Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 210 Officially Becoming a Demon Hunter

Protecting yourself is the beginning of protecting everything!

Listening to the words of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, the faces of many senior officials of the Magic Temple and Priest Temple present had different expressions. No doubt this answer sounds strange. But it is indeed within a reasonable range. It's not like similar situations have never happened before. The only question is, why did it take them nine months for such an answer that seemed to be the simplest in Shou's mind.

Ling Menglu stood in the back row, looking at Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. After hearing their answers, she breathed a sigh of relief.

What she was most worried about was that they would not be able to complete Shouxin, or even sink in the Shouxin Palace. According to the rules of the Shouxin Palace, only the most evil and evil people would be in such a situation. Of course she didn't believe that they were treacherous, but she couldn't stand the two holy temples and wouldn't allow this to happen! What's more, they are still preparing demon hunters, which is extremely important to the alliance, and they are also in charge of the spiritual furnace of wisdom.

"What did you see while guarding your heart?" Mr. Ling asked in a deep voice. If he doesn't ask, others will.

Long Dangdang said: "I saw my own past, and various scenes flashed before my eyes like fragments, many pictures. And then cycled again and again."

Mr. Ling asked again, "Then why did you come up with the answer that protecting yourself is the beginning of protecting everything?"

Long Dangdang said: "Because I didn't know what to do before. My brother and I grew up under the care of our parents since childhood. Later we became professionals and made progress under the training of teachers. Later we entered Linglu Academy. , in this process, I have been living a happy, fulfilling and joyful life. At the same time, the people around me have always been protecting me. But I don’t seem to have protected anything else, so I have been looking for what I want to protect. The target, but I was always a little confused. It wasn’t until after many cycles that I suddenly realized that if I could protect myself and reduce the trouble for those who protect me, it seemed to be the best choice.”

After hearing his explanation, the expressions of the senior officials of the two major temples present gradually calmed down. Although it was a bit strange, it seemed that this was a logical explanation. It seemed that it took a long time just because the young man was too entangled, or that he thought too comprehensively.

Mr. Ling turned to Long Kongkong, "What about you?"

Long Kongkong looked at his grandfather, then at his brother, and replied: "Same."

The corner of Mr. Ling's mouth twitched, "Speak carefully."

Long Kongkong coughed and said: "It's almost the same as my brother! I also looked at the cycle again and again, and I didn't know what to protect. In the end, I really had no choice. I thought, if I protect myself, if I don't give Everyone seems to be doing fine by looking for trouble. Then they come out."

Mr. Ling turned to look at the other senior officials of the two major temples and said, "What do you think?"

Wu Di said calmly: "Isn't this answer consistent with guarding one's heart? Guarding one's heart means guarding one's heart and protecting oneself. I think this should be the best answer, as it is the least likely to be shackled by external things. Keep one's mind right and one's self right. very good."

A smile appeared on Mr. Ling's face. He knew that this man had accepted Long Dangdang as his registered disciple. It's okay for a teacher to speak for his disciples.

An old man standing next to Mr. Ling suddenly said in a deep voice to Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong: "There is darkness in your hearts!" When he said these words, the voice sounded in the minds of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. As if suddenly magnified, their spirits swayed like a powerful bell, and even their own spiritual power burst out.

Dragon Dangdang's body exudes colorful light. Water, fire, earth, wind and the power of light sit in the center. The light is surrounded by the halos of the four basic elements, making it colorful.

And what Long Kongkong exudes is pure light. A soft halo bursts out, not too powerful, but with a neutral and peaceful flavor.

The two brothers said in unison: "There is no darkness."

The old man nodded slightly and said: "I have no problem." This is the master of the contemporary priest temple. His simple question is not simple. He used the power of divine magic to here Under intimidation and with the huge difference in levels between the two sides, no one could lie in front of him.

Mr. Ling frowned slightly, but didn't say anything. This was also a normal process.

