowed him to truly find his own way to improve himself. How to make yourself stronger.

After a whole day of rest, all members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group returned to their peak condition. And the time has come to the last day of the second phase.

Long Kongkong hugged Long Dangdang's shoulders with some complacency, "Brother, do you plan to let me continue to use Cangyue Angel today to be the main force of the whole group?"

Long Dangdang glanced at him and said, "You can have no talent or belief, and at least you can still be an ordinary person. But you can't be without self-awareness, or you will die quickly."

Long Kongkong's face froze, and he said a little unconvinced: "How do you know that I am not as good as you?"

Long Dang said: "Come on, if you beat me, you will be the main force."

Long Kongkong returned to reality in an instant, and quickly apologized with a smile: "I was wrong, brother. You thought I was letting off steam just now..."

Long Dangdang ignored him, called his friends to his side, and began to lay out tactics.

There is only one chance. If you pass, there is no need for merit punishment. If you fail, the thousand meritorious deeds will be lost. So, this is a very expensive fight.

After nearly two months of training, the team's cohesion is no longer what it used to be. Everyone has sincerely recognized Long Dangdang as the leader. It took two hours of serious discussion and deduction, and then Long Dangdang asked everyone to meditate and adjust to improve themselves to the best state.

It wasn't until the middle of the day, when the sun was at its strongest, that he led his companions to find the three instructors.

When they came here, their eyes became a little strange. Those teams that have passed the second level look even more miserable than those that have failed. Not far away, people fell to the ground one by one, either with bruises or swollen faces, or with their helmets and armor removed. They were as embarrassed as they could be. The only ones missing were Zisang Liuying and her friends.

There is no doubt that Zisan Liuying and the others passed the examination.

"You are finally willing to come here? You are not afraid of deducting merit, right?" the devil instructor said with a smile.

Long Dangdang smiled and said: "Reporting to the instructor, we are just making the best preparations."

"Are you ready now?" the mad instructor asked with the same smile.

Long Dangdang nodded.

The devil instructor said: "Start now?"

Long Dangdang and his friends saluted the three instructors, "Please give me advice."

The devil instructor said: "Very good. The third level test is very simple. If you persist for three minutes under the attack of the three of us, you will pass. The only one who has passed the level so far is Zisang Liuying's team. They tried seven times in total and finally passed the level successfully. .”

Long Dangdang smiled and said: "Instructor, there is no need to put pressure on us. If we can't pass, we will deduct merit points." Their demon hunting group has a total of more than 5,000 merit points, so they are really not afraid. So not only him, but all his partners were in a relatively relaxed mood at this time.

The crazy instructor clenched his fists and said, "You are so confident! I like you like this. Then come on."

The three instructors took a step forward almost at the same time. In an instant, without any warning, a huge pressure hit their faces.

Long Dangdang and his friends also responded immediately.

Long Dangdang stood alone at the front, Wang Changxin, a soldier, stood slightly behind him on the left, and Long Kongkong stood slightly behind on the right.

The summoning was completed immediately, and in front of Tao Linlin, the huge red-armored earth dragon appeared with a roar. Ling Menglu waved the staff in her hand, and an instant sacred blessing fell directly on everyone. Yue Li started chanting a spell and at the same time released his own Sun and Moon Spiritual Furnace.

The three spiritual furnaces shone with light, and the crystal clear armor directly covered Long Dangdang's body. With his figure soaring, he grasped the sacred hammer spiritual furnace released by Ling Menglu in the void in his right hand. At the same time, around him, four figures separated at the same time. These four figures were clearly four dragons, and they started chanting spells alternately after they appeared.

"Is this a demon hunting group?" Looking at the eleven figures in front of him, the mad instructor couldn't help but complain. Eleven people are already close to the configuration of two demon hunting groups.

The devil instructor shouted, "Start." The next moment, his body was ejected like a cannonball, and he rushed straight into the dragon in front of him. Dazzling golden light burst out, and terrifying spiritual power exploded crazily. At this time, he was as bright as a small sun. Come straight to Longdangdang with a magnificent momentum.

The fifth-level knight has the skill Sunshine Slash, but the devil instructor at this time is himself Sunshine. A powerful ability that can only be possessed by the seventh level, elemental body. There is no doubt that this one has no reservations.

Faced with this powerful impact, Long Dangdang did not retreat. Not only that, a ray of light shot out from his chest and hit the devil instructor. It was the knight's core spiritual furnace, Holy Yin!

The sacred hammer erupted with dazzling brilliance in Long Dangdang's hand. In an instant, two clusters of brilliant golden flames rose from the eyes of the Cangyue Angel that Long Dangdang transformed into. Not only him, but the four clones who appeared behind him also raised their heads at the same moment, and brilliant golden flames burst out from the eyes of each clone.

All this happened so fast that even the devil instructor had no time to react.

The sacred hammer in Long Dangdang's hand burst out with an unprecedented golden light almost instantly. The terrifying golden light was like an illusory golden flame, and it instantly fell on the devil instructor.

"I -" The devil instructor was about to say something in shock, but was blocked in his throat. His dazzling light was extinguished almost instantly. Under the stunned gaze of many would-be demon hunters lying on the ground in the distance. This paladin, who had reached the eighth level of cultivation, fell directly from the sky and fell to the ground.

At the same time, a strange soft white light was imprinted on the center of Long Dangdang's vest in the Cang Yue Angel state. It was a heart-shaped white light. The moment the light appeared, the golden flame in Long Dangdang's eyes was extinguished instantly, and the golden flames in the eyes of the four clones were also extinguished at the same time. Their eyes dimmed a bit. But the action didn't stop at all.

When the devil instructor rushed towards Long Dangdang, the mad instructor and the banshee instructor also rushed out at the same time. The mad instructor had a big sword in his hand. As soon as his body flashed, he jumped up high, and a huge light slashed in the direction of Long Kongkong like the beginning of the world. However, it was blocked by a head-on collision with the oncoming red-armored earth dragon.

With a cultivation level as high as seventh level, the crazy instructor knocked the red-armored earth dragon away with just one sword strike. Yes, he knocked it away, not chopped it. He was afraid of killing this red-armored earth dragon. He didn't want to pay for this loss. This was training after all. But his figure was also blocked by the powerful impact of the red-armored earth dragon, and he was knocked back ten meters away.

The speed of the banshee instructor on the other side was like a ghost. It has already bypassed the side and gone straight to the three legal professions of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group. As a powerful seventh-level king thorn, she certainly knows how to defeat a team. But, the next moment, she was surrounded!

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