This is already the fifteenth time Long Dangdang has opened his eyes. He is only fifteen years old this year, not yet sixteen. His life experience is not particularly rich. If I have to say rich, it is because I started to practice cultivation after testing my spiritual power in the temple, and met two ninth-level teachers, and gradually became different.

Therefore, every time he closed his eyes, what came to his mind was what happened in the past ten years. And all of this seems very simple. Cycle over and over again, watch over and over again. Long Dangdang thought that he should be able to grasp the key points early and find the point in his heart that he wanted to protect.

For him, the closest people are his parents and younger brother. But for some reason, whenever he wanted to make a choice, there was always an inexplicable feeling in his heart that made him unable to make a decision and even had to break free from his memories.

Looking at the vast whiteness in front of him, Long Dangdang became a little startled. What's wrong with you? It should be easy to make a decision! Why do I always have that feeling of uncertainty? It seems that his life is not just that simple, but there is a huge, huge area that he cannot remember.

He could only vaguely feel some emotional changes. Whenever the fragmented memories in his mind are about to complete a cycle, a special emotion will begin to appear in his mind. The emotions are very complex, including warmth, happiness, but also sadness. And this feeling will continue to become stronger as the number of cycles increases. It was as if there was a special, particularly important existence deep in his consciousness, and that existence was in this unknown emotion.

What on earth is going on? Long Dangdang took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. But this time, the speed of the cycle seemed to be faster, and his heart began to become nervous. Because he knows that when the cycle ends, that is when the emotion appears. Will it be more intense this time?

Finally, all the memory fragments came to an end, even to the scene where they experienced the test of the Evil Eye Tyrant and the battle with three instructors. The next moment, Long Dangdang felt that his spirit and will suddenly trembled violently. The previous emotions exploded again. But this time, his feelings were particularly clear.

The strongest emotional fluctuations are warmth and love, followed by deep happiness. However, at the end of the day, strong sadness and reluctance filled his heart.

What on earth is it! tell me!

Long Dangdang roared hard in his heart, and he tried hard to break free from something through his spiritual will, as if breaking free from the shackles in his mind. He eagerly wanted to see why he had such emotions in his heart.

But at this moment, suddenly, the frozen memory fragments suddenly became brighter. All emotions converged at this moment, only the warmth amplified the unprecedented warmth and soothed the irritability in his heart, and the soft golden halo lingered in his heart. A voice seemed to appear in his mind. The voice was vague and ethereal, but it seemed very clear.

"Love yourself well!"

The next moment, gold filled everything.

"It's so annoying." Long Kongkong felt helplessly for the thirtieth time, feeling his own cycle. He was also helpless. At first, when he looked at the memory fragments and looked back at the past, he was full of novel feelings. Various expressions will be shown from time to time. For example, the anger when being punished by my brother, the happiness when I act like a spoiled child with my mother, and the happiness when I cheat my father with my brother. Let him enjoy watching it.

However, even if it is a good-looking story, it will become boring if you read it too much! It wasn't until the tenth time that he remembered what he was doing.

Keep your heart. What's there to keep? You don’t need to come to this damn place to know what to guard! Dad, mom, brother, um, and goddess. Is it okay to keep four? It's that simple. The simpler, the better. That's it.

But, it's not over. When he closed his eyes, there were still fragments of images appearing, as if there was an invisible force that was still stimulating his heart and his emotions, making his emotions gradually become irritable. Feel.

Whenever a cycle ends, this emotion will amplify, and he will gradually feel something. It was as if something in the deepest part of my heart was being constantly touched. He didn't feel anything at first, but as time went on, Long Kongkong found that something in his heart seemed to be trembling. That emotion made him feel very uncomfortable.

And every time a cycle ended, the discomfort would become a little more intense, making his mood even more depressing.

At first, he didn't know what kind of emotion it was. And as this feeling of depression became stronger and stronger, he gradually began to feel, that is, despair!

Yes, there is only one emotion and that is despair. Endless despair, even crazy despair.

Why! What am I despairing about? He kept asking himself in his mind. I am obviously very happy and joyful! He has very good parents, and even though he is annoying sometimes, he still loves him very much and always protects him. He also has the ideal goddess of the future in his mind. What are you despairing about?

However, there is no answer, only touching again and again, and despair that keeps deepening again and again. And Long Kongkong's mood began to become more and more irritable. When the thirtieth cycle had just ended, the moment the cycle was frozen, the strong negative emotions suddenly hit his consciousness, and everything around him began to glow with a faint purple color. When this layer of purple began to appear, Long Kongkong opened his eyes fiercely.

At this moment, he felt as if there was a mirror in front of him. He saw himself in the mirror. He saw the purple lines starting to appear on his body, and he also saw his eyes that were beginning to emit purple light. Those were a pair of calm eyes, calm and not even despairing, but rather, just destruction.

And at this moment, everything around him suddenly shook violently. The next moment, he changed in the mirror. All the purple color disappeared, replaced by "him" with golden light all over his body. The soft golden light in his eyes was no longer full of destructive emotions, but a kind of deep warmth.

"He" in the mirror murmured to himself, "Do you need to love yourself properly?"

Long Kongkong was stunned for a moment, the irritability and despair in his heart, and even the peaceful silence receded like the tide. The "him" in the mirror is not me, it seems to be, brother!