At this moment, light surged from Long Kongkong's chest, and a golden figure floated out, "Your method of righteousness is inaccurate and redundant. There is no need to use it on their brothers. Could it be that in the first place Will our choice still be wrong?"

Seeing the appearance of this figure, several senior officials of the two major temples present were stunned for a moment, but soon recognized this person's identity.

Although her voice was gentle, it had an invisible pressure. It was not pressure from power, but an invisible level of pressure. The moment she appeared, all the magic in the Zhengxin Palace was suppressed. The elements sank like dust to the ground, as if they were all worshiping her.

"Senior Yutong?" Over at the Magic Temple, the leader was a female magician. Her entire body was covered in a magic robe like a large cloak, and her gender could only be identified from her body shape. Her voice turned out to be very clear, with surprise.

The Master of the Priest Temple bowed slightly together with several senior officials and said, "I have met Senior Yutong."

However, Yutong didn't say any more, just waved his hand, and then turned into light again and merged into Long Dangdang's body and disappeared without a trace.

The high-level officials of the two major temples looked at each other for a moment, and then each nodded. A middle-aged man in light armor who seemed to be the only one who did not belong to the two temples said in a deep voice: "I have completed my righteousness. Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong, from today on, you are an official member of the Demon Hunting Group. , on behalf of the Demon Hunting Group Headquarters, I welcome you to join us."

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong didn't know how long they had been in the Zhengxin Hall, and each performed a knight's salute.

Ling Menglu then ran out from behind her grandfather and came to the two of them. She pulled them out with one hand in each hand and saluted the senior officials of the two major temples.

The Master of the Priest Temple smiled slightly, turned to look at Mr. Ling and said, "Brother Ling's family background is such that Sun Neng was chosen by Senior Yutong. He is truly the proud son of heaven!"

Mr. Ling bowed slightly and said, "Thank you, Palace Master, for your appreciation. They still have a long way to go."

The Master of the Priest Temple said: "We can lean in if we need help from this temple in the future." As he spoke, his body began to gradually become more transparent, dissipating silently like a halo. The other high-level officials of the Priest Temple also turned into light and dissipated away.

The female senior executive of the Magic Temple, the only one standing in front of Wu Di, walked over quickly, her gaze falling on Long Kongkong, "The Spirit Furnace Academy has hidden this matter very deeply! Unexpectedly, Senior Yutong actually chose someone. Unfortunately, you are from the Knights Temple."

As she spoke, she turned to Long Dangdang aside and said: "Long Dangdang, I have heard of you. Senior Wu Di said that he would accept you as a registered disciple. The choice between knights and magic in the future is up to you. But the gate of the Magic Temple It is always open to you. Although the Magic Temple does not have the Divine Seal Throne, it still has artifacts that belong to us. That's it!" Silver light flickered around her body, and the next moment, she disappeared suddenly.

Space magic? Long Dangdang was shocked to recognize this extremely special attribute.

Other high-level officials of the Magic Temple also left one after another, and only Wu Di remained.

Wu Di came to Long Dangdang and said: "It took you nine months to be honest this time. This is unprecedented. That's why it attracts so many people to pay attention. That's why there are so many questions for you. But this It’s not a bad thing. The activation of Zhengxin Temple requires a lot of resources, and it will polish and enhance your spiritual world. After you go back, you must meditate for three days in a row to stabilize your spiritual sea, which will be good for your future. It will be of great benefit to your growth. Dangdang, especially you, you are half a magician, the improvement of your mental power will be of great benefit to you."

"Yes, thank you, teacher." Although Long Dangdang has not yet felt the changes in the Sea of ​​Spirits, even a strong man like Wu Di said that it has great benefits to the Sea of ​​Spirits, so it must be great. What shocked him was that nine months had actually passed. In his own opinion, at most, only a few days had passed.

"Nine months? Wow, then I'm almost sixteen years old, almost an adult?" Long Kongkong shouted from the side. According to the rules of the Holy Demon Continent, sixteen years old is indeed considered an official adult.

