Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 211 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group

Time always passes quickly during meditation, and three days fly by in a blink of an eye. Within three days, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were both realizing their own changes. When the meditation ends, their most obvious feeling is that their body and mind are clear, and their whole body feels indescribably comfortable.

Ling Menglu had been waiting for them, and after they finished their meditation, she told them what had happened in the past nine months.

After starting with Zhengxin, the first person in their team to complete Zhengxin was Ming Xi. Ming Xi's Zhengxin even created the fastest speed in the history of Zhengxin Palace. It only took three days. Her answer is to protect justice, and she is extremely firm and resolute. Gained the attention of the Assassin Temple.

The other people's process of rectifying their minds was relatively normal. Tao Linlin took 21 days, Yue Li took 28 days, and Wang Changxin took 31 days. Ling Menglu spent forty-five days on her own, which was already a very long time to be in the right mind.

But no one expected that it would take so long for Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong to be righteous.

While several other teams rectified their minds relatively smoothly, it only took Zisang Liuying and the others a little more than a month to complete the rectification of their minds. Once you complete the righteous team, you can officially become a demon hunting group. They have passed all the tests. Only 19115897 prepared a demon hunting group, but due to Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, they were never able to form a group.

In desperation, Ling Menglu could only ask everyone to go back to practice and wait for Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong to complete their righteousness. If the team members are not all present, the team cannot be officially formed. Even the rewards they received in the Demon Hunting Group Trials have not been distributed yet. Once Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are unable to pass Zhengxin, even the sub-spirit crystals previously issued by the Demon Hunting Group will be taken back.

"How do you feel now? No one has ever been as honest as you for so long." Ling Menglu asked.

Long Kongkong said angrily: "It's not good. I haven't improved my cultivation for nine months. How can it be okay? My mental strength is not bad, it has improved a bit, and it seems to be much more stable than before."

Long Dangdang said: "Don't listen to him. There are still many benefits. My mental power feels like it has been polished and perfected, and my mental control has been greatly strengthened. Although our cultivation has fallen behind, our cultivation speed in the future should be improved." It’s increased a lot.”

Ling Menglu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Nine months difference in cultivation is nothing. Our cultivation speed is faster than others. As long as you are fine, it will be fine. Let's go, you can go back and have a rest. Go see Kong Kong too." His goddess. We will gather tomorrow and officially form a group. Fortunately, we have accumulated a lot of merit during the previous training, and we are not left behind too much now. However, I heard that Zisang and the others are preparing to upgrade to the general-level demon hunting group. ”

Long Dangdang said in surprise: "So fast? Doesn't it mean that meritorious deeds are not so easy to accumulate?"

Ling Menglu said: "They seem to have completed a big mission and received many meritorious rewards. Upgrading to a general-level demon hunting group has many benefits. There are also more equipment that can be redeemed. So I chose to prioritize upgrading the team level."

Long Dangdang narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "We can't fall behind."

Returning to the dormitory of Linglu Academy, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong didn't actually feel much. After all, the previous process in the Zhengxin Hall seemed to them to have only been a few days. But they will leave here soon. After officially becoming demon hunters, they will naturally have their own place to live.

Ling Menglu asked them to have a good rest first and left.

Long Kongkong couldn't wait to run out, but was caught by Long Dangdang. Drag him to the training room of his dormitory.

When Long Dangdang closed the door of the training room, Long Kongkong calmed down and realized something.

"Brother, thank you." Long Kongkong suddenly said softly.

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment, but the next moment he immediately opened the sound insulation barrier in the training room.

"What did you feel? At that time." Long Dangdang asked.

Long Kongkong said: "It's what we have experienced in the past. However, when there are too many cycles, at the end, I seem to have a particularly uncomfortable feeling. I seem to see myself changing, turning purple, and then I feel particularly desperate. Then, there was an urge to destroy everything. But at that time, I saw you and heard your voice. You told me to love myself! Then my emotions seemed to calm down. Come down, and then come out.”