"Brother--" he tried to shout. But Long Dangdang in the mirror still murmured, "Love yourself well!"

The next moment, the golden color suddenly assimilated, and Long Kongkong's body condensed slightly. At this moment, an uncontrollable thought arose in his heart.

yes! Only by protecting yourself can you protect everything you want to protect. is that so?

Long Dangdang in the mirror seemed to think of something at the same time, and murmured: "I understand."

They raised their heads at the same time, as if they saw each other at the same moment. The next moment, all the white began to fade away quickly. The intense dizziness caused them to lose consciousness.

Priest Temple Headquarters.

"Grandpa, is there no news yet? It's been nine months. Why!" Ling Menglu's beautiful eyes were dim.

Mr. Ling sighed deeply and said: "This is the first time such a situation has happened since the establishment of the Zhengxin Hall. Zhengxin is actually not a difficult thing. Under normal circumstances, it will take at most a month. Completed the righteousness of mind. Before them, the longest record was three months and six days. But it took them nine months to come out. Even the most evil people still have their own persistence. and guardians. We also discussed it for a long time, but we didn’t know what happened to them. After all, Zhengxin Temple was established not too long ago, and this case also reminded everyone.”

Ling Menglu said anxiously: "Are they in danger?"

Mr. Ling did not say a word, and his old face seemed to dim a bit at this moment.

Ling Menglu had asked the same question a few months ago. At that time, he gave a decisive negative answer. The Zhengxin Palace itself is not a place of risk. However, nine months have passed, a full nine months have passed. The two children still didn't come out, which made it impossible for him to judge whether there was really a risk.

Ling Menglu said: "Can't we forcefully pull them out of their true hearts?"

Mr. Ling shook his head and said: "The principle of Zhengxin Temple is to stimulate the spiritual world at a deep level, so that people can feel the deepest things in their spiritual world more keenly, and then supplement it with Zhengxin. Let them feel their innermost feelings. Persistence, so that this persistence is imprinted in the core of the spirit, no matter what the future holds, they can never forget their original intention. Once they are forcibly pulled out, the spiritual sea will be damaged, and they will become insane even if they die. At present, they My mental fluctuations have always been severe, but there are no signs of collapse, so I can really wait."

Ling Menglu couldn't help but said: "Then when will the first stop be? The setting of the Zhengxin Palace is unreasonable! It can't even be terminated in case of emergencies."

Mr. Ling sighed and said: "This is indeed a problem, which we were not aware of before. Zhengxin Palace will definitely make changes in the future, but for them, it is too late now. I am wondering if it will Your aunt and the others came to call these two children from the outside world to see if they could have some effect."

"Deputy Palace Master Ling." A respectful voice suddenly came from outside. This was the guardian specially sent by the Priest Temple for Mr. Ling, a strong man who always followed the old man. Only he can contact Mr. Ling at all times.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Ling asked calmly.

"There is movement over there at the Zhengxin Palace."

Hearing these words, Mr. Ling and Ling Menglu stood up almost at the same time, and Ling Menglu turned around excitedly and rushed out.

In the Zhengxin Hall, old men wearing gorgeous robes gathered together in just a quarter of an hour. The white light was fluctuating violently, and the magic arrays in the entire Zhengxin Palace seemed to have come alive. However, in addition to the original white light, there are also golden and purple lights flashing from time to time.

Several people present were high-ranking officials of the Magic Temple and the Priest Temple. Since the incident at Zhengxin Hall, it has been out of use, and they have been waiting for the results.

Wu Di frowned slightly. As the second person in the Magic Temple and one of the top experts in the world, he was silently feeling the energy fluctuations in the Zhengxin Temple.

"The golden one is bright, pure and thick. What does this purple represent? Who among you knows?" Wu Di asked.

Several other old men around him, including Mr. Ling, all shook their heads. Mr. Ling said: "I don't know, does being surrounded by the power of light have dark attributes?"

Wu Di said: "I thought it was so at first. After all, Long Dangdang also has dark attributes, but then I didn't think it was the same. The dark attributes come from annihilation, but this purple color makes me feel scared. As a dark element The controller, there has never been a dark element that would make me feel this way. So, it shouldn’t be darkness.”

"Look!" Another Magic Temple member suddenly said. Everyone's attention was also attracted. The purple mixed between gold and white was fading rapidly, as if it was swallowed up by the gold. The entire Zhengxin Hall suddenly became clear, and the rich power of light was filled with a sacred flavor, making it Everyone except Wu Di felt refreshed. The next moment, two figures appeared in the middle of the Zhengxin Hall almost at the same time.

They were standing there, but with their heads lowered and their foreheads touching each other, they were like conjoined twins growing together.

Compared with nine months ago, they all looked taller and the expressions on their faces looked very calm. With identical faces, it is impossible to tell who is Long Dangdang and who is Long Kongkong.

Ling Menglu sighed, "I'm finally back, I'm finally back."

At this moment, the two brothers raised their heads at the same time, and even straightened their eyes at the same time. Their eyes were filled with a thick golden light.

The old man standing at the front of the Magic Temple asked in a deep voice: "Who are you protecting us?"

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong said almost in unison: "Protecting yourself is the beginning of protecting everything!"

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