The next moment, he seemed to have thought of something, jumped up eagerly, turned around and was about to run outside.

A ball of golden light turned into a big hand and grabbed him, "What are you doing?" Mr. Ling said angrily.

Long Kongkong struggled anxiously, "Grandpa, I have a friend waiting for me. It was said to be one month before, but now it's nine months. She must be waiting impatiently."

"Be quiet. Senior Wu Di has told you to meditate for three days before you can move freely. I have already gone to Hepburn and told her that you have the opportunity to practice in seclusion, and the time will be longer. She has already Got it." Ling Menglu said.

Long Kongkong blinked and then breathed a sigh of relief, "Cousin is the best."

Wu Di looked at the jumping Long Kongkong, and then looked at Long Dangdang who still seemed calm even though he knew he was honest for nine months, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the personalities of these twins are really different.

"Okay, Xiao Ling, take them to meditate. Don't let them leave within three days." Wu Di said to Mr. Ling.

"Yes." Mr. Ling bowed slightly in greeting. Although in terms of rank, he and Wu Di were both at the level of deputy palace masters, but in terms of seniority, Wu Di was two full generations older than him. It is appropriate to observe discipleship etiquette.

What Long Dangdang was a little curious about at this time was the fact that the female magician from before was willing to stand behind her due to her powerful strength and seniority. That female magician should not be the master of the Magic Temple. After all, she was What is your identity?

The two brothers followed Mr. Ling directly back to the Priest Temple headquarters, Mr. Ling's exclusive room.

"Fortunately, you two are safe, otherwise I wouldn't know how to explain it to your mother. I have asked the Priest Temple to inform your father about you becoming a demon hunter. When you have time, go back and take a look. They. It’s been nearly two years since you came out. Let’s not talk about this for now. You should meditate for three days as Senior Wu Di said, and wait until three days before talking about anything else.”

"Thank you, grandpa." Long Dangdang grabbed Long Kongkong, who still wanted to ask his grandpa, and answered immediately.

Mr. Ling took them into his exclusive training room, opened the internal magic circle to condense spiritual power, and then opened the magic circle to isolate the outside world, and then left.

"Brother." Long Kongkong looked at Long Dangdang, his eyes obviously twinkling.

Long Dangdang stopped him with his eyes, "Let's meditate first. If you have anything else to say, we can wait until we get back to the dormitory."

Although they have different personalities, they are twin brothers after all and have the same mind. Long Kongkong immediately understood something and nodded. The two began to meditate together.

Silently look inside, with one mind. Soon, Long Dangdang entered a meditative state. The next moment, he discovered the difference in his spiritual sea.

When resisting the pressure from the Evil Eye Tyrant, his mental power improved quickly, especially the compression of mental power, which had an excellent effect. But the spiritual power and spiritual sea that had been improved at that time were obviously unstable because of the rapid improvement. At this moment, when he looked inside intently, his first reaction was that his spiritual sea was so harmonious.

Yes, only the word harmony can describe the state of his spiritual sea at this time. In the spiritual sea, the spiritual power like a lake flows steadily and fluctuates gently. Not only does the area become larger, but it also becomes more harmonious. The mental power was completely transformed into a liquid state, turning crystal clear into a light golden color. As soon as he moved his mind, the mental power would naturally change along with his consciousness.

Long Dangdang began to understand why Wu Di asked them to meditate for three days. The main reason is to let them adapt to the changes in their own mental power and integrate it with their bodies.

At the same time, Long Dangdang looked at his current state intently. Full of spiritual power, not much progress. There is no improvement in external spiritual power. However, the mutual integration of physical and mental power has obviously become different. It suddenly dawned on him that the Hall of Righteous Heart was not just for the sake of righting one's mind, but was also an important opportunity for professionals who could enter there. Didn’t they say that before? Zhengxin Palace requires a lot of resources.

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