Long Dangdang was stunned. He really didn't expect that his brother's situation would be like this, and it was different from his own. Unexpectedly, it was because of his influence that his younger brother was able to end the difficulties at that time. But there is no doubt that none of them have passed through the righteous mind normally.

"My feelings are different from yours. What I feel is intense sadness, sadness that comes out of nowhere. Whenever the cycle reaches the end, this kind of sadness rushes over, making me feel unbearable. Then I seemed to hear a voice, telling me to love myself, so I repeated that sentence. If what you heard was my voice, then where did the voice I heard come from? "

Long Kongkong was stunned, "Could it be me?"

Long Dangdang shook his head and said, "It's definitely not you. Can I still deny your voice?"

Long Kongkong was silent, and after a moment he said: "Brother, are we really different? It seems that there is almost something wrong with our integrity."

Long Dang said: "After we become demon hunters, we must find an opportunity to go home and ask our mother."

Long Kongkong nodded and said: "Okay. But, brother, have you ever thought about it. When we were at the Holy Mountain of Knights, those high-level monsters seemed to sense something from us. It was like the Dragon King was holding Xiaoba gave you the contract, it seems to have something to do with this."

Long Dangdang was moved in his heart, nodded, and said: "I have thought about it. It seems to be related. But the Dragon Emperor obviously has no intention of explaining."

Long Kongkong said: "Then let's go back and ask my mother."

Long Dangdang said: "Don't tell anyone about this matter."

Long Kongkong said: "I know. When you were rushing to answer in the Zhengxin Hall, weren't you hinting at me? Am I smart?"

Long Dangdang glanced at him and said: "I can only say that he is not too stupid."

"You can't praise me. Is there anything else? No, I have to go find Sister Hepburn quickly. I don't know if she is angry with me. I'm leaving!" After saying that, he went out in a hurry. run. Long Dangdang did not stop him this time.

After thinking for a moment in the training room, he took out the sub-spirit crystal that represented the demon hunter's identity.

Internal spiritual power, three thousand nine hundred and ninety, external spiritual power, three thousand seven hundred and eighty. Six steps away, a thin line separates them. As long as the external spiritual power increases the intensity of the inner spiritual power, for him, reaching the sixth level is an instant matter.

The bright moon is in the sky and the dragon is shining: "We are back. We will gather at the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group tomorrow."

The bright moon was in the sky, Ling Menglu said: "Welcome back."

The bright moon was in the sky, Ming Xi said, "Wow, Captain, you are finally back! It took so long. Report to Captain, I am at the sixth level."

The bright moon is in the sky, and the moon is far away. "Finally, we are back. We are all worried to death."

With the bright moon in the sky, Tao Linlin said, "Captain, you are back. We can finally become official demon hunters, but let's take off."

The bright moon was in the sky, Wang Changxin said, "It'll be nice to come back."

The bright moon is in the sky and the dragon is shining, "See you tomorrow."

Half an hour later, Long Dangdang saw Long Kongkong again, but at this time, his brother looked downcast.

"What? Hepburn doesn't want to see you?" Long Dangdang looked at his younger brother and asked.

Long Kongkong shook his head and said: "Hepburn's father said that Sister Hepburn is going on a graduation trip. Organized by their college. She will go for a month. She just left for a week and won't be back for another three weeks."

Long Dangdang comforted him: "That will be soon. Did you bring back some pork rib rice? I'm hungry."

Long Kongkong was stunned for a moment, but in an instant he also felt the hunger in his belly, "Ahem, I didn't care. Let's go and eat in the store."

Theoretically, they haven't eaten for nine months!

Early morning, Demon Hunter headquarters.

As the gathering place for demon hunters and the place where missions are issued, the demon hunter headquarters is located in the temple headquarters. There is a separate area of ​​its own. This area is so big that no other temple can even fit within the scope of the temple headquarters. This shows the importance of demon hunters in the Federation, especially in the six major temples.

Demon hunters are not simply under the jurisdiction of the six temples, but also under the federal government. Supported by special funding from the federal government. There is an unwritten rule among the six temples. If you want to become a temple, you must have experience as a demon hunter. And you have to achieve considerable achievements while being a demon hunter.

The history of the Demon Hunting Group is almost equal to the history of the six major temples. It is extremely difficult for ordinary professionals to become demon hunters. In addition to the selection competitions for the highest universities, there will also be some selections within the six major temples. But in the end, very few can form a group. Demon hunters look not only at strength, but also at talent, potential, character, etc.

Today, it was only early in the morning, and several young people had already arrived at the Demon Hunter headquarters.

The leaders were surprisingly identical twin brothers.

"Hey, you two have grown a lot taller! You are now over 1.85 meters." Tao Linlin looked at Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong in front of her with a look of surprise on her face.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong hadn't noticed much before. After all, they were so similar that they were the same even if they were taller. Looking at each other was like looking in a mirror. When Tao Linlin said this, I really felt that I seemed to have grown taller, because my weight had not changed, and I even looked a little thinner than before. At this time, they were also changing from teenagers to young adults.

"After all, it's only nine months. It's a good thing that I didn't delay my growth." Yue Li said with a smile.

Everyone reunited, but Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong didn't feel much. After all, the time they spent in perception was very short. For others, it was filled with joy.

Long Dangdang observed his friends, and they all also experienced certain changes. After all, they were all in adolescence and were growing up very quickly. Tao Linlin also grew taller, and so did Ming Xi. Yue Li seems to have changed the least. Wang Changxin is not only taller, but also seems to be slender and healthier, with solid and steady eyes. She is obviously three years younger than Yue Li, but she looks more mature and steady than Yue Li. No need to ask, Long Dangdang can guess that she must have made considerable progress in blood alchemy.

Ling Menglu has also grown taller, and is now over 1.7 meters tall, exuding a richer youthful aura. When the seven of them stand together, this goddess is still the most dazzling and eye-catching.

"Today we have to do two things, form a demon hunting group, and then receive the rewards from the previous demon hunting group trials." Ling Menglu said to Long Dangdang.

"Okay. Let's go, everyone has been waiting for too long."

Long Dangdang brought his friends to the front desk of the headquarters, showed his demon hunter badge, and explained his purpose.

The front desk completed the identity verification first, and then immediately started the formalities for them to officially form a demon hunting group.

The number is still the previous 19115897. Level: sergeant level.

Leader: Long Dangdang, deputy leader, Ling Menglu. Team members: Yue Li, Wang Changxin, Tao Linlin, Ming Xi, Long Kongkong.

Among them, Long Kongkong became a team member as an attendant knight. This is noted.

Their badge authority and spirit crystal authority were upgraded. After the upgrade, there was not much change, but it confirmed their identity as an official demon hunting group.

From this moment on, they can take over the mission of the sergeant-level demon hunting group with their leader.

The front desk staff informed them of some precautions. The sergeant-level demon hunting group will have three mandatory missions every year, and other missions can be taken on their own. You must accumulate enough merit within five years to be promoted to the general-level demon hunting group, otherwise the team will be disbanded.

The accumulated merits can be redeemed at the headquarters. They need to go to the exchange office to check the specific redeemable items.

The two most important departments in the Demon Hunting Group headquarters are the mission department and the exchange office. As the level of the demon hunting group increases in the future, they will gain more authority. After that, they need to go to the exchange office to receive the rewards they received from the previous Demon Hunting Group Trials.

Among the teams, Ling Menglu, Long Dangdang, Wang Changxin and Yue Li all have rewards to receive.

When they reach the rank of general-level demon hunting group, the headquarters will assign them and decide which city they will be assigned to for guarding and performing tasks based on their circumstances. The duration of each assignment will be three years. Adjustments will be made after three years based on merit and performance. But if you want to advance, you can only rely on completing tasks to accumulate merit. The only way to advance to the level of a demon hunter is through meritorious service.

Just when Long Dangdang was about to take his friends to the exchange office to collect the rewards first, a group of people walked in from outside. The person walking at the front was none other than San Liuying, the elemental saint woman.

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